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Bibi Haniffa posted:

So the govt was toppled in the flash of an eye.  One day later and not a word from the President.  

You do recall that the president cannot speak.

So let President for Life Jagdeo tell us about how he will show blacks that he isnt a monster.  

caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

So the govt was toppled in the flash of an eye.  One day later and not a word from the President.  

You do recall that the president cannot speak.

So let President for Life Jagdeo tell us about how he will show blacks that he isnt a monster.  

The man is sick.  He is not dead.  

Bibi Haniffa
caribny posted:
ksazma posted:

I am surprised that Moses was complain about betrayal. He had proudly stated that he would have to be a neemak haram to leave the PPP for the AFC. Well he did. After he was not named PPP Presidential candidate in 2011. Then when he realized that it was impossible for the AFC to attain any real power, he promptly joined with the PNC where he was promised the position of PM. A position that was promptly deemed meaningless with the installation of Harmon.

Ahbe pan tap, black man time done. Pull out the tassa now.

Bai, didn't you hear Jagdeo talk last night after the vote about the need for all Guyanese politicians to come together for the good of all Guyanese. Why you think black man time done? Guyana needs an inclusive government that represents all Guyanese. There is upon them another opportunity to make that happen. Hopefully they do.

Nehru posted:

Ksaz, dont waste time with the deaf, blind and dumb. Racism, pure ignorance has been certified by the FDA and AMA as contributors of such conditions

Nehru bai, Cribby aint bad. He is just very black centric. Nothing wrong with that.


Who is that woman sitting behind Roopnarine who kept mouthing off during Harmon's presentation. That woman is fiercer than those Amazonian women who dem PPP canecutters were afraid of. 

Bibi Haniffa posted:
caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

So the govt was toppled in the flash of an eye.  One day later and not a word from the President.  

You do recall that the president cannot speak.

So let President for Life Jagdeo tell us about how he will show blacks that he isnt a monster.  

The man is sick.  He is not dead.  

Carib getting a mental breakdown. 

Dave posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

So the govt was toppled in the flash of an eye.  One day later and not a word from the President.  

You do recall that the president cannot speak.

So let President for Life Jagdeo tell us about how he will show blacks that he isnt a monster.  

The man is sick.  He is not dead.  

Carib getting a mental breakdown. 

Will be tuff time for Mitwah to return. Rumjaat out of a job. No more advisor fees for the PNC defenders. PPP all the way.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

So the govt was toppled in the flash of an eye.  One day later and not a word from the President.  

There is an apt time for the president to speak to the matter.

caribny posted:
Baseman posted:

Guyanese are getting used to changing Govts peacefully.  So the PPP needs to be aware of that. 

PPP chant, "we tek back Guyana from blackman, blackman time done".

We see no evidence that the PPP admits that its past policies to blacks were wrong.  They continue to believe that black monsters like Edghill, or unknown tokens like its MPs are all that it needs do to appease blacks.

That they have done this for 23 years and are still viewed as racist monsters by most blacks isnt something that they wish to discuss.

Is it not about time that you quit spewing your bullshit ?  To begin with, are you pretending that you are unaware that Burnham and his long list of PNC numb-skulled dunces destroyed virtually everything that they touched while they were in office ? Do you not recall 'the Burnham touch' being contrasted to the famous 'Midas Touch'; except that whatever your idol touched, quickly turned into shyte and not gold ? Are you unaware of the monumental hardships that people were faced with when trying to obtain the most basic necessities ? Have you forgotten the ever-present, never-ending lines that most people had to stand and wait in for endless hours to be able to purchase miniscule amounts of even basic food items ? The ugly-ass crapaud Burnham made Guyanese the laughing stock of the region as he destroyed just about everything in his path while he had access to and enjoyed every imaginable consumer commodity ! More significantly, this vile, shameless, ugly SOB barefacedly and brazenly rigged each and every election that his shit-brain PNC claimed to have won ! Have you forgotten the days when it was an indictable offence for one to be caught in possession of even a single unit of any foreign currency ? I clearly remember how difficult it was for my parents to obtain and remit funds to me while I was at university; on several occasions, I came close to packing up and returning home ! Anyone who admires such a tyrant needs to have the empty space in his cranium filled with kaka !   

No one in the PPP ever had any such policies and ideas; aren't you ashamed to even mention the name of this lame-brained jackass who brought Guyana and Guyanese to their knees ?

Last edited by Keffer
caribny posted:
kp posted:

Caribny chant, "we tek back Guyana from blackman, blackman time done".

The screaming from FreeDUMB House was so loud that I couldn't help but hear it. You scream this too so dont be bashful.

Bai Carib, relax. The world is not coming to an end. Democracy is taking root. The PPP will face the same situation if they misbehave.

yuji22 posted:
caribny posted:
kp posted:

Caribny chant, "we tek back Guyana from blackman, blackman time done".

The screaming from FreeDUMB House was so loud that I couldn't help but hear it. You scream this too so dont be bashful.

Bai Carib, relax. The world is not coming to an end. Democracy is taking root. The PPP will face the same situation if they misbehave.

Please let brother Carib know that after today's celebration, we will be consoling the losers. Good thing PNC lost the NC. Where is Cain?

Last edited by Former Member
skeldon_man posted:
yuji22 posted:
caribny posted:
kp posted:

Caribny chant, "we tek back Guyana from blackman, blackman time done".

The screaming from FreeDUMB House was so loud that I couldn't help but hear it. You scream this too so dont be bashful.

Bai Carib, relax. The world is not coming to an end. Democracy is taking root. The PPP will face the same situation if they misbehave.

Please let brother Carib know that after today's celebration, we will be consoling the losers. Good thing PNC lost the NC. Where is Cain?

Let's remind Cain that the PNC lost the LGE and the NC and soon to lose the GE.

 The next 90 days the defeated PNC will be filling their pockets and the $18 m US will dissappear.  The PPP will have to set a new SOCU to investigate the AFC and PNC.

ksazma posted:
Nehru posted:

Ksaz, dont waste time with the deaf, blind and dumb. Racism, pure ignorance has been certified by the FDA and AMA as contributors of such conditions

Nehru bai, Cribby aint bad. He is just very black centric. Nothing wrong with that.

Word from folks back in Guyana for Xmas. Blacks are watching Jagdeo walking around with his chest out and Indians running up to congratulate him. Some are saying that its an Indian selling out to his fellow Indians.

In a tribal country just ask yourself whether this is healthy. If Jagdeo does win (using a stooge) the going might be quite rough unless he learns that Afro Guyanese = Indo Guyanese and are not impressed with tokenism and marginalization.

Keffer posted:
caribny posted:

Is it not about time that you quit spewing your bullshit ?  

No one in Guyana cares who Burnham was and what he did. Most of the voters are under 40 and he died 35 years ago.

Many do know how they were abused under Jagdeo.

So continue to preen yourselves like a peacock, chant "we tek back de country, black man time done".  Word from Guyana is that blacks are watching the PPP quite carefully and have noted the race of the man who voted for the NC and the race of the people running around congratulating Jagdeo.

Now live in your little bubble and think that you can ignore the real world. Just a burst of reality for you.

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
ksazma posted:
Nehru posted:

Ksaz, dont waste time with the deaf, blind and dumb. Racism, pure ignorance has been certified by the FDA and AMA as contributors of such conditions

Nehru bai, Cribby aint bad. He is just very black centric. Nothing wrong with that.

Word from folks back in Guyana for Xmas. Blacks are watching Jagdeo walking around with his chest out and Indians running up to congratulate him. Some are saying that its an Indian selling out to his fellow Indians.

In a tribal country just ask yourself whether this is healthy. If Jagdeo does win (using a stooge) the going might be quite rough unless he learns that Afro Guyanese = Indo Guyanese and are not impressed with tokenism and marginalization.

From the mouth of Carib: Only black man can rule Guyana.

skeldon_man posted:

From the mouth of Carib: Only black man can rule Guyana.

No worries. Continue with your "we tek back de country, black man time done".

Given that you are too racist to listen to me listen to Vishmahabir who certainly isnt beating those drums.  I think that he is suggesting that a new PPP regime will have to be very different from the prior "23" years. And I am hearing other voices who concur with him.

Last edited by Former Member
kp posted:
The PPP will have to set a new SOCU to investigate the AFC and PNC.

They will do no such thing for the same reason that APNU/AFC did nothing.  If one thief goes down he will take down others, and many PPP folks will be on the list.

Django posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Who was that woman that was pleading with Charrzndass to vote no? 

Rajcoomarie Bancroft.

Region Represented: Region 8 - Potaro/Siparuni

Was this information only privy to the sloppy boys?


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