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Police arrest two in connection with...
Harry Bissoon 11:48pm Feb 27
Police arrest two in connection with Corriverton throat slitting incident

A group of policemen attached to the Springlands Police Station swarmed a Middle Walk Square, Crabwood Creek house around 14:30 hrs yesterday and arrested two men, one in his late 20’s while the other was in his late 30’s in connection with the stabbing incident at Wazir’s Rice Depot at Springlands on February 7.
Kaieteur News understands that police were hot on the perpetrators’ trail since the incident even though no arrests had been made.
According to the owner of the depot, Wazir Dilchand, he received information that the suspect was staying in a rented house in Crabwood Creek and he (Wazir) immediately informed ranks in the area. The ranks raided the house and found two men inside. They were immediately arrested and taken to the Springlands lock- ups.
According to Dilchand, one of the men, when questioned, said that he lived at Siparuta, an Amerindian reservation along the Corentyne River, while the whereabouts of the other male remain unknown. Dilchand is positive one of the men is the perpetrator of the stabbing incident which resulted in the injury to his (Wazir’s) employee, Jaiwantee Sharma, also known as ‘Besky, 49.
The woman sustained injuries to her neck and head.
“One guy come into the rice depot and acted like a customer and closed in the door and just choke the lady and rob she and slashed she throat, either with a knife or a razor. Two or three slashes on the head,” Dilchand stated a few weeks ago.
Up to press time, the two men remained in the Springlands lock- ups pending an Identification Parade by Sharma. Sharma had not been available yesterday to view the parade since she was receiving outpatient medical attention at the New Amsterdam Public Hospital.

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