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Second grade lecturer. There is no such thing as Hindu. You are grossly ignorant. Least we forget, you are a ROAR and now AFC reject, I forgive your ignorance. 


I guess that you are proud to live in a state rampant with racism and calling people coolie does not offend your second grade intelligence.


I guess that the university will love to read your posts. 

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Second grade lecturer. There is no such thing as Hindu. You are grossly ignorant. Least we forget, you are a ROAR and now AFC reject, I forgive your ignorance. 


I guess that you are proud to live in a state rampant with racism and calling people coolie does not offend your second grade intelligence.


I guess that the university will love to read your posts. 



Gee...the last I check there are about 800 mill people who are classified as Hindus around the world? What do you call yourself asswipe?

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Second grade lecturer. There is no such thing as Hindu. You are grossly ignorant. Least we forget, you are a ROAR and now AFC reject, I forgive your ignorance. 


I guess that you are proud to live in a state rampant with racism and calling people coolie does not offend your second grade intelligence.


I guess that the university will love to read your posts. 



Why don't you go complain to the university?

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:


Firstly, I commend you for supporting my position that the term "coolie" is racist.


I firmly do not support caste Brahmanas.


You are surely misguided or misinformed that the laws of Manu restrict anyone from reciting or reading the Vedas.


I have studied Vedic scriptures for many years and the laws of Manu does not in any way restrict religious practices or encourages caste discrimination. That was probably added by wicked Brahmanas to prevent others from making spiritual or economic progress.


Can you prove your claims of racism ?


Or are you now behaving like the the AFC who make absurd claims without proof. Examples are Moses and Ramjattan who were MIA during the debates.


Why can't we all have more constructive discussions.


BTW there is no such word  as "Hindu" in any vedic scriptures. Just for your information.

The laws of Manu are for any to read and while I can cite the passages I do not care to do so because you, on insisting you know something which I am sure you don't, need to read it for yourself. I actually read the text completely at least three times. I has a contemptuous attitude towards women, rigidly adheres to Varna concepts and spells out punishment for sudras one can only consider barbaric and uncivilized.


As for "proving you a racist" that again is a moot point. Anyone with a desire to search this board over the past two months would find some ov the vilest things said of black people by you than has ever been posted here. Again, I refuse to waste my time on what is so recently your words.


I also understand the "h" is pronounced "S" and refers to "sapta sindu" or the people of the seven rivers.This again is widely known.


Moses and Ramjattan has no obligation to debate the what is obvious. If you do not show some transparency and due diligence to accountability to your task of managing other people's money then you are by all definition a thief.

No one would debate a financial manager on the necessity to account for the monies under his charge.


You have no class and are grossly ignorant of vedic scriptures. You have no shame in defending Moses and RATjattan. You are a paid AFC poster and use names like D2/Storm and God.


I choose not to have any further debate with an ignorant fool and AFC mouthpiece. Just wait and see, karma will bite you in the rear.

 Your ignorance magically translate to me lacking class!


well well! remain a dunce if you wish. It will not make the scriptures any less toxic. It is after all interpretations of a man or Smriti vs shruti  the word of god so go chew on that.


You cannot talk to me. You talk at me and that is all a dunce like you can do. Go read your damn scriptures and actually learn what they say before coming here and making yourself an ass in public.

Oh Oh,Too late, he's already done so.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Keep attacking personally but Gerhard must answer the question. How is the investigation coming along ?


He is on record at this forum that he is open to an investigation. 


What is there to hide ?



I'd like to leave you with one thought...unfortunately I ain't sure you have anywhere to put it!

Originally Posted by Tar_K:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Second grade lecturer. There is no such thing as Hindu. You are grossly ignorant. Least we forget, you are a ROAR and now AFC reject, I forgive your ignorance. 


I guess that you are proud to live in a state rampant with racism and calling people coolie does not offend your second grade intelligence.


I guess that the university will love to read your posts. 



Why don't you go complain to the university?

Indians of the lower class are mean spirited. And dey plenty in the PPP. Be careful.


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