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US war in Afghanistan about 'domination': Analyst
The US-led war in Afghanistan was launched with the aim of “domination,” resulting in numerous “atrocities” against the Afghan people, a political commentator in Washington says.


“What the United States is there for has nothing to do with helping the people of Afghanistan or for that matter fighting a war on terror,” said Randy Short, a member of the Black Autonomy Network Community Organization.

The US “wants access to the opium poppy production as well as the pipelines and to have a base to check on the Russian Federation and the Chinese,” Short told Press TV on Monday.

“It relates to dominating the Eurasian or Central Asian countries who are resource-rich and are strategically-located and places that would allow the United States and NATO and other countries to dominate the world,” he added.

The Afghan people “have gotten nothing out of this but death, destruction, there’ve been raids, rapes, murders, killings.”

In an interview with the Washington Post published on Sunday, Afghan President Hamid Karzai said the US and its Western allies launched the war in Afghanistan for their own interests.

The Afghan president also urged the US to end air raids in Afghanistan, saying that, instead of Taliban militants, civilians are being killed in these airstrikes.

Karzai also said he will not sign the Bilateral Security Agreement (BSA) with Washington and that it is up to his successor to make the decision. Afghanistan will hold a presidential election in April.

The ongoing war in Afghanistan has been one of the largest and longest conflicts in US history.

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