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Former Member



Dear Editor,

It is with total disgust that I respond to an irresponsible article in the Demerara Waves: The “rumble” has begun. Round One: Agricola (Sunday, Oct. 14).
No name was attributed to this highly inflammatory and provocative article published in this online medium. Instead, it was written by someone using the pseudonym “realTalk”.
The opening paragraph reads, “The PPP government continues to show its unrivalled support for incompetence and demonstrate its blatant disregard for the safety and security of Guyanese, as it remains steadfast in retaining the services of the current Home Affairs Minister, Mr. Clement Rohee. Through its chief spokesperson Roger Luncheon, this PPP-led government has made it clear that it is prepared to “rumble” with the opposition over the removal of the Home Affairs Minister. The government’s unfortunate position with regard to this embattled minister is causing severe tensions among sections of the Guyanese society that have all lost confidence in that minister’s ability, to efficiently and effectively handle the security affairs of this country.”

The operators of Demerara Waves should be aware of the blatant lies and misinformation spewed by these remarks. For it was not the government or members of the PPP/C that blocked the roads at Agricola; robbed innocent commuters going home from work and school; destroyed private property by burning and overturning vehicles; threw bottles and stones at the police, and threatened ranks with cutlasses. No, these criminal actions were perpetrated upon innocent Guyanese by the thugs who support the PNC/APNU and the deceptively, despicable AFC. It was the AFC who instigated this unlawful “peaceful protest” after giving our President an ultimatum to fire Home Affairs Minister Rohee. It was the sycophant thugs of the joint opposition who endangered the safety and security of my fellow Guyanese.
Minister Rohee was merely used as the whipping boy to stir up civil unrest. No consideration was given to the safety of school children stranded for over five hours while their parents were robbed of money, jewellery and cell phones despite the large police presence.

Minister Rohee’s “ability to efficiently and effectively handle the security affairs of this country” is being compromised and undermined by the reckless behaviour of the joint opposition, who use every opportunity to create civil unrest. The joint opposition are not interested in the security of the nation, for their objective is the demise of the PPP/C Administration by all means necessary, starting with the removal of the Home Affairs Minister. And as faith would have it, two recent, innocent deaths caused by reckless police action, gave them just the excuse they needed to instigate an insurrection and to make the country unmanageable.

Let there be no doubt about this, the wrongful shooting death of 17-year-old Shaquille Grant of Agricola was tragic and should not have happened. And so too was the fatal shooting of Dameon Belgrave, by dumb cops who recklessly fired shots into a crowd outside White Castle Fish Shop on Hadfield Street. But despite what the opposition wants you to believe, there is absolutely no attempt by the PPP/C Administration or the Guyana Police Force to cover-up evidence and deny justice to the families of the victims.
The Director of Public Prosecutions has advised the Guyana Police Force to institute murder charges against three of its ranks involved in the shooting death of the Agricola resident, and wanted bulletins have been issued for rogue cops Warren Blue and Jamal Lewis who went into hiding to avoid arrest. A third policeman, Special Constable Terrence Wallace was placed before the court, and was remanded to prison until his trial.
During a recent visit to relatives of Dameon Belgrave, Commissioner of Police Leroy Brumell admitted that the ranks involved in his death acted unprofessionally, and assured them that a proper investigation will be done. There will be no cover-up. Those guilty will be prosecuted. This Administration is determined to serve and protect the interest of all Guyanese. But there are procedures that must be followed. Sometimes it takes a bit longer than we expect, but in the end, justice will prevail.

The article in Demerara Waves asked Guyanese to “understand the plight of the people of Agricola. They must not be quick to vilify the protesters of Agricola, Linden or any other depressed area significantly populated with Black people.” And then this threat: “The PPP government must also be aware that it has set the tone for a showdown with the majority of the citizens of this country who voted for the combined opposition. Round one took place at Agricola. One must wonder how many rounds Roger and his PPP camp are ready for.”

I have recently returned from Guyana where I spent over two weeks traveling to many regions, and visited several ministries, including Home Affairs and Foreign Affairs. What I’ve seen, is a resilient country on the verge of greatness. New roads; new hospitals; new schools; beautifully designed buildings replacing those old decrepit ones of the PNC era. A modern transformation of the entire landscape. Electricity where there was none, and running tap water replacing buckets of trench water in the country areas. Hundreds of new homes under construction, many of the owners are beneficiaries of the PPP/C Administration’s aggressive housing program for low and middle income families. Money is in circulation; lots of food and entertainment everywhere; the economy is on the rise.

Guyanese, especially those of African descent, must not allow themselves to be used as political pawns by the joint opposition to achieve what they failed to do in a free and fair election last November.
They must not allow themselves to be provoked to violence and destroy the country we all love.
Guyanese of African descent are not discriminated against as David Granger, Nigel Hughes and Demerara Waves would want you to believe. Just take a look at some of the ministries I’ve visited, and you will agree that there are more Blacks than Indians gainfully employed there.
Where is the discrimination? In most countries, even in the great United States, there are “depressed” communities. Guyana is no exception. But the onus is on the residents of those communities to find jobs, support their families, and not depend on the government to do everything for them.
The daily newspapers are filled with employment opportunities for those interested.

The people of Bartica must be commended for ignoring a recent call by a senior member of AFC to take to the streets and replicate the lawless actions of the “peaceful protestors” in Linden. This upstart group of AFC leaders is determined to impede progress and economic development by continuing the confrontational strategy they employ against the government.
But the real danger has more far reaching effects that are devastating to Guyana in the region and beyond. For in their absolute zeal to gain political recognition and support from the traditional PNC base (Linden and Georgetown/Agricola), they are destroying and destabilizing the country, making it very difficult for Guyana to attract foreign investors and develop a lucrative tourism market.

The AFC seems determined to scare away foreign investment needed to develop the Amaila Falls Hydro Project; the Marriott Hotel; a deep water harbour; and a bridge across the Corentyne River. Perhaps this is the opposition’s sinister plot to deny the PPP/C the opportunity to fulfill its campaign promise to the people.
If the opposition continues to promote these illegal protest actions under the guise of being “peaceful”, they must be held responsible for any lawlessness resulting in the continued destruction of the country’s infrastructure and private property.
Minister Rohee will have to take steps to “efficiently and effectively handle the security affairs of this country” by ordering the arrest of the ringleaders, specifically the organizers.
The way I see it, if Rohee is unjustly given a bad name by the opposition, he may as well do something to earn it.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

More PPP horse manure. The writer is a bumbling idiot like Albert et al.  Rohee is Minister of Home of Affairs and him men has committed atrocities against Afro Guyanese.  Not once but on several occasions.  Rohee has to be held responsible as the Minister in charge of the GPL.  No amount of excuses and sorry will make up for the loss of innocent lives.  If Rohee is incompetent and cannot control the “Undisciplined” forces then he should resign.  He is directly responsible for the actions of the police.   Stop making excuses.

Originally Posted by FC:

More PPP horse manure. The writer is a bumbling idiot like Albert et al.  Rohee is Minister of Home of Affairs and him men has committed atrocities against Afro Guyanese.  Not once but on several occasions.  Rohee has to be held responsible as the Minister in charge of the GPL.  No amount of excuses and sorry will make up for the loss of innocent lives.  If Rohee is incompetent and cannot control the “Undisciplined” forces then he should resign.  He is directly responsible for the actions of the police.   Stop making excuses.

Which Planet are you on??? If it is Earth, please check in yourself at Bellvue Hospital.

Originally Posted by FC:

More PPP horse manure. The writer is a bumbling idiot like Albert et al.  Rohee is Minister of Home of Affairs and him men has committed atrocities against Afro Guyanese.  Not once but on several occasions.  Rohee has to be held responsible as the Minister in charge of the GPL.  No amount of excuses and sorry will make up for the loss of innocent lives.  If Rohee is incompetent and cannot control the “Undisciplined” forces then he should resign.  He is directly responsible for the actions of the police.   Stop making excuses.

Yuh doan know what u r talking about. And who will replace Rohee. Please take into consideration, the PPP selection of candidates are NEVER intelligent ppl.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by FC:

More PPP horse manure. The writer is a bumbling idiot like Albert et al.  Rohee is Minister of Home of Affairs and him men has committed atrocities against Afro Guyanese.  Not once but on several occasions.  Rohee has to be held responsible as the Minister in charge of the GPL.  No amount of excuses and sorry will make up for the loss of innocent lives.  If Rohee is incompetent and cannot control the “Undisciplined” forces then he should resign.  He is directly responsible for the actions of the police.   Stop making excuses.

Which Planet are you on??? If it is Earth, please check in yourself at Bellvue Hospital.

Certainly not the one you are on where ignorance, stupidity and racism reigns supreme. 

If the opposition continues to promote these illegal protest actions under the guise of being “peaceful”, they must be held responsible for any lawlessness resulting in the continued destruction of the country’s infrastructure and private property.
I agree.

you ppp fools make me sick,if the government is lawless and acting like they are law of the land how do you expect the rest of the country to ever here the saying lead by example


As has been disclosed by the sop called trouble makers the lawlessness was organized and instigated by the PPP. No doubt this was in order to shift the blame on the opposition. It is hilarious to then see the PPP machine still trying to maintain the " it ain't me boss " attitude with a straight face.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The ringleaders of the Agricola protest should be brought to justice

Dude, have you any idea how many people should have been brought to justice in the last thirty eight plus years and have not?


It is sickening to read some of these blogs, total nonsense, just because you are given this post to write, please write something clean and factual. Nigel and his team were behind the Agricola uprising, lucky they live in Guyana and not in another country, if not they would have been behind bars. It is fair to express yourself, but speak the truth. Nigel failed at Central High and that's a fact. The PPP was duly elected give them time to rule, AFC and APNU should prove and win the support of the people, so at the next election they can be elected.

Originally Posted by kp:

It is sickening to read some of these blogs, total nonsense, just because you are given this post to write, please write something clean and factual. Nigel and his team were behind the Agricola uprising, lucky they live in Guyana and not in another country, if not they would have been behind bars. It is fair to express yourself, but speak the truth. Nigel failed at Central High and that's a fact. The PPP was duly elected give them time to rule, AFC and APNU should prove and win the support of the people, so at the next election they can be elected.

If you mean Central High School, you are mistaken about Nigel Hughes.  He was a QC boy. Take issue with him on other things but not that one.

Originally Posted by Angel:
Originally Posted by kp:

It is sickening to read some of these blogs, total nonsense, just because you are given this post to write, please write something clean and factual. Nigel and his team were behind the Agricola uprising, lucky they live in Guyana and not in another country, if not they would have been behind bars. It is fair to express yourself, but speak the truth. Nigel failed at Central High and that's a fact. The PPP was duly elected give them time to rule, AFC and APNU should prove and win the support of the people, so at the next election they can be elected.

If you mean Central High School, you are mistaken about Nigel Hughes.  He was a QC boy. Take issue with him on other things but not that one.

His PNC Card got him admitted???


The opposition is out to exploit any issue to weaken the gov't. There are not out to improve the lives of Guyanese. On the contrary, their actions have led to more sufferings. We don't need politicians who pit one group against another. Think of Buxton, Linden, and now Agricola - people of Indian descent are targets for their abuse. This is blatant racism and no argument, no matter how forceful can change the facts. Our African brothers and sisters who sincerely showed their opposition racial attacks must be supported and given protection at all times.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The opposition is out to exploit any issue to weaken the gov't. There are not out to improve the lives of Guyanese. On the contrary, their actions have led to more sufferings. We don't need politicians who pit one group against another. Think of Buxton, Linden, and now Agricola - people of Indian descent are targets for their abuse. This is blatant racism and no argument, no matter how forceful can change the facts. Our African brothers and sisters who sincerely showed their opposition racial attacks must be supported and given protection at all times.

 The opposition is out to highlight the necrosis in the system as a consequence of the PPP corrupt Practice. Were we to know what NICIL is doing with our money; now come a furniture maker in india is in possession of 4% of our forests and why we need a marriot and Agricola is in the dumps then maybe we would find a way to good government.


The PPP is a race based government.  They are in office on the back of the Indian vote ( and the majority of Indians are still catching their ass). The cling to autocratic power by the thinnest of margins and on that they insist they are justified.Were the PPP concerned with racial justice we would have a flowering of democracy through decentralization and not a consolidation of PPPinc in the hands of its kith and kin.


Amen Stomborn.  Now the public knows what/how their govt is operating.  They would prefer to feed and manipulate their support base with the fear of the "blackman" to maintain their hold on power. 

Originally Posted by FC:

Do you propose that these issues of corruption be swept under the carpet?

YOUR people in the opposition had ample opportunity to expose the corruption they have been almost one year in parliament and we have had nothing. They were exposed during the NCN corruption debates even further


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