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US pushes for deeper bilateral relations with Guyana

August 27, 2015 1:03 pm Category: latest news A+ / A-

Minister of State Joseph Harmon and representatives from the US State Department

Minister of State Joseph Harmon and representatives from the US State Department

[] – The United States of America is pushing for better bilateral relations with Guyana and to that end, Minister of State Joseph Harmon on Thursday August 27 received a delegation from the US Congress headed by Staff Director on the Western Hemisphere Subcommittee Mark Walker, and included Sadaf Khan and Tom Alexander.

A release from the Ministry of the Presidency, stated that the delegation was accompanied by Charge d’ Affaires of the US Embassy Bryant Hunt.

Walker explained that his committee also houses the majority of the staff from the Committee on Foreign Affairs. He said that the team felt that “it was time to visit Guyana”, adding that “it’s been way too long since a delegation from the US Congress has visited, and felt that the timing was right with the swearing in of a new president, parliament and government”.

He also noted that the intention was to extend a hand of friendship; to foster and promote a better working relationship, and encourage better bilateral relations. He emphasized the bi-partisan composition of the delegation and their interest in meeting a wide cross-section of the Guyanese society. He pointed out that it was important to interact with the Ministry of the Presidency generally, and the Minister of State – particularly in pursuit of the delegation’s objectives.

Minister of State Joseph Harmon and representatives from the US State Department

Minister of State Joseph Harmon and representatives from the US State Department

Meanwhile Harmon expressed his pleasure in welcoming the delegation, and alluded to the very close working relationship between the governments of Guyana and America through the U.S Embassy here. He conveyed the hope that this visit by the bi-partisan delegation from the U.S Congress would foster greater understanding and would open new vistas and opportunities for collaboration and cooperation.

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