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US terror drone kills three Afghan children in Kunar Province


File photo shows a US killer drone.


Three children have died in a US killer drone strike carried out in Afghanistan’s northeastern province of Kunar, Press TV reports.

The airstrike was conducted during the early hours of Thursday near the Pakistani border.

Local officials said six other people, including women, were also injured in the attack.

On May 20, at least eight people were killed and several others injured in a similar strike in the eastern province of Kapisa.

Hundreds of civilians have been killed in the US airstrikes in various parts of Afghanistan over the past few years, with Afghans becoming increasingly outraged over the seemingly endless number of deadly assaults.

The United States uses its killer drones in a number of countries including Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia, claiming the targets of the attacks are militants, but local officials and witnesses say civilians have been the main victims.

According to data released by the Pentagon in February, Afghanistan is becoming a “drone war” with a 72-percent increase in the number of drone strikes from 2011 to 2012. The United States carried out over 500 drone attacks in Afghanistan last year, the Pentagon said.

The United States and its allies invaded Afghanistan in 2001 as part of the so-called war on terror. The offensive removed the Taliban from power, but insecurity remains in the country.

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Quote "The United States carried out over 500 drone attacks in Afghanistan last year" unquote the Pentagon said.


They failed to say how many hudreds of innocent women, and children and babies the have massacared.


Oi asj, they're killing their own people, and it has nothing to do with collateral damage, just plain and simple murder.


Taliban beheads 2 boys in southern Afghanistan

KANDAHAR, Afghanistan — Taliban fighters beheaded two boys, aged 10 and 16, as a warning to villagers not to cooperate with the Afghan government, local officials said.


The boys, named Khan and Hameedullah, had traveled to Afghan army and police checkpoints near their home in the southern province of Kandahar, scrounging for leftover food to bring to their families, the officials said.

"The boys were on their way back . . . when they were stopped by Taliban insurgents who beheaded them," the chief of Zhari district, Jamal Agha, told Reuters. "Both of them were innocent children and had nothing to do with government or foreigners."



Kandahar is the birthplace of the Taliban and one of Afghanistan's most restive provinces.

In July last year in the same district, a 16-year-old boy accused by the Taliban of spying for the government was beheaded and skinned. The next month, a 6-year-old girl and a boy of 12 were kidnapped and beheaded in separate incidents in Kandahar and the east of the country.



Also Monday, six insurgents with suicide vests and heavy guns attacked a government compound in the provincial center of Zabul, wounding at least 18 people.


Reporting by Ismail Sameem and Sarwar Amani, writing by Mirwais Harooni.


Quote Cain "Oi asj, they're killing their own people, and it has nothing to do with collateral damage, just plain and simple murder."unquote


Yes I agree, that this is plain and simple murder, and I do not agree with this, for a murder is a murder.


Living under the Taliban conditions are simply unbearable, but what can we do? The Americans cannot wipe them out and we have to face the facts that they will be there long before the Americans are gone. Who knows that one day they will take back the rulings of Afghanistan, and then what? we can only hope that they can become more educated than they are.


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