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Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Indeed they may be looking to sell products and we do need their products. Imagine they idea of a virtual Georgetown to scale in a machine with active controls to traffic signals etc one can actively thwart getaway drivers and control traffic etc. Simulations in class rooms on subjects where visualization helps. Also, we have to train programmers of every kind. You learned to program so any duffus can.

You obviously have your head in the cloud. The company has no interest in training programmers, just selling their products to developing countries. There is no evidence that any 3rd world nation has benefited from virtual reality when in Guyana the reality appears to be heading for "shine rice" for the masses while the master Napolean uses you as Squealer and Moses. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Indeed they may be looking to sell products and we do need their products. Imagine they idea of a virtual Georgetown to scale in a machine with active controls to traffic signals etc one can actively thwart getaway drivers and control traffic etc. Simulations in class rooms on subjects where visualization helps. Also, we have to train programmers of every kind. You learned to program so any duffus can.

You obviously have your head in the cloud. The company has no interest in training programmers, just selling their products to developing countries. There is no evidence that any 3rd world nation has benefited from virtual reality when in Guyana the reality appears to be heading for "shine rice" for the masses while the master Napolean uses you as Squealer and Moses. 

I do not care if they train programmers or not. Indians in Bangalore trained themselves as we can. Those indians coming out of indies two technical institutions who are hired here get the opportunities because someone decided to create a programming culture. We can do t he same.


You are a jackass. All computer games are virtual reality The Internet is a virtual reality in many aspects of its expression and direct mirroring of what one must do in the real world in software with facsimiles of the real world being expressed is not difficult programming.


It does not require advance mathematics and is a creative act in itself no less than fine art or architecture. Programming these days is a collaborative effort where the experts create the story board and the creative artistic type create the world.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Apparently you don't get it, EON is not looking to bring jobs to Guyana, they are looking to sell to the Guyanese public and Govt. The country needs jobs not more pariah businesses looking to squeeze money from the public. Already we see the Chinese contemplating closing down their stores as people ain't shopping as before under the afc/apnu. 

1.  Unless this center will be staffed by foreigners, or robots, yes Guyanese will get jobs.


2. If this center serves to increase the technical capacity of Guyanese, it will enable Guyana to get more jobs.


Now resume building multi story buildings with no one inside.


And I am glad that the Chinese are closing down their shops.  That was the PPPs idea of economic development.  Talking about jobs, how many Guyanese even got US$150/month jobs in those Chinese shops? 


Did you not recall that last year GUYANESE businesses were complaining that the Chinese were putting them out of business, this because of the unfair advantages the Chinese had in accessing cheap Chinese products, and incentives received by them as "foreign investors"?  Guyanese were shutting down business last year, and Guyanese were losing jobs. 

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by seignet:

The pastor is a man of God. And it is not a good ting to speak ill of such a person. I am not a pastor suh I can curse from time to time. Behave u fooking self and stop wid this juju thing. U keep mentioning dem spirits dem might like u and cling onto to u. That is some misery u goan dey pan. 

heh heh heh. One of de most nasty cussbirds and vile racists hay is dis so called "religious" man. I find alyuh "religious" people of all faiths objectionable.

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by seignet:

Much bitters for Guyanese tongues. Dey goan be getting white mouth-no food.

the Guyanese people will be fine . . . especially those in Linden u busy wukkin Nigerian obeah pan

As if I doan have any other things to do. Too bad observations with comments are read by fools as well. 

Still screaming for Nigerian juju curses on black Guyanese, while you PRETEND to be a man of God?

The pastor is a man of God. And it is not a good ting to speak ill of such a person. I am not a pastor suh I can curse from time to time. Behave u fooking self and stop wid this juju thing. U keep mentioning dem spirits dem might like u and cling onto to u. That is some misery u goan dey pan. 

he most certainly is a man of the devil if he sanctions the wickedness of a racist cockroach like u

And I supposes u r not a racist. We are all racist. Not so long ago D2 stated his views on East Indians. He may not think he is a racist, but some Indoes do. Myself, he stated his experience. As for Cain, typical putagee, dem never like Indoes-we confuse them. 

Where derass u see Iman in your conversation eh?

Last edited by cain
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by seignet:

Much bitters for Guyanese tongues. Dey goan be getting white mouth-no food.

the Guyanese people will be fine . . . especially those in Linden u busy wukkin Nigerian obeah pan

As if I doan have any other things to do. Too bad observations with comments are read by fools as well. 

Still screaming for Nigerian juju curses on black Guyanese, while you PRETEND to be a man of God?

The pastor is a man of God. And it is not a good ting to speak ill of such a person. I am not a pastor suh I can curse from time to time. Behave u fooking self and stop wid this juju thing. U keep mentioning dem spirits dem might like u and cling onto to u. That is some misery u goan dey pan. 

he most certainly is a man of the devil if he sanctions the wickedness of a racist cockroach like u

And I supposes u r not a racist. We are all racist. Not so long ago D2 stated his views on East Indians. He may not think he is a racist, but some Indoes do. Myself, he stated his experience. As for Cain, typical putagee, dem never like Indoes-we confuse them. 

Where derass u see Iman in your conversation eh?

Looks like dem bais obsessed with you.

Betta watch you rear-end, you nevva know. Joggo is a good teacher for all de wrang reasons.

Originally Posted by Tola:

And I supposes u r not a racist. We are all racist. Not so long ago D2 stated his views on East Indians. He may not think he is a racist, but some Indoes do. Myself, he stated his experience. As for Cain, typical putagee, dem never like Indoes-we confuse them. 

Where derass u see Iman in your conversation eh?

Looks like dem bais obsessed with you.

Betta watch you rear-end, you nevva know. Joggo is a good teacher for all de wrang reasons.

Will I hear siggy does do stuff wit wood


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