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Acting Assistant Secretary for U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs, Michael Kozak

August 15 ,2020


The United States (US) on Saturday welcomed Guyana’s decision to join several other countries around the world in calling for Venezuelans, including the military, back the establishment of a transition government to prepare for free and fair general elections.

“Great to see Guyana adds its voice for the call to restore democracy in Venezuela. The US encourages all democratic countries to commit to helping the Venezuelan people achieve a peaceful, prosperous and democratic future,” said US Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemispheric Affairs, Michael Kozak. He was one of the top US State Department officials who had publicly called on the then David Granger-led administration to respect the outcome of the March 2, 2020 general and regional elections and abide by the national vote recount data.

They said the transitional government should be responsible for conducting the polls to ensure fairness. “For a peaceful and sustainable resolution of the crisis, a transitional government is needed to administer presidential elections, so that no candidate has an improper advantage over others,” they said.

Guyana, which is a member of the Lima Group, had not endorsed all of the loosely-knit entity’s statements on Venezuela in recent months, but coming soon after the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) was declared the winner of the general elections, this country joined with other countries and groups to call for broad-based support among Venezuelans for an interim government.

They “call upon all Venezuelans, of all ideological tendencies and party affiliations, whether civilian or military, to put the interests of Venezuela above politics and engage urgently in support of a process shaped and driven by Venezuelans to establish an inclusive transitional government that will lead the country into free and fair presidential elections, sooner not later.”

Adding their voices to the call were a “group of concerned countries” including members of the Lima Group,  the International Contact Group, the European Union, the United States and others. They also cautioned Venezuelans against merely seeing National Assembly elections as a solution to the political and socio-economic crisis in the country. “National Assembly elections alone do not present a political solution and instead may further polarize an already divided society,” the joint statement says.

This the second time in less than one month that the  Irfaan Ali-led administration has backed the US’ position, the first having been support for the American nominee for the President of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB). President Ali has made it clear that he was breaking with convention that the IDB presidency would always be held by a Latin American.

The caretaker administration of a coalition of A Partnership for National Unity+Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) had rejected US request earlier this year to use Guyana’s medium wave frequencies to beam  Voice of America radio programmes to Venezuela.

The Lima Group, International Contact Group, European Union and the United States called on all institutions to participate in a process to set up a transition government and the the holding of democratic presidential election.  They said they were willing to soften financial and trade sanctions on Venezuela if the political climate improves towards democracy. “We reiterate the willingness of all those countries maintaining economic sanctions to discuss sanctions relief in the context of political progress,” they said in the statement.

The groups said the process towards the formation of a broad-based transition government should include the ability of the National Assembly to fully carry out its functions and the restoration of the independence and of the Supreme Court and National Electoral Council.

“We call on all political parties and institutions in Venezuela to engage promptly in, or in support of, a process that will establish a broadly acceptable transitional government that will administer free and fair presidential elections soon and begin to set the country on a pathway to recovery,” the Lima Group, International Contact Group, European Union and the US said.

They said a  swift and peaceful transition to democracy is the most effective and sustainable route to stability, recovery and prosperity in Venezuela. They pledged to remain committed to helping the Venezuelan people achieve a peaceful, prosperous and democratic future.

The groups called for an end to all political persecution and acts of repression. They noted that human rights defenders, humanitarian actors, health workers, journalists, members of Venezuela’s indigenous communities, members of the National Assembly under the leadership of Juan Guaido, and the Venezuelan population at large have all faced increased repression in Venezuela.

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Guyana, which is a member of the Lima Group, had not endorsed all of the loosely-knit entity’s statements on Venezuela in recent months, but coming soon after the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) was declared the winner of the general elections, this country joined with other countries and groups to call for broad-based support among Venezuelans for an interim government.


Michael Kozak is now dictating Guyana's foreign policy.  It is reported elsewhere that the statement on Venezuela was issued without the knowledge of senior Guyanese diplomats.  Further to this it should come as no surprise if Guyana's territory is used in an attack on Venezuela.  The election was fixed to facilitate this, the Exxon licences etc.  The PPP sold Guyana's sovereignty for political power.


Guyanese Diplomats confused over US Statement on Guyana and Venezuela

Guyanese Diplomats confused over US Statement on Guyana and Venezuela


August 16 ,2020

In a tweet by Mr. Kozak which has since been shared by the US Embassy in Guyana on its Facebook page, Kozak wrote "Great to see Guyana add its voice for the call to restore democracy in Venezuela. The US encourages all democratic countries to commit to helping the Venezuelan people achieve a peaceful, prosperous and democratic future".

Several Guyanese Diplomats in Guyana and abroad have expressed concern and worry about a statement issued by the US Assistant Secretary of State, Michael Kozak which appears to point to a changing of Guyana’s position on the internal affairs in Venezuela.

In a tweet by Mr. Kozak which has since been shared by the US Embassy in Guyana on its Facebook page, Kozak wrote “Great to see Guyana add its voice for the call to restore democracy in Venezuela. The US encourages all democratic countries to commit to helping the Venezuelan people achieve a peaceful, prosperous and democratic future”.

The US Embassy on its Facebook page highlighting the same tweet, added that “Guyana joins many democratic countries in support of democratic change in Venezuela”.

The post was linked to a Joint Declaration of Support for Democratic Change in Venezuela.

But several diplomats familiar with Guyana’s position over the years not to become involved in the internal affairs of Venezuela have expressed surprise that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has not issued any statement on a change of position on Venezuela or clarification on the US Statement.

A senior Diplomat told News Source that Guyana must be clear in its position and not allow itself to be guided by the position of the United States or any other country.

Guyana’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Hugh Todd, met last week with the US Ambassador to Guyana, Sarah-Ann Lynch.

The issue of Venezuela came up in the meeting, News Source understands. The US Ambassador reportedly questioned the new Foreign Minister about whether the new Guyana Government was going to recognise the Venezuelan Opposition Leader, Juan Guaido, as the President of Venezuela.

Ambassador Lynch, according to Government sources, was told by the Foreign Minister that the position of the PPP Government is that it recognises the will of the people of Venezuela.

The issue of the Lima Group’s declaration gaining support from Guyana was also discussed, but a senior Government source explained that no clear undertaking was provided.

The US and a number of other western countries have been pushing to topple the Nicholas Maduro regime in Venezuela and replace him officially with the country’s Opposition Leader.

While the US recognises Guaido as the President, Guyana’s position has been to recognise Maduro as the President and not involve itself in the internal political situation in Venezuela.

Under the APNU+AFC government, the US was trying to get Guyana to grant the Voice of America a radio broadcast license so that it could transmit messages and programmes from Guyana to Venezuela. That request was turned down by former President David Granger himself.

The former President had made it clear repeatedly that Guyana was not going to get involved in any internal situation in Venezuela and was not going to allow itself to be used either by other countries to get involved.

It is unclear whether the US will now push again for the license to be granted under the new government.


This is unusual, regarding the US sanctions against Venezuela  and we hope the US don't request 'favours' from Guyana, by helping the PPP into government. Payback time might be costly. British and American troops are training in Essequibo. 

Someone here compared US/China relationship, both strong countries. But Guyana don't have any hope against the US.    


Guyana's sovereignty has not been sold. Guyana's democracy has been saved and given a new life. Thanks  to the US and other Western powers.

The foreign policy of the US and the so called Western powers has never been guided by a quest for democracy.  It was/is always guided by self interest.  British colonialism and American imperialism were/are about democracy.  

@Tola posted:

This is unusual, regarding the US sanctions against Venezuela  and we hope the US don't request 'favours' from Guyana, by helping the PPP into government. Payback time might be costly. British and American troops are training in Essequibo. 

Someone here compared US/China relationship, both strong countries. But Guyana don't have any hope against the US.    

That's what happened .

@Django posted:

Are they still in  Government Employment or the the PPP fired them ?

Please provide their first and last names and station. I am beginning to think that Moseley is spreading fake news and if I have their names I can try to verify them with my cousin President Ali.

@Former Member posted:

Please provide their first and last names and station. I am beginning to think that Moseley is spreading fake news and if I have their names I can try to verify them with my cousin President Ali.

Always asking for assistance ,how many Ambassadors was fired by the PPP ? find that out instead of discrediting Moseley.

@Django posted:

Always asking for assistance ,how many Ambassadors was fired by the PPP ? find that out instead of discrediting Moseley.

It has nothing to do with any ambassador who was fired or not. It has to do with whether Moseley is spreading fake news or not. He chose not to name anyone but didn't state that they asked not to be named which makes his 'report' suspect. It would not be the first time he has spread fake news.

@Former Member posted:

It has nothing to do with any ambassador who was fired or not. It has to do with whether Moseley is spreading fake news or not. He chose not to name anyone but didn't state that they asked not to be named which makes his 'report' suspect. It would not be the first time he has spread fake news.

Any news that's not look good for the current gov't are deemed fake.

@Totaram posted:

The foreign policy of the US and the so called Western powers has never been guided by a quest for democracy.  It was/is always guided by self interest.  British colonialism and American imperialism were/are about democracy.  

I like this new PPP approach. I thought ayuh hired firm to sell snake oil to the USG that the PPP is bad for the interest of US.

Now ayuh tek duh!

@Former Member posted:

I like this new PPP approach. I thought ayuh hired firm to sell snake oil to the USG that the PPP is bad for the interest of US.

Now ayuh tek duh!

Well it's looking more and more like the PPP sold Guyana's sovereignty for political power.  As you should know, under such circumstances the people will see little benefit from oil or anything else.  

@Django posted:

Any news that's not look good for the current gov't are deemed fake.

Why do you say it doesn't look good for the current government? Do you have a problem with the current government standing with America against tyranny in Venezuela?

@Former Member posted:

Why do you say it doesn't look good for the current government?

Do you have a problem with the current government standing with America against tyranny in Venezuela?

Stick to the news reports ,who called the shots. 

That's your "school of thoughts" for etiquette.

Last edited by Django
@Django posted:

Stick to the news reports ,who called the shots.

The United States (US) on Saturday welcomed Guyana’s decision to join several other countries around the world in calling for Venezuelans, including the military, back the establishment of a transition government to prepare for free and fair general elections.

@Former Member posted:

The United States (US) on Saturday welcomed Guyana’s decision to join several other countries around the world in calling for Venezuelans, including the military, back the establishment of a transition government to prepare for free and fair general elections.

The US has sanctions against Venezuela. The US assisted the PPP into government. Guyana is strategically located to Venezuela. American troops are training in Essequibo.  Does the US ever do anything for nothing ?  


More than 50 countries support Venezuela’s Juan Guaidó

Since Juan Guaidó assumed the responsibilities of interim president on January 23, more than 50 countries have recognized him as the legitimate interim leader of Venezuela. The growing list includes:

Albania, Andorra, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bahamas, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Japan, Kosovo, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Montenegro, Morocco, the Netherlands, North Macedonia, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Republic of Korea, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Ukraine, the United Kingdom and the United States.

A version of this article was previously published on February 15.

Notice Guyana wasn't on the list ,Nov 15 ,2019

@Django posted:

More than 50 countries support Venezuela’s Juan Guaidó

Since Juan Guaidó assumed the responsibilities of interim president on January 23, more than 50 countries have recognized him as the legitimate interim leader of Venezuela. The growing list includes:

Albania, Andorra, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bahamas, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Japan, Kosovo, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Montenegro, Morocco, the Netherlands, North Macedonia, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Republic of Korea, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Ukraine, the United Kingdom and the United States.

A version of this article was previously published on February 15.

Notice Guyana wasn't on the list ,Nov 15 ,2019

That is because by November 15, 2019 Granger had already crossed over to support for dictatorships.

Thankfully democracy has won in Guyana. 

@Tola posted:

The US has sanctions against Venezuela. The US assisted the PPP into government. Guyana is strategically located to Venezuela. American troops are training in Essequibo.  Does the US ever do anything for nothing ?  

America doesn't really fight ground wars anymore. They are mostly hitech. They don't need Guyana if they decide to take military actions against Venezuela.


Russia: Russia has been a vocal supporter of Nicolas Maduro, as well as being a military and economic ally since under predecessor Hugo Chávez. Russia has made shows of force, such as flying two Tu-160 nuclear capable bombers to Venezuela.

@Former Member posted:

That is because by November 15, 2019 Granger had already crossed over to support for dictatorships.

Thankfully democracy has won in Guyana. 

There was no Democracy in the 2020 Elections ,it was fixed ,the pieces are fitting in the puzzle .Some people are joyous they get their man ,by hook or crook.

More will be in the open as time comes by.

@Django posted:

There was no Democracy in the 2020 Elections ,it was fixed ,the pieces are fitting in the puzzle .Some people are joyous they get their man ,by hook or crook.

More will be in the open as time comes by.

All talk for talk sake until the PNC files their petition and present their evidence.

@Former Member posted:

Russia is no match for America. In any battle for humanity America will win.

It will be unpleasant if war breaks out in Venezuela ,numerous problems for Guyana and neighboring Countries.

Some people are two faced only the other day they were supporting attacks on Guyana by Venezuela .

@Django posted:

It will be unpleasant if war breaks out in Venezuela ,numerous problems for Guyana and neighboring Countries.

Some people are two faced only the other day they were supporting attacks on Guyana by Venezuela .

War is ugly so there will be no war in Venezuela but if there was a war where America is involved, America will prevail. It took a non-entity like Granger to thumb his nose for 5 long months as he denied democracy in Guyana but after that second visa sanction announcement he put down his diabolic behavior so law and order can be restored in Guyana. MADuro will one day find himself as cornered as Granger found himself on August 2nd and he too will go out in a whimper like Granger did. 

@Former Member posted:

America doesn't really fight ground wars anymore. They are mostly hitech. They don't need Guyana if they decide to take military actions against Venezuela.

Only problem, America has no allies, idiot-in-chief has made a one will care to take action against another country just because trump decides he will. 

@cain posted:

Only problem, America has no allies, idiot-in-chief has made a one will care to take action against another country just because trump decides he will. 

Every country that honors and respects democracy is an ally of America. Take Granger for instance. He too was an ally of America until he decided that he will not respect democracy this year. Had nothing to do with Trump who has occupied the Oval Office since January 2017 and who even Granger met with when he visited America.


Good move by President Irfaan Ali.  But Guyana should not interfere with the selection of a President in the USA. It is not good Diplomacy and that is why they are staying away from making dumb comments.  Members of this forum should do the same.


Only a few short years ago Granger supported a similar motion regarding Venezuela. But that was before he finalized his plan to rig the elections in Guyana and bring back the dictatorship rule of his predecessors Burnham and Hoyte.

@Former Member posted:

PPP and their constituency has paid a high price for two generations for being perceived as anti US. Now they sending a clear message to the US where they stand. Who vex vex.

Anyone who oppose the US is making the gravest mistake. In a world where every nation falls, the US will still remain standing tall.

@Former Member posted:

Anyone who oppose the US is making the gravest mistake. In a world where every nation falls, the US will still remain standing tall.

I’m encouraged by the PPP stance vis-a-vis the US and Jagdeo’s comments in 2019 that Trump is the legitimate leader of the US.


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