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February 12 , 2022

To see our Vice President fumbling for words the other evening in his interview with VICE Media was not pretty. His typical press conference begins with a two-hour monologue touching on every issue, many of which are outside his chief cook and bottle washer portfolio. Local media operators tolerate these because most of them are genuinely intimidated by Mr Jagdeo who has described them as vultures, barred one senior reporter from his press conferences and pulled state advertisements from this newspaper. 

So one might not feel too sorry for him when he  was led to believe for over an hour that the award winning journalist, Isobel Yeung, was genuinely interested in his opinions on oil, the environment and his grand vision for Guyana with a mandatory sprinkling of attacks on opposition individuals she had likely never heard of.

Then we reach about 1.07 in, Yeung puts the hammer down. First by asking directly if ”within your government do you accept bribes?” Mr Jagdeo replied “No. I don’t.”

Yueng: We have spoken to a number of Chinese business people in Guyana who said you do accept bribes. And they said in fact it’s the only way to get business done is to bribe you.…The real big boss is the vice-president and everything is under the table, the whole country is like this.”

Jagdeo parried saying he would not respond to anonymous sources.

Yeung: Okay so let’s talk about this specific individual, what is your relationship with Mr. Su Zhirong?

Jagdeo: Oh Su? My relationship? Nothing, he is a tenant in my place yes.

Yeung: And he is a friend of yours?

Jagdeo: Yes, am yes, yes he is a friend of ours, his father was here from many years ago.

Yeung: He lives next door to you.

Jagdeo: Yes

Yeung: He is able to arrange meetings and catch ups with you at any point of the day, he claims…

Jagdeo: As a friend, yes.

Interviewer: He claims that he has a very close relationship with you, he is able to get any deal done.

Jagdeo: Well, I don’t know if that…

A week later a clearly rattled Mr Jagdeo decided to post the interview in its entirety to try and preempt the feature VICE will likely air in a few months. All will then be revealed but even now the interview has raised troubling questions that need answering.

First we should accept that VICE Media came to Guyana armed with some information/evidence  about, or provided by, Mr Su and wanted to confront Mr Jagdeo. It is not likely they simply said let’s go fishing for a news story in Guyana and happened to stumble upon Mr Su. Nor is it likely they made this all up. This is further reinforced by the fact that they are said to have only interviewed one other government official, made a brief visit to Mahdia prior to the Jagdeo interview and left shortly after. What additional information they have we do not know (although Yeung did say she had seen contracts provided by Su) and it is somewhat disturbing that an American news outlet has caused such a commotion in a politically fragile country with these accusations and left the nation to twist in the wind. VICE has been criticised for producing documentaries that give unbalanced and sensationalist portrayals that perpetuate stereotypes of third world countries. They have in the past had a kind of macho, edgy vibe that is not helpful for serious journalism.

But to the matter in hand, who exactly is Mr Su and what is his relationship to Mr Jagdeo? Well in the latter’s own words Mr Su is a close friend and a tenant of Mr Jagdeo living in a home right next door in Pradoville II, that it is understood was up to a year ago on the market for a considerable sum.

Mr Su has appeared in several newspaper articles over the years as a representative of various com-panies although it is not clear exactly how successful they have been and who might be the other investors. These include Hi Tech Construction which received land for real estate on the East Bank prior to 2015 suggesting Mr Su has access and is well integrated into what is for outsiders a rather opaque  Chinese Guyanese business network.

For his part Mr Jagdeo has lashed out at almost everyone, even raising the failure of opposition MPs to file documents with the Integrity Commission. This is a clumsy red herring looking to divert the focus from what is a direct allegation of corruption against him. He has also accused VICE of playing gotcha journalism and wanting “to make a developing country leader look corrupt”.

And he has hinted that this is some conspiracy driven by US policy to combat the influence of China in Guyana and Latin America. In the process he threw his Foreign Minister and Cabinet colleague under the bus by claiming the Taiwan office idea was Mr Todd’s alone and that he only learned about it in the newspapers. This is some savage humiliation but one doubts Mr Todd would resign on principle. And of course Mr Jagdeo couldn’t resist that old PPP/C chestnut “the last time we were caught up in a cold war type of atmosphere,” it led to the CIA and the British Secret Service intervening which led “to a dictatorship for 28 years.”

There is no doubt that America is concerned about China’s presence here. They have said as much. The influential writer Dr Evan Ellis, research professor of Latin American Studies at the U.S. Army War College, has made it almost his life’s work to document the China threat. Then US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on his visit here in September 2020, stated “We’ve watched the Chinese Communist Party invest in countries, and it all seems great at the front end and then it all comes falling down when the political costs connected to that becomes clear,”

And US Ambassador Lynch has touched on concerns about procurement practices here. But it is farfetched to suggest VICE Media was part of some devious plan. And even if they were it would not undermine any evidence that shows clear corruption.

For its part the Chinese Embassy was quick to defend its companies and come to Mr Jagdeo’s rescue, asserting, “The Chinese side highly appre-ciates that the Government of Guyana upholds the one-China principle and keeps developing cordial relations with China…..Chinese companies operating in Guyana are following the local laws, international practices, and market rules, participating in big projects through open and fair competitions, which is beyond reproach.”

But allegations of corruption involving Chinese construction firms operating worldwide abound including a “consulting fee”, a percentage of the contract value that is said to be paid to politicians, even from the opposition, to secure contracts and dampen any controversy. We would be naive to think it hasn’t happened here. It is also hard to fathom the supposed motivation for Mr Su to claim his role as a middleman and how VICE spoke to him or otherwise.  Mr Su has since denied making such claims and is engaging his lawyers. He has not denied speaking to VICE Media.

These remain serious allegations at a time when large infrastructure projects are being considered. For example we have learnt that negotiations with the Chinese bidder for the new Demerara Harbour Bridge have broken down over financing terms even as Minister Edghill admitted the costs will go up. This controversy only complicates matters.  

Replies sorted oldest to newest

I have watched Vice Media in the past and I gotta say they tend to use a real good can opener in their reporting. They open those cans and the worms emerge.

Last edited by cain
@cain posted:

Voters protection? Whatderass is that? You really think when pressure brace they gonna stand up with him? Where is BIG mouth Anil on this?

Wait and see. Not that I am with him. But, the reality is there is  ABSOLUTELY NO ALTERNATIVE to him.

@Django posted:

By stealing Elections.

No, by making a complete ass of the PNC. The PNC is really responsible for the quagmire affairs of the country. Blasted racist Granger-too eaarly Sunday for me to cuss.

@seignet posted:

Wait and see. Not that I am with him. But, the reality is there is  ABSOLUTELY NO ALTERNATIVE to him.

You lost it nuh? The way things are heading there the alternative could even be an outsider.

@Former Member posted:

seigy trying hard to get some contracts!!

Guyana IS NOT a place I would invest in, EVER AGAIN. Everyone expects  a fee for doing business. I had to deal wth a speaker and I loose. Even Freedom House din help me. Jagdeo told me not to bribe anyone-he was Junior Minister then.

Contracts has kick backs associated with. Money must be made, breaking even is not my game. I am not now starting. I have been at it for a while.

Pofitable and worthwhile it must, otherwie I cut my losses loose and walk away. Plenty other things to make money on.

@Totaram posted:

Come on man--you have lived long enough to know that there is always an alternative.

Bro, I have written about it on both KN and SN for years. When AFC formed I gave them some money. When Granger formed the APNU, in Toronto I went to the breakfast meeting and I gave money there too.

I tell you there are no Alternatives, at the present time. Many will try and have tried, they fail to move the electorate-they are the ones that decides their future. Right now, Jagdeo is the best thing there is. Perhaps, racism has alot to do wid it.

@cain posted:

You lost it nuh? The way things are heading there the alternative could even be an outsider.

Putagee, yuh know in Guyana the Americans mek deals with politicians and ppl dem trust-men like Forbes and Peter D'Aguiar.

The Americans want to develop Guyana, they have cornered Jagdeo. They will make a deal with him for a share of the development. They know who he is and will keep him in place. Nicaugra(sp) had the Samoza family. The PPP is Jagdeo's family. Money has no enemies.

Jagdeo will come out of this. There is no Opposition that the Americans can arm twist. Forbes had no oppostion once the CIA stepped in.

@seignet posted:

Putagee, yuh know in Guyana the Americans mek deals with politicians and ppl dem trust-men like Forbes and Peter D'Aguiar.

The Americans want to develop Guyana, they have cornered Jagdeo. They will make a deal with him for a share of the development. They know who he is and will keep him in place. Nicaugra(sp) had the Samoza family. The PPP is Jagdeo's family. Money has no enemies.

Jagdeo will come out of this. There is no Opposition that the Americans can arm twist. Forbes had no oppostion once the CIA stepped in.



Vice President’s bribery stain

Kaieteur News – We are appalled at what has surfaced and could lead to an enduring stain on Guyana’s Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo. We make no defense for him or rush to no judgment on his guilt or lack of such that besmirches ordinary citizens, but leaves a more lasting and pungent odour when placed against the name of a leader. This allegation of bribe taking on the part of the Vice President is not to his credit, whether true or false, be it trumped up or what can be trampled down. The reality is that it is there, and it will not go away. And if the Vice President did, then that is to his perpetual damnation, and if he didn’t, then the stain and the shame of it remains as it is no longer erasable, which is the trouble with these things.
It is known that we have had our differences with the Vice President when he was President. Now that he is Vice President, which for all intents and purposes makes him President of Guyana’s Oil Management, Oil Visions, and Oil Actions, Standards, and Practices, and transforms him into this country’s de facto President and leader. Some of those differences have been severe and wounding, as originating from his side over the years, but we have a mission and that is to serve the peoples of this country. So, we have persevered to this day. Today we do not seize the opportunity to judge him and condemn him, even though it is our belief that he deserves both for some of the things he has done to this country.
No! He has the chance to come clean and offer himself up to be judged and condemned; or upheld, sympathised with, and pardoned. Truthfully, Dr. Jagdeo is not a sympathetic figure. He cuts an unheeding, impatient, arrogant, troubled figure of a leader, who has fallen prey to a failure and folly as old as man. He allowed the trappings of power to get to his head, control his mind, and dictate his feet in directions which he should not have gone. He has been a picture of inconsistencies, evasions, suspicions, the worst of speculations, and now they are back to haunt him with the ferociousness of a Category-5 hurricane.
He comes across, in this his hour of public trial, as unsteady in defense, unconvincing in presence, and unsettled in resolve. It is as if he is a man searching for the elusive in the dark, which makes his lacklustre stumbling and erratic pawing representative of inconvenient truths of a savaging kind. As said before, in the strength of his posture he will persuade, in the feebleness of his energies he will raise eyebrows, which is the least of his concerns, or compel others to assume the worst, from which he may likely never recover.
The whispers were always there, and so are sturdy convictions that the Vice President did not do his best to deliver the best for the hopeful, trusting people of Guyana. We confess that, as time went by, whatever trust we had for the Vice President evaporated. His ways and wiles left us no choice, but to be true to what we believe. Malice is not a part of our makeup, and there is no delight at the plight in which the Vice President finds himself. How he handles this, how he comports himself, will either clear him or convict him in the vigilant, critical, sometimes helpful, sometimes hostile court of public opinion.
Vice President Jagdeo has a lot to live down, which is one way of examining the ugly developments involving him. On the other hand, he has the opportunity to approach his leadership responsibilities in a different way on a different plain with different degrees of ethics. Persuasive personal honour must be embedded irremovably in the new framework that he adopts and embraces for himself. If the Vice President is guilty as alleged, only he would know, and he should do the right thing and take the dignified road. Go. If he isn’t, then he must move heaven and hell to clear his name. He owes himself that, and Guyana is due that, more than he.



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