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USA TODAY supplement declares … Guyana is an emerging pioneer in green economic policy making


A SUPPLEMENT to USA TODAY, prepared by United World Ltd, has recognised Guyana’s effort to pursue a green economy. The 12-page supplement on Guyana, titled ‘Why Guyana?’  examines among others, why the country is “the ideal base to do business in South America and the Caribbean.”It cites among one of the reasons the fact that Guyana is green and peaceful. According to the supplement, Guyana has emerged as a pioneer in green economic policy making. It recognises that the country has taken the lead in important issues like climate change, and is pioneering in green creation, through its Low Carbon Development Strategy (LCDS) agreement with the Government of Norway.

According to the supplement, the country’s proximity to markets in North America, South America, the Caribbean and even Western Africa makes the country a natural crossroads of commerce and diplomacy.
Emphasising the peaceful aspect of the country, the newspaper quoted Minister of Foreign Affairs Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett as saying that Guyana stands in principle, on many internal issues, “whether it has to do with Palestine or climate change, we do not change or negotiate on it.”
“We  also believe that we should, and have as many friends and allies as possible. We are a small country, and we do not believe in conflict.  There is a large focus on peace and we have been discussing it in the Region. That is very important, especially at this time when we see so many conflicts in the world,” the Foreign Minister is quoted as saying.
It noted that these peaceful attributes of the country have helped it to secure foreign direct investment in agriculture, forestry, mining and petroleum, among other sectors, and that Guyana boasts an enviable array of natural resources including gold, diamonds, timber and bauxite.
It also quotes President Donald Ramotar as saying that “Guyana is also very well situated.” According to the supplement, President Donald Ramotar explained that Guyana acts like a bridge between the Caribbean and South America.
“We see we have the possibility of helping the Caribbean to link up with South America too, and broaden their relations. The financial and economic crisis hit the region very hard. If we could develop more of a relationship with the south, we think global impacts could be made a little less,” he explained.
The president noted that “Guyana is a free, open, transparent, democratic society where there are very warm and welcoming people.”
The president called Guyana a place where Americans can do business or can come to relax and see nature at its best.
“I think that our country is very welcoming. Guyana is a multi-ethnic, multi-racial and multi-cultural country, and in this we are forging a unique Guyanese culture, while at the same time building on, and adding to the famous culture that helps make up our society so the Guyanese may be from different origins, like European, Indian, Native Indian (American,) African, but this culture includes all of them,” he said.
The USA TODAY supplement also examines, among other aspects, Guyana as a Regional gateway, its prudent policymaking, focus on education, powerful hydro-potential and tourism opportunities. (GINA)

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Nice timing.


Only problem is they use the Norway money for political leverage and vote buying.  They are probably figuring out scams to get their hands on the climate change $$.

Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

Nice timing.


Only problem is they use the Norway money for political leverage and vote buying.  They are probably figuring out scams to get their hands on the climate change $$.

You suppose?


Jagdeo has done more for Guyana than what any former President has ever done

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

Nice timing.


Only problem is they use the Norway money for political leverage and vote buying.  They are probably figuring out scams to get their hands on the climate change $$.

You suppose?


Jagdeo has done more for Guyana than what any former President has ever done


The PPP Gov't is probably using the services of a consultant or a PR firm and kudo to them for being slick and smart at election time, I think this is a BJ plan.


However the reality in the country itself is rampant crime and corruption.


The problem with the PPP's reputation is that when it announces some act of "progress" it is greeted with such skepticism because you wonder what scam did they put in place or how much kickback they got.


So when they publicized the courthouse at No. 51 costing $46 million, while it's a good thing, it turns into a scandal because of the price tag.

Originally Posted by Nehru:


before the government build a deep water harbor they build a hotel,expand a airport for less plane instead of building a highway to BRAZIL 


The "slo fiah, mo fiah" is the hell people catching today to make ends meet, under the trickle down policies of PPP who only care about the rich contractor friends, not masses of the working poor.


Every Race Punishing.  Only those under the PPP's "Friends and Family Plan" are doing very well.


Your headline is misleading,any way that is what some

individuals do they are gullible to every thing the PPP

say,the article was published by

A SUPPLEMENT to USA TODAY, prepared by United World Ltd.

Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by warrior:

posting misleading article as usual come admin do some about this homo 

Everything the Chronicle prints you have to take with a

grain of salt.

Django shooting from the Hips.  Give it to them Bro..


Yuji you know not all abe c00lie stupid. That is the logo of Economic Policy Institute. I get their emails each week. They are a progressive think tank in America. Green issues in Guyana is the last thing EPI is concerned with. When I see people like Jagdeo go green in their personal lives...I will believe.


Central bank vehicles in Barbados are hybrid. Govt vehicles there too...hybrid replacing pure gas gradually. When y'all see Jagdeo give up his fleet of gas guzzling SUVs for prius or toyota camry hybrid...y'all see me.

Originally Posted by TK:

Yuji you know not all abe c00lie stupid. That is the logo of Economic Policy Institute. I get their emails each week. They are a progressive think tank in America. Green issues in Guyana is the last thing EPI is concerned with. When I see people like Jagdeo go green in their personal lives...I will believe.

Don't be jealous of the man.

Originally Posted by TK:

Central bank vehicles in Barbados are hybrid. Govt vehicles there too...hybrid replacing pure gas gradually. When y'all see Jagdeo give up his fleet of gas guzzling SUVs for prius or toyota camry hybrid...y'all see me.

Where are you hiding?

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by TK:

Yuji you know not all abe c00lie stupid. That is the logo of Economic Policy Institute. I get their emails each week. They are a progressive think tank in America. Green issues in Guyana is the last thing EPI is concerned with. When I see people like Jagdeo go green in their personal lives...I will believe.

Don't be jealous of the man.

he jealous because the man get rich stealing the people money or because the man na want to bugger with him

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by TK:

Yuji you know not all abe c00lie stupid. That is the logo of Economic Policy Institute. I get their emails each week. They are a progressive think tank in America. Green issues in Guyana is the last thing EPI is concerned with. When I see people like Jagdeo go green in their personal lives...I will believe.

Don't be jealous of the man.

Yea dat is how them high IQ people like Rima and you interpret the world . I see Rima on the list.


That is not a USA Today article. They have a disclaimer on the accuracy of the content. It is a supplement and possibly paid for by some government agency. They tried the same thing last election cycle in The Economist when it was a similar ad.

Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

Nice timing.


Only problem is they use the Norway money for political leverage and vote buying.  They are probably figuring out scams to get their hands on the climate change $$.

Both of you have been had.  This is a propaganda piece paid for using Guyana taxpayer dollars, prepared by an international PR agency.


Clearly the fact that Norway is not quite pleased with what is happening, and the Amerindians are increasingly distressed by the increasing environmental degradation of the interior, makes a lie of these claims.

Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

.  Only those under the PPP's "Friends and Family Plan" are doing very well.

According to you, these are all blacks as blacks "dominate" Guyana!

Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

Nice timing.


Only problem is they use the Norway money for political leverage and vote buying.  They are probably figuring out scams to get their hands on the climate change $$.

Gay, Always Negative...Nothing Positive to say. What a waste of sperm.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

That is not a USA Today article. They have a disclaimer on the accuracy of the content. It is a supplement and possibly paid for by some government agency. They tried the same thing last election cycle in The Economist when it was a similar ad.

Glad you noticed it too.  Second time they tried this.  Amazing how the PPP has money to waste, and yet doesn't see it fit to provide proper infrastructure in the interior, or to pay nurses and teachers better salaries to prevent our best from fleeing to Barbados, St Lucia and Antigua, and even Jamaica!


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