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Former Member
Dr Richard Van West-Charles, a former health minister in the PNC government, today announced that he joined the AFC campaign, saying it is the only party going to the elections that has moved away from race politics.

The announcement was made at a news briefing at the AFC’s campaign headquarters, where former PPP member Rajendra Bissessar was also presented as new member of the party’s team and he said that the party was in talks to recruit former PPP/C Minister Moses Nagamootoo./b]

Van West-Charles, who is the son-in-law of late former president and PNC founder Forbes Burnham, returned to Guyana two years ago after an early retirement from PAHO/WHO, where he worked for 19 years.

He subsequently launched a campaign to be the leader of the main opposition PNCR, but later threw his support behind the late Winston Murray in his bid to be the PNCR leader. Murray, however, lost to incumbent leader Robert Corbin at party elections.

He said that the AFC was welcoming to persons from both the PPP/C and the PNCR without forcing them to conform to a party agenda.

[b] This could very well be be the game changer for this election. If only they can succeed in reviving the comatose Nagamottoo, the timid Navin Chanderpal, Komal Chand and a few others from both the PPP and APNU then someone better get their beagle to retrieve a Dead Duck from the pond

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally posted by TK_REDUX:
Khemraj Ramjattan is the best Presidential Candidate on the circuit. Happy Birthday Prak!

AFC has a PM Candidate Raphael Trotman. The others are yet to name one.

Nigel Hughes is the next Walter Rodney.

AFC is the future! AFC will WIN!

Stop parroting Freddie Kissoon. Nigel Hughes is no Walter Rodney Roll Eyes
Originally posted by Mara:
Originally posted by TK_REDUX:
Khemraj Ramjattan is the best Presidential Candidate on the circuit. Happy Birthday Prak!

AFC has a PM Candidate Raphael Trotman. The others are yet to name one.

Nigel Hughes is the next Walter Rodney.

AFC is the future! AFC will WIN!

Stop parroting Freddie Kissoon. Nigel Hughes is no Walter Rodney Roll Eyes
Is there a professional bio of Mr Hughes? I do not know the gentleman except for his habit of defending the worse sorts of offenders. Not that I hold it against him but I would like to know who he is as a man and a scholar.
Originally posted by Nehru:
Dont even try to compare Moses to Van West Charles. Moses is NOT a SOUP Drinker and a GOLD DIGGER. Maybe you Guys are too young to know about this Guy.

Perhaps! Perhaps not. However if he continue in his present comatosed state, he will go down in history as one of the most despised member of the PPP, and that is from people in his own party. Now you can put that in your pipe and smoke it. Wink
Originally posted by TK_REDUX:
Khemraj Ramjattan is the best Presidential Candidate on the circuit. Happy Birthday Prak!

AFC has a PM Candidate Raphael Trotman. The others are yet to name one.

Nigel Hughes is the next Walter Rodney.

AFC is the future! AFC will WIN!


As usual you talk a lot of S.H.I.T., "Nigel Hughes is the next Walter Rodney"

How dare you compare Hughes to Rodney. They should not be even mentioned in the same sentence
A charimatic person can easily win over the electorate. However, such a person does not exist in the camp of the AFC. Attracting those from the other parties does not guarantee winning the elections. What is important is the message and how the words are played to the electorate.

Keep in mind, the majority are not interested in long term fixes. They need relief NOW.
Originally posted by marlon:
Originally posted by TK_REDUX:
Khemraj Ramjattan is the best Presidential Candidate on the circuit. Happy Birthday Prak!

AFC has a PM Candidate Raphael Trotman. The others are yet to name one.

Nigel Hughes is the next Walter Rodney.

AFC is the future! AFC will WIN!


As usual you talk a lot of S.H.I.T., "Nigel Hughes is the next Walter Rodney"

How dare you compare Hughes to Rodney. They should not be even mentioned in the same sentence

What was so special about Rodney-he was a terrorist. Just ask Corbin.
Originally posted by seignet:
Originally posted by marlon:
Originally posted by TK_REDUX:
Khemraj Ramjattan is the best Presidential Candidate on the circuit. Happy Birthday Prak!

AFC has a PM Candidate Raphael Trotman. The others are yet to name one.

Nigel Hughes is the next Walter Rodney.

AFC is the future! AFC will WIN!


As usual you talk a lot of S.H.I.T., "Nigel Hughes is the next Walter Rodney"

How dare you compare Hughes to Rodney. They should not be even mentioned in the same sentence

What was so special about Rodney-he was a terrorist. Just ask Corbin.
did this fool just call rodney a terrorist.if jagan and any one of you in the ppp had any guts like rodney, burham will never have rule guyana so long.Will you call castro, mandela,ghandi a terrorist
Cain, when I look at the situation it took guts of steel for Van West Charles to walk away from the party that his father-in-law Burnham founded because it is a party that is relying on black racism to win votes. I take my hat off to the man.

Van West is a mixed race man. I think he has probably got some indian in him. Bookman, probably knows more about him and may be able to clarify this. But I heard that when he ran for the leadership of the PNC party there were people who were PNC party members that flat out refuse to vote for him to be the leader of the party because he was a mixed race man. Even though he is the son-in-law of Burnham (The founder of the party) and even though he was a Minister in Burnham's government.

That is what racialism has done to Guyana's political system.
Originally posted by TK_REDUX:
Khemraj Ramjattan is the best Presidential Candidate on the circuit. Happy Birthday Prak!

AFC has a PM Candidate Raphael Trotman. The others are yet to name one.

Nigel Hughes is the next Walter Rodney.

AFC is the future! AFC will WIN!

like i said sometime ago...the AFC is made up of a bunch of rejected scums..just look at the folks they are attracting to add to their bunch....birds of a feddah flock togeddah.. what a losing bunch..the Guyanese people will decide who they want to continue to take care of them and their beautiful country and their choice will be no other than the PPP and come election day they will vote the PPP back into office..AFC done fu good. cheers
Originally posted by SuperMike:
Originally posted by TK_REDUX:
Khemraj Ramjattan is the best Presidential Candidate on the circuit. Happy Birthday Prak!

AFC has a PM Candidate Raphael Trotman. The others are yet to name one.

Nigel Hughes is the next Walter Rodney.

AFC is the future! AFC will WIN!

like i said sometime ago...the AFC is made up of a bunch of rejected scums..just look at the folks they are attracting to add to their bunch....birds of a feddah flock togeddah.. what a losing bunch..the Guyanese people will decide who they want to continue to take care of them and their beautiful country and their choice will be no other than the PPP and come election day they will vote the PPP back into office..AFC done fu good. cheers

You have the nerve to talk about rejected scums. Look who the PPP just picked up. A House of Israel thug.
Originally posted by Mara:
Dr Richard Van West-Charles, a former health minister in the PNC government, today announced that he joined the AFC campaign, saying it is the only party going to the elections that has moved away from race politics.

The announcement was made at a news briefing at the AFC’s campaign headquarters, where former PPP member Rajendra Bissessar was also presented as new member of the party’s team and he said that the party was in talks to recruit former PPP/C Minister Moses Nagamootoo./b]

Van West-Charles, who is the son-in-law of late former president and PNC founder Forbes Burnham, returned to Guyana two years ago after an early retirement from PAHO/WHO, where he worked for 19 years.

He subsequently launched a campaign to be the leader of the main opposition PNCR, but later threw his support behind the late Winston Murray in his bid to be the PNCR leader. Murray, however, lost to incumbent leader Robert Corbin at party elections.

He said that the AFC was welcoming to persons from both the PPP/C and the PNCR without forcing them to conform to a party agenda.

[b] This could very well be be the game changer for this election. If only they can succeed in reviving the comatose Nagamottoo, the timid Navin Chanderpal, Komal Chand and a few others from both the PPP and APNU then someone better get their beagle to retrieve a Dead Duck from the pond

This is a master political stroke, one from the PPP and one from the pNC.

Waiting for tthe next announcement.

Mr Norris are you there with the KEY, Mr Nagas, when you coming back from Canada to show your face with the KEY in your hands.

In da Alliance House.
Originally posted by AndrΓ©:
You have the nerve to talk about rejected scums. Look who the PPP just picked up. A House of Israel thug.

It is the pack of vultures which picked the former HOI thug !....many grassroots supporters of the party are not happy with this choice of political convert....

He joins other thugs like Lumumba,Kwahme,Kit Nastimento etc.....these are key members of the gang which now surrounds Jagdeo and Ramouthar.....another person within this close knit gang is Manni but I don't believe he is a thug .....he is an opportunistic whimp .....
Originally posted by Churchill:
Originally posted by AndrΓ©:
You have the nerve to talk about rejected scums. Look who the PPP just picked up. A House of Israel thug.

It is the pack of vultures which picked the former HOI thug !....many grassroots supporters of the party are not happy with this choice of political convert....

He joins other thugs like Lumumba,Kwahme,Kit Nastimento etc.....these are key members of the gang which now surrounds Jagdeo and Ramouthar.....another person within this close knit gang is Manni but I don't believe he is a thug .....he is an opportunistic whimp .....

Which tell yous, the people and their will don't matter. The current PPP cabals are above the law and the people. Why you think they seperated themselves in Pradoville.
Originally posted by TK_REDUX:
Khemraj Ramjattan is the best Presidential Candidate on the circuit. Happy Birthday Prak!

AFC has a PM Candidate Raphael Trotman. The others are yet to name one.

Nigel Hughes is the next Walter Rodney.

AFC is the future! AFC will WIN!

Bharat jagdeo could be the Donald's running mate. There is no law which says that he can't..
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Van West was kicked out of the PNC, he had no choice..

Kicked out, kicked in, who cares, the PNC is not the epitome of good governance and progressive leadership so it's interesting to see who is kicked out. On the other hand, the PPP attracting and accepting the likes of former HoI goons who whipped and brutalized opposition under the PNC gives alot to digest. I wonder how some of the guys (PPP and WPA) who were beaten with chains, teeth knocked out, disfigured, etc by HoI goons infront Guyana Stores in 1980 feel today at seeing this convergence.

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