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Varshnie Singh entitled to First Lady’s pension
November 13, 2011 | By KNews.

Pull Quote… “If this is the disdain with which Jagdeo and Nanda Gopaul of the Office of the President would treat her, how would they treat the ordinary Guyanese woman?” Ramjattan

The woman who was presented to the nation and world leaders as Guyana’s First Lady for eight years is entitled to a pension as is the case with the widows– Doreen Chung, Joyce Hoyte and Janet Jagan.

This is according to Alliance for Change Presidential Candidate, Khemraj Ramjattan, who said that according to Hindu rites Varshnie and President Bharrat Jagdeo were married and that the registration was merely a formality to conform with the local laws.
“If she was my sister I would have gone up to him and put a good cut ass on him,” Ramjattan said, adding that it is the thing for a Hindu brother to do.
Ramjattan added, “If this is the disdain with which Jagdeo and Nanda Gopaul of the Office of the President would treat Varshnie, how would they treat the ordinary Guyanese woman?”
Dr Nanda Gopaul, the Permanent Secretary, in the Office of the President on Friday evening had released the names of the First Ladies who had received pensions and how much.

According to Ramjattan, even if one were to look at the amended marriage laws then it would be clear that even in a common-law relationship where a couple lives together for a period of more than five years then the woman is entitled to some benefits.
He said that Varshnie Singh was recognized as the Guyana’s First Lady for several years and as such should be entitled to a First Lady’s pension.
Gopaul had released the salaries received by Former Presidents and First Ladies amidst swirling controversy over the pension package Mr Bharrat Jagdeo will receive when he demits office following the November 28 polls.
However, the list omitted Varshnie Singh, who served as First Lady while married to Jagdeo. Jagdeo became President in 1999; the couple separated in 2007. Ms Singh, who has since adopted her maiden name, said the marriage was not registered.

In addition, the list released by the Office of the President also omits Mrs Yvonne Hinds, the wife of Prime Minister Samuel Hinds who served as First Lady from March-December, 1997 when he served as President.
The list states that in December 3, 2004, Mrs. Joyce Hoyte (wife of former President Desmond Hoyte), received $87,143. Following the passage of the Former Presidents (Benefits and Other Facilities) Act Mrs. Hoyte received $347,395 from 2006. In 2007, she received $378,660; in 2008, $489,468; and in November 2010, she got $543,543.
The Office of the President said Mrs. Janet Jagan received $125,867 per month in 2000. From October 1, 2006 she received $729,529 per month. In addition, the Office of the President said she received a salary of $137, 938 in March 2009 as legislator, and ex-president $876,692.
Former President Arthur Chung received, from October 1, 2006 $729,529 per month, with the last amount being paid in June 2008 to the tune of $1,085,427 per month.
His widow, Mrs Chung, received a widow’s pension of $542,714 up to August 2009, the Office of the President said.
The Office added that they were also entitled to motor vehicles and drivers, a gardener, payment of utility bills (electricity/telephone/water), payment for security at their residence or the provision of security personnel, payment of maids, payment for medical expenditures, payment of an Annual Vacation Allowance for Ex-President and Spouse, and duty-free concession for motor vehicles.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by amral:
Marriage not legal,she gets diddly squat

She was living as a common law wife. She is entitled to half his estate..

Is a Hindu religious marriage with no documents, a common law marriage ?
In fact most religious marriages are valid, only the law of the land says it has to be registered.
The religious and 'signing' cermonies are two different things.

For this reason 'common law relationships'[without legal documents] are recognized as valid 'marriages' and are considered by the courts for benefits.

The 50% rule does not apply to all marraiges, especially pensions, consideration is given to the length of the marriage. When calculating pension benefits, only the period of 'living together as partners' is considered for benefits.
For this reason many women are pissed for not getting 50% of the pension, because the husband normally work before and after the marriage, which usually fall somewhere in the middle of the man's working life.
A good point raised by Tola, it could be a benchmark case that can be argued by a good lawyer. Does a religious wedding constitute a legal marriage given that the intent was implied especially by a prominent citizen and minister at the time, Jagdeo.
Originally posted by amral:
Marriage not legal,she gets diddly squat. Plus she is an ex now.

Does not work like that Amral, they both represented themselves as man and wife, so the law of marriages kick in. However, she cannot reopen that if it was not part of the settlement. New clauses cannot be added afterwards unless one could prove information was withheld at the time of settlement. Pensions are a standard consideration in any divorce and as such, if it was not in, then she out like South.
Being that Varshnie was Jagdeo's wife during his days as President I think she is entitled to a pension. If she was legal or not is not the point. In the court of law she would be considered his common- law- wife. So she is entitled to a pension or something as opposed to a mistress.
Guyana's laws clearly state that common-law marriages are recognized in that children born out of those marriages are entitled to inheritance from both the mother and the father. Also, either partner in such marriages is entitled to spousal benefits as if he/she is/was legally married.
Originally posted by Inqubus:
Originally posted by Wally:
Inqubus how you know that. Unless you were in the room.

i could be wrong but she dont look like she have a yippie to make that possible

You must have an expert 'look' in dis field, wid lots of experience. Big Grin
Is it a morning-after glow you talking about, where you are served breakfast in bed. Big Grin
They went around the Marrow 7 ties,commonsence with all of us going to a Hindu wedding seeing this are satisfied wedding is over-LETS EAT.Responding to who gets monies,we have to have a Judge request a neutral Doctor.Probably Bhar-Wha-Rat is the FIRST LADY for all we know.Same thing Vashti wants Bhar-Wha-Rat wants.You get on top for that is the way it is going to be-for i am the woman 2 you know.
Originally posted by Inqubus:
Originally posted by Wally:
Inqubus how you know that. Unless you were in the room.

i could be wrong but she dont look like she have a yippie to make that possible

Big Grin
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:
Until the authentic divource documents can specifically show that Varshnie Singh is entitled a pension, all discussions/speculations on the matter are useless.
Theyjumped bamboo you puke head. He said she was his wife and presented her as such. Our common law tradition said she is entitled to whatever income that accrued during the union. The lady might not sue but the parliament can act. This is one instance where the parliament could hand her a portion of his earnings for her service to the nation. After all she had to put up with that cretin for 8 years.
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:

Until the authentic divource documents can specifically show that Varshnie Singh is entitled a pension, all discussions/speculations on the matter are useless.

Theyjumped bamboo you puke head. He said she was his wife and presented her as such. Our common law tradition said she is entitled to whatever income that accrued during the union.

The lady might not sue but the parliament can act. This is one instance where the parliament could hand her a portion of his earnings for her service to the nation.

After all she had to put up with that cretin for 8 years.

Except your usual ramblings, you have provided nothing of substance about the authentic divource documents regarding pension.

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