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ronan posted:
sachin_05 posted:

If you were familiar with the term 'pork barrel' [look it up] you would know Freddy has a right like any other supporter to collect for his political favors to oust the PPP...main difference between retarded you and Freedy is you would accept dried coconut as reward for work in the PNC shit trench... 

banna, go graze somewhere else with your peer group

your stupidity huttin meh head

What’s up with YOU bugger BT Thomas, your narcissistic behaviour is shown  when them bhai soccer punch you  — go wash yo mouth with a drum of listerine 

Dave posted:
ronan posted:
sachin_05 posted:

If you were familiar with the term 'pork barrel' [look it up] you would know Freddy has a right like any other supporter to collect for his political favors to oust the PPP...main difference between retarded you and Freedy is you would accept dried coconut as reward for work in the PNC shit trench... 

banna, go graze somewhere else with your peer group

your stupidity huttin meh head

What’s up with YOU bugger BT Thomas, your narcissistic behaviour is shown  when them bhai soccer punch you  — go wash yo mouth with a drum of listerine 

Bai, how can someone so terribly misinterpret what Freddie was doing through that article? And coming from the 'most intelligent' poster who ever graced GNI at that. 

ksazma posted:

[Freddie:] I never asked Ramjattan for any favour when we were in the opposition.

no surprise there Frederick . . . "Ramjattan" was in opposition

sh!t hit the Kissoon fan when "favors" didn't automatically kick in after Coalition gained power in 2015

"The AFC and PNC leaders had a right to correct the wrongs done to me by the PPP’s semi-fascist administration. The previous government removed my wife from GO-Invest and me from UG. It was an obligation on the part of the new government to right those wrongs.

Not one minister, including my close personal friends, Khemraj Ramjattan and David Patterson, ever telephoned, emailed or spoke to me about any paid or unpaid work, which I could do for the new government. From May 2015 to September 2019, I was never contacted.

After 2015, instead of offering me my job back at UG, Rupert Roopnaraine contacted me to serve on the Golden Jubilee planning committee."

you know, i always suspected that the straw that broke Charrandass' back was the disrespect shown to his high lawyer/MP self by that lowly traffic police rank when he and his family were stopped near BV

these are the kind of infants we have playing with matches and dynamite in today's Guyana


Labba posted:
ronan posted:
Labba posted:
ronan posted:
Labba posted:

Hey hey hey...he help put UG in it state and ayoo does read he all de time...hey hey hey. 

i guess "ayoo" includes you and the Sanata Indo-supremacist cabalists . . . but that's not the point here, rite?

Hey hey hey...ayoo mean yu. . 

thanks Captain Obvious

read what i said again

Yuh know dem Sanata supremists gat nuff black peopkle wukkin for dem rite? How much coolies yuh ACDA bais go hire? Hey hey hey...

yeah, tell him.

dat is the truth.

ACDA since 1989 been writing lots of nonsense, everytime i directly wrote to them and ask for a face to face discussion on their attitudes towards the indian population. Those days, i was in Guyana every 2 months for 3 weeks. They never answered, only to continue on the agenda of wanting  a distinct existence in Guyana. That can be acceptable, but all their tries are failing. Dem doan want anything substantial for blacks, dey want to use blacks to chase out coolie ppl. Perhaps, after to enslave the mentality of their kith and kin. I hope black ppl wakeup to these Black Crooks. 

seignet posted:
Labba posted:

Yuh know dem Sanata supremists gat nuff black peopkle wukkin for dem rite? How much coolies yuh ACDA bais go hire? Hey hey hey...

yeah, tell him.

dat is the truth.

ACDA since 1989 been writing lots of nonsense, everytime i directly wrote to them and ask for a face to face discussion on their attitudes towards the indian population. Those days, i was in Guyana every 2 months for 3 weeks. They never answered, only to continue on the agenda of wanting  a distinct existence in Guyana. That can be acceptable, but all their tries are failing. Dem doan want anything substantial for blacks, dey want to use blacks to chase out coolie ppl. Perhaps, after to enslave the mentality of their kith and kin. I hope black ppl wakeup to these Black Crooks. 

this is wan fancy pivot . . . ACDA ???

as Cain would say . . . straw man tarass

lash bannas lash


ronan posted:
sachin_05 posted:

If you were familiar with the term 'pork barrel' [look it up] you would know Freddy has a right like any other supporter to collect for his political favors to oust the PPP...main difference between retarded you and Freedy is you would accept dried coconut as reward for work in the PNC shit trench... 

banna, go graze somewhere else with your peer group

your stupidity huttin meh head

Ronan gat a headacheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Poor fella. 

ronan posted:
seignet posted:
Labba posted:

Yuh know dem Sanata supremists gat nuff black peopkle wukkin for dem rite? How much coolies yuh ACDA bais go hire? Hey hey hey...

yeah, tell him.

dat is the truth.

ACDA since 1989 been writing lots of nonsense, everytime i directly wrote to them and ask for a face to face discussion on their attitudes towards the indian population. Those days, i was in Guyana every 2 months for 3 weeks. They never answered, only to continue on the agenda of wanting  a distinct existence in Guyana. That can be acceptable, but all their tries are failing. Dem doan want anything substantial for blacks, dey want to use blacks to chase out coolie ppl. Perhaps, after to enslave the mentality of their kith and kin. I hope black ppl wakeup to these Black Crooks. 

this is wan fancy pivot . . . ACDA ???

as Cain would say . . . straw man tarass

lash bannas lash


Cain is a comical putagee. But yuh is a serious black fella. Doan use him.

After all these decades and with each new generation that writes their opinions it is same hate. I read what Black ppl writes more than what any other race writes because there is misunderstandings. And it is always the same. Hate for ppl duz cloud ppl's minds.

seignet posted:
ronan posted:
seignet posted:
Labba posted:

Yuh know dem Sanata supremists gat nuff black peopkle wukkin for dem rite? How much coolies yuh ACDA bais go hire? Hey hey hey...

yeah, tell him.

dat is the truth.

ACDA since 1989 been writing lots of nonsense, everytime i directly wrote to them and ask for a face to face discussion on their attitudes towards the indian population. Those days, i was in Guyana every 2 months for 3 weeks. They never answered, only to continue on the agenda of wanting  a distinct existence in Guyana. That can be acceptable, but all their tries are failing. Dem doan want anything substantial for blacks, dey want to use blacks to chase out coolie ppl. Perhaps, after to enslave the mentality of their kith and kin. I hope black ppl wakeup to these Black Crooks. 

this is wan fancy pivot . . . ACDA ???

as Cain would say . . . straw man tarass

lash bannas lash


Cain is a comical putagee. But yuh is a serious black fella. Doan use him.

After all these decades and with each new generation that writes their opinions it is same hate. I read what Black ppl writes more than what any other race writes because there is misunderstandings. And it is always the same. Hate for ppl duz cloud ppl's minds.

you and the undercover Hindutva smartman trying to change the subject with non sequitur stupidness about "ACDA," and you have the nerve to cuss Cain as "comical"

banna haul yuh demented rass . . . i don't need validation from the likes of someone a pinhead away from Ronald Arjune status

freakin unbelievable!

Last edited by Former Member
ronan posted:
seignet posted:
ronan posted:
seignet posted:
Labba posted:

Yuh know dem Sanata supremists gat nuff black peopkle wukkin for dem rite? How much coolies yuh ACDA bais go hire? Hey hey hey...

yeah, tell him.

dat is the truth.

ACDA since 1989 been writing lots of nonsense, everytime i directly wrote to them and ask for a face to face discussion on their attitudes towards the indian population. Those days, i was in Guyana every 2 months for 3 weeks. They never answered, only to continue on the agenda of wanting  a distinct existence in Guyana. That can be acceptable, but all their tries are failing. Dem doan want anything substantial for blacks, dey want to use blacks to chase out coolie ppl. Perhaps, after to enslave the mentality of their kith and kin. I hope black ppl wakeup to these Black Crooks. 

this is wan fancy pivot . . . ACDA ???

as Cain would say . . . straw man tarass

lash bannas lash


Cain is a comical putagee. But yuh is a serious black fella. Doan use him.

After all these decades and with each new generation that writes their opinions it is same hate. I read what Black ppl writes more than what any other race writes because there is misunderstandings. And it is always the same. Hate for ppl duz cloud ppl's minds.

you and the undercover Hindutva smartman trying to change the subject with non sequitur stupidness about "ACDA," and you have the nerve to cuss Cain as "comical"

banna haul yuh demented rass . . . i don't need validation from the likes of someone a pinhead away from Ronald Arjune status

freakin unbelievable!

who cuss Cain?

"Demented". Bro, alot of ppl on here are absolutely sure that is what you are.

I know that a majority of black folks cannot be convinced of anything. Suh why would I try to do that. Hard headed ppl never larn.

Stay on here and dem coolie bois goan mek yuh skont go bananas, that is if yuh nah there already. From your ravings yuh is there.

ACDA is the mouthpiece for the Black population, so dey sey. You think coolie ppl doan read them. 

What response yuh expect from yuh post, it says nothing.


Kissoon: Your Honor, I come before you seeking remedy for a breach of contract. Prior to the recent elections then AFC Leader and Prime Ministerial candidate promised me some concessions if I campaigned to help the Coalition win the elections. I agreed but only if he make it a legal bond failing which he will owe me 1 gazillion dollars for each breach. I honor my end of the contract by helping the Coalition win the elections but now Prime Minister Ramjattan is telling me that he cannot satisfy his promises because just like how the PNC put a vice grip on Nagamootoo's balls when he was the so called Prime Minister, they have now put a vice grip on his balls too and in reality he does not have any real power. He said that the Prime Minister name is just for show.

Judge: Banna, yuh prappa schupid. How can any citizen promise to give you what they don't own. Don't you know  that they are only employees of the state and the state owns everything including them? This freeking case is dismissed. On your way out, pay the Clerk of Court a gazillion dollars fuh wasting de court's time and resources. Shame on anyone else who actually believe that you can come up with such a ridiculous proposition in the first place.


seignet posted:

ACDA since 1989 been writing lots of nonsense, everytime i directly wrote to them and ask for a face to face discussion on their attitudes towards the indian population. Those days, i was in Guyana every 2 months for 3 weeks. They never answered, only to continue on the agenda of wanting  a distinct existence in Guyana.

i just peep the ACDA website and found out that the organization was founded in December 1992

this is the kind of magical, dishonest Ronald Arjuenish shyte from you i was referencing earlier


Last edited by Former Member
ronan posted:
seignet posted:

ACDA since 1989 been writing lots of nonsense, everytime i directly wrote to them and ask for a face to face discussion on their attitudes towards the indian population. Those days, i was in Guyana every 2 months for 3 weeks. They never answered, only to continue on the agenda of wanting  a distinct existence in Guyana.

i just peep the ACDA website and found out that the organization was founded in December 1992

this is the kind of magical, dishonest Ronald Arjuenish shyte from you i was referencing earlier


That was when they probably became a legal organization, they were around before 1992. After the 1992 electtions, they began to make demands for Black Rights, before that they were just a group trying to motivate Black ppl.

seignet posted:
ronan posted:
seignet posted:

ACDA since 1989 been writing lots of nonsense, everytime i directly wrote to them and ask for a face to face discussion on their attitudes towards the indian population. Those days, i was in Guyana every 2 months for 3 weeks. They never answered, only to continue on the agenda of wanting  a distinct existence in Guyana.

i just peep the ACDA website and found out that the organization was founded in December 1992

this is the kind of magical, dishonest Ronald Arjuenish shyte from you i was referencing earlier


That was when they probably became a legal organization, they were around before 1992. After the 1992 electtions, they began to make demands for Black Rights, before that they were just a group trying to motivate Black ppl.

uh huh

so, who exactly were you writing directly to in 1989 . . . that should be an easy question to answer, rite?

Last edited by Former Member

I grew up in a mixed village and everybody got along. ACDA was presenting the point of view that Black ppl have to look after themselves because Indians were never going to be part of a progressive Guyana. They will dominate the economy.

I was willing to be part of the discussions to ease the distrust. Same like the Buxton First Initiatives by Hinds or the Group who wanted to assit Black ppl start businesses.

Is not that Black ppl lack the ability. However, the leaders do not zero in on the capabilities of the small man and assist him to get up on his legs so to speak.

All races of ppl in Guyana have ideas to be self sufficient but they can't get started. Simply because those in leadership do not consider partnering. When I say leaders, I am not referring to politicians, those ppl doan know nothing about assisting the common folk.

seignet posted:

I grew up in a mixed village and everybody got along. ACDA was presenting the point of view that Black ppl have to look after themselves because Indians were never going to be part of a progressive Guyana. They will dominate the economy.

I was willing to be part of the discussions to ease the distrust. Same like the Buxton First Initiatives by Hinds or the Group who wanted to assit Black ppl start businesses.

Is not that Black ppl lack the ability. However, the leaders do not zero in on the capabilities of the small man and assist him to get up on his legs so to speak.

All races of ppl in Guyana have ideas to be self sufficient but they can't get started. Simply because those in leadership do not consider partnering. When I say leaders, I am not referring to politicians, those ppl doan know nothing about assisting the common folk.

that's nice

but you are hiding from my question

please answer



At the time I knew the names of the men, now I cannot recall their names. The Letters were addressed to ACDA, two letters were before 1992 and one during the first election after the 1992 PPP victory, the letter was asking ACDA to promote a leadership debate. I believe by doing so, it would stimulate the interests of the electorate.


Oi Siggy you want a lash nuh, I got a nice piece ah wood to lend Ronan, carry on with dem lies. You does remember all dem names from Jesus, Baltizar or whatever the rass an a whole host of peeps from way tarass back around when you been born and you doan remember names from 1989, look haul yo rass yeh.

cain posted:

Oi Siggy you want a lash nuh, I got a nice piece ah wood to lend Ronan, carry on with dem lies. You does remember all dem names from Jesus, Baltizar or whatever the rass an a whole host of peeps from way tarass back around when you been born and you doan remember names from 1989, look haul yo rass yeh.

comical putagee.


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