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Originally Posted by Conscience:

cain, face reality, APNU didn't put up, so they must shut up!

 They did the right thing. When will NCN file charges against its former execs for the millions they stole? When will it address its own internal correction such as running free adds for chosen ones? How about it stop the patronage system that has so many of your young people as slaves to the party in bonded servitude to the system rather than as truly investigative reporters with a moral grounding. It is truly pathetic to listen to these quacks asking leading questions and adding their spin to issues rather than reporting on them. APNU did the right thing.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

How would staying away help? APNU is doing their constituents an injustice by staying away

Not participating in a charade is advantageous to all. These matters of deciding to build or not to build, to award contracts or not to award contracts ought to have been debated in the peoples house, the parliament. 


Unfortunately the PPP has been accustomed to doing as its please and are now asked to uncover their dirty little secrets. Not wanting to do so according to procedure they have organized this charade on the media to recapture the moral ground by pomp and pageantry that nothing underhand is going on. Well it is.


We want an accounting from NICIL. We want to see all negotiations history from its inception inclusive of the players who came and went with this Marriot deal. It is our right. Brassington should not be allowed to craft this deal and implant himself as administrator. That is patently corrupt.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Staying away is also a show of cowardliness and a lack of evidence to the wild assertions made by the APNU

It shows prudence and good sense not to be a participant in a stage crafting to facilitate the political dark arts crew in the basement of freedom house.


It allows them  to pretend they have  a legitimate forum while detracting from the reality that the only legitimate place for such exercise is the parliament and none of that was ever debated there.


It is stage craft to rehabilitate what the people increasingly are coming to understand; the PPP is a criminal organization running the nation al la Marcos and Suharto.


AFTER 20 YRS THIS PPP CRIME FAMILY STILL THINK THEY CAN FOOL THE GUYANESE PEOPLE,what a stupid lowlife set of fools,the only reason the  indians is still voting for the ppp is because they donot trust the pnc not because they belive in the ppp. all the indians know that the ppp have a bunch of thiefs in office why do you think AFC get some of the indian vote,the indian people is looking for a party away from the ppp and the pnc

<h6 class="uiStreamMessage userContentWrapper" data-ft="{"type":1,"tn":"K"}">PART 6 OF N.C.N CORRUPTION DEBATE THIS EVENING!!

The National Communications Network's(NCN) live debate series on corruption, continues this evening (Wednesday, September 12th, 2012), at 19:00hrs or 7:00pm and will be aired on Radio (Voice of Guyana) and Television (Channel 11).

Part 6 of the seven-part debate focuses on the National Industrial Commercial Investment Limited (NICIL). The panelists confirmed so far are Min Housing & Water Irfan Ali, Attorney General & Min of Legal Affairs Anil Nandalall (Gov't), an expert along with Attorney-at-law Moses Nagamootoo of the Alliance for Change(AFC). A Partnership for National Unity(APNU) has opted out of this great opportunity to present publicly its position on this very important issues.

Online viewers can follow the debate live by visiting NCN's website :

With the direct link to the Ustream being:
<h6 class="uiStreamMessage userContentWrapper" data-ft="{"type":1,"tn":"K"}"> </h6>

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