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Venezuela planning to offer E’bo residents ID cards

July 11, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

As part of its “recovery” strategy for Essequibo, Venezuela said that it will start a process of issuing almost 200,000 identity cards to Guyanese living in that country.

Retired Army Col. Pompey Torrealba Rivero

Retired Army Col. Pompey Torrealba Rivero


The disclosure was made by retired Army Col. Pompey Torrealba Rivero, advisor on the subject of President Nicolas Maduro. According to an El Universal report, the government of Venezuela will begin in the coming days a diplomatic strategy to recover Essequibo, in which that neighbouring country is claiming a big part. Torrealba called Maduro’s address Monday to his National Assembly on the Essequibo claims “a historic event”, because “never before in the claims process, a Head of State had addressed the legislature to expose the country Essequibo topic”. Venezuela is contending that it was robbed of the Venezuela territory 115 years ago. It is claiming150, 000 km² of Guyana’s land-space and a significant part of the Atlantic Ocean. Torrealba is in charge of coordinating the Office for the Rescue of the Essequibo. “In every government we have been demanding, but we have not been able to organize a process for the recovery of the geographical space of Venezuela.” As head of the special unit, the official is quoted as saying that he presented a series of recommendations to the Government with the first steps taken when President Maduro addressed the National Assembly last Monday and where he announced a series of measures in line with international diplomacy. Torrealba said that on instructions of the Head of State, the Essequibo issue will be discussed in the universities and schools and well as with engagement with the media of Venezuela. Torrealba further proposed to “initiate a process of issuing identity cards to the 200,000 people estimated to live in the territory of Essequibo, plus an information campaign to make it clear to the people of Guyana that this territory belongs to Venezuela.” On Thursday, Maduro told the state television, Telesur, that the country will be contacting the UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon to defend the rights of the Essequibo. Through his Twitter account, Maduro said a special edition began circulating on “The Truth of Guyana Essequibo” to inform the Venezuelan people about the dispossession of 159,500 square kilometers by England.

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Torrealba further proposed to “initiate a process of issuing identity cards to the 200,000 people estimated to live in the territory of Essequibo, plus an information campaign to make it clear to the people of Guyana that this territory belongs to Venezuela.”


Venezuela to ask UN to mediate Guyana border dispute

July 11, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

Venezuela (AP) “Venezuela said yesterday, that it would ask the United Nations to help resolve a border dispute with Guyana over an area where a new oil discovery has been made.

Venezuela leader, Nicolas Maduro

Venezuela leader, Nicolas Maduro

The country will send a letter to U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon requesting that a formal mediator be appointed, according to Foreign Minister Delcy Rodriguez. Venezuela long has claimed a significant chunk of Guyana, including an offshore area where the Exxon Mobil Corp. recently announced it made a significant oil discovery. Venezuela, which has the world’s largest oil reserves, issued a decree soon after that announcement extending its territorial claims farther out into the Atlantic to encompass the area where the discovery was made. Earlier this week, Maduro announced he was recalling Venezuela’s ambassador for consultation amid the mounting tensions. The Guyanese finance minister said Thursday that Venezuela has decided to stop buying much of Guyana’s rice crop amid the conflict. Venezuela has in the past four years purchased about 40 percent of Guyana’s rice production, or about 200,000 tons, paying for it with oil that amounts to about half of Guyana’s daily supply needs. Peter DeGroot, President of Guyana’s Rice Millers Association, characterized the shift as a “significant blow.” President David Granger told Parliament on Thursday, that Guyana does not have the military capacity to challenge Venezuela and his government would seek an international judicial settlement over the border issue. Maduro responded later that night that he was encouraged by Granger’s remarks. On Monday, Maduro affirmed that the conflict would be settled without violence. The dispute between the two South American countries stems from an 1899 court ruling that required Venezuela to relinquish an undeveloped but resource-rich jungle territory called the Essequibo that constitutes about two-thirds of Guyanese territory. Venezuela contends the ruling was invalid, and many official maps still describe the Essequibo as Venezuelan territory. Guyana says Venezuela pledged to abide by the ruling, but later reneged.


Venez is clever, I was surprised this was offered a long time ago.  The Venez are offering an alternative should the PNC degenerate into its former old self.  Many Indians may take up the offer and then request Venezuelan protection from the PNC GDF and the Buxton, Agricola, Linden criminal gangs.  Alyuh underestimating the determination of Venezuela.


The PNC will be check-mated in Berbice by the PPP supporters and in Essequibo by Venezuela.


If true this is a direct attack on Guyana. Negotiations and plans should be put in place, before it is too late, to make Guyana become a Commonwealth of the United States of America if this aggression continues.

Originally Posted by Wally:

If true this is a direct attack on Guyana. Negotiations and plans should be put in place, before it is too late, to make Guyana become a Commonwealth of the United States of America if this aggression continues.

US don't give a damn except to change Venez government.  The people of Guyana will not opt for a "Puerto Rico" status, Russia will block the move anyway.  So that's non starter.

Originally Posted by baseman:

Venez is clever, I was surprised this was offered a long time ago.  The Venez are offering an alternative should the PNC degenerate into its former old self.  Many Indians may take up the offer and then request Venezuelan protection from the PNC GDF and the Buxton, Agricola, Linden criminal gangs.  Alyuh underestimating the determination of Venezuela.


The PNC will be check-mated in Berbice by the PPP supporters and in Essequibo by Venezuela.

simply amazing . . .


and shaitaan whines that it is unfair to point out that this petty racist ignar is engaged in sucking Maduro's dick for political advantage


ahmmm, ok

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by asj:

Torrealba further proposed to “initiate a process of issuing identity cards to the 200,000 people estimated to live in the territory of Essequibo, plus an information campaign to make it clear to the people of Guyana that this territory belongs to Venezuela.”

I knew that will be the Venezuelans move. They are much aware of the fragments of the Guyanese society.  

Originally Posted by baseman:
US don't give a damn except to change Venez government.  The people of Guyana will not opt for a "Puerto Rico" status, Russia will block the move anyway.  So that's non starter.

not that i embrace this nonsense bout Guyana 'opting' to become a US 'Commonwealth' on the Puerto Rican model . . .


but base, wha yuh mean by dis "Russia" thing bai?


doan tell me u had a brain freeze again and yuh stink mouth run without checking

Originally Posted by baseman:

Venez is clever, I was surprised this was offered a long time ago.  The Venez are offering an alternative should the PNC degenerate into its former old self.  Many Indians may take up the offer and then request Venezuelan protection from the PNC GDF and the Buxton, Agricola, Linden criminal gangs.  Alyuh underestimating the determination of Venezuela.


The PNC will be check-mated in Berbice by the PPP supporters and in Essequibo by Venezuela.

spoken like ah true Guyanese coolie...always looking for an easy way guts whatsoever

Originally Posted by warrior:

why the hell guyanese want to be a Venezuelan that country is starving 

And out of toilet paper too. Don't forget that. Maybe this is the homeland Prashad envisioned.

Originally Posted by Sheik101:
Originally Posted by warrior:

why the hell guyanese want to be a Venezuelan that country is starving 

And out of toilet paper too. Don't forget that. Maybe this is the homeland Prashad envisioned.


Prashad an his Indo pioneers guh eat pages from the West on Trial


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