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@Mitwah posted:

@Ali Khan Azad, yuh going?

The Taliban is being led by Pakistan Special Forces and Pakistan ISI intelligence forces dressed as Taliban. The Afghan soldiers are mostly people who are there to collect a pay cheque for their families. It is a no contest right now. Biden is right. Afghans have to fight their own battles. Ali Khan semi retired and his one hand injured badly so he is not going anywhere for a long time.

Ali Khan Azad
Last edited by Ali Khan Azad

The Taliban is being led by Pakistan Special Forces and Pakistan ISI intelligence forces dressed as Taliban. The Afghan soldiers are mostly people who are there to collect a pay cheque for their families. It is a no contest right now. Biden is right. Afghans have to fight their own battles. Ali Khan semi retired and his one hand injured badly so he is not going anywhere for a long time.

The only part of Afghanistan that is safe from the Taliban is the North. Those people hate the Taliban with a vengeance. The Taliban will be under constant when they get to the north.

aye, peeling potatoes was your job in the army kitchen so stop pretending to know anything about fighting

you are a wimp



Fellas I read this situation badly. The Taliban already took a large chunk of area in North. The Taliban is trying to encircle Kabul and starve out the city before overrunning it.

see....... as i said earlier, stick with the potatoes, banna

that is not "read the situation badly", that's a major f'ck up....all a we dead!

Last edited by Spugum

USA has to leave. Not abie responsibility. Afgan govt 1 million times more corrupt dan PPP/PNC/AFC corruption put together. It can go a few ways. Pak will eventually lose some control of Taliban. Taliban create enough terrorists that go back and mek trouble in Pak. Dem terrorists will come back to bite the ISI...Taliban/Pak will love up with China who will give dem nuff loans and treat dem as little backward satellites all while taking out more dan dem put in through trade surpluses . China will continue to enslave and ethnically clean up its Muslim minority while Pak/Taliban go turn a blind eye. For dem is only Kashmir is a problem. Anyway, I see India has two Muslim guys opening their bowling attack . So much for how bad Modi is...

@Former Member posted:

Not true! We bai faced active combat...doan disrespect de man. Anyway...we know its GNI rumshop where everyone gets tease

alyuh does disrespect black people every day so what you on about?

the man should stick to kitchen detail. that's where his talents are

what active combat? everybady know the kitchen deh far from the battle lines


The US spent over one Trillion dollars in an Afghanistan. Some NATO countries spent hundreds of millions of dollars in Afghanistan. Only to have these backwards bullies back in power. What a waste. The Pakistan ISI intelligence and the Pakistan Military are covertly supporting the Taliban with resources and manpower.  Pakistan Punjab is indefensible against India in a conventional war. Indian Army soldiers went deep into Pakistan Punjab during the last war but were ordered to withdraw by Indira. So Pakistan needs control of Afghanistan so that they can regroup and counter attack India in a conventional war.

Ali Khan Azad

The US spent over one Trillion dollars in an Afghanistan. Some NATO countries spent hundreds of millions of dollars in Afghanistan. Only to have these backwards bullies back in power. What a waste. The Pakistan ISI intelligence and the Pakistan Military are covertly supporting the Taliban with resources and manpower.  Pakistan Punjab is indefensible against India in a conventional war. Indian Army soldiers went deep into Pakistan Punjab during the last war but were ordered to withdraw by Indira. So Pakistan needs control of Afghanistan so that they can regroup and counter attack India in a conventional war.

do you know why the usa has to withdraw like all the other superpowers that intervened in that part of the world? bet you don't

the usa fed people like you their propaganda to invade Afghanistan to look after their interest

you're left thinking that the taliban is from outer space. wake-up, taliban are afghans born and bred. they have nowhere to go, afghanistan is their home, it is where their families are. get it?

@Former Member posted:

I see we bai Keffer loving up ethnic cleansing doan bother he

China is indirectly paying for the Taliban. They are providing the salaries and resources of the Pakistan Army soldiers and Pakistan ISI intelligence forces that are spear heading the Taliban attacks. They are putting these costs on their belt and roadway balance sheet and in the future these costs will be repaid by profits from this project.

Ali Khan Azad

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