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Venezuela refuses accreditation to Guyana’s Ambassador

Guyana’s Foreign Affairs Minister, Carl Greenidge

Guyana’s Foreign Affairs Minister, Carl Greenidge

– retaliates against alleged Greenidge’s comments in US


In continuing to increase the rift between his country and Guyana on account of the border controversy they precipitated, Venezuelan President NicolÁs Maduro refused to approve Guyana’s new Ambassador to Venezuela, Marilyn Cheryl Miles.

According to Venezuelan media, Guyana requested agreement on its new Ambassador to Venezuela; however, the approval was put on hold.

This recent move by the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela is perceived as another act of aggression towards Guyana.

Based on the media reports, President Maduro explained that the decision to put the approval on a hold was due to the alleged offensive remarks made by Guyana’s Foreign Affairs Minister, Carl Greenidge against Venezuela. He explained that Venezuelan Foreign Affairs Minister Delcy Rodriguez reported that Greenidge made “offensive statements and attacks against Venezuela” during a recent visit to the United States. Against this backdrop, Maduro instructed his Minister to freeze the agreement.

Venezuelan Ambassador Reina Margarita

Venezuelan Ambassador Reina Margarita

“On the one hand, they (Guyana) ask us to approve their (designated) Ambassador, and on the other hand, they destroy us, they attack us, and issue offensive statements against Venezuela and the Bolivarian Government. The Government of President (David) Granger must come clean,” President Maduro is quoted as saying.

Guyana’s perceived “attacks” come on the heels of Venezuela’s recent claims to two-thirds of its landmass – the Essequibo. In fact, the century-old border controversy, which was not on Venezuela’s front burner for several years, was recently reignited by the latter country when US oil giant ExxonMobil began exploratory works in the Stabroek Block offshore the Essequibo Coast.

Arguably fearful that Guyana might strike oil, President Maduro issued a decree claiming that the majority of Guyana waters now belonged to Venezuela. Consequently, in an effort to defend its sovereignty, Guyana made it clear to the Venezuelan Government that the Essequibo and its offshore waters belonged to Guyana.  The border between the countries was set by an international tribunal in 1899, in an award the parties, including Venezuela, had agreed would be a final settlement.

Since the recent belligerence from Venezuela, moves have been made by the international community, including the United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, to push for a peaceful resolution of the issue.

Marilyn Cheryl Miles

Marilyn Cheryl Miles

Meanwhile, Geoffrey DaSilva, who served as Guyana’s Ambassador to Venezuela since 2010, was recalled by Minister Greenidge shortly after the A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance For Change (APNU/AFC) Government ascended to office.

Further, according to the Venezuelan report, President Maduro indicated that he was willing to send Venezuelan Ambassador Reina Margarita back to Guyana, given that tensions seem to be easing due to the mediation by the United Nations.

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I say ****...them. Oil was all the connection we had with them but they need 75 dollars a barrel to break even. It is being sold at under 30 dollars presently so they are not a good source. Recall our ambassador and secure our connection to the Caribbean who already stand with us. The Brits, The US and the Canadians will stand on the wall with us as well.


Border controversy… Venezuela halts accreditation of new Guyanese ambassador

September 17, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 
Former Ambassador, Geoffrey da Silva

Former Ambassador, Geoffrey da Silva

An angry Venezuela has suspended the accreditation process for a new Guyanese ambassador to that country, saying remarks made by Foreign Minister, Carl Greenidge, in Florida over the weekend were brutal attacks.

This latest development would come amidst tense relations between the neighbours after an oil find in waters of Guyana.

The new Government had admitted the recall of Ambassador Geoffrey da Silva.

Former Ambassador to Venezuela, Cheryl Miles, is now tipped for that position. She has served for 10 years as Ambassador to Brazil and Venezuela- the latter for seven years. She was the first female Director General of the Guyanese Foreign Ministry.

According to a statement from Venezuela’s Foreign Ministry website published Tuesday, President Nicolas Maduro during his weekly televised programme said that he decided to suspend the negotiations to grant approval for a new Guyana ambassador in Venezuela.

Maduro was incensed because Minister Greenidge allegedly used “epithets, adjectives and attacks against Venezuela” during the Florida trip where the Venezuela border controversy was discussed.

However, Minister Greenidge last evening made it clear that Guyana will not be silent. “I regret President Maduro’s fondness for broadcast diplomacy which Guyana will not follow. Guyana will not be silent where its rights under law continue to be denied. The path of peace is the path of law, and Guyana will continue to pursue it.”

The Minister addressed the Florida Conference on Current Caribbean issues hosted by the Institute of Caribbean Studies (ICS) and the Greater Caribbean American Chamber of Commerce; a Town Hall meeting for Guyanese and friends of Guyana in South Florida hosted by the Guyana Honorary Consul; a meeting with a group of maritime lawyers; a lunch hosted by the Beacon Council;  an interview with a team of senior editors at the Miami Herald; and a press brunch to clearly outline the historical and recent developments regarding Venezuela’s claim and recent threats against Guyana.

In all his presentations, Minister Greenidge reportedly made it clear that the only option, to which Guyana would agree to decide whether there is any merit to the claim, is judicial settlement via the International Court of Justice (ICJ). He said that it was now up to United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki Moon “to do his job and facilitate the process towards a judicial settlement of this claim”.

Tipped to be new ambassador: Cheryl Miles

Tipped to be new ambassador: Cheryl Miles

However, Venezuela is opposing the judicial settlement option preferring to pursue the good offices mechanism, which Minister Greenidge said, has been tried for the past 23 years, yielding “little or no success”.

“Guyana is of the firm belief that this controversy, arising out of the Venezuelan claim that the Arbitral Award of 1899 is null and void can only be settled once and for all through the judicial process.

Before there could be any adjustment to the demarcations of our territorial and maritime boundaries the ICJ must first rule on whether the Arbitral Award of 1899 is null and void. It is Guyana’s firm view that that Award is legally binding and that the existing boundaries must remain intact,” Greenidge told a luncheon at the conference attended by diplomats, elected officials, business executives and community leaders.

Brutal Attack

Maduro, in his statement Tuesday, said that he ordered Chancellor Delcy Rodríguez, Foreign Minister of Venezuela, to halt the process of recognizing a new ambassador since it is “nonsense” to begin a process of diplomatic adjustment and suddenly go to Miami and launch a brutal attack.

Maduro emphasized that Venezuela is a nation of peace and that the claims of his nation on Essequibo are being done by way of international law and truth.

“They tried (the Government of Guyana) to disrupt and damage the relations in the Caribbean, but today our relations with that sister region enjoy good health, respect, cooperation and brotherhood.”

The Venezuelan leader insisted that his government wants relations with the Government of Guyana but it should be one based on respect.

He demanded the President of Guyana, David Granger, define its position on Venezuela. “If you want to go the way of respect, we are on the path of respect, through diplomatic channels…the only way to end.”

Maduro urged support from all Caribbean governments to end the “attacks and offense” against Venezuela, “and that the Cooperative Republic of Guyana and Venezuela reestablish relations of respect we had for years, which are the only relationships we want to have from Venezuela.”


Late last month, the Opposition warned Government to think twice about recalling its ambassador to Venezuela, Geoffrey da Silva.

Opposition Chief Whip, Gail Teixeira, herself a former acting Foreign Minister, warned that Da Silva’s recall might not be such a good idea, as there is no telling when Venezuela is likely to issue its agrément or approval of the person who has been chosen.

A delay of that agrément is likely to have trade and other repercussions.

The Venezuela ambassador would have been one of the toughest for the Foreign Affairs ministry, especially in light of the controversy that sparked by that neighbouring country’s claims on Guyana.

Bilateral relations between the two countries took a turn for the worse after US-owned ExxonMobil announced in May that it had found oil in a concession offshore Guyana.

Venezuela claimed that the waters belong to that nation, a claim that Guyana is vehemently denying.

With Guyana also involved in a lucrative oil-for-rice deal with Venezuela, and da Silva playing a critical role in the arrangements, the absence of an ambassador would complicate things.

Already, Venezuela has signaled intentions to stop taking rice from Guyana after November, placing pressure of the Granger administration to find new overseas markets. The rice deal has been ongoing for over five years now.

This year, Guyana is facing a number increasing challenges, especially when it pertains to border issues, Greenidge explained to the House.

Almost $4B has been allocated to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to help Guyana defend itself on international scene against Venezuela’s claims among other things.

Of the sum allocated to the Ministry, $2.6B covers foreign policy promotion.


Minister Greenidge never “attacked” Venezuela

Following reports in the Venezuelan media that Guyana’s Foreign Affairs Minister, Carl Greenidge delivered a series of verbal attacks towards their country during an event in the United States, the convener of the event, Wesley Kirton stepped forward to set the record straight, pointing out that the Guyanese Minister did nothing of the sort.

“As Convenor of the Conference at which Minister Greenidge delivered the keynote address and led a panel on the Guyana/Venezuela controversy, I can attest that at no time did the Honourable Minister “attack” Venezuela… In fact Minister Greenidge sought to “play down” the view expressed by former Grenada Ambassador to Venezuela, Matthew William, that “Maduro is a desperate man” capable of resorting to the use of force in pursuit of the Venezuelan claim and as a means towards bolstering his faltering approval rating amongst the Venezuelan population,” Kirton explained, expressing his utter shock over the claims made by Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro who used these alleged attacks as the justification for his decision to freeze the approval of Guyana’s new Ambassador to Venezuela.

Furthermore, Kirton explained that Minister Greenidge simply stated that diplomacy remained the best mechanism for de-escalating tensions between the two countries and it was Guyana’s view that a peaceful resolution of the controversy was the only option, best pursued through the judicial settlement process via the International Court of Justice (ICJ).

“Further, I accompanied the Minister to all the meetings held in South Florida, including media interviews, and at no time, in my view, did anything said by the Minister constitute an attack on Venezuela,” the convener stated.

Therefore, Kirton is of the view that the Venezuelan President’s decision to suspend the granting of agreement for a new top envoy from the neighbouring Republic based on alleged “attacks” on Venezuela by Foreign Minister Greenidge while on his visit to the United States was more the “occasion than the cause for his action”.

“He never intended to grant agreement,” Kirton contended, noting that reliable sources informed him of this posture taken by the Venezuelan Government.

“This, notwithstanding, there is no doubt that President Maduro must have taken note of the overwhelming success of Guyana, through the presentations of Minister Greenidge, in positively articulating its position that the Arbitral Award of 1899 is legally binding and NOT null and void and to win the support of various key audiences and individuals,” he added.

In conclusion, Kirton urged “if President Maduro is really committed to de-escalating tensions and ensuring the maintenance of a secure peace in our hemisphere, the least he could do at this point is to allow for the diplomatic engagement of the two countries by sending his ambassador back to Georgetown and granting agreement for the posting of Guyana’s new top envoy to Caracas. By this action, he would be clearly demonstrating his expressed commitment to a peaceful resolution of the controversy”.

Originally Posted by Danyael:

I say ****...them. Oil was all the connection we had with them but they need 75 dollars a barrel to break even. It is being sold at under 30 dollars presently so they are not a good source. Recall our ambassador and secure our connection to the Caribbean who already stand with us. The Brits, The US and the Canadians will stand on the wall with us as well.

I even wonder if there are any benefits to Petro Caribe now, given the low prices.  Trinidad is very willing to sell us oil, and not hold us hostage for doing so.


Did we not have good diplomatic relations with Venezuela when Odeen Ishmael and Bayney Karran served consecutive terms as Guyana's Ambassador to Venezuela?  Bam - here comes Greenidge and now trouble starts. Listen, like them or not, they are still our neighbor and we have to share that contentious border.  If David think he can slay Goliath - go right ahead!!

Bibi Haniffa
Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:

Did we not have good diplomatic relations with Venezuela when Odeen Ishmael and Bayney Karran served consecutive terms as Guyana's Ambassador to Venezuela?  Bam - here comes Greenidge and now trouble starts. Listen, like them or not, they are still our neighbor and we have to share that contentious border.  If David think he can slay Goliath - go right ahead!!

Did Venezuela remove its claims to Guyana?  NO!


So how can you babble that we had "good relations?"


Also tell us why Maduro wants war with Colombia, in fact going even further with that country than he has with Guyana?

Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:

Did we not have good diplomatic relations with Venezuela when Odeen Ishmael and Bayney Karran served consecutive terms as Guyana's Ambassador to Venezuela?  Bam - here comes Greenidge and now trouble starts. Listen, like them or not, they are still our neighbor and we have to share that contentious border.  If David think he can slay Goliath - go right ahead!!

Exxon found oil and Venezuela renewed its claim. Plus Maduro is on his way to a failed state under his office. He need something to distract his people. This is one. Karran and Odeen simply sat there with no inroads to resolution. Venezuela under Chavez did not want to relinquish their spurious claim.


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