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US releases $100m to Guyana COVID-19 fight

The US Embassy today said that US$475,000 ($100m) is being released by the US to Guyana’s COVID-19 fight.


A statement from the US embassy follows:

“Through the generosity of the American people and the leadership of the U.S. government, the United States continues to lead the public health and humanitarian assistance to the COVID-19 pandemic. As part of our ongoing commitment to Guyana through the U.S. Caribbean Resiliency Partnership, the Regional Caribbean Office of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is releasing US$475,000 to help address Guyana’s priority areas of laboratory diagnostics and systems strengthening and supplies, surveillance, infection prevention & control, and emergency operation centers.

“The funds are part of a regional funding package of US$3,000,000 provided to support the current COVID-19 Response. The CDC will coordinate with Guyana Ministry of Public Health and its regional partners to disburse these funds rapidly and implement the activities”.

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COVID-19: Guyana’s requests for int’l funding on hold until new president sworn-in

Stabroek Market [File Photo]

Chairman of the National COVID-19 Task Force, Moses Nagamootoo believes Guyana’s requests for financial assistance from international organisations, to deal with the virus here, has been put on hold until a new president is sworn-in.

“They are probably going to sit it out until a president is sworn-in,” he told reporters during a virtual press conference today.

“We are aware that there are a few requests that are being processed but I believe that because of the political situation in Guyana…that we cannot say for sure whether some of these international, multilateral agencies are going to deal with Guyana’s applications anytime soon,” Nagamootoo explained.

It is unclear how much money the government has spent so far to deal with the COVID-19 situation in the country.

Millions are currently being spent to rehabilitate the Ocean View International Hotel to be used as a quarantine facility.

In addition to the face-lift, reports indicate that the government will be paying a monthly rental fee upward of 20 million dollars.

@Rochelle posted:

But I thought sanctions were guaranteed?

@Former Member 

@Bibi Haniffa

@Former Member

....anyone out there? Why is the US government supporting an illegitimate government?


This is not money for the government.  This is money for the people of Guyana to assist with Covid 19.  Remember PNC said they don’t want the US to meddle in their Affairs.

Bibi Haniffa
@Rochelle posted:

But I thought sanctions were guaranteed?

@Former Member 

@Bibi Haniffa

@Former Member

....anyone out there? Why is the US government supporting an illegitimate government?


Miss Cook-up, $475k to fight the local effects of a Global Pandemic, in your head, register as "support" for the illegal Regime?  That's an example of scraping the bottom of the barrel!

This is about the health and welfare of the people and the wider community.  It's not about the "Dark Forces."

@kp posted:

Volda get she hands pun free money.

The US should have send the stuff that Guyana needs instead of giving them cash. Face masks can be made by Guyanese themselves. Sewing was being taught in the schools. This dough will used to pay the medical staff and the employees of the government.

@Totaram posted:

Joke of the month: US$475,000 is a sanction.  Let's hear it for Dave the comedian!

Totabhai, don't act dump. You were one of them who were in the audience when Dave spoke. You applauded him the loudest.

@Former Member posted:

Miss Cook-up, $475k to fight the local effects of a Global Pandemic, in your head, register as "support" for the illegal Regime?  That's an example of scraping the bottom of the barrel!

This is about the health and welfare of the people and the wider community.  It's not about the "Dark Forces."

Miss Cook- up thinks the money goes into the PNC pockets. The US will direct how the money is spent, remember there is a US ambassador on the ground. No Free rum, wine up and cook-up.

@kp posted:

Miss Cook- up thinks the money goes into the PNC pockets. The US will direct how the money is spent, remember there is a US ambassador on the ground. No Free rum, wine up and cook-up.

Mr. Fried Rice,   are you certain?. 

@kp posted:

Like you have a thing for Black Sugar Cake, don't worry I will cut back on my visits to your home.

You look black and ugly like an old higue on your advertisement. The site is rejecting your photo. 

@Mitwah posted:

You look black and ugly like an old higue on your advertisement. The site is rejecting your photo. 

You wish you know me, I haven't been in business over 10 years. Just maybe you are admiring some other MAN.


United Nations did not move in to administer Iraq.

After numerous debates when United Kingdom & United States invaded  Iraq, the two countries pressured United Nations to control/occupy Iraq.

Due to the adoption of the Security Council Resolution 1483, a special UN representative was assigned to assume a minuscule role in Iraq.

Control of Iraq remained solidly in the hands of the US and UK.

@Former Member posted:

United Nations did not move in to administer Iraq.

After numerous debates when United Kingdom & United States invaded  Iraq, the two countries pressured United Nations to control/occupy Iraq.

Due to the adoption of the Security Council Resolution 1483, a special UN representative was assigned to assume a minuscule role in Iraq.

Control of Iraq remained solidly in the hands of the US and UK.

Banna, I was talking and before the invasion. The oil for food program under the embargo.

@Former Member posted:

Banna, I was talking and before the invasion. The oil for food program under the embargo.

The oil for food program was separate and distinct from your statement.


The UN should move in and start administering in Guyana. Just like they did in Iraq under Sadaam. Oil for food and medicines. The country has no government.



Django:   These types of personal attacks on fellow members should not be tolerated.   I believe that you already forgot your promise to stamp out such behaviour.   Just like a politician..  

@Ramakant-P posted:

Django:   These types of personal attacks on fellow members should not be tolerated.   I believe that you already forgot your promise to stamp out such behaviour.   Just like a politician..  

KP is neither black nor ugly. So Mits juss bussing chops in thin air. Leff dem two love birds.  Suh it guh. 

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

KP is neither black nor ugly. So Mits juss bussing chops in thin air. Leff dem two love birds.  Suh it guh. 

So KP could have been a beauty queen like Antoinette!  Or, Perhaps Glda. 


This is not money for the government.  This is money for the people of Guyana to assist with Covid 19.  Remember PNC said they don’t want the US to meddle in their Affairs.

Of course the PNC will say that.  They know in their hearts that they are trying to rig the election and if the US comes into play, they will lose everything.   


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