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Former Member
Former First Lady Varshnie Singh continues to maintain her support for the People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPPC), although she and former President Bharrat Jagdeo have long parted ways.

Singh has been seen crisscrossing Guyana with her father to PPPC rallies. And on Saturday, if ever anyone thought she was merely following the campaign, she turned up at the launch of the party’s manifesto.


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Replies sorted oldest to newest

OK. That's her choice.  However, we the people backed her up in her moment of grief.


Maybe it's the Patty Hearst syndrome. Maybe trying to win back the Rat.  They ay abused women tend to be attracted to similar other men.  This is true especially of alcoholics.

Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

OK. That's her choice.  However, we the people backed her up in her moment of grief.


Maybe it's the Patty Hearst syndrome. Maybe trying to win back the Rat.  They ay abused women tend to be attracted to similar other men.  This is true especially of alcoholics.

Nah, she taking a big picture view, not co-mingling with her personal agenda.  She knows what's right for Guyana, and certainly send the message, the PNC ain't it.

Originally Posted by Chief:

The lady has a right to support which ever party.

How can she forget that she enjoyed some of the spoils from the looting of the treasury.

You support PNC, but stick yuh rass to Queens.  None of your kids live there, so it's easy to experiment with your "intellect", nothing at stake.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

The PPP uses women as tokens or props. Varsh is probably promised a job to oversee domestic abuse.

Hehe.  Alyuh scampering like cockroaches in the sunlight.


Hello, yuji22. Come in....

Only the other day you were vilifying Varshnie, saying what amounts to her being a dirty and rotten woman.

Well, yuji, this same woman is in your camp now.

I am eagerly waiting for you to call her "Sister Varshnie."

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Chief:

The lady has a right to support which ever party.

How can she forget that she enjoyed some of the spoils from the looting of the treasury.

You support PNC, but stick yuh rass to Queens.  None of your kids live there, so it's easy to experiment with your "intellect", nothing at stake.

Don't you get tired of this line when addressing Chief's comments? Oh, I forgot, dinosaurs don't have a sense of time and reality....that's why we call them dinosaurs.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

The PPP uses women as tokens or props. Varsh is probably promised a job to oversee domestic abuse.

Hehe.  Alyuh scampering like cockroaches in the sunlight.

What happened to Local government elections within one year of being reelected in 2011?


What happened to the 20,000 new jobs being created?




You may not want to go there about what faces are in what pictures.


Check any day's paper in KN and count what ethnicity of  faces are there every day.  That's why you can't accuse the PPP of racial discrimination.


I have it from solid sources that the PPP and specifically Jagdeo has gone back and retroactively settled with the young lady.


She received a massive settlement that was in the works the past few weeks. Part of the settlement was for her to endorse the PPP for the 2015 elections.


Sounds like a reasonable deal to me.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

I have it from solid sources that the PPP and specifically Jagdeo has gone back and retroactively settled with the young lady.


She received a massive settlement that was in the works the past few weeks. Part of the settlement was for her to endorse the PPP for the 2015 elections.


Sounds like a reasonable deal to me.

Hehe, money talks, bullsh1t walks. 

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

The PPP uses women as tokens or props. Varsh is probably promised a job to oversee domestic abuse.

Hehe.  Alyuh scampering like cockroaches in the sunlight.

What happened to Local government elections within one year of being reelected in 2011?


What happened to the 20,000 new jobs being created?

Hehe.  Alyuh scampering like cockroaches in the sunlight.

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Chief:

The lady has a right to support which ever party.

How can she forget that she enjoyed some of the spoils from the looting of the treasury.

You support PNC, but stick yuh rass to Queens.  None of your kids live there, so it's easy to experiment with your "intellect", nothing at stake.

Don't you get tired of this line when addressing Chief's comments? Oh, I forgot, dinosaurs don't have a sense of time and reality....that's why we call them dinosaurs.

Are you Chief's pantyhose?

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

I have it from solid sources that the PPP and specifically Jagdeo has gone back and retroactively settled with the young lady.


She received a massive settlement that was in the works the past few weeks. Part of the settlement was for her to endorse the PPP for the 2015 elections.


Sounds like a reasonable deal to me.

Hehe,money talks, bullsh1t walks. 

You theif Yugi,line like al yu two a padna.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

I have it from solid sources that the PPP and specifically Jagdeo has gone back and retroactively settled with the young lady.


She received a massive settlement that was in the works the past few weeks. Part of the settlement was for her to endorse the PPP for the 2015 elections.


Sounds like a reasonable deal to me.

Hehe, money talks, bullsh1t walks. 

That is correct. The principles of the almighty Dollar. That is why some continue to idolize a regime of criminals and thieves.


When you have to thief to buy sperm that just tells you what it is we are dealing with here in GY today.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Chief:

The lady has a right to support which ever party.

How can she forget that she enjoyed some of the spoils from the looting of the treasury.

You support PNC, but stick yuh rass to Queens.  None of your kids live there, so it's easy to experiment with your "intellect", nothing at stake.

Don't you get tired of this line when addressing Chief's comments? Oh, I forgot, dinosaurs don't have a sense of time and reality....that's why we call them dinosaurs.

Are you Chief's pantyhose?

You can call me anything man....I'm comfortable in my skin. Are you? And when will you respond to my inquiry if you're not tired of such infantile responses. Oh, yes, it's rhetorical. I'm just bating you into making yourself an fool with your idiotic postings.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

The PPP uses women as tokens or props. Varsh is probably promised a job to oversee domestic abuse.

Hehe.  Alyuh scampering like cockroaches in the sunlight.

What happened to Local government elections within one year of being reelected in 2011?


What happened to the 20,000 new jobs being created?

Hehe.  Alyuh scampering like cockroaches in the sunlight.

Don't confuse others with the PPP/Cockroaches. They love the constant blackouts and somehow they survive the floods. BTW, where are the pumps?

Last edited by Mitwah
Originally Posted by GT Stingaa:
How's it her private sh!t? She's a former First Lady pledgin support for these crooks

she's allowed . . . prob doing what she has to do


let's be big about this bai


H_M, Stingaa, can't we agree that the gloves should be taken off if/when she starts making hypocritical statements on the stump


as far as i understand it right now, she is merely gracing the rallies with her presence

Last edited by Former Member

Reminder, guys: In 2009 Varshnie had called a press conference and voluntarily informed Guyanese that she suffered "high-tech" abuse by Bharrat Jagdeo. Further, she revealed she didn't get a satisfactory financial settlement from her ex-husband who had claimed he didn't have enough money.

Having put the issue of financial settlement in the public in the first place, Varshnie should now do the decent thing and tell the same public, again through the press, whether she and Bharrat have finally agreed on a settlement.

We don't want to know the dollar amount. That is her business. There are many Guyanese who had empathized and sympatised and expressed concern for her after she on her own accord revealed details of her marriage and separation. Not surprisingly, those people would be raising eyebrows now.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by GT Stingaa:
How's it her private sh!t? She's a former First Lady pledgin support for these crooks

and still the wife of BJ,they married under hindu rites,

i will ask Mits to explain.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

As baseman says money talks and principles and dignity walks......

In 1992 democracy returned to Guyana.

only to then have the PPP rig the elections in 2006 and 2011.


Why do we need bottom house polling stations in densely populated areas?


Why do we have dead people on the voting list in 2015?

Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by GT Stingaa:
How's it her private sh!t? She's a former First Lady pledgin support for these crooks

and still the wife of BJ,they married under hindu rites,

i will ask Mits to explain.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

As baseman says money talks and principles and dignity walks......

In 1992 democracy returned to Guyana.

only to then have the PPP rig the elections in 2006 and 2011.


Why do we need bottom house polling stations in densely populated areas?


Why do we have dead people on the voting list in 2015?

You tell us Ms. Cleo.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

OK. That's her choice.  However, we the people backed her up in her moment of grief.


Maybe it's the Patty Hearst syndrome. Maybe trying to win back the Rat.  They ay abused women tend to be attracted to similar other men.  This is true especially of alcoholics.

Nah, she taking a big picture view, not co-mingling with her personal agenda.  She knows what's right for Guyana, and certainly send the message, the PNC ain't it.

All those in PNC and AFC who were claiming that she was their their rock now eat crow.


She is intelligent and knows that the PPP is best for Guyana and made the right choice. She wants to be on the winning PPP team. This is a major blow to the AFC/PNC.


Watch dem cuss her down now.


As my grandfather used to say, dem Afros in the in the PNC cannot even run a cake shop and they want to run a country.



Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

As baseman says money talks and principles and dignity walks......

In 1992 democracy returned to Guyana.

only to then have the PPP rig the elections in 2006 and 2011.


Why do we need bottom house polling stations in densely populated areas?


Why do we have dead people on the voting list in 2015?

HEHEHE Shittings here already. Somebody buy this Guy some Pampers.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

As baseman says money talks and principles and dignity walks......

In 1992 democracy returned to Guyana.

Democracy and accountability was there during Jagan period,

after that it is questionable.


Lets be clear Varshnie singh was never associated with the Opposition.


She came to the opposition leaders several times asking for advice but she never once wanted to be public or step forward and join any opposition political platform.


She was always playing "coy". She played her cards right and got her pay day. Kudos to her.


The fact that Jagdeo abused her still stands unless she is retracting that now.


The Fact that Jagdeo failed to sign the marrid papers 3 times still stands.


The Fact that Jagdeo put her to sleep wid the mosquitoes and the guard outside state house still stands.


The Fact that Jagdeo put her out the room on the wedding night still stands.



Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

As baseman says money talks and principles and dignity walks......

In 1992 democracy returned to Guyana.

Democracy and accountability was there during Jagan period,

after that it is questionable.

There is still freedom to choose the people they want to represent them.

Originally Posted by yuji22:


As my grandfather used to say, dem Afros in the in the PNC cannot even run a cake shop and they want to run a country.



You should be given a medal for being the most congenital  racist. Dem Afros were all created by Lord Krishna. No?

Originally Posted by GT Stingaa:
How's it her private sh!t? She's a former First Lady pledgin support for these crooks

That and after the way she was treated while trying to work with the children. As Baseman said and I really hate that dam quote but seems true about BS walking, somehow she could well be making those strides.

The woman is free to do as she pleases, even if it means to lie to the crooks, grab the cash and move on. Not what I would have done but, to each their own.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

OK. That's her choice.  However, we the people backed her up in her moment of grief.


Maybe it's the Patty Hearst syndrome. Maybe trying to win back the Rat.  They ay abused women tend to be attracted to similar other men.  This is true especially of alcoholics.

Nah, she taking a big picture view, not co-mingling with her personal agenda.  She knows what's right for Guyana, and certainly send the message, the PNC ain't it.

All those in PNC and AFC who were claiming that she was their their rock now eat crow.


She is intelligent and knows that the PPP is best for Guyana and made the right choice. She wants to be on the winning PPP team. This is a major blow to the AFC/PNC.


Watch dem cuss her down now.


As my grandfather used to say,dem Afros in the in the PNC cannot even run a cake shop and they want to run a country.



They were the best teachers teaching Indos how to run cake shop.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Lets be clear Varshnie singh was never associated with the Opposition.


She came to the opposition leaders several times asking for advice but she never once wanted to be public or step forward and join any opposition political platform.


She was always playing "coy". She played her cards right and got her pay day. Kudos to her.


The fact that Jagdeo abused her still stands unless she is retracting that now.


The Fact that Jagdeo failed to sign the marrid papers 3 times still stands.


The Fact that Jagdeo put her to sleep wid the mosquitoes and the guard outside state house still stands.


The Fact that Jagdeo put her out the room on the wedding night still stands.



Bai you should know. You were standing outside the door and took the lady's place.How was your wedding night? How was the Prime Minister lar/battie?


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