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A senior Iranian lawmaker has said that the United States is seeking to help Taliban militants back into power in Afghanistan.

Deputy Chairman of the Majlis (parliament) Committee on National Security and Foreign Policy, Hojjatoleslam Hossein Ebrahimi said on Wednesday that Washington was after toppling Afghan President Hamid Karzai's government.

“The US pursues its goals in the area of foreign policy with a profit-seeking outlook,” he stated, citing the White House's USD-100-million aid package, which is headed for a Taliban liaison office, planned to be set up in Doha, Qatar.

The MP said the US had a history of fostering terrorism, accusing Washington of equipping and training Taliban militants in Pakistan and Saudi Arabia to use them against the other countries in the region.

In line with the US policy, “this group rebelled against the government of the late [Afghan President] Burhanuddin Rabbani,” he explained.

Ebrahimi also pointed out the close cooperation between Taliban elements and al-Qaeda militants during Taliban's rule in Afghanistan -- which lasted from 1996 until 2001.

“The US, after the September 11 [, 2001] incident, took on fighting terrorism in Afghanistan as a pretext to pour its troops into the region and occupied Iran's eastern neighbor with the help of NATO forces,” he noted.

The Iranian parliamentarian criticized the u-turn made in Washington's policy and its support for the Taliban and blamed the US for turning a blind eye to Taliban's atrocities against the Afghan nation as means of promoting the US own interests in the region.

On Wednesday, Karzai bowed to pressure from the White House to agree on the opening of a liaison office by the Taliban militant group in the Qatari capital towards the alleged aim of saving Afghanistan from 'conflict, conspiracy and the killings of innocent people.'

Washington had previously agreed with Taliban leaders on the setting up of the office in a deal, which also guaranteed the release of several high-ranking Taliban figures by the US.

Pakistani media also reported last week that the name of Taliban's founder and leader Mullah Mohammad Omar, who has been in hiding since the 2001 US-led invasion of Afghanistan, has been taken off the FBI's list of most wanted terrorists. The move infuriated the Afghan government, which has asked the US embassy in Kabul for an explanation.

Top Taliban commander Mullah Mohammed Fazl, who has been held at the US military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba since early 2002, is reportedly among those slated for release by the US. The potential release, which has been described as an alleged attempt to facilitate peace talks between the militants and Kabul, comes despite Fazl being accused of human rights abuses.

The US government has also planned new round of talks with the Taliban in early 2012.


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Originally posted by asj:
[QUOTE]White House's USD-100-million aid package, which is headed for a Taliban liaison office, planned to be set up in Doha, Qatar.

Operative words in bold.
Pakistani media also reported last week that the name of Taliban's founder and leader Mullah Mohammad Omar, who has been in hiding since the 2001 US-led invasion of Afghanistan, has been taken off the FBI's list of most wanted terrorists. The move infuriated the Afghan government, which has asked the US embassy in Kabul for an explanation.

D2 won't be happy Big Grin
Originally posted by TI:
Pakistani media also reported last week that the name of Taliban's founder and leader Mullah Mohammad Omar, who has been in hiding since the 2001 US-led invasion of Afghanistan, has been taken off the FBI's list of most wanted terrorists. The move infuriated the Afghan government, which has asked the US embassy in Kabul for an explanation.

D2 won't be happy Big Grin

I would take whatever is published by Iran's state media (Press TV) with a grain of salt.
U.S. unexpectedly declares Taliban not an enemy of America
Publication time: 2 January 2012, 19:36

The Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate "are no longer enemies" of Washington. This unexpected statement was made by US Vice President Joe Biden, report American media outlets.

"The Taliban per se is not our enemy, he said. - That's critical. There is not a single statement that the president has ever made in any of our policy assertions that the Taliban is our enemy, because it threatens US interests. If, in fact, the Taliban is able to collapse the existing government (meaning the Karzai's regime), which is cooperating with us in keeping the bad guys (under the bad guys US means primarily the al-Qaida and the forces that favor the establishment of the Sharia of Allah) from being able to do damage to us, then that becomes a problem for us".

In turn, the ringleader of the Afghan puppets Hamid Karzai took this statement very positively. He said that now "it will be easier" to sit down and "resolve conflicts" with the Taliban Mujahideen, although the latter have repeatedly said that no negotiations could be until the withdrawal of foreign aggressors from Afghanistan.

"I am very happy that the American government has announced that the Taliban are not their enemies. We hope that this message will help the Afghans reach peace and stability", hastened to declare the puppet Karzai.

It is to be noted that for about a year ago, Joe Biden, during his visit to Pakistan, has said something similar, but then it was about Islam in general:

"There are some sections in Pakistani society that suggest America disrespects Islam and its followers. We are not the enemies of Islam and we embrace those who practice this great religion in our country. Islam is the fastest growing religion in the United States of America", Biden said in January 2011.

It is to be mentioned in this connection that according to many observers, the US being defeated by the Mujahideen of Afghanistan, is looking for more and more ways for its withdrawal from that country by saving its entity.

That's why Washington periodically spreads rumors either about the "negotiations with the Taliban", ot about the "Taliban offices in Qatar", or about the "partnership" with the Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate.


Official word might now very well be "The Taliban is not our emenies, Osama Bin Laden and his Al Quida was and now Osama is dead, and there seems to be no more Al Quida in Afghanistan, so it is time that we pull our troops" Big Grin

When I told D2 that one day the Taliban will return to power, he was determined that they never would, even called me disguised Taliban and Terrorist the Taliban is in negotiations with the US.

D2 was wrong then, simply because he did not understand that the culture of the Afghani's People which is historically rooted in their tribal dynamics with a balance of Islamic teachings

Afghanistan is known as the graveyard of empires, for good reason: From Alexander the Great to the Soviet Union, and now the United States and NATO forces, no foreign power has ever controlled Afghanistan. The country is also a graveyard of logic: it's difficult to understand who's who, who's in charge and to what ends.

The Taliban—from the Arabic word for student, “taleb”—are fundamentalist Sunni Muslims, mostly from Afghanistan’s Pashtun tribes. The Taliban dominates large swaths of Afghanistan and a large part of Pakistan’s Federally Administered Tribal Areas.

Immediately on taking over cities and communities in Afghanistan, the Taliban imposes its law, based on an interpretation of Sharia, or Islamic, law that was stricter than in any part of the Islamic world. The interpretation is at wide variance from that of most Islamic scholars.

It is now left to be seen if there will be a more friendlier Taliban whenever they assume the mantle of leadership in Afghanistan.



By Graham Smith

The Taliban are not an enemy of the U.S. and should not be talked about in such terms, Joe Biden has claimed.
The vice-president said the militant Islamist group only represents an inherent threat if it allows Al-Qaeda to strike at the U.S.
In an interview with Newsweek, Mr Biden warned against labelling the Taliban as an enemy.

He said: 'That's critical. There is not a single statement that the president has ever made in any of our policy assertions that the Taliban is our enemy because it threatens U.S. interests.'
Mr Biden's comments come as senior U.S. officials prepare to negotiate a peace deal with Taliban militants.
Even after a surge in U.S. troops in Afghanistan has pushed the Taliban out of much of their southern stronghold, the group's intentions regarding peace talks remain unclear.

Read more:

Originally posted by TI:
Pakistani media also reported last week that the name of Taliban's founder and leader Mullah Mohammad Omar, who has been in hiding since the 2001 US-led invasion of Afghanistan, has been taken off the FBI's list of most wanted terrorists. The move infuriated the Afghan government, which has asked the US embassy in Kabul for an explanation.

D2 won't be happy Big Grin

Groups like Taliban and Al Qaeda are friends of the Anglo-American establishment about 50% of the time. It sort of depends on who they are attacking.

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