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There was no mistake in the 2011 vote count; the formula for converting votes into seats was changed

Posted By Staff Writer On July 11, 2013 In Letters |


Dear Editor,

The time has come to break my silence on the Boodoo affair.  I am breaking my silence for two reasons.  First, the Chronicle newspaper facilitated a letter which sought to blame ethnic cleansing for the non-support of a new contract for Mr Boodoo, former Chief Elections Officer.  This is nothing short of using the old racist bogey trap and bigotry that has kept Guyana stagnated and is the main platform for some politicians and political parties, in Guyana.  How could the African Guyanese Commissioners be accused of racism or ethnic cleansing, at GECOM, when for their entire tenure, so far,  only Indians have been offered jobs in the hierarchy with no objections from the African Guyanese Commissioners who are now referred to as the ethnic cleansers?  The posts of the Human Resource and Administrative Managers at GECOM, two top posts, have been repeatedly, and only, filled by Indo-Guyanese within the last five years.  And in instances where they have been fired or terminated from those said positions, they were fired at Mr Boodoo’s insistence with protestations from some Commissioners, including the African Guyanese Commissioners, in particular, over the manner in which their contracts were not renewed or terminated.  So much for the accusation of ethnic cleansing by the African Guyanese Com- missioners and the racist overtones of the Indian Arrival Committee whose racist pronouncements were facilitated by the Chronicle. It seems that some have sanctioned rights to such overtones or outright manifestations, while others dare not.


Second, I am responding because the truth is not being told.  In fact quite the opposite is being provided as the truth.  The latest such attempt was Peeping Tom’s column of July 8, 2013.  Every day, there is someone referring to Boodoo’s action, in his preparation of the results of the 2011 elections, as a mistake.  There was no mistake. Mr Boodoo was singularly responsible for converting the vote count into seats.  This was not his first exposure to the task.  It was his third.  There is only one formula for converting the votes into seats.  How could it be a mistake if a factor in the formula is changed?  There was no error of calculation.  Sixty-five (65) replaced forty (40) in the formula.  Let it be known that no calculations were presented to the Commission for scrutiny.  Signed declarations were presented.  There was nothing for the naked eye to discern.  It was my academic knowledge of the system and my constant explanation of the system to students that equipped me to discern the false declaration (result).  When challenged, Mr Boodoo responded that he was right and was presenting the correct results.


It required a sustained exchange; reference to the legal provisions that provide for the formula; and my insistence that he had used an incorrect formula that caused Mr Boodoo to resort to the correct and only available formula to recalculate the allocation of seats. It should be noted that he had already used the same formulation to correctly calculate the allocation of seats for the ten constituencies (regions).  This was the straw that broke the camel’s back since it had been a pattern of Mr Boodoo to treat the Commissioners with contempt with regard to the truth.  Enough was enough and is enough.  Let the truth be told and I challenge anyone to refute the story that I now tell.  My decency and professional cloak influenced my public silence, which has been exploited to drown out the truth and perpetuate falsehood. Enough is enough.  I am now cloaked in good governance and guided by openness and transparency.  Let the truth be told.  There was no mistake.  There was no error.  Did the system work?  No!  The system was not intended to be curative. It was intended to be preventative.  Mr Boodoo’s ill had to be cured since it was about to inflict death on the results.  It had previously inflicted death in the 2006 elections.


In 2006, the mistake was brought to Mr Boodoo and the Commissioners’ attention at a time when it could have been corrected ‒ ask the AFC.  In fact, correction was promised but alas the knell tolled and GECOM piously said, “let them seek redress in court.” A court which dismissed the just case on technical grounds.  2011 was an attempt to once again deprive the AFC of a seat.  An attempt to beat up on the small party in deference to the PPP/C.  Let the truth be told.


The facts are irrefutable. I now await all of the bile, venom and the like as I stand by the truth which must prevail.  I can no longer be silent nor be silenced, cost it what it may.

Yours faithfully, Vincent Alexander GECOM Commissioner

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Originally Posted by redux:

There was no mistake in the 2011 vote count; the formula for converting votes into seats was changed

Posted By Staff Writer On July 11, 2013 In Letters |


Dear Editor,

The time has come to break my silence on the Boodoo affair.  I am breaking my silence for two reasons.  First, the Chronicle newspaper facilitated a letter which sought to blame ethnic cleansing for the non-support of a new contract for Mr Boodoo, former Chief Elections Officer.  This is nothing short of using the old racist bogey trap and bigotry that has kept Guyana stagnated and is the main platform for some politicians and political parties, in Guyana.  How could the African Guyanese Commissioners be accused of racism or ethnic cleansing, at GECOM, when for their entire tenure, so far,  only Indians have been offered jobs in the hierarchy with no objections from the African Guyanese Commissioners who are now referred to as the ethnic cleansers?  The posts of the Human Resource and Administrative Managers at GECOM, two top posts, have been repeatedly, and only, filled by Indo-Guyanese within the last five years.  And in instances where they have been fired or terminated from those said positions, they were fired at Mr Boodoo’s insistence with protestations from some Commissioners, including the African Guyanese Commissioners, in particular, over the manner in which their contracts were not renewed or terminated.  So much for the accusation of ethnic cleansing by the African Guyanese Com- missioners and the racist overtones of the Indian Arrival Committee whose racist pronouncements were facilitated by the Chronicle. It seems that some have sanctioned rights to such overtones or outright manifestations, while others dare not.


Second, I am responding because the truth is not being told.  In fact quite the opposite is being provided as the truth.  The latest such attempt was Peeping Tom’s column of July 8, 2013.  Every day, there is someone referring to Boodoo’s action, in his preparation of the results of the 2011 elections, as a mistake.  There was no mistake. Mr Boodoo was singularly responsible for converting the vote count into seats.  This was not his first exposure to the task.  It was his third.  There is only one formula for converting the votes into seats.  How could it be a mistake if a factor in the formula is changed?  There was no error of calculation.  Sixty-five (65) replaced forty (40) in the formula.  Let it be known that no calculations were presented to the Commission for scrutiny.  Signed declarations were presented.  There was nothing for the naked eye to discern.  It was my academic knowledge of the system and my constant explanation of the system to students that equipped me to discern the false declaration (result).  When challenged, Mr Boodoo responded that he was right and was presenting the correct results.


It required a sustained exchange; reference to the legal provisions that provide for the formula; and my insistence that he had used an incorrect formula that caused Mr Boodoo to resort to the correct and only available formula to recalculate the allocation of seats. It should be noted that he had already used the same formulation to correctly calculate the allocation of seats for the ten constituencies (regions).  This was the straw that broke the camel’s back since it had been a pattern of Mr Boodoo to treat the Commissioners with contempt with regard to the truth.  Enough was enough and is enough.  Let the truth be told and I challenge anyone to refute the story that I now tell.  My decency and professional cloak influenced my public silence, which has been exploited to drown out the truth and perpetuate falsehood. Enough is enough.  I am now cloaked in good governance and guided by openness and transparency.  Let the truth be told.  There was no mistake.  There was no error.  Did the system work?  No!  The system was not intended to be curative. It was intended to be preventative.  Mr Boodoo’s ill had to be cured since it was about to inflict death on the results.  It had previously inflicted death in the 2006 elections.


In 2006, the mistake was brought to Mr Boodoo and the Commissioners’ attention at a time when it could have been corrected ‒ ask the AFC.  In fact, correction was promised but alas the knell tolled and GECOM piously said, “let them seek redress in court.” A court which dismissed the just case on technical grounds.  2011 was an attempt to once again deprive the AFC of a seat.  An attempt to beat up on the small party in deference to the PPP/C.  Let the truth be told.


The facts are irrefutable. I now await all of the bile, venom and the like as I stand by the truth which must prevail.  I can no longer be silent nor be silenced, cost it what it may.

Yours faithfully, Vincent Alexander GECOM Commissioner

the only stupid people in guyana is the black people why these fools have the ppp walking all over them 

Originally Posted by baseman:

Redux trying to beat the drums for a coup.

baseman, are the nehruite hysterics supposed to SCARE me, you, or the PPP . . .?


SINCE U CAN'T ARGUE THE BLINDING FACTS, I GUESS SCREAMING "PNC" . . . or much, much, better yet "COUP COUP COUP"!! will work (to deflect) in a pinch . . . did I get dat rite?


instructive WHAT it takes to shift you cornered little low-rent bigots into existential 'PPP protect' mode


AFC demands immediate restructuring of GECOM

July 12, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 


- hails whistle-blowing Commissioner

Shocking claims by a Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) Commissioner that there may have been a deliberate attempt to alter the final results of the 2011 General and Regional Elections have triggered political anger, with calls for an immediate restructuring of the entity.
The situation is likely to raise tensions and cast doubts as to whether GECOM could host the long overdue Local Government Elections this year.
In a letter carried by the country’s major newspapers yesterday, Commissioner Vincent Alexander, an Opposition-nominated member, “broke” his silence, asserting that former Chief Elections Officer, Gocool Boodoo, did not make a mistake when an incorrect formula was used to calculate the number of seats to be allocated to political parties in the 2011 elections.
In the letter, Alexander, a senior official also at the University of Guyana, said that there is one formula for converting the votes into seats.
“How could it be a mistake if a factor in the formula is changed?  There was no error of calculation.  Sixty-five (65) replaced forty (40) in the formula.”
Making it clear that he can no longer remain silent, Alexander said he is prepared to face the music.
The announcement of the results on December 1, 2011, was delayed for several hours as GECOM and its Commissioners scrambled to correct the results while political parties waited with bated breath at the Pegasus Hotel and their respective camps.
The ruling PPP/C lost its majority in the National Assembly by one seat. The argument by the Opposition parties is that Boodoo’s “miscalculation” would have handed the administration a clear majority.
Alexander’s letter was prompted by the fallout in recent days of the battle between GECOM and Boodoo over the non-renewal of his contract as Chief Elections Officer. Boodoo took the matter to court but the matter was thrown out at mid-week. But the issue has been heavily debated in the media, with numerous letters and accusations that he was being racially targeted.

End of Boodoo
According to A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) parliamentarian, Joseph Harmon, as far as that Opposition faction is concerned, Boodoo’s contract is at an end “that is the end of Mr Boodoo. That is basically our position.”
During APNU’s press briefing, Harmon said that the issue of the 2011 election results has been raised time and again with a flurry of correspondence in the media and with GECOM’s Boodoo.  “Records will show we have raised the issue over and over…We have documents we sent to Mr. Boodoo… It’s not fair to say we were silent.”
The AFC was even harsher in their press conference yesterday.
The party’s Chairman, Nigel Hughes, said there was grave concern over the revelations of Commissioner Alexander. The AFC made it clear that it is convinced that attempts were made to manipulate both the 2006 elections. The party lost a seat in Linden as a result of GECOM’s calculation and while initially told that it would be corrected, AFC was subsequently forced to take the matter to court.
According to Hughes, Alexander’s letter has made it clear that an attempt was made to also manipulate the 2011 results.
Hailing Alexander as a “true patriot”, Hughes, a prominent lawyer, said his party will be endorsing immediate moves to restructure GECOM. Regarding the position of Chairman, Hughes pointed out that the selection process was a temporary one established years ago by the Jimmy Carter delegation, in which the President would vet one of six names put forward by the Opposition. This system has outlived its usefulness and there is need for a professional body with representations from civil society also, the party urged.
“Any suggestion Mr. Boodoo be remotely considered as a potential candidate on a short list for the post of Chief Elections Officer  is clearly beyond the pale,” the AFC Chairman emphasized.
According to AFC executive member, Michael Carrington, “GECOM is responsible for the state of local government elections which is supposed to be held every three years. No minister can hold up elections.”

Complicit Commissioners?
AFC leader Khemraj Ramjattan said that the emerging evidence is suggesting that in the past, Commissioners merely accepted the final results as announced by the Chief Elections Officer.  This, he said, indicated either ignorance of the procedures in tallying seats or complicity between Commissioners at GECOM.
Ramjattan said that with regard to the 2006 elections, GECOM had admitted that it got the Linden’s results wrong yet refused to correct it – a clear injustice to voters and the AFC – and it is against this background that Boodoo should never be returned to his post at GECOM.

AFC demands immediate restructuring of GECOM

The AFC believes that despite the current GECOM “crisis”, local government elections can still be held this year, with the party prepared to back four Bills through the National Assembly. They are to be tabled again next week after being considered by a Parliamentary Special Select Committee.
The party also said it wants GECOM Chairman’s position to be staggered and not for life.

Originally Posted by baseman:

Redux trying to beat the drums for a coup.  It ain't gon wuk, you stay right in NY, no cushy jobs coming.

You are a jackass!


 2011 was an attempt to once again deprive the AFC of a seat.  An attempt to beat up on the small party in deference to the PPP/C.  Let the truth be told.


Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Redux trying to beat the drums for a coup.  It ain't gon wuk, you stay right in NY, no cushy jobs coming.

You are a jackass!


 2011 was an attempt to once again deprive the AFC of a seat.  An attempt to beat up on the small party in deference to the PPP/C.  Let the truth be told.


Really, and why your buddies in the GDF not take to the streets for you.  BTW, what was the popular vote won by the AFC?

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Redux trying to beat the drums for a coup.  It ain't gon wuk, you stay right in NY, no cushy jobs coming.

You are a jackass!


 2011 was an attempt to once again deprive the AFC of a seat.  An attempt to beat up on the small party in deference to the PPP/C.  Let the truth be told.


Really, and why your buddies in the GDF not take to the streets for you.  BTW, what was the popular vote won by the AFC?

He was talking of 2006 where this very individual's miscalculation awarded an AFC seat to the PPP in region 10. The courts never took the case and delayed it until the term was over. That is cheating. The same would have happened this time if his ruse was not discovered.


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