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US, UK, Canada, EU say Region Four results not credible

-urge completion of tabulation

This story is developing and will be updated.

The envoys of the US, UK, Canada and the European Union today said the full count of Region Four’s elections results was not completed and they questioned the credibility of the results released today by GECOM.


A statement by the envoys follows:




The following statement is released on behalf of the British High Commissioner, H.E. Greg Quinn, the Canadian High Commissioner, H.E. Lilian Chaterjee, the Ambassador of the European Union, H.E. Fernando Ponz Canto, and the Ambassador of the United States of America, H.E. Sarah-Ann Lynch.

Based on our observation of today’s GECOM proceedings at their Region 4 office, and the fact that the full count was not completed, we question the credibility of the Region 4 results published by GECOM today.

We urge the Guyana Elections Commission, and all relevant actors, to expeditiously complete the tabulation on the basis of the statement of polls.


We call on all Guyanese to remain calm and patient, and for all leaders to exercise responsibility and restraint.

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So they are not silent on this, good. Somehow there is a breakdown in society, the USA went through their fake election which helped place a moron at its helm and now according to what is being seen is the same shit happening in Guyana.

  Ignorant bullies seem to take center stage nowadays, people have to take back their country, what the business community has planned regarding a country wide shutdown could be a start but they must prepare themselves for the hooligans when/ if they do try their bullshit.


US, UK, Commonwealth, Canada, EU, says Region 4 results not credible

– urge GECOM, political parties to obey the law

By Mikaila Prince, Mar 06, 2020, News, Source - Kaieteur News Online -- https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...esults-not-credible/

The Region Four results declared yesterday lack credibility and verification. This was the strong statement put forward by international observer groups such as the Carter Centre, Commonwealth Observer Group (COG) and the Heads of Missions of the United States of America, Britain, Canada and the European Union Delegation to Guyana.

Chairman of the Carter Centre, Jason Carter

Chairman of the COG, Owen Arthur

Chaos erupted yesterday after the Returning Officer (RO) for Region Four, Clairmont Mingo, allegedly declared that the APNU+AFC coalition had won Region Four by an enormous margin and essentially had triumphed in the March 2 General and Regional Elections.

However, the international observer groups, foreign Heads of Missions and contesting parties were quick to question the credibility of the results after they highlighted that the final results were not verified using the process of the Statement of Polls.

Head of the Carter Centre, Jason Carter, said to the press that transparency ceased at the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) Command Office and the procedures for the verification of the results could not have been identified.

From left: British High Commissioner, H.E. Greg Quinn, U.S. Ambassador, H.E. Sarah-Ann Lynch and EU Ambassador, H.E. Fernando Ponz Canto

Carter stated that, β€œNobody knows if these results are verified or not. There is still an opportunity for this to be transparent and for the elections to gain credibility and we urge all, including GECOM, to abide by the provisions that are available for the verification of the results.”

He added that both of the major parties claimed victory, but they should want to do so in a credible way. β€œWe have not had transparency and we maintain that the Region Four results lack credibility,” the Carter Centre Head maintained.

Further to this, Carter said that these sentiments were communicated to GECOM Head, Justice (retired) Claudette Singh. In addition to this, the official said he is not of the view that the observers are there to babysit the process, but they do see a lack of credibility, and as observers, they will make their findings known at all times.

Carter said that he and his officials will remain in Guyana to oversee the entire process.

As for the Commonwealth Observer Group (COG), another one of the international missions who monitored Guyana’s General and Regional Elections, its members shared the concerns of the Carter Centre.
In a statement to the press last night, the COG disclosed that it had a consistent presence at the Office of the Returning Officer in Region Four.

Owen Arthur, the Former Prime Minister Barbados and Head of the Observer Group, was keen to note that he personally visited the office to ensure that there was transparency in the process.

β€œIt is the clear view of the Group that the tabulation of the final election results has not yet been completed and verified according to the established procedures and relevant legal and statutory provisions.”

Arthur further added that, β€œWe strongly urge the Guyana Elections Commission and all parties involved to ensure the process properly follows the legal steps dictated by the laws of Guyana, and is in line with the country’s international commitments.”

With regard to the international heads of missions – British High Commissioner, Greg Quinn; Canadian High Commissioner, Lilian Chatterjee; Ambassador of the European Union, Fernando Ponz Canto; and Ambassador of the United States of America, Sarah-Ann Lynch -they observed GECOM’s proceedings at the Region Four Office and noted that in fact, the full count was not completed.

The ABC-EU missions emphatically stated that, β€œWe question the credibility of the Region Four results published by GECOM today.”

They went on to say that, β€œWe urge the Guyana Elections Commission, and all relevant actors, to expeditiously complete the tabulation on the basis of the statement of polls.”

All of the parties have called on Guyanese to remain calm and patient, and for all leaders to exercise responsibility and restraint.


Interesting that Jason Carter - son/grandson of Jimmy Carter - will remain to see the entire process.

One may remember that Jimmy Carter - elder of the Carter family - had to leave Guyana in a sudden and quick way before overseeing the election to its final conclusion.


US, UK, Commonwealth, Canada, EU, says Region 4 results not credible

– urge GECOM, political parties to obey the law

By Mikaila Prince, Mar 06, 2020, News, Source - Kaieteur News Online -- https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...esults-not-credible/

Carter stated that, β€œNobody knows if these results are verified or not. There is still an opportunity for this to be transparent and for the elections to gain credibility and we urge all, including GECOM, to abide by the provisions that are available for the verification of the results.”

Carter said that he and his officials will remain in Guyana to oversee the entire process.


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