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Nine audits, 12 investigations, 4 reviews “collateral damage” slowing the economy- PPP’s Clement Rohee

Former Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee speaking during the 2015 National Budget debate.

Former Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee speaking during the 2015 National Budget debate.

Former Minister of Home Affairs and opposition member Clement Rohee has warned the government that they are slowing up the economy with probes, investigations and “witch hunts.”

He said that the government is yet to fulfill their 100 day plan as promised on the campaign trail but have engaged in, “nine audits, two probes, 12 investigations and four reviews,” in various sectors.
He said that research has shown that such acts are what slow up an economy, “That is precisely what is happening in Guyana.” The country will suffer form collateral damage as a result of these actions taking place in this country,” the member charged.

Sections of the business community have publicly expressed grave concern about the economic slump including the laying off workers. A taxi driver, speaking on condition of anonymity, told Demerara Waves Online News that Guyanese want "opportunity and security."
He said that checks to the A Partnership for National Union +Alliance for Change (APNU+AFC) 100 day action plan promised 21 action lines; and five are expected in the 2015 budget. However, he claimed that in their delivery, “two are partially completed; eight in progress and four in advance progress.”
Rohee added that in his research, he has also seen that of 34 projects in the 2015 budget, “79 percent of it has its origin in the PPP/C manifesto.”
Rohee charged that the “good life” the government speak of already existed under the former administration, but the government is taking, “a different approach to the good life that was there before.”
The former minister focused most of his speech on what he described as no good life coming under the 2015 budget.  
He did take jabs at the current Public Security Minister, Khemraj Ramjattan laughing at the “dog and pony” show, a joke of the proposed sniffer dog and police horse to fight crime. He also made fun of division of his former Home Affairs Ministry saying it has given to three persons who are confused as to what their objectives are.
Rohee also urged the new Public Security to find his action plan on fighting crime and start to tackle the problem from there. 

The Former Home Affairs Minister chided government for returning several Indian nationals- seen sitting on the tarmac of the Cheddi Jagan International Airport- who had arrived here on an Insel Air flight without sufficient funds and visas.

He said that prior to the PPPC's electoral defeat, the ministry had been taking steps to introduce a tourist visa card and eliminate constraints. 

On the issue of piracy, Rohee urged his successor, Public Security Khemraj Ramjattan, to uplift a copy of the anti-piracy strategy from Permanent Secretary Angela Johnson.

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