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Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

The AFC/PNC are now scrambling to cover their tracks as their agents in this gold heist are being exposed. They have to distance themselves from their smuggling operation, they sent the gold on the shop and then sent their agents to recover it in Curacao. I have written before of how the aFC/PNC have been smuggling gold to Suriname to avoid paying royalties. Now we see their scheme being exposed. They will now have to shift back operations to robbing and killing ordinary Guyanese to raise revenue for the upcoming snap elections. 

 The only ones scrambling is the PPP. Were they concerned as to the sorce they would have asked for the custody of the captain and crew of this vessel since they have a false registration and are obviously in the smuggling business. This boat is always parked in the Corentyne river with no other known business so it is clearly a known smugglers tool


In fact since you know so much, I will reveal even more. The boat belongs to the AFC/PNC leadership in a joint effort to raise funds to destabilize the nation.  They have been smuggling gold to Suriname for years in order to avoid paying royalties. The gpf already requested custody of the captain and his crew. You will note that it is the GPF job and not the PPP. You folks try to blame PPP for the responsibility of the GPF. But the trail will lead to the AFC/PNC once the investigations are complete. Of course there are PNC/AFC agents in the GPF that will try to cover up the AFC/PNC's involvement. 

The facts as I know them are detailed in the Guyanese press. What you know seem to come from that not so unusual source for you, your deep umitigating gripe in your rotting carcass against the AFC.


The PPP seem to show no desire to get these people into custody. They issue no warrants for them since they are clearly smugglers with a false GUyanese registration for the vessel.

Goadyman Gurd is again trying desperately to cast blame elsewhere as his buddies tiefin gold tarass. The banna and he frens into running drugs now is gold he into also, oh ma laaaaaaaaaawd.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

The facts as I know them are detailed in the Guyanese press. What you know seem to come from that not so unusual source for you, your deep umitigating gripe in your rotting carcass against the AFC.


The PPP seem to show no desire to get these people into custody. They issue no warrants for them since they are clearly smugglers with a false GUyanese registration for the vessel.

The only source of your so called facts are "dem bai seh". hahahahah

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

The facts as I know them are detailed in the Guyanese press. What you know seem to come from that not so unusual source for you, your deep umitigating gripe in your rotting carcass against the AFC.


The PPP seem to show no desire to get these people into custody. They issue no warrants for them since they are clearly smugglers with a false GUyanese registration for the vessel.

The only source of your so called facts are "dem bai seh". hahahahah

Walla stop news all over de place....


There is a Fox News Video ......go watch it.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

My sources are saying that Goadee Walla family who are in the gold mining biz might be involved in the smuggling. Drugee himself confessed how he was a notorious smuggler in de B-ham dayz.

Well eee got a Big Sack.....eee could Smuggle nuff thing.

eeee would not mess with us .....because eee frighten de Kero and Match.


I would not doubt eee into Narco & Gold Smuggleing.

Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

The facts as I know them are detailed in the Guyanese press. What you know seem to come from that not so unusual source for you, your deep umitigating gripe in your rotting carcass against the AFC.


The PPP seem to show no desire to get these people into custody. They issue no warrants for them since they are clearly smugglers with a false GUyanese registration for the vessel.

The only source of your so called facts are "dem bai seh". hahahahah

Walla stop news all over de place....


There is a Fox News Video ......go watch it.

But it is strange how nowhere the news article claim that the govt is involved in any smuggling, however you and other AFC/pnc bottom feeders have already proclaimed that the PPP are involved. My sources clearly show that the AFC/PNC are the masterminds behind this gold smuggling operations. I have written extensively how the gold is smuggled by the opposition to neighboring Suriname to evade royalties. Now the AFC/PNC have taken it a step further to smuggle directly to nearby Curacao. Currently Nigel, Ramjattan, Nagamootoo and Granger are hustling to cover their tracks as a thorough investigation will implicate them in this scheme. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

The facts as I know them are detailed in the Guyanese press. What you know seem to come from that not so unusual source for you, your deep umitigating gripe in your rotting carcass against the AFC.


The PPP seem to show no desire to get these people into custody. They issue no warrants for them since they are clearly smugglers with a false GUyanese registration for the vessel.

The only source of your so called facts are "dem bai seh". hahahahah

Walla stop news all over de place....


There is a Fox News Video ......go watch it.

But it is strange how nowhere the news article claim that the govt is involved in any smuggling, however you and other AFC/pnc bottom feeders have already proclaimed that the PPP are involved.

 My sources (My Sack) clearly show that the AFC/PNC are the masterminds behind this gold smuggling operations. I have written extensively how the gold is smuggled by the opposition to neighboring Suriname to evade royalties. Now the AFC/PNC have taken it a step further to smuggle directly to nearby Curacao. Currently Nigel, Ramjattan, Nagamootoo and Granger are hustling to cover their tracks as a thorough investigation will implicate them in this scheme. 

Walla no one focusing on yuh poom poom shorts.....

who is yuh source that implicating Nigel, Ramjattan and Nagamootoo in Gold or any Smuggleing???

Ok we know about yuh Jagabat Ladies.......and Dr B....


If Jagdeo and Ramotar had knowledge of the things about AFC....

which you sourcing from yuh sack.....they would have de police busy behind de AFC.....locking up everyone.


No wanda Joker calling U a Mudhead.

Originally Posted by Jalil:

Walla no one focusing on yuh poom poom shorts.....

who is yuh source that implicating Nigel, Ramjattan and Nagamootoo in Gold or any Smuggleing???

Ok we know about yuh Jagabat Ladies.......and Dr B....


If Jagdeo and Ramotar had knowledge of the things about AFC....

which you sourcing from yuh sack.....they would have de police busy behind de AFC.....locking up everyone.


No wanda Joker calling U a Mudhead.

It seems you have a gay streak rearing to come out of the closet as we see you constantly referring to genitals and homo remarks. 


When you list your source of all these accusations against the ruling party I will do the same. hahahahahah

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

 My sources clearly show that the AFC/PNC are the masterminds behind this gold smuggling operations. I have written extensively how the gold is smuggled by the opposition to neighboring Suriname to evade royalties. Now the AFC/PNC have taken it a step further to smuggle directly to nearby Curacao. Currently Nigel, Ramjattan, Nagamootoo and Granger are hustling to cover their tracks as a thorough investigation will implicate them in this scheme. 


Tsk Tsk tsk.


Look at this mudhead here trying making accusations of theft against named individuals without a shred of evidence

Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

 My sources clearly show that the AFC/PNC are the masterminds behind this gold smuggling operations. I have written extensively how the gold is smuggled by the opposition to neighboring Suriname to evade royalties. Now the AFC/PNC have taken it a step further to smuggle directly to nearby Curacao. Currently Nigel, Ramjattan, Nagamootoo and Granger are hustling to cover their tracks as a thorough investigation will implicate them in this scheme. 


Tsk Tsk tsk.


Look at this mudhead here trying making accusations of theft against named individuals without a shred of evidence

His goad bag is infested with fleas and ticks.


Gold smuggling beyond the ambit of GGMC

December 29, 2012 | By | Filed Under Letters 


The rambling response from the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission (GGMC) (KN, Dec 12, 2012) must be highly welcomed in a country where there is a dire scarcity of transparency and accountability. Sadly they failed to address the real issues facing the country and, to protect and secure the country’s natural wealth for the benefit of its citizens.
The GGMC claimed that its emphasis is on ‘Lawful and Responsible Mining’ (KN, Dec 10, 1012). The claim was not backed up by any real, convincing facts and, readers are expected to take their claim as ‘fait accompli’.
Hiding in their bureaucratic tower, the representatives provided no statistical or demographic accounting on what is actually taking place on the ground. They admitted that there are ‘breaches of mining regulations’ but ‘this does not necessarily make it ‘illegal’’. This adds to the dilemma and the use of the GGMC’s own, hollow value judgments being glibly applied, when the future of the country’s greatest natural wealth is at stake.
The GGMC is also in conflict with statements made by the Guyana Gold and Diamond Miners Association (GGDMA). Terrence Adams, GGDMA’s Secretary, has confirmed that ‘Illegal mining is now endemic in the mining industry, with no end in sight,’ (SN, Nov 27, 2012) and that ‘illegal mining is creating an environment where only the bullies survive in mining, and the country suffers.
The Commission apparently has no role to play in the security and protection of mining, and dismissed this concern in the following manner, ‘gold sales, declaration and smuggling will require a broader approach that goes beyond the ambit of the GGMC’.
Mac Mahase


What folks fail to understand is that GGMC is run by AFC/PNC elements who fill their pockets with bribes to bypass royalties collection. But the AFC/PNC devised a scheme some time back to smuggle gold to Suriname where they can sellat lower royalties. Look how these creatures paying royalty to Suriname for gold found in Guyana. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

What folks fail to understand is that GGMC is run by AFC/PNC elements who fill their pockets with bribes to bypass royalties collection. But the AFC/PNC devised a scheme some time back to smuggle gold to Suriname where they can sellat lower royalties. Look how these creatures paying royalty to Suriname for gold found in Guyana. 

Drugee, how are you able to make a profit when you smoke out the weed you are supposed to sell?


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