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Originally posted by The Judge:
Originally posted by Guyanese Patriot:

Doesn't matter, anybody but the PPP!

A few days ago you sounded very convincing that the AFC would win

I am for chanage and I will support all the parties that will provide that change! I am Guyanese, not any particular party loyalist!
In the APNU (PNC) believes this behavior bring anything to the table, they have to think again. Change in Guyana will not come through bullyism and intimidation. This is vintage PNC and such scenes makes in that much harder to hold the PPP's feet to the fire in the eyes of their constituancy. The PNC will be relegated into a smaller and smaller corner of Guyana's politics ruled over and surrounded by bullies and holligans.
Originally posted by The Blade Runner:
Originally posted by The Judge:
Originally posted by The Blade Runner:
APNU pull out the biggest crowd for nomination day.

Minority govt in the making dunno

What about the AFC ...........

Bannas I'm the Mercenary I'm loyal to no one.

You go to the highest bidder.. eh?
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by kwaku:
Ram you think if the PPP don't win a clear majority they will collate with the AFC. You better be nice to them AFC bais. Smile

No! I think that Donald Ramoutar will have a working relationship with the PNC..

There are seven members of the PNC, not APNU, who will cross the floor.

The PPP needs a hooligan arm to complete their model. Corruption, nepotism, cronyism, institutional bullyism on one side (PPP), hooliganism, street bullism (PNC) on the other. The two share the same DNA, they will do a hood-wink and try to ensure the AFC threat is kept at bay. They will be unsuccessful in the end.
Originally posted by Kari:
Originally posted by The Blade Runner:
APNU pull out the biggest crowd for nomination day.

Could be because it's Georgetown? Do the same event in another Region would the conclusion be the same?

They got a sizable crowd in Corriverton based on some photos shown last week. This is a three way race and I smell a close one at that.
Originally posted by baseman:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by kwaku:
Ram you think if the PPP don't win a clear majority they will collate with the AFC. You better be nice to them AFC bais. Smile

No! I think that Donald Ramoutar will have a working relationship with the PNC..

There are seven members of the PNC, not APNU, who will cross the floor.

The PPP needs a hooligan arm to complete their model. Corruption, nepotism, cronyism, institutional bullyism on one side (PPP), hooliganism, street bullism (PNC) on the other. The two share the same DNA, they will do a hood-wink and try to ensure the AFC threat is kept at bay. They will be

The PPP have their hooligan arm, Kwame and his goons, Odinga and his goons and the Phantom squad!
Originally posted by The Blade Runner:
APNU pull out the biggest crowd for nomination day.

Minority govt in the making dunno

This was in Gtwn, a PNC stronghold. What more do you expect?

Sorry AFC apparently this isnt your strongold. These are the grass roots people you should have bene courting. You didnt get their votes last time and it doesnt appear as if you will this time. Many/most will not vote. The others will go APNU and some to the PPP.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by The Blade Runner:
APNU pull out the biggest crowd for nomination day.

Minority govt in the making dunno

This was in Gtwn, a PNC stronghold. What more do you expect?

Sorry AFC apparently this isnt your strongold. These are the grass roots people you should have bene courting. You didnt get their votes last time and it doesnt appear as if you will this time. Many/most will not vote. The others will go APNU and some to the PPP.

We are the silent majority. Our supporters go about their business making a life for themselves and family and striving for a better Guyana. Brutism, ignoramous, hooliganism gets no one anywhere. Our supporters will speak with their pens at the ballot. The noise, the huff and puff means nothing. Remember, the pen is mightier than the sword.
Businessmen are fully prepared for the PNC and their hooliganism. Many wanted to know why APNU could not proceed in an orderly manner as every other party to the City Hally? Nevertheless it will be to the detriment of APNU's supporters and leadership should they even attempt a mass riot, arson, rape on Regent Street. Zero Tolerance is the name of the game
Originally posted by albert:
Businessmen are fully prepared for the PNC and their hooliganism. Many wanted to know why APNU could not proceed in an orderly manner as every other party to the City Hally? Nevertheless it will be to the detriment of APNU's supporters and leadership should they even attempt a mass riot, arson, rape on Regent Street. Zero Tolerance is the name of the game

Hooliganism is still one of the traits of the PNC/APNU. The PPP has pulled away and incorporated quite a few of the hooligans in the PPP body however, at the same time the AFC has pulled away the decent and intellectuals and incorporate with us. This leaves the PNC still a net-net hooligan organization.
Originally posted by baseman:
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by The Blade Runner:
APNU pull out the biggest crowd for nomination day.

Minority govt in the making dunno

This was in Gtwn, a PNC stronghold. What more do you expect?

Sorry AFC apparently this isnt your strongold. These are the grass roots people you should have bene courting. You didnt get their votes last time and it doesnt appear as if you will this time. Many/most will not vote. The others will go APNU and some to the PPP.

We are the silent majority. Our supporters go about their business making a life for themselves and family and striving for a better Guyana. Brutism, ignoramous, hooliganism gets no one anywhere. Our supporters will speak with their pens at the ballot. The noise, the huff and puff means nothing. Remember, the pen is mightier than the sword.

indians have more to lose if they expose their hands too soon. many will not go to rallies or public meetings because they know the ppp will be swift and brutal with their victimization campaign to punish defectors. however, based on conversations with the ordinary indian villagers, they too long for change and said they will vote for change on nov. 28.

it could just be lip service or it could be the truth. either way they are very much aware of the wrong doings of the present government and they are certainly not happy about it.

this looks like a 3 way race
Originally posted by albert:
Businessmen are fully prepared for the PNC and their hooliganism. Many wanted to know why APNU could not proceed in an orderly manner as every other party to the City Hally? Nevertheless it will be to the detriment of APNU's supporters and leadership should they even attempt a mass riot, arson, rape on Regent Street. Zero Tolerance is the name of the game

Albert, when them PNC thugs start to break up the place I have a feeling that you may run to the PNC leadership and say. "Brothers take me back it is that Bookman that made me do it".
Originally posted by albert:
Businessmen are fully prepared for the PNC and their hooliganism. Many wanted to know why APNU could not proceed in an orderly manner as every other party to the City Hally? Nevertheless it will be to the detriment of APNU's supporters and leadership should they even attempt a mass riot, arson, rape on Regent Street. Zero Tolerance is the name of the game

Kwame and the peanut butter crew are the biggest hooligans in Guyana bar none!
Originally posted by baseman:
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by The Blade Runner:
APNU pull out the biggest crowd for nomination day.

Minority govt in the making dunno

This was in Gtwn, a PNC stronghold. What more do you expect?

Sorry AFC apparently this isnt your strongold. These are the grass roots people you should have bene courting. You didnt get their votes last time and it doesnt appear as if you will this time. Many/most will not vote. The others will go APNU and some to the PPP.

We are the silent majority. Our supporters go about their business making a life for themselves and family and striving for a better Guyana. Brutism, ignoramous, hooliganism gets no one anywhere. Our supporters will speak with their pens at the ballot. The noise, the huff and puff means nothing. Remember, the pen is mightier than the sword.

Moralizing from as high as usual? Mitwah one has to win in order to be able to implement one's views. I have yet to see strong support for the AFC in Gtwn.

It would have been real nice if those grass roots crowds were for the AFC instead but the AFC ignored this support from this quarter it appears...and yet this is the largest vote in Gtwn.

Mitwah you have not one ounce of proof that this "silent AFC majority" exists. You are also foolish if you think Gtwn people are afraid of the PPP. High level civil servants yes. Certainly not the vendors, clerks, and others who make up the grass roots Gtwn, ad the vast majority of the voters.
The vibes I'm getting indicate AFC is very popular with the youths, especially in G/T and around UG campuses. That block of voters (18-35) account for 46% of the electorate. It is also believed that AFC will hold on to most of what it gained in 2006 and will increase its support in the East Berbice region. Things look very good for AFC.
Originally posted by Alexander:
In the discussions people are underrating the support of APNU. They can pull off a surprise and it would be a mistake to say that APNU is strong only in GT. They seem well organized.
the APNU have some decent people,if the AFC dont win the election i hope they win.anybody beside the ppp crime family.guyana needs a change and any change is a good change
Originally posted by Alexander:
But APNU and the PPP can make a deal. Granger is on record in saying that he won't rule this out.
i dont think so, APNU WILL DEAL WITH AFC,granger and NIGEL with a man like MOSES will strike A DEAL.THEY WILL AGREE on one thing and that is the ppp have to go, this election is all about guyana not ppp and jagan or pnc and burham
Originally posted by Alexander:
In politics anything can happen, lets wait and see.
guyana at a cross rd,this election is make it or break it with the ppp, is one step forward two step backward.we need a movement to take guyana into the 21 century.if it means the AFC AND APNU have to work together to move the country forward so be it
Originally posted by The Judge:
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Is APNU trying to lie to Guyanese? After City Hall, I hope they went back to work! Roll Eyes
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Catherine:

Is APNU trying to lie to Guyanese? After City Hall, I hope they went back to work! Roll Eyes
Did you ask the same of PPPites who turned out to support their candidates or are these the slave class that better be on their P's and Q's?

She cant help her racism. She is a PPP after all. Funny thing most of these folks live in gtwn...maybe near to where they work. What of the PPP folks who were bussed over 50 miles using tax payers dollars to pay for this and food and T shirts.

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