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U.S. moving submersibles to Persian Gulf to oppose Iran

Navy moving into Persian Gulf
WASHINGTON — The Navy is rushing dozens of unmanned underwater craft to the Persian Gulf to help detect and destroy mines in a major military buildup aimed at preventing Iran from closing the strategic Strait of Hormuz in the event of a crisis, U.S. officials said.

The tiny SeaFox submersibles each carry an underwater television camera, homing sonar and an explosive charge. The Navy bought them in May after an urgent request by Marine Gen. James Mattis, the top U.S. commander in the Middle East.

Each submersible is about 4 feet long and weighs less than 100 pounds. The craft are intended to boost U.S. military capabilities as negotiations with Iran over its nuclear program appear to have stalled. Three rounds of talks since April between Iran and the five countries in the United Nations Security Council plus Germany have made little progress. 

Some U.S. officials are wary that Iran may respond to tightening sanctions on its banking and energy sectors, including a European Union oil embargo, by launching or sponsoring attacks on oil tankers or platforms in the Persian Gulf. Some officials in Tehran have threatened to close the narrow waterway, a  choke point for a fifth of the oil traded worldwide.

The first of the SeaFox submersibles arrived in the Gulf in recent weeks, officials said, along with four MH-53 Sea Dragon helicopters and four minesweeping ships, part of a larger buildup of U.S. naval, air and ground forces in the region aimed at Iran.

The U.S. already has sent two aircraft carriers and a squadron of F-22 fighters to the Persian Gulf, and is keeping two U.S. army brigades in Kuwait. Though much of the buildup has been publicly acknowledged by the Pentagon, the deployment of the submersibles has not been publicly disclosed, apparently to avoid alerting Iran.

The SeaFox is small enough to be deployed from helicopters and even small rubber boats, but it also can be dropped off the back of a minesweeper. It is controlled by a fiber optic cable and sends live video back to a camera operator. 

It can be used against floating or drifting mines, which Iran has used in the past. It operates up to 300 meters deep, and moves at speeds of up to six knots. But the $100,000 weapon is on a what amounts to a suicide mission. The “built-in, large caliber shaped charge” it carries destroys the mine but also the vehicle itself.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by TI:
Yeaa! Obama de man! When we get all that free oil, I buying me a nice big Cadillac!

Trying to 'pass off' coded racial insults as humor is [a] ANTIMAN move

Originally Posted by TI:
Yeaa! Obama de man! When we get all that free oil, I buying me a nice big Cadillac!

Them fullah bais miss George Bush.  Obama promised to "unclinch the fist, but boy he replaced it with a finger on the trigger.


That man sweet talk deceiving everyone.


Iran's elections are coming up March 2013 , their currency has been devalued substantially. Iran may attempt shutting off the Strait of Hormuz to stop oil exports from the region but this may be met with military action against Iran's oil rigs.  If tensions highten between now and March 2013 one could see a dramatic change in the political landscape of Iran as more and more Iranian moderates are lining up to launch a war against the political establishment and with increased technology available to Iranian moderates we could be witnessing a new revolution in Iran. I think we should tighten the sanctions , bring economic pressure to bear on Iran and force a revolution in Iran. As the Republicans are seeking to bring Obama down on domestic issues , the Iran situation may very well put Obama over the top once again. This situation may very well be an Obama Spring. Any attempt by the Iranian Govt to create a crisis to tap into the public’s nationalist sentiment will work against them.

Originally Posted by TI:

So you are saying the sanctions were really imposed to create civil war and change governments, nothing to do with moral issues like WMD?  I seem to recall Iraq..... 

sanctions were imposed to deter Iran from creating WMDs but as I see it , with Iranian Govt insistence , deception and wanton ignorance , sanctions should be tightened to encourage an Iranian Peoples' removal of the religious govt and all extremists who comprise the power structures in Iran. A free and democratic Iran will rise from the ashes faster than any other middle east country including Egypt. I oppose any undemocratic country from being a member of the UN or global community. China should never be a member of the UN , countries ruled by dictatorships of any kind should never be invited to civil communities nor should relations of any kind be fostered . They should be opposed until the masses are free to dictate their future and fate. Demographics in Iran today is conducive for real meaningful changes .

Originally Posted by kidmost:
Originally Posted by TI:

So you are saying the sanctions were really imposed to create civil war and change governments, nothing to do with moral issues like WMD?  I seem to recall Iraq..... 

sanctions were imposed to deter Iran from creating WMDs but as I see it , with Iranian Govt insistence , deception and wanton ignorance , sanctions should be tightened to encourage an Iranian Peoples' removal of the religious govt and all extremists who comprise the power structures in Iran. A free and democratic Iran will rise from the ashes faster than any other middle east country including Egypt. I oppose any undemocratic country from being a member of the UN or global community. China should never be a member of the UN , countries ruled by dictatorships of any kind should never be invited to civil communities nor should relations of any kind be fostered . They should be opposed until the masses are free to dictate their future and fate. Demographics in Iran today is conducive for real meaningful changes .

You must be a clown.  Start with our "friends" who are worse than Iran, tell our oppressive friends not to suppress the free aspirations of Bahrian.  China should never be admitted o the UN, you fool, wasn't the USSR admitted.


Were blacks and Indians enslaved in the name of democracy and freedom? What was the bulldust the British compradores spread around to justify it during Colonial times?

How many of you in this forum would agree with the justification provided by whites and would claim was the slavery was the right thing to do to elevate the dark-skinned race?

Originally Posted by Lucas:

Were blacks and Indians enslaved in the name of democracy and freedom? What was the bulldust the British compradores spread around to justify it during Colonial times?

How many of you in this forum would agree with the justification provided by whites and would claim was the slavery was the right thing to do to elevate the dark-skinned race?

Lucas, different era, different time.  You should not let that hold you back, though its lessons you need to know.  The Brits and colonials also left us some beneficial legacies which, if we you properly, could benefit from.


No one would disagree, slavery was wrong but it happened.  The Brits never really enslaved Indians, it was a marriage of convenience to resist the Islamic onslaught and whose time had come and gone.


There were many positive attributes left by the Brits which, had the Indians built on, would have served India very well.  Today, slavery exists in India in the form of the caste system which was not a Brit legacy.


You have to get over this "skin color" thing and move on.  The US, a majority white nation, elected a black president and even now remains more "likable" than the other among both whites and non-whites, even though he is a failure.  You need to shed yourself of these vestiges of hate or it will impede your judgement, it will show thru and people will keep a distance, then you will say, I told myself so.


Hahahha, without firing one shot Obama bring the mullah's in Iran to their knees. ahahaha.

In an election year you think there are plans for war? Lucas you are indeed a dunce.


Obama offered the world the power of the American example. And the rest of the world loves this country's leadership role and keeping the planet reasonable war-free. With Iran's intransigence over their nuclear ambitions in a world seeking to get rid of all nukes, Obama is rolling out the EXAMPLE of American POWER.


I hope we don't see this frightening American military might on display. Ain't nothing in the history of mankind has such immense planet-obliterating power been beholden. All alyuh raaass talking 'bout Russia (crumbling miltary) and China (old Russian technology that they're trying to modernize) watch out.

Originally Posted by Kari:

Obama offered the world the power of the American example. And the rest of the world loves this country's leadership role and keeping the planet reasonable war-free. With Iran's intransigence over their nuclear ambitions in a world seeking to get rid of all nukes, Obama is rolling out the EXAMPLE of American POWER.

And why did the great GW Bush attack Afganistan?  Also Iraq, but I know I'm stretching it.  You can stretch your logic and justify any intervention.


That's your take, the Chinese, Russians and many other see it as classic gun boat diplomacy.


I have to come back to one point, what has Obama done regarding Israeli-Palistinian conflict?

Originally Posted by baseman:


I have to come back to one point, what has Obama done regarding Israeli-Palistinian conflict?

You really don't know all the diplomatic maneuvers being done by the Obama Administration? Stop with the Republican talking points and understand this:

1. All US Presidents are committed to Israel's security.

2. All US Presidents sees this security as being tied up with a Palestinian homeland and economic co-operation between the Palestinians and the Israelis.

3. All US Presidents use Saudi Arabia as the carrot in all this.

4. All US Presidents know that Iran is connected via Syria and Hezbollah and Hamas.

All have worked to varying degrees under these principles. Obama has gotten corporate Israel to work with Abass's West Bank Palestinians in the technology field. Obama is working to get the Hamas Palestinians to go with West Bank Palestinian leadership. Obama faces a major obstacle in Netanyahu who is playing Republican politics in the US and working to make Obama a failure - like you. Obama has not taken the Bush's anti-terrorism line and leave the Palestinian fate up to Israel. Obama is fighting with Netanyahu and his Congressional friends - both Dems and Repubs. So stop acting like yugh raass doan know what Obama has done on the Israel-Palestinian situation. He has one of the best in Hillary to handle this.

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by baseman:

I have to come back to one point, what has Obama done regarding Israeli-Palistinian conflict?

You really don't know all the diplomatic maneuvers being done by the Obama Administration? Stop with the Republican talking points and understand this:

1. All US Presidents are committed to Israel's security.

2. All US Presidents sees this security as being tied up with a Palestinian homeland and economic co-operation between the Palestinians and the Israelis.

3. All US Presidents use Saudi Arabia as the carrot in all this.

4. All US Presidents know that Iran is connected via Syria and Hezbollah and Hamas.

All have worked to varying degrees under these principles. Obama has gotten corporate Israel to work with Abass's West Bank Palestinians in the technology field. Obama is working to get the Hamas Palestinians to go with West Bank Palestinian leadership. Obama faces a major obstacle in Netanyahu who is playing Republican politics in the US and working to make Obama a failure - like you. Obama has not taken the Bush's anti-terrorism line and leave the Palestinian fate up to Israel. Obama is fighting with Netanyahu and his Congressional friends - both Dems and Repubs. So stop acting like yugh raass doan know what Obama has done on the Israel-Palestinian situation. He has one of the best in Hillary to handle this.

All talking points.  Obama seems like you, a talking head, no action, this is symbolic of the Obama presidency.  His time will come and go and he will have a long list of talking points, no shorter than the list of promises when he was elected.


Don't you think Jimmy Carter had many other challenges, including the Iran Hostage crises, but he still delivered Camp David.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by baseman:

I have to come back to one point, what has Obama done regarding Israeli-Palistinian conflict?

You really don't know all the diplomatic maneuvers being done by the Obama Administration? Stop with the Republican talking points and understand this:

1. All US Presidents are committed to Israel's security.

2. All US Presidents sees this security as being tied up with a Palestinian homeland and economic co-operation between the Palestinians and the Israelis.

3. All US Presidents use Saudi Arabia as the carrot in all this.

4. All US Presidents know that Iran is connected via Syria and Hezbollah and Hamas.

All have worked to varying degrees under these principles. Obama has gotten corporate Israel to work with Abass's West Bank Palestinians in the technology field. Obama is working to get the Hamas Palestinians to go with West Bank Palestinian leadership. Obama faces a major obstacle in Netanyahu who is playing Republican politics in the US and working to make Obama a failure - like you. Obama has not taken the Bush's anti-terrorism line and leave the Palestinian fate up to Israel. Obama is fighting with Netanyahu and his Congressional friends - both Dems and Repubs. So stop acting like yugh raass doan know what Obama has done on the Israel-Palestinian situation. He has one of the best in Hillary to handle this.

All talking points.  Obama seems like you, a talking head, no action, this is symbolic of the Obama presidency.  His time will come and go and he will have a long list of talking points, no shorter than the list of promises when he was elected.


Don't you think Jimmy Carter had many other challenges, including the Iran Hostage crises, but he still delivered Camp David.

 Now you are measuring head size with Obama! He is a Harvard educated lawyer.  What are you....bean counter extraordinaire?  That he is a community organizer takes the racist republican stance as though that was a base occupation. Jesus, Buddha, Mohamed etc were community organizers. Their ideas dominate our world.


Obama came into an economy that lost 25 million jobs and hemorrhaging some 800K jobs a month. He set up triage and we have a cessation of the bleeding and has since produced 3 milllion jobs. While that is not enough it is better than 8 years of not creating any and leaving the economy in a cascade akin to that of the great depression.


What the hell is Romney's plan again...return to the bush era?

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:

All talking points.  Obama seems like you, a talking head, no action, this is symbolic of the Obama presidency.  His time will come and go and he will have a long list of talking points, no shorter than the list of promises when he was elected.


Don't you think Jimmy Carter had many other challenges, including the Iran Hostage crises, but he still delivered Camp David.

 Now you are measuring head size with Obama! He is a Harvard educated lawyer.  What are you....bean counter extraordinaire?  That he is a community organizer takes the racist republican stance as though that was a base occupation. Jesus, Buddha, Mohamed etc were community organizers. Their ideas dominate our world.


Obama came into an economy that lost 25 million jobs and hemorrhaging some 800K jobs a month. He set up triage and we have a cessation of the bleeding and has since produced 3 milllion jobs. While that is not enough it is better than 8 years of not creating any and leaving the economy in a cascade akin to that of the great depression.


What the hell is Romney's plan again...return to the bush era?

Well, surely not, but your brain-size, surely a walk over.


As I said, he is a good technocrat, but now even Kari admit, he cannot get things going on that conflict.  Isn't it the common thread with the guy, lots of talking points, no movement.  Obama has become a very good pit-bull for the neo-cons.  They never had it better.


Return to Bush era, hey, what has Obama done that's different?

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:

All talking points.  Obama seems like you, a talking head, no action, this is symbolic of the Obama presidency.  His time will come and go and he will have a long list of talking points, no shorter than the list of promises when he was elected.


Don't you think Jimmy Carter had many other challenges, including the Iran Hostage crises, but he still delivered Camp David.

 Now you are measuring head size with Obama! He is a Harvard educated lawyer.  What are you....bean counter extraordinaire?  That he is a community organizer takes the racist republican stance as though that was a base occupation. Jesus, Buddha, Mohamed etc were community organizers. Their ideas dominate our world.


Obama came into an economy that lost 25 million jobs and hemorrhaging some 800K jobs a month. He set up triage and we have a cessation of the bleeding and has since produced 3 milllion jobs. While that is not enough it is better than 8 years of not creating any and leaving the economy in a cascade akin to that of the great depression.


What the hell is Romney's plan again...return to the bush era?

Well, surely not, but your brain-size, surely a walk over.


As I said, he is a good technocrat, but now even Kari admit, he cannot get things going on that conflict.  Isn't it the common thread with the guy, lots of talking points, no movement.  Obama has become a very good pit-bull for the neo-cons.  They never had it better.


Return to Bush era, hey, what has Obama done that's different?

 His only flaw is his belief that the Republicans can be partners. Had he not been possessed of that flaw our economy would be on its way with the bush tax cuts two years behind us and the infrastructure bill on a third way through its cycle.


What Kari says does not impact me. I can think for myself and have a defensible opinion other than his or yours.


My brain has made its competitive mark in the best of our schools from Guyana, to England, to Canada to here. You can take that and chew on it.

Originally Posted by baseman:

As I said, he is a good technocrat, but now even Kari admit, he cannot get things going on that conflict.  Isn't it the common thread with the guy, lots of talking points, no movement.  Obama has become a very good pit-bull for the neo-cons.  They never had it better.


Return to Bush era, hey, what has Obama done that's different?

You're a real idiot. After all the enumerated points about what Obama is doing differently, especially with Abass and technology on the West Bank, keeping Iran and Hezbollah/Hamas at bay so Israel can work out a security arrangement, you still have the assinine conclusion that I admit Obama can't get things going in that conflict? You are clearly bereft at English Comprehension. Bannaz go suck a plum and stop telling me what I admit to and what I didn't....and while you're at it, find some other racial epithet than Community Organizer.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Lucas:

Were blacks and Indians enslaved in the name of democracy and freedom? What was the bulldust the British compradores spread around to justify it during Colonial times?

How many of you in this forum would agree with the justification provided by whites and would claim was the slavery was the right thing to do to elevate the dark-skinned race?

Lucas, different era, different time.  You should not let that hold you back, though its lessons you need to know.  The Brits and colonials also left us some beneficial legacies which, if we you properly, could benefit from.


No one would disagree, slavery was wrong but it happened.  The Brits never really enslaved Indians, it was a marriage of convenience to resist the Islamic onslaught and whose time had come and gone.


There were many positive attributes left by the Brits which, had the Indians built on, would have served India very well.  Today, slavery exists in India in the form of the caste system which was not a Brit legacy.


You have to get over this "skin color" thing and move on.  The US, a majority white nation, elected a black president and even now remains more "likable" than the other among both whites and non-whites, even though he is a failure.  You need to shed yourself of these vestiges of hate or it will impede your judgement, it will show thru and people will keep a distance, then you will say, I told myself so.

Different time different enemy! One by one each nation and race has been categorized as enemy and annihilated. First the original Amerindian nations, they had something whites wanted, LAND, so they became enemy and removed from the LAND. Then it was the Africans, they had something whites wanted, MUSCLE, so they were categorized as subhumans and slaved. Then came the Mexicans, they had more LAND that whites wanted, so they took all north of MEXICO to take over the pacific, then the Spanish became the enemies because whites wanted Guam, the Philippines, Cuba and Puerto Rico. There has always been an excuse to demonize another race or nation and take their wealth. After Afghanistan came Iraq, then Lybia, then Syria, following are Iran, North Korea, Russia, India, China, and so on, until one day Hitler's dream is accomplished but in the hands of the Anglo-Saxons. At that moment the genocide will be really easy. Races will be gradually removed from the planet and and replaced by Anglo-Saxon peoples as foreseen by Cecil Rhodes, a British-South African guy who is still considered one of the greatest heroes of the British Empire for his genocides in Zimbabwe and most of British colonial Africa.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

 His only flaw is his belief that the Republicans can be partners. Had he not been possessed of that flaw our economy would be on its way with the bush tax cuts two years behind us and the infrastructure bill on a third way through its cycle.


What Kari says does not impact me. I can think for myself and have a defensible opinion other than his or yours.


My brain has made its competitive mark in the best of our schools from Guyana, to England, to Canada to here. You can take that and chew on it.

Excuses, excuses, excuses, I can see you are Guyanese by heart.  Did he not have the Democratic Congress his first two-years?  What you think, he can rule by decree, did he not know working with the other side is critical?  It's the American people who gave him the Republican Congress to work with.  I do agree the TEA elements were problematic, but they were a fringe.


Listen, you, Kari, etc could make excuses till Guyana freezes over, it don't change the fact, President Obama has little to show...thus has, far less then Jimmy Carter.


Have you noticed, Obama's failures are always about somebody else, not him.  You guys would do great in Guyana's political arena.

Originally Posted by baseman:

Isn't it the common thread with the guy, lots of talking points, no movement. 

bai, that man took out OBL about the same time he was having dinner where people were making jokes at each other. How's that for movement. And it did not cost him the 25M that Bush offerred nor any American lives whereas Bush spent billions of dollars and thousands of American chasing him down. How is that for movement again?

Originally Posted by baseman:

What you think, he can rule by decree, did he not know working with the other side is critical? 

Actually he knows fully well that he has to work with the other side. It is the other side who has decided to not work with him becasue that see it as the best way to make him a one term president. Even if they send the economy into the gutter doing so.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Isn't it the common thread with the guy, lots of talking points, no movement. 

bai, that man took out OBL about the same time he was having dinner where people were making jokes at each other. How's that for movement. And it did not cost him the 25M that Bush offerred nor any American lives whereas Bush spent billions of dollars and thousands of American chasing him down. How is that for movement again?

Kudos to him on that, and I give him credit...good call.  But remember, Bush Sr got Sadaam's entire 500k army out of Kuwait and lost the election, Jimmy Carter got Camp David and lost the election.   Osama is now a muted factor and surely Obama deserves his pension.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Isn't it the common thread with the guy, lots of talking points, no movement. 

bai, that man took out OBL about the same time he was having dinner where people were making jokes at each other. How's that for movement. And it did not cost him the 25M that Bush offerred nor any American lives whereas Bush spent billions of dollars and thousands of American chasing him down. How is that for movement again?

Kudos to him on that, and I give him credit...good call.  But remember, Bush Sr got Sadaam's entire 500k army out of Kuwait and lost the election, Jimmy Carter got Camp David and lost the election.   Osama is now a muted factor and surely Obama deserves his pension.

The difference is that Clinton and Reagan offered a better road for Americans. Romney can't because he has too many skeletons in his closet. The election is on who is better and Obama is still better for most Americans. Romney entire life is one of privillege that did not include the care of ordinary people. He vied for offices because they were feathers in his cap. This one also. He is all about him. Obama entire life is about others. Can't change the record.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Isn't it the common thread with the guy, lots of talking points, no movement. 

bai, that man took out OBL about the same time he was having dinner where people were making jokes at each other. How's that for movement. And it did not cost him the 25M that Bush offerred nor any American lives whereas Bush spent billions of dollars and thousands of American chasing him down. How is that for movement again?

Kudos to him on that, and I give him credit...good call.  But remember, Bush Sr got Sadaam's entire 500k army out of Kuwait and lost the election, Jimmy Carter got Camp David and lost the election.   Osama is now a muted factor and surely Obama deserves his pension.

The difference is that Clinton and Reagan offered a better road for Americans. Romney can't because he has too many skeletons in his closet. The election is on who is better and Obama is still better for most Americans. Romney entire life is one of privillege that did not include the care of ordinary people. He vied for offices because they were feathers in his cap. This one also. He is all about him. Obama entire life is about others. Can't change the record.

So then you are saying no one with wealth is capable to being president!

Originally Posted by baseman:

So then you are saying no one with wealth is capable to being president!

No. I am saying that no one as selfish as Romney should be president. Politics is not business. It is the act of providing security and opportunities to everyone. Another reason why it is ridiculous to claim that a governor/president should know how to run a business. That is not their role. They employ people to make the most sensible decisions in accomplishing that goal of securing the welfare of every person. Business is completely different. It only concerns itself with the welfare of its employees or customers when it is profitabke to do so.


Nowadays people mix up all kind of shit because they cannot separate the grain from the chaff.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by baseman:

So then you are saying no one with wealth is capable to being president!

No. I am saying that no one as selfish as Romney should be president. Politics is not business. It is the act of providing security and opportunities to everyone. Another reason why it is ridiculous to claim that a governor/president should know how to run a business. That is not their role. They employ people to make the most sensible decisions in accomplishing that goal of securing the welfare of every person. Business is completely different. It only concerns itself with the welfare of its employees or customers when it is profitabke to do so.


Nowadays people mix up all kind of shit because they cannot separate the grain from the chaff.

Anybody rich is always considered selfish, especially when self-made.  Many business persons do understand the difference and are capable of governing.  The US was built on Business and a businessman is surely capable of running the show.  I can toss you back, what does a Community Organizer or movie star know about formulating policies around business and the economy?  I think they are fine with good leadership skills.  The issue is Obama seems lacking in this area.

Originally Posted by baseman:

Anybody rich is always considered selfish, especially when self-made.  Many business persons do understand the difference and are capable of governing.  The US was built on Business and a businessman is surely capable of running the show.  I can toss you back, what does a Community Organizer or movie star know about formulating policies around business and the economy?  I think they are fine with good leadership skills.  The issue is Obama seems lacking in this area.

The difference is that Romney is not considered selfish. He is. Another thing. His wealth is not self made. His inheritance from his father was the drivimg force behind his wealth. Hollywood people are generally compassionate. So are people who put aside their prestigious law degree to help needy people. They don't need to know about business and economy because as I mentioned earlier, their primaty responsibility is safeguarding the welfare of everyone.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Anybody rich is always considered selfish, especially when self-made.  Many business persons do understand the difference and are capable of governing.  The US was built on Business and a businessman is surely capable of running the show.  I can toss you back, what does a Community Organizer or movie star know about formulating policies around business and the economy?  I think they are fine with good leadership skills.  The issue is Obama seems lacking in this area.

The difference is that Romney is not considered selfish. He is. Another thing. His wealth is not self made. His inheritance from his father was the drivimg force behind his wealth. Hollywood people are generally compassionate. So are people who put aside their prestigious law degree to help needy people. They don't need to know about business and economy because as I mentioned earlier, their primaty responsibility is safeguarding the welfare of everyone.

But they live in Hollywood, a make believe land many times born out of connections.  A businessman is much more in touch with reality than over-sexed and drugged out actors.


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