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Vanessa Kissoon shuts Jagdeo down over “thuggery” statement

Former President Bharrat Jagdeo used some of his time on stage at Sunday’s People’s Progressive Party rally at Linden to launch an attack member of A Partnership for National Unity and former Member of Parliament, Vanessa Kissoon.

Kissoon has fired back at the former President for his remarks describing her alleged involvement in disrupting PPP public meetings as “thuggery”.

In a stronly worded statemen to the media, Kissoon said Jagdeo is in no position to describe anyone of thuggish behaviour when it was he who presided over Guyana as President with “brute force and thuggery”

She described Jagdeo as nothing more than a “big mouth bully” who is still to answer to the nation over how he treated his former partner Varshnie Singh, who had complained that she was kicked out of the State House by Jagdeo while she was the nation’s First Lady.

“It is thuggery when he locked Ms. Varshnie Singh out of the Presidential suite, denying her food, clothes, money, vehicle, and drove fear into persons not to support her Kids First Foundation.”

She added that it was under the Jagdeo presidency that hundreds of Guyanese were murdered by drug dealers who admitted that they were being supported by the PPP government.  The PPP has always denied that charge.

She said if there was any doubt of Jagdeo’s “thuggish” behaviour, it was confirmed by President Ramotar when he was caught on tape warning an Amerindian teacher that “if Jagdeo been here, he would have slapped you because you stupid”, after the teacher objected to the President’s attacks on the opposition at an Aishalton meeting.

Kissoon said it was clear why the President brought the former President back on the campaign trail.

The former Member of Parliament said Guyanese should understand that it was under the Jagdeo Presidency that Guyana became the “most corrupt and lawless country in the Caribbean”, adding that when it comes to thuggery, Jagdeo may have earned himself another honorary doctorate.

 “I have no problem with him calling me a thug because it takes a thug to deal with him and I don’t have a problem dealing with him. The present PPP is a clan of thugs”, Kissoon said.

Mr. Jagdeo has been coming under criticism for his many utterances on the campaign trail. He has described the members of the opposing party leadership as “jackasses” and was singled out in the report of the Media Monitoring Unit of the Guyana Elections Commission for making a “racially divisive” speech at Babu John during the Dr. Cheddi Jagan memorial.

Filed:  14th April, 2015

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Jagdeo better not mess with Vanessa.  He has gotten a good buse down there.


Only in Guyana where Jagdeo's pretend wife exposed him, does a man stay in govt still.


In Trinidad, the PM Kamla would have fired him.


This lady and Ramjattan and Moses are the only politician who can deal with Jagdeo condignly.


The opposition full of too many high class Afro-Guyanese who clearly are not ready for politics and do not want to get their nail broken or flinted.


They should be in the salon business rather than politics.


Trotman and all them high fallutten softies.



Jagdeo does really skin them bambsie.


Aren't you glad Bro. Granger kept out the danger from the NEW PNC?


Some of the excluded people are troublemakers.


WE want people who can work with multiculturalism.


Bro. Granger is wise.

Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

Aren't you glad Bro. Granger kept out the danger from the NEW PNC?


Some of the excluded people are troublemakers.


WE want people who can work with multiculturalism.


Bro. Granger is wise.

Given that Vanessa is "Kissoon" she is either married to an Indian, was married to an Indian, or has an Indian up in her family tree.


So why do you think that she cannot function within a multi ethnic environment.


Is it that you prefer nice quite negroes who will do all the work that you command them to do, with no rights to query what you tell them to do, and definitely no rights to be involved in determining strategy or resource allocation.


The reason why Guyana needs the Vanessas of this world is that we are a very docile people when it comes to politics.  Vanessa must have some Island blood in her, because she lacks that gene that Guyanese have of genuflecting to leaders and crawling for soup and/or milk. 


Granger, or Ramotar, will serve at the pleasure of the voters.  It takes a Vanessa type to remind them of this fact.  In Guyanese political history we have only known maximum leaders.



By the way Vanessa is a member of the PNC.  YOU ARE NOT!


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