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Valid votes already determined by GECOM – Jagdeo

…says nothing preventing declaration

General Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C), Bharrat Jagdeo has made it clear that nothing is preventing the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) from moving ahead to make an official declaration of the results of the March 2 General and Regional Elections since the issue of “valid votes” has already been “settled” by the Commission. Leader Bharrat Jagdeo

Jagdeo was at the time giving an initial reaction to the decision by the Court of Appeal regarding the issue of valid votes and the court’s jurisdiction to hear the case brought by A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance For Change (APNU/AFC) supporter, Eslyn David, which sought to block GECOM from declaring the elections results.

While the court did not grant the injunction, Appeal Court Judges Dawn Gregory and Brassington Reynolds ruled that the Court of Appeal has jurisdiction to interpret Article 177 (4) of the Constitution of Guyana. However, Justice Rishi Persaud had ruled that the Appeal Court has no jurisdiction and as such, struck out the motion.

According to the Opposition Leader, the issue of valid votes had already been determined by the Commission and should set the stage for a declaration. In his virtual broadcast, Jagdeo explained that the Commission had already decided what valid votes are. Chairperson, Retired Justice Claudette Singh

They did this when they directed Chief Elections Officer, Keith Lowenfield, to present his report based on the figures coming out of the National Recount which show that the PPP/C secured more valid votes than any other party that contested the polls.

Total valid votes have already been determined by the Commission…They didn’t do it on the whims or the fancies of the APNU or Lowenfield, they did it on the basis of documentary evidence presented to them by Lowenfield,” Jagdeo posited.

“Validity of the votes have already been determined. And they have already been determined and recorded in all the statutory form. So, there’s nothing that stops a declaration at this point in time. No court ruling, no order. They can’t take away the powers of the Commission and vest it with Lowenfield or in Congress Place,” he added.

Jagdeo added that all of the international and local observers during the elections and recount have already determined that the recount was credible and the final declaration should be on the basis of those results.


He pointed out that the Caribbean Community (Caricom) itself, which was given special provisions in the recount order to pronounce on the elections, has also made it clear that the recount results are credible.

“On the question of validity of votes, clearly the Court of Appeal could not mean that Lowenfield or any single political party, and in this case APNU, can solely determine what valid votes are.”

“This has to be determined on a process…and we are contending that this is already catered for in our laws. Lowenfield and APNU are not trying to determine valid votes, they are trying to invalidate valid votes. That is the issue here,” Jagdeo argued.

The General Secretary said that the coalition is desperately trying to use all avenues, including the court system and elements within the electoral machinery, to hang on to power and continue pillaging the country’s resources.

Jagdeo noted that based on the narrative being pushed by the coalition, a narrative supported by Lowenfield in his heavily opinionated summary of the Observation Reports, “285,000 voters will lose their votes.”

The Court of Appeal on Monday agreed by its majority decision to issue an order that the words “more votes are cast” in Article 177 (2) (b) of the Constitution of Guyana, be interpreted as more valid votes are cast.”

Among the things David had sought was an order from the court restraining the CEO from “complying with the direction of the Chairman of the Guyana Elections Commission… to submit to the Guyana Elections Commission an Elections Report under Article 177 (2) ( b) of the Constitution of Guyana [and under Section 96 of the Representation of the People Act] without the Guyana Elections Commission determining the final credible count and or the credibility of the General and Regional Elections…” The court declined to grant such an order.

David had also sought an order restraining the CEO from submitting to GECOM, his Elections Report which “contains votes that are not valid and credible” within the meaning of Order No 60 of 2020, and under Section 96 of the Representation of the People Act. Importantly, the Court of Appeal refused to grant this order.

The court was also asked by David to make a declaration that GECOM has failed to “determine a final credible count and or the credibility of the result of the General and Regional Elections” in accordance with Order No 60 of 2020 and the amended order dated the 29th day of May 2020.

GECOM meets today, where a decision is expected to be taken on how to move forward with the court ruling. GECOM Chair, Retired Justice Claudette Singh, has already made it clear that GECOM is not a court of law and cannot determine the veracity of allegations made by the coalition. Moreover, she has said that he who accuses must also prove.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

One questionable vote in a  ballot box from a PPP stronghold disqualifies every vote in the box.  50 questionable votes in a ballot box from a PNC stronghold does not contaminate the box.  That's the Lowenfield rule when it comes to determining the validity of votes cast.

Billy Ram Balgobin

One questionable vote in a  ballot box from a PPP stronghold disqualifies every vote in the box.  50 questionable votes in a ballot box from a PNC stronghold does not contaminate the box.  That's the Lowenfield rule when it comes to determining the validity of votes cast.

Correct meh bai Billy. How come de PPP cyant do something like dat? 


One questionable vote in a  ballot box from a PPP stronghold disqualifies every vote in the box.  50 questionable votes in a ballot box from a PNC stronghold does not contaminate the box.  That's the Lowenfield rule when it comes to determining the validity of votes cast.

What's the source of your information?  You just can't make things up.  

@Former Member posted:

Correct meh bai Billy. How come de PPP cyant do something like dat? 

Hey hey want ayoo rich one lover who does hollar marginal, marginal tell me how wan eleckshun cyan get rig by opposition...ayoo na answer dat one yet.

@Former Member posted:

Hey hey want ayoo rich one lover who does hollar marginal, marginal tell me how wan eleckshun cyan get rig by opposition...ayoo na answer dat one yet.

jes like how PPP rig a Guyana....but dem get  how dem bais does ketch labba fo Burnham Belfield paaty. 

@Totaram posted:

jes like how PPP rig a Guyana....but dem get  how dem bais does ketch labba fo Burnham Belfield paaty. 

Hey hey hey...yuh sound like wan rich igar who flash he big cyar. Leme guess...yuh does knack likka wid Khemraj? Hey hey hey...

@Former Member posted:

Hey hey hey...yuh sound like wan rich igar who flash he big cyar. Leme guess...yuh does knack likka wid Khemraj? Hey hey hey...

You a wan stupid jackass...anyway election results announce..Lowenfield sey APNU/AFC 33, PPP31, smoke jynt paaty 1.  Story done....Barat an Anil gan a CCJ...but CCJ go tell dem na dis time.

@Totaram posted:

You a wan stupid jackass...anyway election results announce..Lowenfield sey APNU/AFC 33, PPP31, smoke jynt paaty 1.  Story done....Barat an Anil gan a CCJ...but CCJ go tell dem na dis time.

Me na doubt yuh bai. Ayoo gat de black army and police and public service foh bully Indos and PPP coolie and mek ayoo apartheid govt...hey hey hey. 

@Totaram posted:

You a wan stupid jackass...anyway election results announce..Lowenfield sey APNU/AFC 33, PPP31, smoke jynt paaty 1.  Story done....Barat an Anil gan a CCJ...but CCJ go tell dem na dis time.

Where are you celebrating??!

Tell me where I could bring meh cook up! 

@Former Member 

@Former Member

..where yuh deh? 

@Rochelle posted:

Here are the official tallies. 33 seats to APNUAFC, 31 to PPP/C!

Keith Lowenfield's report, published with this article, references numbers which are quite different from those issued for the recounts by GECOM's officials for the respective SORs.

It will be of interest to know how the Commission members plus the Chairman reconcile the difference in Lowenfield's report and those from the official SORs.


Lowenfield’s fake report cannot stand up in any reasonable court of law. He has to show supporting documentation for each electoral district. He does not have the authority to drop out any polling station. If you examine all the SORs (General and Regional), they state  “Valid Votes” , and they were all signed by GECOM, the Coalition and the other parties. These are the only authentic documents.

The Chairwoman will reject this fake report and instruct him to use the recount certificates.

Long Live Democracy.

@Ramakant-P posted:

 Justice Claudette Singh cannot declare the winner until the CCJ reviews the appeal filed by the PPP.

Yes, but to further clarify the CCJ will issue a stay order that maintains the status quo of the Court of Appeal's stay execution of 3 days. Depending on the hearing on Thursday, the CCJ can extend that stay order. It will also determine whether it has jurisdiction to hear the matter.




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This is how APNU is fooling their supporters again. That the law prohibits CCJ from hearing the case. 

Rochelle take note hay.

Below... The Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) today granted an injunction restraining GECOM, it’s officers and agents from taking any steps to prejudice the fair hearing of the appeal including, but not limited to, issuing a declaration of the results of the elections held on 2 March 2020, until the CCJ issues final orders in relation to the appeal.

No photo description available.

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@Former Member posted:

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This is how APNU is fooling their supporters again. That the law prohibits CCJ from hearing the case. 

Rochelle take note hay.

One needs to read carefully the meaning and implication of parts 2 and 3 -- the specific words .... at the time of entry into force ...

Decisions made prior to the approval of any subsequent Act or Acts take precedent.

With the official formation of the Caribbean Court of Juctice  - CCJ  - matters are finally resolved at that level.

This specific issue/matter is being pursued in the proper manner and the CCJ has the right to hear the issues and then make the final decision.

Of note ... CCJ is the final arbiter.

The steps prohibit, including but not limited to,declaring the results of the Guyana elections held on 2nd March 2020 until the CCJ issued final orders following the hearing and determination of the questions raised before it in the said Application.Counsel for Ali and Jagdeo had applied to the Court today, Tuesday 23rd June 2020,for Special Leave to appeal against a decision of the Court of Appeal of Guyana delivered on Monday 22nd June 2020. The CCJ has ordered that all Respondents to the Application acknowledge service of the said Application by 4:00pm on Wednesday 24th June 2020. A Case Management Conference on the matter filed is to be held on Thursday 25th June 2020 at 3:00pm via video conference with a view to a proposed hearing on Wednesday1 st July 2020 at 10:00am to determine the issues raised in the Application, also to be heard via video conference in light of the global Coronavirus pandemic.-


About the Caribbean Court of JusticeThe Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) was inaugurated in Port of Spain, Republic of Trinidad and Tobago on 16 April 2005 and presently has a Bench of seven judges presided over by CCJ President, the Honourable Mr Justice Adrian Saunders. The CCJ has an Original and an Appellate Jurisdiction and is effectively, therefore, two courts in one. In its Original Jurisdiction, it is an international court with exclusive jurisdiction to interpret and apply the rules set out in the Revised Treaty of Chaguaramas (RTC) and to decide disputes arising under it. The RTC established the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) and the CARICOM Single Market and Economy (CSME). In its Original Jurisdiction, the CCJ is critical to the CSME and all 12 Member States which belong to the CSME (including their citizens, businesses, and governments) can access the Court’s Original Jurisdiction to protect their rights underthe RTC. In its Appellate Jurisdiction, the CCJ is the final court of appeal for criminal and civil matters for those countries in the Caribbean that alter their national Constitutions to enable the CCJ to perform that role. At present, four states access the Court in its Appellate Jurisdiction, these being Barbados, Belize, Dominica and Guyana. However, by signing and ratifying the Agreement Establishing the Caribbean Court of Justice, Member States of the Community have demonstrated a commitment to making the CCJ their final court of appeal. The Court is the realisation of a vision of our ancestors, an expression of independence and a signal of the region’s coming of age.For more information please contact: The Public Education & Communications UnitTel: (868) 623-2225 exts. 2296, 2246 Email: pecu@ccj.o





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