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The AFC could be lost in oblivionPDFPrintE-mail
Sunday, 13 May 2012 20:07
KINDLY permit me space in your newspaper to comment on the issues that have now engulfed the AFC.
Firstly, the leadership of the party showed no concern when it received the emails from Mr. Yusuf. Had they acted immediately and with fairness to each party, this conflagration would not have erupted. To add salt to the wound, I was surprised to read that the leader asked β€œHow much did Yusuf contribute?”  That is baseless, contemptuous and insulting. If someone donates one thousand dollars and another one million dollars, the latter, according to the leader of AFC is better in his eyes.

Secondly, on the issue of transparency and accountability,there is a voucher system that could have been used. The honourable MP has made puerile attempts to explain his inadequacies. Everyone knows that you do not have receipts at the market. His response was that he had about 40 persons on staff. Simple mathematics-40 x 1000= 40,000 per day. Multiply that by 30 days = $1,200,000. Add his groceries and for argument sake add another million. That would be $2,200,000. Boy this man is claiming $4.5 million. I would like him to read Uttara Kand in the Ramayan and MAHABHARAT. He claims to be a Hindu. Let me enlighten this goodly man that: β€œAction thy duty, reward not thy concern.” Yet, on Issues of the People, he continues to expound on his achievements. This is ego because of his use of β€œI”. He displays AHANGKAR. Come off the high horse Mr. MP!

Next, did you advertise the position in the office? Kindly, gentlemen and ladies of the executives of AFC, do not attack the messenger; rebut the information and let Guyana know the truth. Kindly remind yourselves about the character of VALMIKI before he became a pious man. On Saturday May 12 on the programme, a certain gentleman requested a debate with Mr. Leslie Ramsammy. Would the MP from the AFC be willing to debate Mr. Yusuf? Kindly do not talk about qualifications because you assault the Queen’s English on a continuous basis.

Lastly, do not feel that you alone worked fo the AFC, hundreds if not thousands did it in homes, workplaces, markets, shops, etc.

In conclusion, I wish that this matter be amicably resolved and you gentlemen can stop throwing stones at each other. Guyana needs unity, love, understanding and co-operation. Please Mr. Ramjattan, act quickly or the AFC would be lost in oblivion.
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Scumbags !

Look at how they are gouging our fellow Berbicians for crossing the low cost floating bridge.



I remember when it took two days to cross the Berbice river. Yes two. 

Berbicians are happy with the bridge. Those who cannot afford to cross should not use the bridge.


I just came back from the USA and was shocked as to the massive amount of tolls Americans pay and yet snake oil salesman like yourself just try to distort the facts.


Try  using the US highways without paying tolls. Visiting from Canada, I was totally  shocked. Everytime that I finished paying a toll another toll booth appeared !


What world are you living in ?

Originally Posted by albert:


AFC/PNC have been exposed with their pants down. The backlash against the AFC/PNC will be massive.


They refuse to investigate corruption and fraud in the AFC.

AFC scumbags.

AFC = All For Corruption. Shame Shame

AFC = All For Corruption. Shame Shame

Gerhard, can you account for the 115 million as per this video ?

You were the treasurer of the campaign.

Gerhard, what is result of the 4.5 million investigation ?

You were the treasurer of this campaign.

Why did you prevent your own members from speaking at public meetings ? Is the AFC a dictatorship party ?

Does fish curry in Guyana cost 4.5 million ?

What is the AFC hiding ? 

4.5 million fish curry AFC. Shame on the AFC scumbags.

The debate is now on. The snake oil Ramjattan and Moses will be exposed tonight. 


Ramjattan and Moses and Gerhard are out to destroy Guyana. Be careful of these corrupt AFC top brass.


Ramjattan is behaving like Ravan, Moses is behaving like Judas and Gerhard behavior reminds me of Hitler, read your history books.


Gerhard has publicly stated that his parents are of German origin.


Does Gerhard truly have Guyana at heart ?


Is Germany closer to his heart ?


Why are you so slient when  corruption is exposed within the AFC ?


Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by sachin_05:




Your racism stinks. Using the term "collie" is the same as calling an Afro Guyanese the "N" word.


Your racist behavior and postings should not be tolerated. PNC racists here posting as AFC supporters is exposing the confirmed marriage with the PNC and AFC.


Shame on you ! AFC openly supports racism ! 


Guyanese gave blood in Berbice to fight against racism and will never, never tolerate racism by the AFC/PNC.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by sachin_05:




Your racism stinks. Using the term "collie" is the same as calling an Afro Guyanese the "N" word.


Your racist behavior and postings should not be tolerated. PNC racists here posting as AFC supporters is exposing the confirmed marriage with the PNC and AFC.


Shame on you ! AFC openly supports racism ! 


Guyanese gave BLOOD IN BERBICE to fight against racism and will never, never tolerate racism by the AFC/PNC.

yeah, you got that them Berbician got to pay with blood to cross the BERBICE bridge the PPP build...

Last edited by sachin_05
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Scumbags !

Look at how they are gouging our fellow Berbicians for crossing the low cost floating bridge.



I remember when it took two days to cross the Berbice river. Yes two. 

Berbicians are happy with the bridge. Those who cannot afford to cross should not use the bridge.


I just came back from the USA and was shocked as to the massive amount of tolls Americans pay and yet snake oil salesman like yourself just try to distort the facts.


Try  using the US highways without paying tolls. Visiting from Canada, I was totally  shocked. Everytime that I finished paying a toll another toll booth appeared !


What world are you living in ?

You get what you pay for here, America is not a third world country with float away bridges so don't even try to compare income and expence with Guyana.

Why don,t you compare Suriname? have you ever been there? How much you pay to cross their world class bridges?


Hey Sachin


A relative from Albany drove me through a place called Schenectady new York and I saw people mainly of African origin living in conditions that were worse than third world, yes third world. It is a total disgrace to the president and politicians to allow its citizens to live in such horrible conditions.


You should not lecture anyone on living standards in America when over thirty million Americans are living on food stamps. 


Get your facts straight.


I drove through places in America that has living conditions worse than Haiti.


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