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Originally posted by albert:
The writing is getting clearer on the wall....the P.P.P/C is the truly nationalist party...and will be endorse by the masses...long live the P.P.P/C...long live the citizens of Guyana

Yes if I look long enough and hard enough I see a few black faces poking out. Who is to say that your PPP boys didnt just pay these blacks a small piece to just show up.
Originally posted by albert:

The P.P.P/C is will supported from all the ethnic groups...and Guyanese of African ancestry is no exception....the P.P.P/C is Guyana's largest multi-ethnic political party....

Its was created by Ashton Chase H.J.Hubbard...Cheddi Jagan L.F.S Burham and Janet Jagan...

The PPP that was set up in the late 40s isnt the nakedly racist PPP that is today. Note then you had many blacks in REAL leadership oistions. Now poor Luncheon cant tell you why this is no longer the case.

Oh and a posed pic of 4 blacks who posed, got paid and left, is not impressive.
Caribj....for you to jump on the rumour express and falsely claimed those persons were a gross understatment....and speaks volumes of how low you thinks...

Those Guyanese who had attended that massive P.P.P/C rally did so on their free will...they knew to their hearts that the P.P.P/C is truly the Nationalist party of Guyana...thus they will endorse the P.P.P/C with the mantle of governance for another term..
Originally posted by albert:
Caribj....for you to jump on the rumour express and falsely claimed those persons were a gross understatment.....

albert there were very few blacks there. Few enough for you to have gathered some walking down the road and given them a small piece.

Albert its quite clear the majority of blacks make their hatred of the PPP known by staying away from PPP events.

Any way you all are already mounting your "hate black man" nights in your PPP bottom houses. We already saw an example of that here on youtube.
Originally posted by albert:
caribj you are cognizant of the ethnic composition of certain constituencies and depending on which constituency a political rally may be kept....the ratio may vary... ....

Interesting that you picked the most Indian region to hold your first event. Clearly it shows your true priorities. Poor Luncheon will say he doesnt know why the PPP didnt do its coming out in a region more represantitive of Guyana. Why do you all always like to embarrass your black PPP slaves?

I know why though. You fear the loss of your hold over the Indo vote w/o which you cannot win an election. So you must go to your strongjhold to show power.

That meeting in Kitty where 10 people showed up...if we subtracted party people....scared you all baaad, baad, baad!!!

But tell me, why did the racial composition on Apprecaition Day look almost the same. I mean Providence is near to G/T.

Come better than that.
They turned out in their thousands in Berbice to show support for the P.P.P/C and will do the same in Kitty come Sunday...the P.P.P/C has found ground in every facet of the Guyanese society , remains pro working class..and will continue to do Guyana proud...a good term always warrants another...the Guyanese populace will be endorsing the P.P.P/C....
Originally posted by TK_REDUX:
Originally posted by albert: sound like the new Dick Morris for the A.F.C... tings? Did you guys offer a library to Berbice UG? PPP is the first govt to build a university without a library.

hey drunkee...can you think of something better to post here..for an economist yu sure look like a dunce like mee cheers
Originally posted by albert:
In that severely edited clip...its safe to concluded that individual was provoked by the A.F.C personnel(s)who spot the video...Gerhard you have to come better than that....
For all your efforts, the video speaks for itself. The PPP can pay you all the money in the world, but it cannot negate what they have become. In fact, them paying someone like you is more proof of what they have become.
Originally posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally posted by albert:
In that severely edited clip...its safe to concluded that individual was provoked by the A.F.C personnel(s)who spot the video...Gerhard you have to come better than that....
For all your efforts, the video speaks for itself. The PPP can pay you all the money in the world, but it cannot negate what they have become. In fact, them paying someone like you is more proof of what they have become.

GR..waa good bro..ah see yall trying every strokes in the PNC books but lik eit naa wuk....30000 showed up to celebrate the PPP and yall cann attrack 100 at yall meetings...come tell yu buddy waa seems to be the problem
Originally posted by albert:
So Gerhard you no longer blog on issues but resorts to personal attacks....when one had blog how the A.F.C strides on character assassination.....and spoke of your firing from NT computec and where the first to cry fowl...

well we know a long time ago that this will be their line of attack ...thay have NOTHING of substance to offer the GUyanese people so they give what they know best...personnal attacks...protest...bytching...whining...and bad mouthing every good the PPP dose...the good thing is that the Guyanese voters knows this and come election day they willl kick dem ass out and vote the PPP back into office...PPP all the way
Originally posted by albert:
So Gerhard you no longer blog on issues but resorts to personal attacks....when one had blog how the A.F.C strides on character assassination.....and spoke of your firing from NT computec and where the first to cry fowl...

Character assassination !! The Guyanese people are learning a lot from the PPP.
It must be follow the leader, when Jagdeo is talking about a person who speak the truth about him.
Originally posted by Tola:
Originally posted by albert:
So Gerhard you no longer blog on issues but resorts to personal attacks....when one had blog how the A.F.C strides on character assassination.....and spoke of your firing from NT computec and where the first to cry fowl...

Character assassination !! The Guyanese people are learning a lot from the PPP.
It must be follow the leader, when Jagdeo is talking about a person who speak the truth about him.

Let us All vote PPP - NOT! dunno
Not according to berbicians albert, we aint going behind dem 2 crooks all yuh gat there.

Cheddi put specific rules in there no house lots for PPP exec all dem crook deh tek house lot, Not Moses.

Moses is the son of berbice and so is Khemraj we gonna leff all yuh rass at the altar. You see why all yuh had to hold that thing outside the albion ground?

Nobady aint show up. No amount of propaganda gonna fool berbice mi boy.

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