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What a brazen dunce? Do you think the British, the US or the Canadian not to mention the EU will tolerate a bias news industry propagating the rule of administration vs the news of the nation and by implication the other half of government? There is no such thing as that poisoned establishment called GINA in any of the democratic states.  They cannot take partisan political stance and still be at the feed trough.


In the US there is an equal time requirement. These people are off their rockers that is why the Opposition needs to shut them down completely not simply cut their budget. They are too full of their britches that the can peddle lies all day and yet be entitle to their offices.


This wickedness must stop now

May 14, 2012 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor,
The tenth Parliament has really brought to light the true nature and heart of the PPPC government. Their response to the opposition’s call for transparency and much needed reform in specific entities such as NCN have been met with the full force of evil. Only a people who are under the control and direction of the evil one or the great deceiver will go on a vendetta, seeking to deceive this nation with the hope of furthering their own agenda.

All fear-minded persons will agree that it is reasonable for the opposition who represents more than fifty percent of voters to demand answers as it relates to whereabouts of finances belonging to the people of this country and access to N.C.N.

These are just two of the basic requests made by the opposition, and again an opposition mandated by over half of voting public.


Only a PPPC government can easily see these requests as unreasonable. As if this was not enough, they now turn around and paint a picture of the opposition being uncaring and willing to see people to lose their jobs etc.  This is a massive campaign to take the eyes of Guyanese from the real issues raised by the opposition.


The method the PPPC government has chosen to accomplish this task is by DECEPTION and cannot be deemed politics by any stretch of the imagination. This is deceit in its filthiest form.


This is what our elected leaders in government have chosen to give our people. This is the example being set by government. It is wicked, distasteful and ungodly.


The world’s all time bestselling book says “righteousness exalts a nation but sin is a reproach to any people”. When our leaders can openly practice injustice and deliberately set out to mislead people, it is in reality, endorsing crime. So, crime becomes the norm of the day. So what do you find; on Wednesday 9th May, 2012 four young men walked into a place of worship and proceeded to rob the man of God along with his wife.

This tells us that there is no safe place in a country where its leaders have an aversion to equality and are obsessed with power to the extent that they would do whatever it takes to ensure that they are answerable to no one.
The actions of government demonstrate the disrespect they have for the intelligence of the people of this country.

Their lawlessness far exceeds what one can barely tolerate, bringing immediately to memory the report in a recent newscast where a Minister was seen wiggling her rear at persons during a protest and another Minister in parliament seen grabbing a microphone stand to assault an AFC member.
I am certain that there are decent, fair-minded people in the Governing party but the events in recent times have proven that they are far out-numbered and or their influence is just not enough to make a positive and meaningful difference at this time. This wickedness must stop and must stop now for it has the propensity to spread all over this nation.
Ray Phillips


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