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AGRONOMIST Anthony Vieira has been appointed Director of Field Operations at the struggling Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo), sources close to the industry have confirmed.Vieira, a director of the Guyana National Broadcasting Authority (GNBA) and a former broadcaster and television owner, will turn out for duties today.

He has reportedly resigned his position as a director on the GuySuCo Board, and it is unclear whether he will be asked to relinquish his post on the GNBA.

Vieira is the son of Joe Vieira, whose business acumen and expertise have been of great importance to the development of Guyana in the agricultural sector.

The former Administrative Manager of GuySuCo Estate was appointed Field Superintendent for technical matters in 1965 after obtaining a Diploma in Plant Anatomy and Physiology at the Tropical School of Agriculture in Trinidad and at the University of Guyana. He was promoted to Assistant Field Manager in 1969, and Field Manager in 1973; and finally Administrative Manager in 1976 at the Versailles Sugar Estate.

In 1983, Vieira pioneered the first television broadcast station in Guyana, for which he was awarded the Medal of Service.

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Bibi Haniffa posted:

Jobs for the boys??  Isn't this the man people call the coolie hater?  If that is true we all know what would happen to those poor sugar workers as if they are not suffering enough already.

Who else is there to pick from? To have any sort of experience in running such a big company you would have to be at least 40 years old. The PPP has 23 years or reign. That means that non-PPP capable persons would have to be at least 40 + 23 = 63 years old. There are no younger persons around. They have all fled with the loot from 23 years of PPP mismanagement.


Tony Vieira has no such appointment at GuySuco

May 17, 2016  Source

Dear Editor,

This is to bring to readers’ attention the very erroneous headline and story appearing in your edition of the Chronicle of Monday, May 16, 2016, that is, β€˜Vieira Takes Charge’. The inaccuracy of the headline is a clear indication of the irresponsibility of your newspaper in not verifying the facts-particularly an obviously important announcement, which in any case would have been formally made by GuySuCo. First of all, there is no descriptor in GuySuCo called β€˜Field Operations’, nor therefore is such a position of β€˜Director, Field Operations’.
In the apparent absence of any understanding of the structure or operations of GuySuCo, logic suggests that it behooved a responsible journalist to verify the accuracy of any related information, rather than be embarrassed by a clear act of recklessness. We insist therefore on an appropriate retraction of this story as expeditiously as possible.
Mr. Earl John
Human Resources Director


Wondering who got this appointment of Tony Viera  correct.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Jobs for the boys??  Isn't this the man people call the coolie hater?  If that is true we all know what would happen to those poor sugar workers as if they are not suffering enough already.

Jagdeo should pay close attention to Veira. This is the time when Jagdeo should be Indan conscious. Veira got cooolie hate ooozing out of him. All he have to do is juss open he mouth.

Indentured days back again. Pln. Houston, Veira's plantation, Indian felt the brunt of abused labour.

Granger muss be drunk from something or all dem years he spend in Negeria he picked up some kind of ju ju.


Mr.T posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Jobs for the boys??  Isn't this the man people call the coolie hater?  If that is true we all know what would happen to those poor sugar workers as if they are not suffering enough already.

Who else is there to pick from? To have any sort of experience in running such a big company you would have to be at least 40 years old. The PPP has 23 years or reign. That means that non-PPP capable persons would have to be at least 40 + 23 = 63 years old. There are no younger persons around. They have all fled with the loot from 23 years of PPP mismanagement.

What do you mean who else is there to pick from?  Didn't you think about this when you were celebrating the geriatric incompetents when they were installed into office a year ago?   I thought they had all the skilled workers in their camp.  Or are the skilled workers the ones who are laid off so that the geriatric incompetents can take their place?

Bibi Haniffa
seignet posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Jobs for the boys??  Isn't this the man people call the coolie hater?  If that is true we all know what would happen to those poor sugar workers as if they are not suffering enough already.

Jagdeo should pay close attention to Veira. This is the time when Jagdeo should be Indan conscious. Veira got cooolie hate ooozing out of him. All he have to do is juss open he mouth.

Indentured days back again. Pln. Houston, Veira's plantation, Indian felt the brunt of abused labour.

Granger muss be drunk from something or all dem years he spend in Negeria he picked up some kind of ju ju.


It's a back to the 60's model, Blacks get together with Putagee to oppress Indians.  This is a "hand me down" DNA trait in Guyana.  Cain mussy smiling!!


Different strokes…

…for broadcasters
Some folks just don’t know when to keep their mouths shut. But then again, it might be that endemic condition called β€œlogorrhoea” – otherwise known as β€œverbal diarrhoea”. Like this Tony Vieira fella – born with a silver spoon in his mouth into the only plantation owning Guyanese family – who became their prodigal son. While his cousins showed aptitude and gravitated into law and the professions, Tony had to be sent into the cane fields. His big mouth was seen as an asset as a β€œdriver” of sugar workers.

At a time when TV was banned by the PNC in Guyana – the only country in the Western Hemisphere to suffer that fate – Tony Vieira was allowed to open up a TV station from the old β€œBig Manager” house he inherited at Versailles. With this TV β€œmonopoly” having a captive audience, he stole content from US satellites and sold it to Guyanese who had to buy his β€œblack box”! That’s right – this man sold stolen copyrighted products and made out like the bandit he was – off the sweat of ordinary Guyanese who earned a pittance in the β€œBurnham years”.

And he called himself an β€œentrepreneur”!! In another era, fellas like him and Blackbeard were called β€œpirates”. Come to think of it, they’re still called β€œpirates”!! Nuh? But with the passing of his benefactor and the entree of real entrepreneurs like CN Sharma into TV broadcasting, Vieira faced competition for the first time. And folded like a limp noodle!!

Sold off his TV and fled to Florida… where, he obviously also couldn’t survive without the help of a β€œgodfather”. He turned up back in Guyana like the proverbial bad penny. And just couldn’t believe his old TV was now a success! Hell hath no fury like a fella who’s proven to be a fraud! So out he came swinging at the new owner.

In the professions, they say β€œthose who can’t…teach”. Well it seems in broadcasting β€œthose who can’t… sit on regulatory Boards”. So as an old PNC man, Vieira was appointed on Broadcasting Board. With his logorrhoea in full flow, he went out of his way to – what else? – rip into the owner of TVG! Without even appraising himself of the facts, he pre-empted those authorised to speak on such matters and blurted out, β€œHe ain’t gon see a licence for 2016.”

Never mind his TV friends who owed license fees to the tune of $121 milion – unlike TVG which owes nothing – were to be given an amnesty!! Like Vieira, they can only survive with a free pass.
Vieira’s motto is β€œSurvival of the weakest – once they’re friends!”


Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

I have no idea.  Just getting in line with the crew here and trying my hand wid lil cutting and pasting..................

How did I do?

Not too bad,except for some misinformation from the GT.

I know that era a few electronics techs  defeat the blackbox system,anyway credit should be given to him,television became a house hold entertainment system in Guyana,Cinema folded after.

Last edited by Django
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Me nah trust dem cut and paste thing.  Too much lies and misinformation.  Funny thing though, dem Guyanese people believe everything dem read like if it is gospel.  If they step back and think about what they are reading and where it is coming from they would make better decisions.

Lots of media in Guyana and everyone of them trying to get major readership,it's good but me thinks the Guyanese must be really confused.

I remember the days when we waited for the evening Mirror to get some real news,Chronicle and New Nation was Kabaka mouth piece for propaganda.

Django posted:

Guyana had any tv station prior to Viera start broadcasting ??

I know Berbice was recieving signals from Suriname.

When Burnham ban television??

Yes, the people in BBce would watch Surinaam but they had to build high antenna which many could not do!

Burnham did not ban TV's he just did not license and TV stations till Viera!  Many TV's came into Guyana in the 80's but was mainly for watching VHS and Betamax VCR tapes!!

ba$eman posted:
Django posted:

Guyana had any tv station prior to Viera start broadcasting ??

I know Berbice was recieving signals from Suriname.

When Burnham ban television??

Yes, the people in BBce would watch Surinaam but they had to build high antenna which many could not do!

Burnham did not ban TV's he just did not license and TV stations till Viera!  Many TV's came into Guyana in the 80's but was mainly for watching VHS and Betamax VCR tapes!!

PNC Fan Boy Django never fails to defend the Criminal Dictator Burnham.

yuji22 posted:
ba$eman posted:
Django posted:

Guyana had any tv station prior to Viera start broadcasting ??

I know Berbice was recieving signals from Suriname.

When Burnham ban television??

Yes, the people in BBce would watch Surinaam but they had to build high antenna which many could not do!

Burnham did not ban TV's he just did not license and TV stations till Viera!  Many TV's came into Guyana in the 80's but was mainly for watching VHS and Betamax VCR tapes!!

PNC Fan Boy Django never fails to defend the Criminal Dictator Burnham.

PPP Filth eater Yugi i was pointing out the lie that Burnham banned TV which never existed.


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