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Venezuelan Maduro vows to “reconquer” Essequibo; makes new presidential decree

Venezuelan President, Nicolas Maduro. (Photo – @NicolasMaduro Twitter)

Kaieteur News – President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro, on Thursday issued a presidential decree, reinforcing the country’s claim to Guyana’s Essequibo Region and in a tweet has vowed to “reconquer” the Essequibo.

Alongside that action, the Venezuelan President announced on the same day that he wrote to Secretary-General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, requesting the union to lead direct negotiations between Guyana and Venezuela as an alternative solution to the ongoing litigation at the International Court of Justice (ICJ).

Maduro said that the Essequibo region has always been the territory of Venezuela but that it suffered imperial dispossession.
In a tweet posted on Thursday, Maduro said “I signed the decree by which the Territory for the Development of the Atlantic Façade of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela is established, which becomes part of the legal, diplomatic and political actions for the defense of our rights for more than 200 years.”

“That territory belongs to the Venezuelan men and women and we are going to reconquer it,” Maduro said in another tweet, as he called on Venezuelans to support his cause.
Maduro’s call was buttressed by a unanimous agreement made on Thursday by all political factions in Venezuela’s National Assembly that they would fight for the region they call ‘Guayana Esequiba.’
According to Venezuela’s Ministry of Popular Power for Communication and Information, the National Assembly made three agreements, which include the formation of a ‘Special Commission for the Defence of the

Guayana Esequiba Territory and Territorial Sovereignty.’
Maduro also announced in another tweet on Thursday that he wrote to the UN with the objective of advancing a peaceful alternative to the ICJ litigation.

The Venezuelan President said that only sovereign states can bring us closer to a solution to the controversy.
“We reject the ICJ’s decision. We are determined to defend our Essequibo.” Maduro said.

The Court, in December, delivered a judgment stating that it has jurisdiction to hear a matter in a border case Guyana filed against neighboring Venezuela. The judgment states that the UN Secretary-General may choose a means of settlement under Article 33 of the Charter of the United Nations, which includes judicial settlement.

Venezuela had long held that it would prefer direct negotiations and that it rejects the jurisdiction of the ICJ to settle this matter once and for all. After the judgment was passed down, Venezuela declared that it rejected the Court’s assumption of jurisdiction

The Guyana Government’s Advisor on Borders, Carl Greenidge, has said that he expects the ICJ to take two to three and a half years to issue a judgment settling the matter.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

What Madura has said is tantamount to an act of war.  It's time for President Irfaan Ali to cancel all military officers' and soldiers' leave and recall them for retraining to combat the Venezuelans ASAP. All freedom fighters and Patriots should be drafted into the army.


Ramjattan said yesterday that Donald Trump should be jailed and APNU/AFC should lean on Biden's administration to unseat the PPP and swears in Harmon as the rightful leader of Guyana. What would he say about this new threat from Venezuela? Was Trump policy against Venezuela was wrong to stop Maduro from threatening Guyana?

Ramjattan doesn't understand U.S. foreign policy when it comes to democracy and getting rid of dictatorship from the region. America says, do as I say, don't do as I do. Trump and Biden both believe that Maduro must go to have a peaceful outcome in the region.


The Boundary between Guyana and Venezuela was officially established in 1899.

Part of the agreement states ---

Now we, the undersigned Arbitrators, do hereby make and publish our decision, determination, and award of, upon, and concerning the questions submitted to us by the said Treaty of Arbitration, finally decide, award, and determine that the boundary-line between the Colony of British Guiana and the United States of Venezuela is as follows: —

Starting from the coast at Point Playa, the line of boundary shall run in a straight line to the River Barima at its junction with the River Mururuma, and thence along the mid-stream of the latter river to its source, and from that point to the junction of the River Haiowa with the Amakuru, and thence along the mid-stream of the Amakuru to its source in the Imataka Ridge, and thence in a south-westerly direction along the highest ridge of the spur of the Imataka Mountains to the highest point of the main range of such Imataka Mountains opposite to the source of the Barima, and thence along the summit of the main ridge in a south-easterly direction of the Imataka Mountains to the source of the Acarabisi, and thence along the mid-stream of the Acarabisi to the Cuyuni, and thence along the northern bank of the River Cuyuni westward to its junction with the Wenamu, and thence following the mid-stream of the Wenamu to its westernmost source, and thence in a direct line to the summit of Mount Roraima, and from Mount Roraima to the source of the Cotinga, and along the mid-stream of that river to its junction with the Takutu, and thence along the mid-stream of the Takutu to its source, thence in a straight line to the westernmost point of the Akarai Mountains, and thence along the ridge of the Akarai Mountains to the source of the Corentin called the Cutari River:

Provided always that the line of delimitation fixed by this Award shall be subject and without prejudice to any questions now existing, or which may arise, to be determined between the Government of Her Britannic Majesty and the Republic of Brazil, or between the latter Republic and the United States of Venezuela.

In fixing the above delimitation, the Arbitrators consider and decide that in times of peace the Rivers Amakuru and Barima shall be open to navigation by the merchant-ships of all nations, subject to all just regulations and to the payment of light or other like dues: Provided that the dues charged by the Republic of Venezuela and the Government of the Colony of British Guiana in respect of the passage of vessels along the portions of such rivers respectively owned by them shall be charged at the same rates upon the vessels of Venezuela and Great Britain, such rates being no higher than those charged to any other nation: Provided also that no customs duties shall be chargeable either by the Republic of Venezuela or by the Colony of British Guiana in respect of goods carried on board ships, vessels, or boats passing along the said rivers; but customs duties shall only be chargeable in respect of goods landed in the territory of Venezuela or Great Britain respectively.

Executed and published in duplicate by us in Paris, this 3rd day of October, A.D. 1899.






Source -

@Ramakant-P posted:

What Madura has said is tantamount to an act of war.  It's time for President Irfaan Ali to cancel all military officers' and soldiers' leave and recall them for retraining to combat the Venezuelans ASAP. All freedom fighters and Patriots should be drafted into the army.

Calling all members of Ramakant's Goadee Brigade:  assemble at Brampton town square .  Flight to the Guyana/Venezuela border leaves tomorrow at 6 a.m. sharp.  Happy New Year.

@Viper posted:

Ramjattan said yesterday that Donald Trump should be jailed and APNU/AFC should lean on Biden's administration to unseat the PPP and swears in Harmon as the rightful leader of Guyana. What would he say about this new threat from Venezuela? Was Trump policy against Venezuela was wrong to stop Maduro from threatening Guyana?

Ramjattan doesn't understand U.S. foreign policy when it comes to democracy and getting rid of dictatorship from the region. America says, do as I say, don't do as I do. Trump and Biden both believe that Maduro must go to have a peaceful outcome in the region.

Theres a joint exercise between the guyana and US coast guard. All Madura doing is engaging in saber rattling. The territorial integrity will not be breached.


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