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Gilbakka posted:
seignet posted:
ksazma posted:
Gilbakka posted:
ksazma posted:

Although it wasn't Genesis as Gilly thought. It was John 1:1. 

Thanks for the correction, brother. May the Lord bless you a thousandfold.

You are welcome Brother Gilly. Now go and sin no more.

erred no more.

To err is human. Not to err is not to be human. BTW Siggy, I wish to congratulate you for starting a thread that secured chiefly good-mannered comments, though I'm perplexed why you titled it "Vileness". Anyway, it is just a word. 

It was a remark for Redux, knowing he can't post vile comments anymore.

Because his membership was cancelled. 

He knows that was for him.

seignet posted:
Gilbakka posted:
seignet posted:
ksazma posted:
Gilbakka posted:
ksazma posted:

Although it wasn't Genesis as Gilly thought. It was John 1:1. 

Thanks for the correction, brother. May the Lord bless you a thousandfold.

You are welcome Brother Gilly. Now go and sin no more.

erred no more.

To err is human. Not to err is not to be human. BTW Siggy, I wish to congratulate you for starting a thread that secured chiefly good-mannered comments, though I'm perplexed why you titled it "Vileness". Anyway, it is just a word. 

It was a remark for Redux, knowing he can't post vile comments anymore.

Because his membership was cancelled. 

He knows that was for him.

Remarkable is it not? But you lasted 20 years with being an awful bigot and nothing you say is considered vile! I cannot say I am surprised. I am beginning to tire of being here. I think I have to look for better on line company.

Gilbakka posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Were they proposing a one party state by unifying the PPP and PNC?  That is not democracy. 

Not a one-party state. Just a coalition government. They were not planning to outlaw the UF, WPA, DLM, PDM etc.

Ow gaad.  But what kind of imbalance would that have been?  All a dem lil lil wan dat can even mek one proper one.  Can you begin to imagine a PPP/PNC coalition against the rest of the five people left in the country.  The more I think about this, the more I want to believe you making joke here.

No joke. Stranger things have happened in history.

Example: Look who this Hindu woman got married to. It's a pity she did not come across our handsome Baseman in India. She would have avoided her fate as Mrs Daag. 

Danyael posted:
seignet posted:
Gilbakka posted:
seignet posted:
ksazma posted:
Gilbakka posted:
ksazma posted:

Although it wasn't Genesis as Gilly thought. It was John 1:1. 

Thanks for the correction, brother. May the Lord bless you a thousandfold.

You are welcome Brother Gilly. Now go and sin no more.

erred no more.

To err is human. Not to err is not to be human. BTW Siggy, I wish to congratulate you for starting a thread that secured chiefly good-mannered comments, though I'm perplexed why you titled it "Vileness". Anyway, it is just a word. 

It was a remark for Redux, knowing he can't post vile comments anymore.

Because his membership was cancelled. 

He knows that was for him.

Remarkable is it not? But you lasted 20 years with being an awful bigot and nothing you say is considered vile! I cannot say I am surprised. I am beginning to tire of being here. I think I have to look for better on line company.

You will come back. You love to remind us Indian Racist of how racist we are. You are our conscience, atleast that lil Indian part of you.

Do you like wet shyte, auntyman, homophobic comments about BT. Disgusting, that chap was. Atleast, the administrator found his comments to be appalling.

I blocked his comments months ago. There was nothing to gain from his tripe.

For over 20 years, you prance around here and you still doan get it. This is a discussion site. 

You hate Indians so much, just the mere idea of them making comments enrages you to the point of frothing to the mouth.

That is hate. Even if it hate for us Racist Indians. Never the less, it is hate.

You just hate us for being Indians.

seignet posted:

You will come back. You love to remind us Indian Racist of how racist we are. You are our conscience, atleast that lil Indian part of you.

Do you like wet shyte, auntyman, homophobic comments about BT. Disgusting, that chap was. Atleast, the administrator found his comments to be appalling.

I blocked his comments months ago. There was nothing to gain from his tripe.

For over 20 years, you prance around here and you still doan get it. This is a discussion site. 

You hate Indians so much, just the mere idea of them making comments enrages you to the point of frothing to the mouth.

That is hate. Even if it hate for us Racist Indians. Never the less, it is hate.

You just hate us for being Indians.

 Since when you decide to appropriate what or who is an indian?One of my paternal great grandfather came right out of the dung heap of india. I do not remember him but I remember by grand mother. Out of her womb came my father, a second generation Guyanese and with him 13 sisters.

My indian clan is vast and as authentic as any of you so called indians here. The difference is that they did not raise me up to be a bigot. My grandfather is Scott and came to Guyana by way of South Africa. He fought in the Boer wars and knew racism. He did not raise his children with the bigotry he saw. I knew him well as a child and while I cannot say his viewa translated completely to all of his childern; in my my father it took rood. His complete lack of prejudices allowed him to marry an amerindian woman. 

Now you take your shit about me hating Indians and stick it. I hate bigots like you with nothing to validate your claims to superiority. And do not measure that by assets. That would be counted in the measure of your stupidity if so used.  Only you as an individual standing before another matters. In that you have been found horribly wanting. Being in the ebb tide of your life you should be more introspective. For Hindus it is the final period where one seeks jevan mookti or ensure one can reincarnate in a better plane.

Redux is clearly very smart. You idiots never look at his allusions or the context of his responses. You always miss his input because most of what he says  flies over your heads or your racism puts you on a different frequency.  I can understand his regress to invective. He might as well be speaking to dead fishes. Nothing resonate. One therefore can understand why he sees no recourse but curse at the stench.


Last edited by Former Member

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