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Vanwest Charles, Rajendra Bissessar join AFC; Nagamootoo possibly next.
Written by Denis Scott Chabrol
Wednesday, 12 October 2011 16:24

Mr. Bissessar and Dr. Charles at the AFC's news conferenceDr. Richard Vanwest Charles and Rajendra Bissesar have broken ranks with Guyana’s two major political parties, with the latter not ruling out Moses Nagamootoo joining the Alliance For Change (AFC).

Charles justified severing links with the Peoples National Congress Reform (PNCR), which his late father-in-law, Forbes Burnham co-founded.

“Our historical political associations with political parties cannot be the single most factor that drives the choice for a political party on Election Day,” he told a news conference at the AFC’s campaign headquarters.

Charles said his priority was ensuring that the country developed policies for youths.

Bissessar, who had once regarded himself as a hard-core leftist and Cheddi Jaganite, also Wednesday endorsed the AFC, saying that he was disgruntled with corruption, mismanagement of the country and the handing out of resources to party favourites. He said he was also sidelined from the Executive Committee of the party because he was vocal internally and externally about his concerns.

Bissessar was almost certain that Nagamootoo, a long-time close party associate, would join the AFC’s campaign ahead of the November 28 general election.

“I want to believe that Mr. Nagamootoo should and I think he may be considering that option but I cannot be definitive,” said Bissessar, a one-time aide to President Bharrat Jagdeo.

He noted that both he and Nagamootoo believe that Jagan’s ideals have been whittled away. Bissessar assured Guyanese that Nagamootoo would definitely not be on the PPP’s slate.

AFC leader, Raphael Trotman confirmed that the AFC was in talks with Nagamootoo and he could take up a prime position. “We have reserved a very high place for Moses Nagamootoo, we have been speaking to him. There is a place reserved for him, he is considering it. He is free to come and he's free to stay where he is,” Trotman added.

Nagamootoo has been sidelined from the PPP's Executive Committee and has not been given a ministerial job. He has been very critical of the Jagdeo administration on issues like the sugar industry, corruption, death-squads and shared governance.

In addition to Charles going to the AFC; former pro-PNCRites Gillian Burton and Joseph Hamilton, long-time strident critics of the government, have endorsed the PPP. Against that background, presidential candidate for A Partnership for National Unity (APNU), David Granger dismissed their defections.

“They don’t command any constituencies within the PNC. There is no damage by these people who are going over to the PPP,” Granger told reporters at the PNCR headquarters. That party is the largest mass-based member in APNU.

Charles, who had fought relentlessly for democratization and accountability within the PNCR, said that the AFC offers the key to removing the PPPC from office and fighting against corruption, improving governance and the general quality of life of all Guyanese.

AFC leader, Trotman dismissed suggestions that Charles was taking baggage from the Burnham era to the PPP. He said the AFC is an alliance of former political foes, aimed at bridging historical differences to move the country forward.

“We are the alliance and we have put together a platform on which former enemies and former opponents can come together and stand in unity,” said Trotman. “If we are talking reconciliation, we have to be able to reach out.”

“If our strategy is dependent on a discussion of Burnham and Jagan, then our country goes no place. You have to confront the reality today and what is the future we want for this country,” added Charles.

The AFC has already ruled out joining with APNU but Trotman said they would be willing to welcome that opposition coalition. Other APNU partners are the Working Peoples Alliance (WPA), Guyana Action Party (GAP), National Front Alliance (NFA) and Guyana Peoples Partnership (GPP).

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