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Venezuela further urges peace, but maintains territorial claim

June 10, 2015 | By | Filed Under News, Source


While Venezuela maintains a position seeking to deprive Guyana of a significant portion of its territory, the Bolivarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has issued a statement saying that it wants peace.

In the statement, Venezuela essentially asserts that Guyana is somewhat overreacting in its issuance of statements saying that it will use all means necessary to firmly reject Venezuela’s latest threat to its sovereignty.

Venezuela made reference to initiatives it had/has with Guyana to promote “solidarity and brotherhood” such as the PETROCARIBE deal.  It was said that despite such assistance offered to Guyana, the new government seems “unfriendly.”

According to Venezuela, the David Granger-led Administration is exhibiting a dangerous policy of provocation against the Bolivarian Venezuela of peace, “supported by the imperial power of a US multinational, Exxon Mobil, which must be rectified in the short term.

“This unfriendly policy of provocation will be defeated by the force of reality imposed by the foreign policy of peace and friendship between Venezuela and the people of Guyana itself.”

The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela categorically rejects the sounding tenor and false statements issued in the News of the new Government of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana dated 7 June that constitutes a provocation and threatens the Bolivarian peace diplomacy.

It is unacceptable that the new Government of Guyana assume this position with a territory that is subject to controversy, and is also expressly recognized that this sea area is subject to the amicable settlement of the territorial claims, as envisaged in the Geneva Agreement.

The territorial dispute between Venezuela and Guyana dates back more than a century when the product of colonial and imperial compromises, emptied our country of a vast territory subject since then to claim. This illegality of origin, Venezuela maintains its position to consider null and void the Arbitral Award of 1899, and calls on the new Government of Guyana to stay in the regulatory framework of the Geneva Agreement.

Venezuela regrets that an administrative rule directed to organize, with the assistance of the new technologies of information, daily supervision and maritime security within the framework of its unlimited jurisdiction and constitutional exercise which nothing can affect the Cooperative Republic of Guyana – will be exploited to shock and try to create an artificial crisis, inventing irrational situations against a brother country like Venezuela, using a highly offensive language.

The only appropriate channels to resolve this dispute are those of International Law, the Geneva Agreement and continue the Good Officer mechanism under the figure of the Secretary General of the United Nations.

It is an offense to the libertarian tradition of the people of Simon Bolivar to consider imperial language that Venezuela is a threat to the region, when it was reflected in the recent Summit of the Americas, the unanimous recognition and support of the fraternal peoples of the Venezuelan foreign policy of peace and solidarity.

It weighs note that the unique and surprising aggression is that the government of Guyana has allowed such a powerful transnational as Exxon Mobil to venture into disputed territory between the two countries, which in no way seeks to address the right to development of Guyana.

It is imperative to remember that thanks to the eternal Commander Hugo Chavez, various programs of cooperation, solidarity and brotherhood such as PETROCARIBE, for stability and energy security of the region, were implemented. This policy has been of great impact and success for true prosperity of our brother Guyanese people, and President Nicolas Maduro and has been continued.

The new Government of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana exhibits a dangerous policy of provocation against the Bolivarian Venezuela of peace, supported by the imperial power of a US multinational, Exxon Mobil, which must be rectified in the short term.

This unfriendly policy of provocation will be defeated by the force of reality imposed by the foreign policy of peace and friendship between Venezuela and the people of Guyana itself.

The Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela reiterates its desire for peace feelings and the brotherly people of Guyana, and reaffirms the invitation to his foreign minister to an early meeting so through political dialogue between brothers, continue along the path of cooperation and overcoming the historical dispute, which had its genesis in fraudulent actions of former colonial powers against Venezuela.

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Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
The territorial dispute between Venezuela and Guyana dates back more than a century when the product of colonial and imperial compromises, emptied our country of a vast territory subject since then to claim. This illegality of origin, Venezuela maintains its position to consider null and void the Arbitral Award of 1899, and calls on the new Government of Guyana to stay in the regulatory framework of the Geneva Agreement.


Venezuela further urges peace, but maintains territorial claim, June 10, 2015 | By | Filed Under News, Source

One needs to recognize that the process in the 1890's took various detailed procedures to resolve the issues which were ongoing for approximately sixty years.


After detailed presentations by Venezuela's representatives and those of Great Britain, a final decision was made in October 1899 which sets the boundary as is today, between then British Guiana and Venezuela.


Of note, all of the judges at this deliberation signed the Arbitral Award on the said date on October 1899.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
The territorial dispute between Venezuela and Guyana dates back more than a century when the product of colonial and imperial compromises, emptied our country of a vast territory subject since then to claim. This illegality of origin, Venezuela maintains its position to consider null and void the Arbitral Award of 1899, and calls on the new Government of Guyana to stay in the regulatory framework of the Geneva Agreement.


Venezuela further urges peace, but maintains territorial claim, June 10, 2015 | By | Filed Under News, Source

One needs to recognize that the process in the 1890's took various detailed procedures to resolve the issues which were ongoing for approximately sixty years.


After detailed presentations by Venezuela's representatives and those of Great Britain, a final decision was made in October 1899 which sets the boundary as is today, between then British Guiana and Venezuela.


Of note, all of the judges at this deliberation signed the Arbitral Award on the said date on October 1899.

How about the UK deal with Russia to carve up the Ottoman territory?


Anyway, based on the statements from Venez, if true, then is it possible that Guyana just had a US sponsored Coup d'etat?  The GDF was heavily involved in the election on the PNC side.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
The territorial dispute between Venezuela and Guyana dates back more than a century when the product of colonial and imperial compromises, emptied our country of a vast territory subject since then to claim. This illegality of origin, Venezuela maintains its position to consider null and void the Arbitral Award of 1899, and calls on the new Government of Guyana to stay in the regulatory framework of the Geneva Agreement.


Venezuela further urges peace, but maintains territorial claim, June 10, 2015 | By | Filed Under News, Source

One needs to recognize that the process in the 1890's took various detailed procedures to resolve the issues which were ongoing for approximately sixty years.


After detailed presentations by Venezuela's representatives and those of Great Britain, a final decision was made in October 1899 which sets the boundary as is today, between then British Guiana and Venezuela.


Of note, all of the judges at this deliberation signed the Arbitral Award on the said date on October 1899.

How about the UK deal with Russia to carve up the Ottoman territory?


Anyway, based on the statements from Venez, if true, then is it possible that Guyana just had a US sponsored Coup d'etat?  The GDF was heavily involved in the election on the PNC side.

If you only have half of a brain BaseBoard, you would not post this shyte.


But with your peanut brains, only you would come up wild and reckless statements like "a GDF Coup d'etat" in 2015?


Well all know this is a lie but guess what, Baseboard now wuking for the racist in the PPP for free.


Fradulent transfer of taxpayer dollars from Georgetown to New Jersey ceased on May 16th 2015.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
The territorial dispute between Venezuela and Guyana dates back more than a century when the product of colonial and imperial compromises, emptied our country of a vast territory subject since then to claim. This illegality of origin, Venezuela maintains its position to consider null and void the Arbitral Award of 1899, and calls on the new Government of Guyana to stay in the regulatory framework of the Geneva Agreement.


Venezuela further urges peace, but maintains territorial claim, June 10, 2015 | By | Filed Under News, Source

One needs to recognize that the process in the 1890's took various detailed procedures to resolve the issues which were ongoing for approximately sixty years.


After detailed presentations by Venezuela's representatives and those of Great Britain, a final decision was made in October 1899 which sets the boundary as is today, between then British Guiana and Venezuela.


Of note, all of the judges at this deliberation signed the Arbitral Award on the said date on October 1899.

How about the UK deal with Russia to carve up the Ottoman territory?


Anyway, based on the statements from Venez, if true, then is it possible that Guyana just had a US sponsored Coup d'etat?  The GDF was heavily involved in the election on the PNC side.

Immaterial to the specific issues of the Arbitral Award in 1899.



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