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October 18, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

Venezuela has signaled intentions to take excess rice from neighbouring Suriname, putting a dent on any hopes that Guyana may have had about reviving an oil-for-rice deal.

It appears that Venezuela is not interested in taking rice from Guyana anymore.

It appears that Venezuela is not interested in taking rice from Guyana anymore.


Suriname media reported yesterday that the Venezuelan leader, Nicolas Maduro, during a visit there on Friday, spoke to President Desi Bouterse about the possibilities of taking some rice.

The rice silos in Nickerie are reportedly full and Bouterse has asked Venezuela to take off some. The commitment is one of the concrete outcomes of the meeting Friday.

“We have decided to deepen trade relations and will intensify the implementation of the rice agreement,” Maduro said at a news conference Friday.

Venezuela is a major rice market, stressed Bouterse. ”The foreign ministers have an explicit mandate to deepen trade relations and to ensure the import of rice from Suriname,” he added.
President Bouterse noted that it is irrelevant whether Suriname can cover the total rice requirement of Caracas.

“What we have…we should try to sell it.”
Similar to Guyana, Suriname would be hoping that Venezuela would pay for the rice under the PetroCaribe arrangements.
That decade-old arrangement had been seeing Venezuela supplying oil on concessional terms to states around the region. The countries are required to pay a percentage of the monies owed on the oil upfront.
In Guyana’s case, for over five years now farmers and millers have been supplying rice with the monies owed to Venezuela for oil discounted.
But Venezuela has not signaled any intentions to renew the deal with Guyana when it expires at the end of November.

The two countries are at odds over a revived claim by Venezuela of Essequibo and sections of the maritime areas under Guyana’s control.
Already Guyana has eased on taking oil under the Petro Caribe arrangements from Venezuela and is now receiving supplies from Trinidad and Tobago.

Guyana is now actively seeking new markets but with harvesting ongoing for the last crop, there is real worry about the excess rice.
Rice has been the biggest foreign currency earner for Guyana within the last year after gold slipped from world prices.
The Venezuelan rice market this year itself has not been without troubles.

More than 800 containers of rice have been stuck at the congested wharves there. Guyana may still have some shipments remaining from this year’s quota.

Under this year’s agreement, some 120,000 metric tonnes (Mt) of paddy along with 84,000 Mt of white rice have to be supplied to Venezuela. The deal was worth around US$113M.

But the Government of Guyana is resigning itself to the fact that the rice deal with Venezuela may be over, especially with the Suriname arrangement that is now more than likely to be in place.
Reportedly, Suriname is agreeing to take half of what Guyana was getting for the rice and paddy shipments.

Venezuela itself is facing food shortages with Maduro’s refusal to renew the deal seen as placing pressure on the recently sworn-in administration of President David Granger.

Both Guyana and Venezuela have agreed for the United Nations to intervene in helping to resolve the border controversy.
Already a technical assessment team from the UN has visited both countries and will be returning next month for more talks.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

This is terrible news for the rice farmers. Maybe it's time to experiment with cash crops and give some of the land a well deserve rest. Lets see how good a government is the coalition, can they go out and negotiate a good deal for the rice farmers and at the same time do the same for sugar.

Originally Posted by kp:

This is terrible news for the rice farmers. Maybe it's time to experiment with cash crops and give some of the land a well deserve rest. Lets see how good a government is the coalition, can they go out and negotiate a good deal for the rice farmers and at the same time do the same for sugar.

Good point, kp.

I still believe the Guyana rice industry has suffered from a crisis of overproduction.

The government should advise the RPA and farmers what market is secured for the 2016 spring crop and set a production target accordingly.

The Ministry of Agriculture should advise farmers on what crops to grow on the land freed from rice.


I think Maduro is deliberately undermining CARICOM solidarity to serve Venezuela's geopolitical interests. He is working real hard on the smaller Eastern Caribbean islands particularly who hold the balance of power in CARICOM. His intention is to humiliate Guyana.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

I think Maduro is deliberately undermining CARICOM solidarity to serve Venezuela's geopolitical interests. He is working real hard on the smaller Eastern Caribbean islands particularly who hold the balance of power in CARICOM. His intention is to humiliate Guyana.

This is why Guyana need to get this issue settled.

Originally Posted by kp:

This is terrible news for the rice farmers. Maybe it's time to experiment with cash crops and give some of the land a well deserve rest. Lets see how good a government is the coalition, can they go out and negotiate a good deal for the rice farmers and at the same time do the same for sugar.

With the PNC in power, is back to the beggar line for Guyanese farmers.  But who cares, soon oil will come and c00lies can kech their corner.  Who needs them anyway.

Originally Posted by kp:

This is terrible news for the rice farmers. Maybe it's time to experiment with cash crops and give some of the land a well deserve rest. Lets see how good a government is the coalition, can they go out and negotiate a good deal for the rice farmers and at the same time do the same for sugar.

This can be done,anyone remembered the vast amount of

watermelons and scallions produced at BBP.

Originally Posted by kp:

. . . Lets see how good a government is the coalition, can they go out and negotiate a good deal for the rice farmers and at the same time do the same for sugar.

Jagdeo the economic genius had Guyana build a US$200 million junk factory and producing sugar at close to 3 times world price


what "good deal" other than horing can the coalition "negotiate" for sugar without the necessary, painful reforms stink ole racists like u would immediately label "ethnic cleansing" and "genocide" ?


g'wan dahside bigot cockroach . . . u done show yuh leprous haan with yuh provocations and vile lies of the coalition Gov't "abandoning" rice and sugar

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

I think Maduro is deliberately undermining CARICOM solidarity to serve Venezuela's geopolitical interests. He is working real hard on the smaller Eastern Caribbean islands particularly who hold the balance of power in CARICOM. His intention is to humiliate Guyana.

He is doing exactly that.


BEFORE the election Maduro warned about Exxon.  The PPP campaigned on the basis of bounty coming from oil.


So is the PPP telling us that they would have capitulated to Maduro by telling Exxon to leave?


Just to show that the border situation was heating up BEFORE May 11. In 2013 Venezuela evicted an exploration vessel.


So why do these PPP nuts think that they can render Guyana dependent on Venezuela for oil and as the largest rice market?  Its like depending on a bully to feed you!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by kp:

This is terrible news for the rice farmers. Maybe it's time to experiment with cash crops and give some of the land a well deserve rest. Lets see how good a government is the coalition, can they go out and negotiate a good deal for the rice farmers and at the same time do the same for sugar.

Good point, kp.

I still believe the Guyana rice industry has suffered from a crisis of overproduction.

The government should advise the RPA and farmers what market is secured for the 2016 spring crop and set a production target accordingly.

The Ministry of Agriculture should advise farmers on what crops to grow on the land freed from rice.





Last edited by Nehru
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

I think Maduro is deliberately undermining CARICOM solidarity to serve Venezuela's geopolitical interests. He is working real hard on the smaller Eastern Caribbean islands particularly who hold the balance of power in CARICOM. His intention is to humiliate Guyana.

He is doing exactly that.


BEFORE the election Maduro warned about Exxon.  The PPP campaigned on the basis of bounty coming from oil.


So is the PPP telling us that they would have capitulated to Maduro by telling Exxon to leave?

The PPP took the Surinaam issue to arbitration and won.  The PPP granted Exxon the rights to explore that area.  To think they then would have rolled over is nonsense.  The PPP may have tried a few things differently however, in the end, they would have resisted the Venezuelan claim.

Originally Posted by baseman:
.  The PPP may have tried a few things differently however, in the end, they would have resisted the Venezuelan claim.

Like WHAT!


They would have either had to capitulate to Maduro, or they would have had to defend Guyana's interests.


Clearly rendering the rice industry dependent on an enemy which has no respect for Guyana's sovereignty, and which is going all out to hamper Guyana's economic development, is a BAD IDEA!

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by kp:

This is terrible news for the rice farmers. Maybe it's time to experiment with cash crops and give some of the land a well deserve rest. Lets see how good a government is the coalition, can they go out and negotiate a good deal for the rice farmers and at the same time do the same for sugar.

Good point, kp.

I still believe the Guyana rice industry has suffered from a crisis of overproduction.

What nonsense.  The PPP was actively seeking new markets so some excess production was necessary to prove the credibility/dependability of Guyana as a supplier.  You cannot go and try to court new customers without proving your ability to fulfill the supply contract.  The fact that the PNC destroyed the business does not mean the PPP model was flawed.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by kp:

This is terrible news for the rice farmers. Maybe it's time to experiment with cash crops and give some of the land a well deserve rest. Lets see how good a government is the coalition, can they go out and negotiate a good deal for the rice farmers and at the same time do the same for sugar.

Good point, kp.

I still believe the Guyana rice industry has suffered from a crisis of overproduction.

What nonsense.  The PPP was actively seeking new markets so some excess production was necessary to prove the credibility/dependability of Guyana as a supplier.  You cannot go and try to court new customers without proving your ability to fulfill the supply contract.  The fact that the PNC destroyed the business does not mean the PPP model was flawed.

If the PPP had found new markets then there wouldn't be a crisis.  Depending on Venezuela was a mistake because it gave them the opportunity to hold Guyana hostage.  Either Guyana ceases oil exploration, or Venezuela stops buying Guyanese rice.


The PPP encouraged rice farmers to increase production, and then couldn't find markets for them.


Now go and haul your racist ass and cry about what the PPP did!  BEFORE the election rice farmers were bawling, so cease pretending as if all was well before May 11th.


In the interim Maduro is working over time to undermine CARICOM support for Guyana.  Too bad for him that two of the most powerful CARICOM countries, Barbados and T&T, have their own axes to grind with Venezuela, and have unequivocally given Guyana their support.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by kp:

This is terrible news for the rice farmers. Maybe it's time to experiment with cash crops and give some of the land a well deserve rest. Lets see how good a government is the coalition, can they go out and negotiate a good deal for the rice farmers and at the same time do the same for sugar.

Good point, kp.

I still believe the Guyana rice industry has suffered from a crisis of overproduction.

What nonsense.  The PPP was actively seeking new markets so some excess production was necessary to prove the credibility/dependability of Guyana as a supplier.  You cannot go and try to court new customers without proving your ability to fulfill the supply contract.  The fact that the PNC destroyed the business does not mean the PPP model was flawed.

By not succumbing to Maburo.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:
.  The PPP may have tried a few things differently however, in the end, they would have resisted the Venezuelan claim.

Like WHAT!


They would have either had to capitulate to Maduro, or they would have had to defend Guyana's interests.


Clearly rendering the rice industry dependent on an enemy which has no respect for Guyana's sovereignty, and which is going all out to hamper Guyana's economic development, is a BAD IDEA!

Did they not take on Surinaam?


You fool, that Venezuela rice was additional supply and a deal for what it was worth.  They did not sacrifice another market for the Venz market.  Now alyuh in control, so STFU and find replacement markets.  I heard one of your bais saying a big Nigerian supplier is interested, so shut up and go get it.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:
.  The PPP may have tried a few things differently however, in the end, they would have resisted the Venezuelan claim.

Like WHAT!


They would have either had to capitulate to Maduro, or they would have had to defend Guyana's interests.


Clearly rendering the rice industry dependent on an enemy which has no respect for Guyana's sovereignty, and which is going all out to hamper Guyana's economic development, is a BAD IDEA!

Did they not take on Surinaam?


You fool, that Venezuela rice was additional supply and a deal for what it was worth.  They did not sacrifice another market for the Venz market.  Now alyuh in control, so STFU and find replacement markets.  I heard one of your bais saying a big Nigerian supplier is interested, so shut up and go get it.

You really expect DUNCES to get things done???

Originally Posted by baseman:

You fool, that Venezuela rice was additional supply and a deal for what it was worth.  They did not sacrifice another market for the Venz market.  Now alyuh in control, so STFU and find replacement markets.  I heard one of your bais saying a big Nigerian supplier is interested, so shut up and go get it.

PPP idiocy. If Venezuela claims 2/3 of your country, periodically invades, and attacks your citizens, and harasses foreign investors seeking to develop Guyana's oil industry, then why is Venezuela so precious.


The PPP should have viewed that country as an interi arrangement and sought to find more reliable buyers.  They did NOT.  They encouraged the farmers to grow more, so that they could boast about rice, their only success.  Then when too much rice was produced, they began to wail.  We went over this BEFORE the elections, so quit your racist babble.


Maduro is a lunatic and would have told the PPP, had they won, that either they tell EXXON to go, or there would be no more rice purchasers.


Yes this is where the PPP's idiocy put Guyana in!


Why did the PPP NOT resolve the border issue if they claim to be so friendly with Venezuela?


Baseman.  The rice industry is PRIVATELY owned. Why don't they do what every other PRIVATELY owned industry does and go find their own markets.  If a Nigerian buyer is interested, why should a civil servant negotiate that deal, and not the rice industry?


THIS is the problem with the rice industry.  It has been abused by politicians and rendered into becoming developing a welfare mentality of dependency and entitlement!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

You fool, that Venezuela rice was additional supply and a deal for what it was worth.  They did not sacrifice another market for the Venz market.  Now alyuh in control, so STFU and find replacement markets.  I heard one of your bais saying a big Nigerian supplier is interested, so shut up and go get it.

PPP idiocy. If Venezuela claims 2/3 of your country, periodically invades, and attacks your citizens, and harasses foreign investors seeking to develop Guyana's oil industry, then why is Venezuela so precious.


The PPP should have viewed that country as an interi arrangement and sought to find more reliable buyers.  They did NOT.  They encouraged the farmers to grow more, so that they could boast about rice, their only success.  Then when too much rice was produced, they began to wail.  We went over this BEFORE the elections, so quit your racist babble.


Maduro is a lunatic and would have told the PPP, had they won, that either they tell EXXON to go, or there would be no more rice purchasers.


Yes this is where the PPP's idiocy put Guyana in!


Why did the PPP NOT resolve the border issue if they claim to be so friendly with Venezuela?

You black people think you have all the answers to Guyana's security problems.  You cannot even handle your own Buxton/Agricola domestic terrorists, yet you think you have all the answers to the international security issue.  What arrogance!

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

You fool, that Venezuela rice was additional supply and a deal for what it was worth.  They did not sacrifice another market for the Venz market.  Now alyuh in control, so STFU and find replacement markets.  I heard one of your bais saying a big Nigerian supplier is interested, so shut up and go get it.

PPP idiocy. If Venezuela claims 2/3 of your country, periodically invades, and attacks your citizens, and harasses foreign investors seeking to develop Guyana's oil industry, then why is Venezuela so precious.


The PPP should have viewed that country as an interi arrangement and sought to find more reliable buyers.  They did NOT.  They encouraged the farmers to grow more, so that they could boast about rice, their only success.  Then when too much rice was produced, they began to wail.  We went over this BEFORE the elections, so quit your racist babble.


Maduro is a lunatic and would have told the PPP, had they won, that either they tell EXXON to go, or there would be no more rice purchasers.


Yes this is where the PPP's idiocy put Guyana in!


Why did the PPP NOT resolve the border issue if they claim to be so friendly with Venezuela?

You black people think you have all the answers to Guyana's security problems.  You cannot even handle your own Buxton/Agricola domestic terrorists, yet you think you have all the answers to the international security issue.  What arrogance!

Very lousy comeback. This is why I have to agree with what carib has been saying all along regarding you guys being racist pricks, shows right here.

Last edited by cain
Originally Posted by caribny:

Baseman.  The rice industry is PRIVATELY owned. Why don't they do what every other PRIVATELY owned industry does and go find their own markets.  If a Nigerian buyer is interested, why should a civil servant negotiate that deal, and not the rice industry?


THIS is the problem with the rice industry.  It has been abused by politicians and rendered into becoming developing a welfare mentality of dependency and entitlement!

You clown, what do you know.  It is Govts who open up markets thru trade agreements on a Govt to Govt basis.  Most of Guyana's rice was sold to other Govts for their food supply.  Guyana does not have the type of conglomerates like the big developed nations so any local guy, without such arrangement will need to deal with an international middleman who will take big a slice.  If you don't see a role for Govt, then whats your purpose, just spend and tax and feed the lazy?

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

You fool, that Venezuela rice was additional supply and a deal for what it was worth.  They did not sacrifice another market for the Venz market.  Now alyuh in control, so STFU and find replacement markets.  I heard one of your bais saying a big Nigerian supplier is interested, so shut up and go get it.

PPP idiocy. If Venezuela claims 2/3 of your country, periodically invades, and attacks your citizens, and harasses foreign investors seeking to develop Guyana's oil industry, then why is Venezuela so precious.


The PPP should have viewed that country as an interi arrangement and sought to find more reliable buyers.  They did NOT.  They encouraged the farmers to grow more, so that they could boast about rice, their only success.  Then when too much rice was produced, they began to wail.  We went over this BEFORE the elections, so quit your racist babble.


Maduro is a lunatic and would have told the PPP, had they won, that either they tell EXXON to go, or there would be no more rice purchasers.


Yes this is where the PPP's idiocy put Guyana in!


Why did the PPP NOT resolve the border issue if they claim to be so friendly with Venezuela?

You black people think you have all the answers to Guyana's security problems.  You cannot even handle your own Buxton/Agricola domestic terrorists, yet you think you have all the answers to the international security issue.  What arrogance!

The arrogance here is yours you twit. He is right to ask what has the PPP done do ameliorate our border problem. The fools openly endorse Argentina over Britain on the Falklands. The Falklands are by the way, claimed on similar grounds as venezuela for our lands. They further took very opportunity to alienate the US.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

You fool, that Venezuela rice was additional supply and a deal for what it was worth.  They did not sacrifice another market for the Venz market.  Now alyuh in control, so STFU and find replacement markets.  I heard one of your bais saying a big Nigerian supplier is interested, so shut up and go get it.

PPP idiocy. If Venezuela claims 2/3 of your country, periodically invades, and attacks your citizens, and harasses foreign investors seeking to develop Guyana's oil industry, then why is Venezuela so precious.


The PPP should have viewed that country as an interi arrangement and sought to find more reliable buyers.  They did NOT.  They encouraged the farmers to grow more, so that they could boast about rice, their only success.  Then when too much rice was produced, they began to wail.  We went over this BEFORE the elections, so quit your racist babble.


Maduro is a lunatic and would have told the PPP, had they won, that either they tell EXXON to go, or there would be no more rice purchasers.


Yes this is where the PPP's idiocy put Guyana in!


Why did the PPP NOT resolve the border issue if they claim to be so friendly with Venezuela?

You black people think you have all the answers to Guyana's security problems.  You cannot even handle your own Buxton/Agricola domestic terrorists, yet you think you have all the answers to the international security issue.  What arrogance!

The arrogance here is yours you twit. He is right to ask what has the PPP done do ameliorate our border problem. The fools openly endorse Argentina over Britain on the Falklands. The Falklands are by the way, claimed on similar grounds as venezuela for our lands. They further took very opportunity to alienate the US.

The PPP was not not in power during the Falklands war so they were certainly not speaking for Guyana.  Frankly, Odeen Ishmael is the authority on the Venezuela border issue...has the coalition engaged him for advice?

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

You fool, that Venezuela rice was additional supply and a deal for what it was worth.  They did not sacrifice another market for the Venz market.  Now alyuh in control, so STFU and find replacement markets.  I heard one of your bais saying a big Nigerian supplier is interested, so shut up and go get it.

PPP idiocy. If Venezuela claims 2/3 of your country, periodically invades, and attacks your citizens, and harasses foreign investors seeking to develop Guyana's oil industry, then why is Venezuela so precious.


The PPP should have viewed that country as an interi arrangement and sought to find more reliable buyers.  They did NOT.  They encouraged the farmers to grow more, so that they could boast about rice, their only success.  Then when too much rice was produced, they began to wail.  We went over this BEFORE the elections, so quit your racist babble.


Maduro is a lunatic and would have told the PPP, had they won, that either they tell EXXON to go, or there would be no more rice purchasers.


Yes this is where the PPP's idiocy put Guyana in!


Why did the PPP NOT resolve the border issue if they claim to be so friendly with Venezuela?

You black people think you have all the answers to Guyana's security problems.  You cannot even handle your own Buxton/Agricola domestic terrorists, yet you think you have all the answers to the international security issue.  What arrogance!

The arrogance here is yours you twit. He is right to ask what has the PPP done do ameliorate our border problem. The fools openly endorse Argentina over Britain on the Falklands. The Falklands are by the way, claimed on similar grounds as venezuela for our lands. They further took very opportunity to alienate the US.

Ahh shutup, go take your shot of piwarie.

Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

You fool, that Venezuela rice was additional supply and a deal for what it was worth.  They did not sacrifice another market for the Venz market.  Now alyuh in control, so STFU and find replacement markets.  I heard one of your bais saying a big Nigerian supplier is interested, so shut up and go get it.

PPP idiocy. If Venezuela claims 2/3 of your country, periodically invades, and attacks your citizens, and harasses foreign investors seeking to develop Guyana's oil industry, then why is Venezuela so precious.


The PPP should have viewed that country as an interi arrangement and sought to find more reliable buyers.  They did NOT.  They encouraged the farmers to grow more, so that they could boast about rice, their only success.  Then when too much rice was produced, they began to wail.  We went over this BEFORE the elections, so quit your racist babble.


Maduro is a lunatic and would have told the PPP, had they won, that either they tell EXXON to go, or there would be no more rice purchasers.


Yes this is where the PPP's idiocy put Guyana in!


Why did the PPP NOT resolve the border issue if they claim to be so friendly with Venezuela?

You black people think you have all the answers to Guyana's security problems.  You cannot even handle your own Buxton/Agricola domestic terrorists, yet you think you have all the answers to the international security issue.  What arrogance!

The arrogance here is yours you twit. He is right to ask what has the PPP done do ameliorate our border problem. The fools openly endorse Argentina over Britain on the Falklands. The Falklands are by the way, claimed on similar grounds as venezuela for our lands. They further took very opportunity to alienate the US.

The PPP was not not in power during the Falklands war so they were certainly not speaking for Guyana.  Frankly, Odeen Ishmael is the authority on the Venezuela border issue...has the coalition engaged him for advice?

Odeen Ishmael is one of the authorities on the Venezuelan territorial dispute.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

You fool, that Venezuela rice was additional supply and a deal for what it was worth.  They did not sacrifice another market for the Venz market.  Now alyuh in control, so STFU and find replacement markets.  I heard one of your bais saying a big Nigerian supplier is interested, so shut up and go get it.

PPP idiocy. If Venezuela claims 2/3 of your country, periodically invades, and attacks your citizens, and harasses foreign investors seeking to develop Guyana's oil industry, then why is Venezuela so precious.


The PPP should have viewed that country as an interi arrangement and sought to find more reliable buyers.  They did NOT.  They encouraged the farmers to grow more, so that they could boast about rice, their only success.  Then when too much rice was produced, they began to wail.  We went over this BEFORE the elections, so quit your racist babble.


Maduro is a lunatic and would have told the PPP, had they won, that either they tell EXXON to go, or there would be no more rice purchasers.


Yes this is where the PPP's idiocy put Guyana in!


Why did the PPP NOT resolve the border issue if they claim to be so friendly with Venezuela?

You black people think you have all the answers to Guyana's security problems.  You cannot even handle your own Buxton/Agricola domestic terrorists, yet you think you have all the answers to the international security issue.  What arrogance!

The arrogance here is yours you twit. He is right to ask what has the PPP done do ameliorate our border problem. The fools openly endorse Argentina over Britain on the Falklands. The Falklands are by the way, claimed on similar grounds as venezuela for our lands. They further took very opportunity to alienate the US.

The PPP was not not in power during the Falklands war so they were certainly not speaking for Guyana.  Frankly, Odeen Ishmael is the authority on the Venezuela border issue...has the coalition engaged him for advice?

Odeen Ishmael is one of the authorities on the Venezuelan territorial dispute.

A resolution to this and he out of wuk rass!

Originally Posted by baseman:

You black people think you have all the answers to Guyana's security problems.  You cannot even handle your own Buxton/Agricola domestic terrorists, yet you think you have all the answers to the international security issue.  What arrogance!



Here is the deal. 23 years later and the PPP did NOTHING to solve the border issue.  WHY?  Did the PPP make any progress?


As usual you will respond with racist rant, but not an answer for the PPPs failures.

Originally Posted by baseman:

The PPP took the Surinaam issue to arbitration and won.  .

Of course you "forgot" to include the fact that PNC folks had to come out of retirement to help them, because the PPP had destroyed the Ministry of FA by having Rohee, the idiot running it.

Originally Posted by baseman:

You clown, what do you know.  It is Govts who open up markets thru trade agreements on a Govt to Govt basis. 

Well if that is how you think, no wonder the rice industry is in a mess.  It is the role of the PRIVATE sector to develop markets for their products.  Its the role of the gov't to SUPPORT them!


And of course you didn't tell us why the best that the PPP can do is to hand the rice industry over to the same country which tossed out oil exploration vessels, and invaded Guyana, destroying property and assaulting Guyanese AS RECENTLY AS TWO YEARS AGO!


But then if you put things in the hands bureaucrats, you expect dumb things like that to happen. 

Originally Posted by VVP:
.  Frankly, Odeen Ishmael is the authority on the Venezuela border issue...has the coalition engaged him for advice?

Maybe they have and maybe they haven't but if Odeen is this huge expert why is Guyana in the SAME place with regards to this dispute that it was THIRTY YEARS AGO?

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

You clown, what do you know.  It is Govts who open up markets thru trade agreements on a Govt to Govt basis. 

Well if that is how you think, no wonder the rice industry is in a mess.  It is the role of the PRIVATE sector to develop markets for their products.  Its the role of the gov't to SUPPORT them!


And of course you didn't tell us why the best that the PPP can do is to hand the rice industry over to the same country which tossed out oil exploration vessels, and invaded Guyana, destroying property and assaulting Guyanese AS RECENTLY AS TWO YEARS AGO!


But then if you put things in the hands bureaucrats, you expect dumb things like that to happen. 

Why bother with the Indo KKK gang. These guys see everything through their Hindutva lens. 

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by VVP:
.  Frankly, Odeen Ishmael is the authority on the Venezuela border issue...has the coalition engaged him for advice?

Maybe they have and maybe they haven't but if Odeen is this huge expert why is Guyana in the SAME place with regards to this dispute that it was THIRTY YEARS AGO?

Hehehe! I was about to ask him the same question.

Originally Posted by VVP:

The PPP was not not in power during the Falklands war so they were certainly not speaking for Guyana.  Frankly, Odeen Ishmael is the authority on the Venezuela border issue...has the coalition engaged him for advice?

You do know that as recently as a few years ago the issue flared upon again.  Guyana, which needs the diplomatic support of the UK< with regards to its dealings with the EU, and also Venezuela RAN THE MOUTHS endorsing Argentina.


WHAT had Argentina to say about the Guyana Venezuela dispute?  Supporting Venezuela no doubt, as they would equate the Falkland and Guyana disputes as both being connected to the UK.


When it came to diplomacy the PPP were dunces, and an indication of that is when the Iranians outsmarted Jagdeo and had him pose with their leaders to indicate Guyana's endorsement of that regime. 


WHAT did Guyana get for doing this? Because of course Guyana needs the US to either support Guyana, or remain neutral,. but instead the PPP was intent in ensuring that the USA viewed us as a hemispheric threat.  The only thing that saved Guyana was that they considered Chavez to be more of a threat.


Still waiting for baseman to tell us how the PPP would have handled the border issue better, and exactly which economic policies of theirs was beneficial.


All he can scream is that "blackman cyant run a cake shop".

Originally Posted by Wally:

I hope that Suriname is not used by Venezuela in a two countries squeeze on Guyana.  

Good point, both countries were closer to the PPP than the present government. Could it be, because they were all just as corrupt.

I believe Venezuela opposition leader might still be in jail.  

Originally Posted by Wally:

I hope that Suriname is not used by Venezuela in a two countries squeeze on Guyana.  

They are, but Suriname does have a need for CARICOM, more specifically Trinidad, so they will behave themselves.


Suriname asked to be allowed into CARICOM.  Not the other way around.  Being a small nation, they need to be part of a larger grouping.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:
.  The PPP may have tried a few things differently however, in the end, they would have resisted the Venezuelan claim.

Like WHAT!


They would have either had to capitulate to Maduro, or they would have had to defend Guyana's interests.


Clearly rendering the rice industry dependent on an enemy which has no respect for Guyana's sovereignty, and which is going all out to hamper Guyana's economic development, is a BAD IDEA!

Did they not take on Surinaam?


You fool, that Venezuela rice was additional supply and a deal for what it was worth.  They did not sacrifice another market for the Venz market.  Now alyuh in control, so STFU and find replacement markets.  I heard one of your bais saying a big Nigerian supplier is interested, so shut up and go get it.

You really expect DUNCES to get things done???

hey, if you can succeed, there is hope


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