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Vic Puran’s daughter says he was murdered

Dear Editor,

I refer to a letter by the 17 year old son of Vic Puran, Mikel Puran in yesterday’s KN (September 6) accusing me of vilifying the name of his dead father. As someone much older than this young man, I ought to understand the misplaced passion of youth. I will not be harsh on him for the utter lack of research that went into his letter. But I am sure as a law student his professors must be wondering about his prospects.
It is unpardonable in the year 2016 for someone to write on topical issues in the news and not use Google. Google is perhaps used billions of times each day. If Milkel Puran had Googled his father’s name, he would see right in this and other newspaper that his sister, Mikhaila Puran is asking the police to investigate her father’s death because she knows he was tortured and murdered. I would suggest he talk immediately to his sister and together pursue the matter with the police. I really don’t know why he would want a stranger (me) to give the police information on his father’s death when his sister wrote that she knows who killed him and who stood to benefit from his death. Is it possible that young Puran read what his sister wrote but is scared to face the reality of who his sister is pointing to?
If Mikel Puran had gone to Google he would have seen that his father wrote a letter in the newspaper in response to my comments and he mentioned that it was a family purchase of the Foreman shoe repair building and 28 (yes, 28) family members joined in. He never mentioned anything about brother-in-law. I would suggest to young Puran, he speak with AFC Parliamentarian, Michael Carrington on his father’s ownership of the Foreman building, because at the time of purchase Carrington was the tenant. Carrington will enlighten Puran on the ownership.
If Miken Puran had used Google, he would see the accusations I made against his father when his father was alive in several columns and letters. He would have also seen the times I came to his father’s rescue as a media operative. I am simply baffled why he did do a simple Google click. That simply Google click would have revealed that the prosecutor left the treason case and Puran was invited to prosecute. I will not reveal at this time the circumstances as to how Vic Puran became the prosecutor, but I will do so later.
Finally, young Puran sounds scary when he wrote in his letter that a prosecutor does not look at the circumstances surrounding evidence in a prosecution case. That is what professional lawyers do. Prosecutors do not prosecute based on non-existent evidence. If the evidence is not there, it is the morally and legally decent thing to do and not to go ahead with prosecution. The three treason accused were freed because the evidence was not flimsy or opaque; it was non-existent. Vic Puran had no moral conscience when he took that case to send three persons to their death on fictional evidence.
I will forgive young Puran for his research paucity because he is still young but if he continues to ignore the cardinal rules in making analysis and disregard research, he may not graduate. Why should he? Finally, I will overlook a son’s exuberance of his farther. After all, Mikel Puran was just twelve when his father was murdered. And his father fathered him when he was in his middle fifties, so Mikel Puran would have missed out on knowing the details of his father’s long career in politics and law. But a child should not be forgiven for glossing over the heinous and repugnant things their parents committed against others. If your dad sent you to university, bought the best jewels and cars for you, that does not wash away the people he killed when he was in power. I hope Mikel Puran learns that vital lesson of life.
Frederick Kissoon


Replies sorted oldest to newest

ba$eman posted:
Mr.T posted:

I already posted on GNI more than once that Puran was murdered. It's so damn obvious that he was.

Really!!  Go tell the GPF all the obvious they missed!



If an attorney can work pro bono for the Puran family in this matter then it will be a good thing. Many lawyers got their legal start because of attorney Vic Puran. Now it is time for them to step up to the plate.

Prashad posted:

If an attorney can work pro bono for the Puran family in this matter then it will be a good thing. Many lawyers got their legal start because of attorney Vic Puran. Now it is time for them to step up to the plate.

Why don't you tell us why the PPP covered up his death?


 The PNC took Puran in when he was running from Mrs Janet. Then he is taking case to prosecute Pnc men who risk their lives. The same party that rescued him from Mrs Janet. The knife in the back don't get deeper than that. Someone was very angry. 

Prashad posted:

 The PNC took Puran in when he was running from Mrs Janet. Then he is taking case to prosecute Pnc men who risk their lives. The same party that rescued him from Mrs Janet. The knife in the back don't get deeper than that. Someone was very angry. 

Why did the PPP cover up Puran murder and make it look like a car accident? Did they ever hold an inquest into his death? Same for Sat Sawh and many others who were cut down by the PPP Phantom Death Squad.


I guess this was the letter Freddie the lunatic was referring to.  I need to read all this stuff before I comment.

I, Mikel Puran, 17 years of age, am the son of the late Attorney-at-Law Vic Puran. My attention was first drawn to an article written by Mr. Freddie Kissoon in the Kaieteur Newspaper under the headline “Now Burnham’s daughter Roxanne joins the chorus.”
Perusing Mr. Kissoon’s article, I was shocked that he once again chose to attack my father publicly after his death, knowing full well that my father cannot defend himself. I note that attacking dead people is a favorite pastime of Mr. Kissoon. It is a spineless act of cowardice. Mr. Kissoon would have dared not say those things about my father if he was alive.
In the article, Mr. Kissoon states “I met Puran in Tiger Bay while he was tending to the Foreman Shoe Factory – a building that I suspect he purchased with questionable finances.”
How can a supposedly educated man make such reckless and unfounded statements? One can only imagine how many of these statements damaging to people’s character are made every day by Mr. Kissoon. He concocts his lies every day to get a story for an article for which he is paid.
To intentionally destroy the reputation of others for one’s own survival is as immoral as anything else.
Kissoon loves to moonlight as a morality czar. The truth is my father never purchased Foreman’s property. The property was purchased by my father’s brother-in-law Lakhram Brijmohan. He is a wealthy engineer – who lives in the United States of America. The financing was certainly “not questionable.”
I cannot imagine that this man can sit in his house and fabricate these wicked lies about people, even the dead. I call upon the owner of this newspaper to get rid of this man.
Mr. Kissoon continues his gutter journalism by writing, “I knew Puran had fallen in bad company and I believe those people eventually killed him.” I am calling on Mr. Kissoon to name the “bad company” to whom he is referring. If he fails to do so, I am calling on the Commissioner of Police and the Crime Chief to invite Mr. Kissoon to provide the names of these people, because after all, Mr. Kissoon claims that they murdered my father.
I want the investigation into my father’s death to be reopened and for Mr. Kissoon to submit to the police the names of these suspects. I am a law student and I know that if he has such information and he fails to disclose it to the police he can be charged for serious criminal offences. I am calling upon the Police Commissioner to charge Mr. Kissoon if he fails to divulge the information he has about who killed my father.
Mr Kissoon then writes about the Treason case which my father prosecuted. My father was a professional, unlike Mr. Kissoon. He knew his role as a prosecutor was to present the evidence, and it is for the court to decide. Unlike Mr. Kissoon, my father never pretended to be God and concern himself with how many children and their ages, that people have who are charged with criminal offences. As a prosecutor, my father would have been wrong to allow those factors to interfere with his ability to present the available evidence. That is why he told the unlearned Kissoon “… you should see the evidence.” But of course the egomaniac that Kissoon is would never understand these professional rules.
Mr. Kissoon has convinced himself that he is qualified to morally judge the world. It is a level of insanity from which the public should be protected. Imagine Mr. Kissoon has the audacity to say “(the evidence)… had more holes than a discarded basket?” What qualifications and training does he have to assess the quality of legal evidence?
Since Mr. Kissoon has chosen to attack my dead father and my father is not around to respond, I want to share with the public a few things which my father told me about Mr. Kissoon:
1. That he is a failure in life who is bitter and jealous with all those who have surpassed him and have become more successful in life.
2. That he is inherently a racist who attacks Indian people so as to find acceptability among black people.
3. That he is lazy and never worked more than three hours in his life lecturing at UG, but spends most of his days running and jogging and listening to strange music while other people work and when those people surpass him in life he is vengeful.
4. He stole books from the National Library, kept them for himself and denied other poor children the use of those books.
I hope Mr. Kissoon respects my right to say what I have said.
Mikel Puran


Freddie the lunatic original article:

Now Burnham’s daughter Roxanne joins the chorus

Anyone who went through a philosophy book would tell you that humans are so complex, mysterious, self-driven, self-preserving, deceitful and incapable of selfless love that prediction of their behaviour is almost impossible despite glowing theories of the role of genetic factors. Sigmund Freud once observed that he didn’t think he ever understood women.
The greatest line fault in human thinking is that we do not transfer to others the soulful emotions we nurture for our loved ones. Here is a criminal who is all excited at the birth of his new child. But he would go out there and kill a parent who is the only income-earner in the family, thus devastating the future of the man’s children. This is where humans come very close to animals.
If one loves his wife intensely how can he harass another man’s wife for sex and victimize her through dismissal? Such charges have been made against the CEO of the most watched cable news channel in the US – Fox News. Can you imagine three young men robbed a house, set it on fire when they were leaving and left an elderly mother to burn to death? Then days after, they hacked an elderly man and his wife to death in his shop. In the court, their relatives turned up and were consoling them and they were waving to their relatives. Why should anyone show love to these tenth rated, lower animals? But they have relatives who love them and they in turn love.
This is where life becomes incomprehensible. How can humans hurt, maim and murder others when those very perpetrators have other humans that they love? Don’t they know the meaning of love and shouldn’t that consciousness deter them from hurting others? I did two columns some years ago in which I looked at a daughter’s defence of a father. I featured the daughters of Saddam Hussein, and in Guyana, the daughters of Donald Ramotar and attorney Vic Puran.
All three daughters had lovely things to say about their fathers and I attempted to show the men’s record. Hussein as President murdered thousands of people including his own sons-in-law. Vic Puran was the prosecutor for a treason case. Treason carries the death penalty. Two of the accused, Carol Ann and Bruce Munroe has two little, sick children. I knew Puran all my life since we were teenagers.
I knew Puran had fallen in bad company and I believe those people eventually killed him. In a published letter in the newspapers, his daughter subtly hinted that the police knew who killed him but would not act. I met Puran in Tiger Bay while he was tending to the Foreman Shoe Factory – a building that I suspect he purchased with questionable finances. I asked him not to continue as prosecutor because I knew it was a case of victimization. He said to me; “you should see the evidence”. I told him I did and it had more holes than a discarded basket. The accused got off because the evidence was sickeningly non-existent. When the daughter wrote her praising letter, she wasn’t concerned with Puran’s role in the treason trial.
Donald Ramotar’s daughter said in the newspaper that her father deserved the good things that came his way because he fought for his country. I guess my daughter thinks her father fought for Guyana too. But I, my nephew, Mark Benschop, Oliver Hinckson, Bruce and Carol Ann Munroe and so many others were seriously oppressed by the presidency of Lisa Ramotar’s father. But she chose not to comment on those things despite my public appeal for her to do so.
We come now to the letter by Forbes Burnham’s daughter, Roxanne, yesterday in KN. She wrote nice words about her father. I read them and remembered what Tacuma Ogunseye once wrote in this newspaper. He observed that people think Burnham didn’t do wrong things. In my opinion, Burnham did so many wrong things that an enumeration will fill volumes.
But are these daughters wrong to eulogize their fathers. The answer is no. They knew them up, close and personal. The point is these daughters may not know what their fathers did. But is that not stretching it a bit? Saddam Hussein killed his opponents openly. Lisa Ramotar had to know about the PPP’s excesses during her father’s reign. You mean to tell me Roxanne didn’t know anything about the wrongs and violations of Forbes Burnham?
I suggest two things to her. Read the 1980 Constitution and tell Guyanese what you think of it. And have a chat with some of us who know what you don’t.


Not sure if I want to waste my time on this but let’s look at some of Freddie the lunatic comments with my response in bold:

“Vic Puran was the prosecutor for a treason case. Treason carries the death penalty. Two of the accused, Carol Ann and Bruce Munroe has two little, sick children. I knew Puran all my life since we were teenagers.”

What does sick children have to do with prosecuting a case? 

“I knew Puran had fallen in bad company and I believe those people eventually killed him. In a published letter in the newspapers, his daughter subtly hinted that the police knew who killed him but would not act.”

His daughter believed “family” killed him.  Who is Freddie’s bad company?  Isn’t he implying he was killed by drug dealers or was it the PPP  


“I met Puran in Tiger Bay while he was tending to the Foreman Shoe Factory – a building that I suspect he purchased with questionable finances.”

The building was purchased by Brijmohan, regardless of what was stated in the article Freddie referred to.  All super sleuth Freddie has to do is check the property tax records.


“I asked him not to continue as prosecutor because I knew it was a case of victimization. He said to me; “you should see the evidence”. I told him I did and it had more holes than a discarded basket. The accused got off because the evidence was sickeningly non-existent.”

I don’t know about this case but I guess the justice system worked or someone got paid off Guyana style.

“After all, Mikel Puran was just twelve when his father was murdered. And his father fathered him when he was in his middle fifties, so Mikel Puran would have missed out on knowing the details of his father’s long career in politics and law.”

Vic died at 57, how could he have fathered the 12 year old in his “middle fifties” hahahaha.


Mikel said: “Mr Kissoon then writes about the Treason case which my father prosecuted. My father was a professional, unlike Mr. Kissoon. He knew his role as a prosecutor was to present the evidence, and it is for the court to decide. Unlike Mr. Kissoon, my father never pretended to be God and concern himself with how many children and their ages, that people have who are charged with criminal offences. As a prosecutor, my father would have been wrong to allow those factors to interfere with his ability to present the available evidence.”

Freddie replied:  “Finally, young Puran sounds scary when he wrote in his letter that a prosecutor does not look at the circumstances surrounding evidence in a prosecution case.”

How did Freddie the lunatic come up with that description of what Mikel said.  The man is a true jackass. Imagine he was a lecturer at UG.

Anyway, the fact is the police in Guyana never tried to re-create the “accident” that Vic died in to determine if it was a true accident or murder.  An officer showed up looked at the scene and decided it was an accident with no investigation.  That is Guyana for you, a mother fing backwards country under backwards politicians.


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