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Mars posted:
RiffRaff posted:

The bigger issue is how such a developed and rich country like Venuzuela has come to near starvation....Guyana don't have resources like them, but seems to be better off

The stupid fools didn't learn from the mistakes made by Jagan and Burnham pursuing Communism and nationalizing the major industries. 

The dynamics in Venez is very different.  As Bibi stated, they missed the opportunity to develop a disciplined diversified economy due to the easy oil money.  This resulted in their domestic Agro industry shrinking and the food supply.  There are many oil rich nations in this boat.  I believe there is some external destabilization forces exploiting the situation.

You must remember, food is inelastic so a small excess supply could result in a big price drop and conversely, a small shortfall could result in panic and starvation.  Over the decades, Venezuela's population left the land and became more urbanized, as such, very dependent on external food supplies.

This is a lesson for countries like Guyana, which ever Govt is in.  Even if oil comes, don't overlook the domestic Agro industry.  Any Govt should ensure a balance development model and economy!

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Okay since you dodging me question on why the rice was returned from Belize here is the answer.


Go and get medication for your hormonal imbalance. I already told you that in life there will be disputes.  You are screaming, wailing, and pulling your hair out over one deal gone bad.  So Belize will get no more Guyanese rice.

Now cease your nonsense and explain the problems that Guyana had with Venezuela in the early part of the rice deal.  There were disputes over the quality of rice which Guyana shipped, and so problems with getting paid.

caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Okay since you dodging me question on why the rice was returned from Belize here is the answer.


Go and get medication for your hormonal imbalance. I already told you that in life there will be disputes.  You are screaming, wailing, and pulling your hair out over one deal gone bad.  So Belize will get no more Guyanese rice.

Now cease your nonsense and explain the problems that Guyana had with Venezuela in the early part of the rice deal.  There were disputes over the quality of rice which Guyana shipped, and so problems with getting paid.

Quality is a problem you always hear in many countries with bulk shipment.  That does not mean the deal is in danger. Usually there may be some merit, so you investigate and mitigate, not cancel the deal.

Now coming back to Belize, how the rass the PNC send rice without approval and the proper documentation!  What the PNC think they selling, road side mauby?

ba$eman posted:
caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

  Since you are so hell bent on rice, why don't you tell us why Belize sent back

You are like one of those old ladies who would go out on the road and cuss everybody about their body parts, and vulgarity about their mother.

In every line of business disputes occur.  I am most sure that many occurred when the PPP was in power, and in fact I recall that some even involved Venezuela, when they were refusing to pay, based on some notion of Guyana not performing.

Address the question rather than make a bigger fool of yourself!

Question was already addressed.  Disputes occur, and any one who is in business understands that some deals go bad. ONE shipment.

You do know that several shipments to Venezuela had problems, because the Venezuelans complained that Guyana was shipping weevils, and not rice, so refused to pay.  With the Guyanese denying this.

SEVERAL shipments!

Why don't YOU address the larger question. The fact that Jagdeo isn't telling the farmers that the prices that they got from selling to Venezuela are no longer current. This is a rice for oil swap, with the price of oil being the determining factor.  Guyana paid for oil with rice, so clearly as the oil prices dropped, so did the rice prices.

Jagdeo knows this, but its more beneficial for him to con simpletons like Bibi that "black man a starve ahbe", rather then tell the truth. You know better, but your fundamental racism means that you also peddle Jagdeo's dishonesty!

ba$eman posted:

Quality is a problem you always hear in many countries with bulk shipment.  That does not mean the deal is in danger. Usually there may be some merit, so you investigate and mitigate, not cancel the deal.

Now coming back to Belize, how the rass the PNC send rice without approval and the proper documentation!  What the PNC think they selling, road side mauby?

Inured PNC/AFC focus.

ba$eman posted:

Now coming back to Belize, how the rass the PNC send rice without approval and the proper documentation!  What the PNC think they selling, road side mauby?

And why is Jagdeo not telling rice farmers that if they sell to Venezuela

1.  there is a risk that they will not get paid

2.  that the price that they will get will be 50% lower than that which they previously received.

Now I think that this problem is more fundamental than one shipment gone bad.

Any way why are you screaming about the PNC.  Why don't you insist the GRDB be dismantled, with the rice industry handling its own marketing, and financing arrangements?


One deal gone bad?  Every single deal so far has gone bad.  Up to this day Noel Holder has not come forth and tell the truth to the rice farmers what happened to the market.  Since there are no markets, production is not needed.  That is why some of the Berbice farmers had their water supply cut off to halt rice production. They are punishing the farmers with low prices and no markets. 

These are the same farmers who Nagamoottoo told early last year that when he become Minister of Agriculture, he would pay them $9,000 per bad for paddy.

Bibi Haniffa
Django posted:
ba$eman posted:
Django posted:
ba$eman posted:
Django posted:

How could anyone import something like rice into a country without a Govt Lic and Govt approval.  Furthermore, he must have had to establish an LOC prior to the shipment.  Did the PNC not have all this documentation prior to shipping out the rice!  What was their basis for send the shipment.  Seems the PNC think they still running KSI!!

Thinking about Guyana Rice Export why is this not in private hands.

It goes to show how much you know!!

As you know help out nah,share the knowledge.

Well bhai me tawt you will help,anyway technological age does help out

Bibi Haniffa posted:

One deal gone bad?  Every single deal so far has gone bad.  Up to this day Noel Holder has not come forth and tell the truth to the rice farmers what happened to the market.  Since there are no markets, production is not needed.  That is why some of the Berbice farmers had their water supply cut off to halt rice production. They are punishing the farmers with low prices and no markets. 

These are the same farmers who Nagamoottoo told early last year that when he become Minister of Agriculture, he would pay them $9,000 per bad for paddy.

Where do you get this info from ? who is your source that Seeraj fella.

Last edited by Django



Note that this article was written in March 2015, when the PPP was in power.

Bibi, when you finish your hormonal rants, read, if you are able to.

This is why GRDB needs to be dismantled and rice exports should be handled by the rice industry itself.  Govt should focus on insuring that the small rice farmers receive the assistance that they need, and that they aren't exploited, and that a grievance mechanism ne set up to resolve disputes with the millers.

ba$eman posted:
caribny posted:
Django posted:

Where do you get this info from ? who is your source that Seeraj fella.

Naaah. Bibi's hormones are acting up.  Hence her irrational and hysterical rants.

Now, what "imbalance" causing you to act up these past 14 or so years?

No imbalance on my part.  Just the desire to expose racists like you for the charlatans that you are. I still remember your days when you screamed that blacks eat ants, are violent, criminal,nasty and stupid, that without Indians Guyana would be a swamp, that Guyanese blacks are like "Rawandans,"  and that we should grovel in gratitude to Indians for "saving" us.

And you don't think that such statements are racist.  You still imply these views, but are too ashamed to be too obvious.

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:
caribny posted:
Django posted:

Where do you get this info from ? who is your source that Seeraj fella.

Naaah. Bibi's hormones are acting up.  Hence her irrational and hysterical rants.

Now, what "imbalance" causing you to act up these past 14 or so years?

No imbalance on my part.  Just the desire to expose racists like you for the charlatans that you are. I still remember your days when you screamed that blacks eat ants, are nasty, that without Indians Guyana would be a swamp, that Guyanese blacks are like "Rawandans,"  and that we should grovel in gratitude to Indians for "saving" us.

I think your imagination running wild.  You are on some hallucinogenic substance!

ba$eman posted:

No imbalance on my part.  Just the desire to expose racists like you for the charlatans that you are. I still remember your days when you screamed that blacks eat ants, are nasty, that without Indians Guyana would be a swamp, that Guyanese blacks are like "Rawandans,"  and that we should grovel in gratitude to Indians for "saving" us.

I think your imagination running wild.  You are on some hallucinogenic substance!

Some one who had been to Switzerland and India, using your handle, made those comments.

Now I know that this embarrasses you, but hey, what can I say.

Now if your more recent remarks didn't maintain elements of this, I would have forgotten it, as we are all guilty of saying things that we really regret.

But you have become more subtle, but your disrespect for blacks is still very much there.  Even recently you were justifying the recent spate of shootings of unarmed blacks by the police.

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:

No imbalance on my part.  Just the desire to expose racists like you for the charlatans that you are. I still remember your days when you screamed that blacks eat ants, are nasty, that without Indians Guyana would be a swamp, that Guyanese blacks are like "Rawandans,"  and that we should grovel in gratitude to Indians for "saving" us.

I think your imagination running wild.  You are on some hallucinogenic substance!

Some one who had been to Switzerland and India, using your handle, made those comments.

Now I know that this embarrasses you, but hey, what can I say.

Now if your more recent remarks didn't maintain elements of this, I would have forgotten it, as we are all guilty of saying things that we really regret.

But you have become more subtle, but your disrespect for blacks is still very much there.  Even recently you were justifying the recent spate of shootings of unarmed blacks by the police.

you are confused banna!

ba$eman posted:
caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:

No imbalance on my part.  Just the desire to expose racists like you for the charlatans that you are. I still remember your days when you screamed that blacks eat ants, are nasty, that without Indians Guyana would be a swamp, that Guyanese blacks are like "Rawandans,"  and that we should grovel in gratitude to Indians for "saving" us.

I think your imagination running wild.  You are on some hallucinogenic substance!

Some one who had been to Switzerland and India, using your handle, made those comments.

Now I know that this embarrasses you, but hey, what can I say.

Now if your more recent remarks didn't maintain elements of this, I would have forgotten it, as we are all guilty of saying things that we really regret.

But you have become more subtle, but your disrespect for blacks is still very much there.  Even recently you were justifying the recent spate of shootings of unarmed blacks by the police.

you are confused banna!

A pitiful response when you cannot do any better.

Prashad posted:

Looks like Venezuela may have had no money to pay to get their money printed.


Venezuela is a very wealthy country and nations will not shy away from doing things on credit.  Oil is already recovering and venez will be flush.  Remember, Venez govt owns CITGO US which gives low income households in the US free heating oil during Winter!

ba$eman posted:

Venezuela is a very wealthy country

OK so MadBURRO is a very cruel man, who wants his people to starve, to not have medicines, to see his healthcare system collapse, to have endless blackouts, to have one of the worst crime rates in the world.

Now I thought that Venezuela was broke. But it appears as if they aren't, but MadBURRO just likes his people to punish.

ba$eman posted:
caribny posted:

What did the coalition gov't destroy?  Guysuco?  A rice deal that would have failed, and the fact that the PPP did NOTHING to improve the ability of the rice industry to compete in the vast range of market opportunities available just next door in Brazil.

Seriously.  What did the PPP build that the coalition destroyed.

A more accurate assumption is to suggest that the PPP did NOTHING, and the coalition is on track to do no better!

Well, i guess there is nothing to discuss.  As i contend, i dont know what Guyana is celebrating on May 26! 

Correct, because you cannot prove that the PPP built anything for the coalition to destroy.

Prashad posted:

Guyana could have sold Venezuela Burnham rice flour. Plus recipes for making rice flour bread.


Talking about that.  How come MadBURRO is a saint and Burnham is evil, when they both landed their people into starvation and destitution?

Brown KKK championing MadBURRO just goes to show the hatred that they have for Guyana.

ba$eman posted:
Mr.T posted:

What goods do we manufacturer that Venezuela would possible have wanted to buy from us? Can the PPP apologist produce a list?

You right, that 200k ton rice deal was nothing really!!

Yes, why not have the poor rice farmers donate 200k of rice to Venezuela.  They are even richer than the T&T gov't so they can afford it.

caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:
Mr.T posted:

What goods do we manufacturer that Venezuela would possible have wanted to buy from us? Can the PPP apologist produce a list?

You right, that 200k ton rice deal was nothing really!!

Yes, why not have the poor rice farmers donate 200k of rice to Venezuela.  They are even richer than the T&T gov't so they can afford it.

I guess it was better than dumping like the shipment made to Belize!  The rice farmers cannot, the GoG needs to!

caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:

I guess it was better than dumping like the shipment made to Belize!  The rice farmers cannot, the GoG needs to!

Unless you are suggesting that 200k was shipped to Belize I fear that your brown KKK hormones are once again clouding your judgement.

Whatever you suggesting, only the GoG can do, one ton or 200k tons!

ba$eman posted:
caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:

I guess it was better than dumping like the shipment made to Belize!  The rice farmers cannot, the GoG needs to!

Unless you are suggesting that 200k was shipped to Belize I fear that your brown KKK hormones are once again clouding your judgement.

Whatever you suggesting, only the GoG can do, one ton or 200k tons!

If the coalition sends rice to Venezuela, and MadBURRO issues IOU's you all will scream "blackman a starve ahbe", and forget that it was your idea's and not APNU AFC.


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