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Is this action politically motivated, when on-location international media and US military  reports indicated there are no terrorists or people from Mid Eastern countries present, but poor people trying to find a better life. Who are presently walking hundreds of miles from the US border and might not reach it for days, in smaller numbers.  

Does dispatching thousands of troops NOW, justify the  cost to taxpayers, or is this a political ploy by Trump due to mid term elections ?

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Prashad posted:

If thousands of people from Haiti were to come to Guyana illegally then Tola would be one of the first people to protest.  What is good for the goose is also good for the Gander. 

You know absolutely nothing about us working with the poor in San Cristobel, Tuxela and Ovantic, including villages in other countries in Central America, where these people are from.  

You want to tell me that now its known that unarmed people might appear at the US border,  that big man Trump don't know how to put normal  procedures in place to stop and screen them properly, instead of US troops,  or lock them up with their children separately, as he had previously done.

Even the US military reports indicated that troops are not necessary, due to its massive cost and no security threat.  

Plus the US borders are a hell of lot more secured than Guyana, with a  lot less of Trump's  compassion.  

Bhai, you are more than a lame brain,  than I previously assumed.  

yuji22 posted:

Polp, Polp, Polp. Every nations has a right to protect its border. The AFC Gutter Rat Gang was hollering that the PPP was selling out Guyana to the Chinese. Times have changed, they now love the Chinese Blush. They are now Plop, Plop, Plop.

You must have been drinking donkey piss to make such an asinine post.

Tola posted:

Is this action politically motivated, when on-location international media and US military  reports indicated there are no terrorists or people from Mid Eastern countries present, but poor people trying to find a better life. Who are presently walking hundreds of miles from the US border and might not reach it for days, in smaller numbers.  

Does dispatching thousands of troops NOW, justify the  cost to taxpayers, or is this a political ploy by Trump due to mid term elections ?

Yes, the cost is justified.  What they are not saying (for You jokers), these are active duty meaning their salaries were already being paid by the USG.  They are including full cost, not incremental, which is a small fraction of what they are quoting!!

Tola posted:
Prashad posted:

If thousands of people from Haiti were to come to Guyana illegally then Tola would be one of the first people to protest.  What is good for the goose is also good for the Gander. 

You know absolutely nothing about us working with the poor in San Cristobel, Tuxela and Ovantic, including villages in other countries in Central America, where these people are from.....

What happened to your Guyana projects?  You had nuff mouth when PPP was in power, now wid PNC, yuh tek road run get away 🏃!!!  Is wuh jhumbie yuh see?

Prashad posted:

These central Americans are coming from societies where gangs control the streets. I have no doubt that 18 street and MS 13 gang members are in the caravan.There should be permanent deployment of at least 10 thousand soldiers to the border.

If the gangs control the streets and the official security forces cannot protect the people, then the government is ineffective and lost legitimacy.  The USA could intervene militarily and re-establish law and order and stop the refugees!

Guyana was headed in this direction under the PPP causing the government to unleash special forces and arrest control away from the gangs.

Mr.T posted:

I don't understand why the Guyanese government has signed an agreement with China for the installation of spy equipment within our IT network. The Chinese are going to use the information that they collect to damage the Guyanese economy.

The Chinese already monitor this board so they already know how here everybody thinks.

Last edited by Prashad
Tola posted:
Prashad posted:

If thousands of people from Haiti were to come to Guyana illegally then Tola would be one of the first people to protest.  What is good for the goose is also good for the Gander. 

You know absolutely nothing about us working with the poor in San Cristobel, Tuxela and Ovantic, including villages in other countries in Central America, where these people are from.  

You want to tell me that now its known that unarmed people might appear at the US border,  that big man Trump don't know how to put normal  procedures in place to stop and screen them properly, instead of US troops,  or lock them up with their children separately, as he had previously done.

Even the US military reports indicated that troops are not necessary, due to its massive cost and no security threat.  

Plus the US borders are a hell of lot more secured than Guyana, with a  lot less of Trump's  compassion.  

Bhai, you are more than a lame brain,  than I previously assumed.  

Tola why don't you take some of those people and move them into your house in North America.


This is a major fish up. This chap Tola is a compulsive liar about his charity work. Nobody in Guyana knows him or anything about his charitable work. He comes here and blows smoke and tells Brer Anancy stories to his delusional and imaginary friends

Prash, you really fish him up.

There is absolutely NOTHING wrong when a nation protect its borders. How about millions of hungry Venezuelans invading Guyana and taking over Essequibo? That would be totally unacceptable.

Last edited by Former Member
Prashad posted:

These central Americans are coming from societies where gangs control the streets. I have no doubt that 18 street and MS 13 gang members are in the caravan.There should be permanent deployment of at least 10 thousand soldiers to the border.


I agree, stop them from entering the USA otherwise they might want to redirect those caravans to Canada. We don’t want those gang members here. Let Mexico take them since they are the world largest exporters of Gangs and Violence.

Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:
Prashad posted:

These central Americans are coming from societies where gangs control the streets. I have no doubt that 18 street and MS 13 gang members are in the caravan.There should be permanent deployment of at least 10 thousand soldiers to the border.

If the gangs control the streets and the official security forces cannot protect the people, then the government is ineffective and lost legitimacy.  The USA could intervene militarily and re-establish law and order and stop the refugees!

Guyana was headed in this direction under the PPP causing the government to unleash special forces and arrest control away from the gangs.

If America intervenes militarily then the left in Central America will use the intervention to garner political support. It is better strategically for the Americans to stay out and watch how the central American societies collapse.  They will only indirectly intervene if there is a  spread of left-wing governments taking political power in Central America.


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