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Originally posted by TK_REDUX:
A father's love for his child is great. Joey has never said anything of substance since I have been reading his letters to viewing his antics on CN Sharma's show. However, I understand that Joey is now saying these things so his son can have a future in the PPP. I understand the quest for soup.

It funny that you put everyone in a particular category yet you yourself did your fair share of political grass hopping. From the PPP to ROAR then to the AFC. What an opportunist
Originally posted by The Judge:
Originally posted by TK_REDUX:
A father's love for his child is great. Joey has never said anything of substance since I have been reading his letters to viewing his antics on CN Sharma's show. However, I understand that Joey is now saying these things so his son can have a future in the PPP. I understand the quest for soup.

It funny that you put everyone in a particular category yet you yourself did your fair share of political grass hopping. From the PPP to ROAR then to the AFC. What an opportunist

If I were an opportunist I would have been in the PPP. I make tremendous personal sacrifices to help shape a viable political opposition in Guyana.
You are full of SHIT and a LIAR. Right here on bloody GNI you used to gloat when his letters were posted here. You have NO BLOODY SHAME!!!!
Originally posted by TK_REDUX:
A father's love for his child is great. Joey has never said anything of substance since I have been reading his letters to viewing his antics on CN Sharma's show. However, I understand that Joey is now saying these things so his son can have a future in the PPP. I understand the quest for soup.
What viable Opposition?? Deh WATA WASH SHIT AH BATTY Party?????
Originally posted by TK_REDUX:
Originally posted by The Judge:
Originally posted by TK_REDUX:
A father's love for his child is great. Joey has never said anything of substance since I have been reading his letters to viewing his antics on CN Sharma's show. However, I understand that Joey is now saying these things so his son can have a future in the PPP. I understand the quest for soup.

It funny that you put everyone in a particular category yet you yourself did your fair share of political grass hopping. From the PPP to ROAR then to the AFC. What an opportunist

If I were an opportunist I would have been in the PPP. I make tremendous personal sacrifices to help shape a viable political opposition in Guyana.
Originally posted by Nehru:
You are full of SHIT and a LIAR. Right here on bloody GNI you used to gloat when his letters were posted here. You have NO BLOODY SHAME!!!!
Originally posted by TK_REDUX:
A father's love for his child is great. Joey has never said anything of substance since I have been reading his letters to viewing his antics on CN Sharma's show. However, I understand that Joey is now saying these things so his son can have a future in the PPP. I understand the quest for soup.

Not true. Joey has attacked me personally on two or three occasions in the letter columns.
Joey Jagan has nothing of substance to say and as Uncle moses said this is one poosur poosur govt dem cant find anyone better than Peter Ramsaroop, House of Israel Joe Hamilton, Blackie London - Bynoe. Shame shame shame.

Ramotar assured Joey that his son will have full access to the soup that is what Joey meant to say
When I hear Joey I want to know if this is the same chap who has been cussing up the PPP and his father Comrade Cheddi.
What made him change overnight?
He appears to high on Donald soup?
Just the other day I was reading where he was quarreling with AFC that it was not joining the PNC. What did he want AFC to join PNC for, if not to team up against PPP?
He would have teamed up with his Godfather's party PNC but maybe they did not offer him the right soup.
This man should be ashamed of himself. He first formed a party with Max Hanoman and opposed the PPP, then he formed Unity Party with a jackass as his symbol to fight the PPP. The jackass couldn't run, and the party was abandoned.
Now he is running for his jackass, and holding the cup as his symbol.
People know this man. He can't step in the shoes of Comrade Moses who was fighting at the side of Comrade Cheddi for over 40 years. He was then enjoying life in America, while Moses was taking the licks and the jail.
Jagdeo and Ramotar should be ashamed to put this man up to attack Moses. The people of Berbice know Moses and trust him. Can they trust Joey?
But the campaign is not about Cheddi Jagan. He is not the presidential candidate. He is gone, God bless his soul. Joey said nothing about the qualifications of Ramotar and whether he can lead Guyana. If the Skeldon factory white elephant and the failure of Guysuco is anything to go by, Joey should have the decency to admit that Ramotar has a poor record.

But, then, Berbicians need a comedy break. Joey the comic fella.
Originally posted by The Judge:
Originally posted by TK_REDUX:

That's what you believe!

That's what i know.

What you know doesn't matter. I can never work with PPP because I disagree with everything they stand for. What pisses you and Jadgeo off is I call it as I see it. You can't buy off everyone you know.
Originally posted by TK_REDUX:
Originally posted by The Judge:
Originally posted by TK_REDUX:
A father's love for his child is great. Joey has never said anything of substance since I have been reading his letters to viewing his antics on CN Sharma's show. However, I understand that Joey is now saying these things so his son can have a future in the PPP. I understand the quest for soup.

It funny that you put everyone in a particular category yet you yourself did your fair share of political grass hopping. From the PPP to ROAR then to the AFC. What an opportunist

If I were an opportunist I would have been in the PPP. I make tremendous personal sacrifices to help shape a viable political opposition in Guyana.

TK, who's legacy you want to preserve -- Ben. Bernanke?????
cheers lol
Originally posted by Dave Matrix:
Originally posted by TK_REDUX:
Originally posted by The Judge:
Originally posted by TK_REDUX:
A father's love for his child is great. Joey has never said anything of substance since I have been reading his letters to viewing his antics on CN Sharma's show. However, I understand that Joey is now saying these things so his son can have a future in the PPP. I understand the quest for soup.

It funny that you put everyone in a particular category yet you yourself did your fair share of political grass hopping. From the PPP to ROAR then to the AFC. What an opportunist

If I were an opportunist I would have been in the PPP. I make tremendous personal sacrifices to help shape a viable political opposition in Guyana.

TK, who's legacy you want to preserve -- Ben. Bernanke?????
cheers lol

NULL tings bai? Yuh finish the physics degree yet? Ah tell yuh...get too educated and you out like south in PPP. Yuh see...yuh asking meh a silly question. I don't preserve the legacy of men...the legacy of institutions and syatems are what matter.

Do not fall for the trap of the personality

Posted By Stabroek staff On February 28, 2011 @ 5:04 am In Letters | No Comments

Dear Editor,

I have noticed that my good friend Malcolm Harripaul has fallen for the old personality cult that has contributed to the destruction of Guyana. Malcolm is not alone in falling for this trap of sentimentalism. Guyanese of old have also fallen for Cheddi Jagan and Forbes Burnham in the same manner. These two individuals have set the stage for the destruction and perpetuation of underdevelopment we see today. Malcolm and others await the next great leader to transform and save Guyana. This leader, they say, is former Brigadier David Granger.

This is a seriously mistaken perspective. It is actually dangerous. No individual can transform Guyana. The transformation will require building institutions and transforming the production structure. A country is only as rich as what it produces. And the richness from production can only be shared among the masses when there are upright laws and systems. The institutions to which I allude involve laws protecting private properties, jettisoning the harmful Burnham Constitution, and promoting the development of an efficient and meritocratic public service.

It does not matter how personable the individual leader might be. I have no reason to doubt Malcolm’s perspective with respect to the personal integrity of Brigadier Granger. However, the individual leader is conditioned by the institutional and legal structures of the country. I would be wary of even a Prophet from God ruling under the present Constitu-tion. Fortunately for Guyana, Mr. Khemraj Ramjattan, Mrs. Sheila Holder and Mr. Raphael Trotman understand the distinction between institutions and individuals. Mr. Ramjattan, our Presidential Candidate, was adamant that the AFC adopts the liberal democratic principle. Mr. Ramjattan is a true believer in democratic ideals. Mr. Trotman, our party leader, has already passed the order that he wants a reorganized Action Plan with some additional policies we did not include because of space concerns. The point is these leaders are serious about institution building. They are serious about acting on what they believe.

These beliefs are enshrined in the AFC’s Action Plan – the party’s contract with the Guyanese public. Some proposals include constitutional and legal reforms, electoral reform, public service reform and systems intended to create a private sector-led economy. The AFC commits to media freedom (including private radio stations within the first year in office) and instituting the Freedom of Information Act (again within the first year). I must emphasize that these are just a few of the proposals in the Action Plan.

I urge Guyanese to read the AFC’s Action Plan and to vote with honesty. Do not fall for the trap of the personality. Only by building up proper institutions will there be progress. The individual leader cannot offer good paying jobs to the masses. Only a robust economy can. The individual leader, armed with bad systems and laws, will only be able to deliver progress for a chosen set of friends and families. Do you want this to continue?

Yours faithfully,

Dr. Tarron Khemraj
Originally posted by TK_REDUX:
Originally posted by Dave Matrix:
Originally posted by TK_REDUX:
Originally posted by The Judge:
Originally posted by TK_REDUX:
A father's love for his child is great. Joey has never said anything of substance since I have been reading his letters to viewing his antics on CN Sharma's show. However, I understand that Joey is now saying these things so his son can have a future in the PPP. I understand the quest for soup.

It funny that you put everyone in a particular category yet you yourself did your fair share of political grass hopping. From the PPP to ROAR then to the AFC. What an opportunist

If I were an opportunist I would have been in the PPP. I make tremendous personal sacrifices to help shape a viable political opposition in Guyana.

TK, who's legacy you want to preserve -- Ben. Bernanke?????
cheers lol

NULL tings bai? Yuh finish the physics degree yet? Ah tell yuh...get too educated and you out like south in PPP. Yuh see...yuh asking meh a silly question. I don't preserve the legacy of men...the legacy of institutions and syatems are what matter.

Do not fall for the trap of the personality

Posted By Stabroek staff On February 28, 2011 @ 5:04 am In Letters | No Comments

Dear Editor,

I have noticed that my good friend Malcolm Harripaul has fallen for the old personality cult that has contributed to the destruction of Guyana. Malcolm is not alone in falling for this trap of sentimentalism. Guyanese of old have also fallen for Cheddi Jagan and Forbes Burnham in the same manner. These two individuals have set the stage for the destruction and perpetuation of underdevelopment we see today. Malcolm and others await the next great leader to transform and save Guyana. This leader, they say, is former Brigadier David Granger.

This is a seriously mistaken perspective. It is actually dangerous. No individual can transform Guyana. The transformation will require building institutions and transforming the production structure. A country is only as rich as what it produces. And the richness from production can only be shared among the masses when there are upright laws and systems. The institutions to which I allude involve laws protecting private properties, jettisoning the harmful Burnham Constitution, and promoting the development of an efficient and meritocratic public service.

It does not matter how personable the individual leader might be. I have no reason to doubt Malcolm’s perspective with respect to the personal integrity of Brigadier Granger. However, the individual leader is conditioned by the institutional and legal structures of the country. I would be wary of even a Prophet from God ruling under the present Constitu-tion. Fortunately for Guyana, Mr. Khemraj Ramjattan, Mrs. Sheila Holder and Mr. Raphael Trotman understand the distinction between institutions and individuals. Mr. Ramjattan, our Presidential Candidate, was adamant that the AFC adopts the liberal democratic principle. Mr. Ramjattan is a true believer in democratic ideals. Mr. Trotman, our party leader, has already passed the order that he wants a reorganized Action Plan with some additional policies we did not include because of space concerns. The point is these leaders are serious about institution building. They are serious about acting on what they believe.

These beliefs are enshrined in the AFC’s Action Plan – the party’s contract with the Guyanese public. Some proposals include constitutional and legal reforms, electoral reform, public service reform and systems intended to create a private sector-led economy. The AFC commits to media freedom (including private radio stations within the first year in office) and instituting the Freedom of Information Act (again within the first year). I must emphasize that these are just a few of the proposals in the Action Plan.

I urge Guyanese to read the AFC’s Action Plan and to vote with honesty. Do not fall for the trap of the personality. Only by building up proper institutions will there be progress. The individual leader cannot offer good paying jobs to the masses. Only a robust economy can. The individual leader, armed with bad systems and laws, will only be able to deliver progress for a chosen set of friends and families. Do you want this to continue?

Yours faithfully,

Dr. Tarron Khemraj

With two CCIE; s and a degree behind my name, I don’t need to go in Guyana and stooge like a political slut for the PNC. The only thing left for you to do is sell yourâ€Ķâ€Ķâ€Ķâ€Ķ for some minister jab.
Originally posted by TK_REDUX:
Originally posted by The Judge:
Originally posted by TK_REDUX:
A father's love for his child is great. Joey has never said anything of substance since I have been reading his letters to viewing his antics on CN Sharma's show. However, I understand that Joey is now saying these things so his son can have a future in the PPP. I understand the quest for soup.

It funny that you put everyone in a particular category yet you yourself did your fair share of political grass hopping. From the PPP to ROAR then to the AFC. What an opportunist

If I were an opportunist I would have been in the PPP. I make tremendous personal sacrifices to help shape a viable political opposition in Guyana.

Judge you are correct, TK, is nothing more than a grass hopper.

The PPP would't want him
This AFC campaign is all about settling score with the PPP over who should have been the party's presidential candidate. I spoke to and chat online with over a dozen folks in Guyana and they all shared this view. The electorate will act with maturity and rationalize the political situation in Guyana before making that big step of voting. What's been happening in the economy and in the lives of people will affect how they cast their votes. The dispute over Moses and the PPP over electing or selecting Ramotar for the party's candidate will not have much impact of how they vote as compared to how the criticize the party.
Billy Ram Balgobin
The last time I looked the AFC was not attacking Gaumattie Singh.

The last time I checked the AFC was not cussing out Robert persaud and cussing the PPP at their campaign rallies calling names and cussing out the media.

The PPP clearly has a reputation for going after members of persons family etc. If you dont believe me ask Uncle Bookman why he so strongly supports the PPP?

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