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File photo shows Afghan police stand near the body of an Afghan woman.

US forces kill pregnant Afghan woman
Sat Dec 17, 2011

US forces have killed a pregnant Afghan woman and injured four other women in a house raid in Afghanistan's southeastern Paktia Province, Press TV reports.

Ruhollah Samon, a Paktia provincial government spokesman, condemned the attack, a Press TV correspondent reported on Saturday.

The director of the counter-narcotics department of Paktia Province, Hasibullah Ahmadzai, and his two sons were also detained during the raid, he added.

Afghan officials say they are currently investigating the incident.

Civilian casualties caused by US-led foreign forces have triggered deep anger among Afghans, prompting violent demonstrations throughout the country.

The United States invaded Afghanistan in 2001 under the pretext of eradicating the Taliban militants, leaving countless civilians dead or injured.

The security situation remains fragile in Afghanistan despite the presence of nearly 150,000 US-led foreign forces.


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Originally posted by asj:

File photo shows Afghan police stand near the body of an Afghan woman.

US forces kill pregnant Afghan woman
Sat Dec 17, 2011

US forces have killed a pregnant Afghan woman and injured four other women in a house raid in Afghanistan's southeastern Paktia Province, Press TV reports.

Ruhollah Samon, a Paktia provincial government spokesman, condemned the attack, a Press TV correspondent reported on Saturday.

The director of the counter-narcotics department of Paktia Province, Hasibullah Ahmadzai, and his two sons were also detained during the raid, he added.

Afghan officials say they are currently investigating the incident.

Civilian casualties caused by US-led foreign forces have triggered deep anger among Afghans, prompting violent demonstrations throughout the country.

The United States invaded Afghanistan in 2001 under the pretext of eradicating the Taliban militants, leaving countless civilians dead or injured.

The security situation remains fragile in Afghanistan despite the presence of nearly 150,000 US-led foreign forces.

How come you did not report t he mosque bombing where bodies of all sorts were shewn all over the place? That was a deliberate act of targeting citizens in public places and one of more than 20 that has taken place killing over 200 civilians. I think you need to ask for a position on mullah TV.

The Republicans may have been looking at people exactly like you when they created that domestic terrorism legislation. Note it covers propaganda coverage and deliberate mis information campaigns. My response to is not because you are relevant. You are a jihadist sympathizer and I write to illustrate that the majority does not support your view that the US habitually murders women and children in Muslim countries for the sake of killing them. That is the terrorist view point and their recruiting propagandist tool.

US-led forces have admitted for the first time to killing two pregnant Afghan women and a teenage girl during a nighttime raid in eastern Afghanistan on February 12th. NATO officials initially denied any involvement but were later forced to admit to the killings after the Times of London and other news outlets published accounts of survivors who described how the atrocity was carried out by US-led forces. We speak with Jerome Starkey, the Times of London correspondent in Afghanistan who broke the story.

How come you did not report t he mosque bombing where bodies of all sorts were shewn all over the place? That was a deliberate act of targeting citizens in public places and one of more than 20 that has taken place killing over 200 civilians. I think you need to ask for a position on mullah TV.

It is all barbaric, but when you have a civilised socitey as the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA doing the same, then one can say that they are no worse than those that still living in the stone age.

And you can speculate all about Jihadist and what elso comes to your dirty mind.
Least you should know that I pay my taxes, I uphold the Laws of the United States.

I will return to the US in the first week in can once again go and report me to the US Authorities, it will not make you any richer or any better than being a will still be labelled as "The Resident Welfare Bum." It is a new year being soon to be should mend your dirty ways.

My grouse is not with the people of America but with the Foreign Policy that most American hated, and like others I am just being critical.

Originally posted by asj:
How come you did not report t he mosque bombing where bodies of all sorts were shewn all over the place? That was a deliberate act of targeting citizens in public places and one of more than 20 that has taken place killing over 200 civilians. I think you need to ask for a position on mullah TV.

It is all barbaric, but when you have a civilised socitey as the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA doing the same, then one can say that they are no worse than those that still living in the stone age.

And you can speculate all about Jihadist and what elso comes to your dirty mind.
Least you should know that I pay my taxes, I uphold the Laws of the United States.

I will return to the US in the first week in can once again go and report me to the US Authorities, it will not make you any richer or any better than being a will still be labelled as "The Resident Welfare Bum." It is a new year being soon to be should mend your dirty ways.

My grouse is not with the people of America but with the Foreign Policy that most American hated, and like others I am just being critical.

Listen you jackass. Do you think if I send these and other writings on your behind you would travel freely? I wont have to do it. I will leave them to find it and they will In time they search every body cavity of yours every time you move because everyone who has done this nation harm comes from the mind set that you have, ie they get on the internet and broad cast the misinformation that the US deliberately murders women and children.
After all, just yesterday the congress passed the 2012 defense authorization bill, which among other things, legalizes the indefinite detention of U.S. citizens, by the military, without trial or any other rights of due process, merely by being suspected of being associated with Al Qaeda, the Taliban, or any other group deemed to be at war with the U.S. and its coalition partners (whoever they are). Don't speak out against this! It's better to just meekly go along with it. Look at how well that worked for the Germans back in the 1930s.

Of course, the demonized group back then was Jews, not Muslims, so it's a completely different situation and I have no business comparing the two.
Originally Posted by D2:
Originally posted by asj:
How come you did not report t he mosque bombing where bodies of all sorts were shewn all over the place? That was a deliberate act of targeting citizens in public places and one of more than 20 that has taken place killing over 200 civilians. I think you need to ask for a position on mullah TV.

It is all barbaric, but when you have a civilised socitey as the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA doing the same, then one can say that they are no worse than those that still living in the stone age.

And you can speculate all about Jihadist and what elso comes to your dirty mind.
Least you should know that I pay my taxes, I uphold the Laws of the United States.

I will return to the US in the first week in can once again go and report me to the US Authorities, it will not make you any richer or any better than being a will still be labelled as "The Resident Welfare Bum." It is a new year being soon to be should mend your dirty ways.

My grouse is not with the people of America but with the Foreign Policy that most American hated, and like others I am just being critical.

Listen you jackass. Do you think if I send these and other writings on your behind you would travel freely? I wont have to do it. I will leave them to find it and they will In time they search every body cavity of yours every time you move because everyone who has done this nation harm comes from the mind set that you have, ie they get on the internet and broad cast the misinformation that the US deliberately murders women and children.

Heard you like don't ask don't tell.

Originally Posted by albert:
Originally Posted by D2:

Heard you like don't ask don't tell.

You do apparently listen to voices in your head. One often wonders if you are simply stupid in the extreme. It would be  more compassionate  to consider you sadly afflicted with a mental disease than discard you intellectually as a waste person. Rational people  do not consider sentient beings  as throwaways; not a dog not a cat or even a rat. Sometimes there emerges a  toxic thing as yourself and one reconsiders. 


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