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@Django posted:

Uncle Rama ,is it democratic to declare a winner from Fraudulent Elections ?

How do you determine that the election was fraudulent?  The Chairman of GECOM is the one who will announce the winner.   It is up to the leader of the Losing Party to challenge the result in court.  

When the PPP was losing and claimed that the election was rigged, he didn't challenge the results in court because he said that he does not have confidence in the Judiciary, thus ligitimizing the election.

What will granger do?

@Ramakant-P posted:

How do you determine that the election was fraudulent? 

The Chairman of GECOM is the one who will announce the winner.   It is up to the leader of the Losing Party to challenge the result in court.  

When the PPP was losing and claimed that the election was rigged, he didn't challenge the results in court because he said that he does not have confidence in the Judiciary, thus ligitimizing the election.

What will granger do?

From the videos of tabulations the public can see from the observation reports, many irregularities .

There will be report from the Carcom Observers, there will be reviewing of the observation reports..etc.

Last edited by Django
@Ramakant-P posted:

And report back to whom?  Let me repeat:   If the losing Party does not challenge the results and show proof of fraud, then the results would become ligitimate.

GECOM will be reviewing the reports and make a decision on the outcome of the Elections.  Don't forget the CEO have an important role to play.

Last edited by Django
@Django posted:

From the videos of tabulations the public can see from the observation reports, many irregularities .

There will be report from the Carcom Observers, there will be reviewing of the observation reports..etc.

The observation report was a joke. It was a delaying move that bombed. How can you determine that voters were not in the jurisdiction? They have NO PROOF. Then Vulga Vulva Lawrence mimicking jumbie motion. Are these people rational? Are they just plain stupid or what? They need to stop fooling themselves and accept a crushing defeat. The people have spoken, hand over the reins and disappear. They were ceremoniously dumped by the majority of the people.

@Former Member posted:

The observation report was a joke. It was a delaying move that bombed. How can you determine that voters were not in the jurisdiction? They have NO PROOF. Then Vulga Vulva Lawrence mimicking jumbie motion. Are these people rational? Are they just plain stupid or what? They need to stop fooling themselves and accept a crushing defeat. The people have spoken, hand over the reins and disappear. They were ceremoniously dumped by the majority of the people.

So what about the statutory documents ?

Last edited by Django
@Django posted:

Recount about to end soon ,electoral fraud  in multiple areas ,numerous fraud in Region 4 on the East Coast Demerara,also Mingo fraudulent Region 4 tabulation.

Will GECOM declared March 2,2020 elections Credible or scrap it ? will a winner be declared ? will the front man Bharat Jagdeo lead the pack ?

U sound like Rod Serling in the twilight zone. 😃

@Ramakant-P posted:

Granger will accept the results.  I was told that he doesn't want the job anymore.  They can't recover the country from the economic disaster, Moses Kakamootoo left it in.

Uncle Rama, I don't think this is up to Granger at all. It's those individuals within his party that u need to pay close attention to. They will not relinquish power without a fite if the final tabulation favors a PPP victory.


"Victory Celebration" is the title of this thread. In the event of GECOM declaration of a PPP/C victory I urge all supporters to show humility and sobriety. Triumphalism will only aggravate bitterness and resentment by APNU+AFC folks. Not the way to go. We must show all and sundry that the PPP/C will govern for the benefit of every Guyanese. 

@Sheik101 posted:

Uncle Rama, I don't think this is up to Granger at all. It's those individuals within his party that u need to pay close attention to. They will not relinquish power without a fite if the final tabulation favors a PPP victory.

Jagdeo will have no problem escorting them from their offices with the help of his Handpicked Police officers and his Army . Their isn't going to be a coup.  

Last edited by Django

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