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Jakarta, Indonesia (CNN) -- The Indonesian police continue to use a "degrading" invasive physical test to check for female recruits virginity, a Human Rights Watch (HRW) report has claimed.

A manual examination is used to physically check for an intact hymen in the recruits, the report alleges.


It is, according to the report, a long-standing part of the health check that women must undergo to be accepted onto the force.


While the virginity test is not specifically part of the required "obstetrics and gynecology" examination that female recruits are required to undergo to gain entry to the National Police, senior female officers told the report's authors that it has long been part of the process.

Virginity a requirement

<cite class="expCaption">Indonesian cops must pass virginity exam</cite>

The National Police website lists the health requirements for female recruits, listing virginity as one of the requirements.


"In addition to the other medical and physical examinations. Women who want to become policewomen are to undergo a virginity test. Policewomen must keep their virginity," the informational page states. It ends the section with a cheery "thank you" and a smiley-face emoticon.

Married women are not eligible to apply for service in the police force.


Police: Exams applicable to both sexes

A police spokesperson told CNN that all recruits, not only female, were subject to thorough medical tests that included examination of genitalia.

"Overall, the medical and physical examination has two main objectives. The first one is to make sure that the candidates' health and physical condition will not harm them when admitted into police force," spokesperson Roni Sompie said.


"Secondly, it is to make sure that they do not possess any communicable diseases that will not allow them to perform maximally as trained police personnel," he said.

"As to the examination of the virginity, it is just a part of the whole medical and physical test, not intended to solely seek for the virginity condition. Or it can not be put in a perspective for the sake of finding out the virginity, instead, it is for the sake of the completeness of medical and physical examination."

Sompie also said that the HRW report was incomplete because it had not sought comment from police medical authorities.


'Discriminatory, cruel, degrading'

HRW says they interviewed several female officers and applicants, as well as police medical and recruitment staff. They also say they spoke with a National Police commission member. The officers and recruits who had undergone the test called it "painful" and "traumatic."

The report describes the test, administered by Police Medical and Health Center staff in police hospitals in the cities of Bandung, Jakarta, Padang, Pekanbaru, Makassar, and Medan, as "discriminatory, cruel (and) degrading."


One recruit interviewed by HRW for the report said: "Entering the virginity test examination room was really upsetting. I feared that after they performed the test I would not be a virgin anymore. It really hurt. My friend even fainted because... it really hurt, really hurt."

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Sheik Ally:

Readers, it will be more beneficial if engage in positive communication on Guyana problems than other countries. Sheik.

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Originally Posted by Sheik Ally:

Readers, it will be more beneficial if engage in positive communication on Guyana problems than other countries. Sheik.

I agree, but most discussion on Guyana runs in circle and out of focus very quick. I have confident in president Ramotar and his decision making. However, political forum is extended to international news as well as Guyana. Tonight is Obama night to make history on immigration reform. Tune in on prime time.  

Originally Posted by Cobra:

What is the story behind this idea? All female police officers MUST be a virgin as long as they chose to remain in the force? NO SEX?


One officer describe the process as painful and traumatic that she can actually lose her virginity during the examination. That is a possibility!

Kwame should move to indonesia. The PPP should send him on a special mission dere.

Originally Posted by Sheik Ally:

Readers, it will be more beneficial if engage in positive communication on Guyana problems than other countries. Sheik.

You got to be kidding! Now you have the audacity to determine for us what is beneficial. We do not live in boxes not  are we brains in vats. We live out here in the world. What is happening to those women is a concern for all of us least someone decides it is "normal". It is obscene no less than what the Police commander in GT said a couple of days ago....the way a woman dresses contribute to rape"! This is as relevant to us as  knowing how to spell "Ramorat"...did I get that right?

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Sheik Ally's opinion to focus on Guyana is accepted since GNI discusses Guyana problems 90% of the time. No reason to strangle the fella for speaking what he believe is beneficial.

DG rightfully told him to "haul he rass" Who is he to come and dictate to us what to discuss? Tell he leh he come and help me shovel me driveway.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Sheik Ally's opinion to focus on Guyana is accepted since GNI discusses Guyana problems 90% of the time. No reason to strangle the fella for speaking what he believe is beneficial.

DG rightfully told him to "haul he rass" Who is he to come and dictate to us what to discuss? Tell he leh he come and help me shovel me driveway.

He was speaking to the PPP supporters and that is ok with with us. 

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Sheik Ally's opinion to focus on Guyana is accepted since GNI discusses Guyana problems 90% of the time. No reason to strangle the fella for speaking what he believe is beneficial.

DG rightfully told him to "haul he rass" Who is he to come and dictate to us what to discuss? Tell he leh he come and help me shovel me driveway.

He was speaking to the PPP supporters and that is ok with with us. 

Naah! he said "Readers"... he is being negative. 

Originally Posted by Cobra:


He maybe he is a newbie and riffraff didn't role out the red carpet for the man.      Because he's a PPP newbie? 

PPP supporters on this board are the most hated people here. Check the vulgarity hurled against them by the AFC supporters. It's not surprising they don't welcome any PPP newbie.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Cobra:


He maybe he is a newbie and riffraff didn't role out the red carpet for the man.      Because he's a PPP newbie? 

PPP supporters on this board are the most hated people here. Check the vulgarity hurled against them by the AFC supporters. It's not surprising they don't welcome any PPP newbie.

Skelly, there is a matter to every madness. Treat your enemies as your friends, and let them speak more than you to find out how much they worth. Remember, you can't stop vulgarity, use it to tickle their fancies. 

Originally Posted by Cobra:


He maybe he is a newbie and riffraff didn't role out the red carpet for the man.      Because he's a PPP newbie? 

Cobra is saying he might be like Kwame.....

A Black PPP/House of Israel newbie Pandit.

And Ray did not hang Mala round he neck.


Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Sheik Ally:

Readers, it will be more beneficial if engage in positive communication on Guyana problems than other countries. Sheik.

You got to be kidding! Now you have the audacity to determine for us what is beneficial. We do not live in boxes not  are we brains in vats. We live out here in the world. What is happening to those women is a concern for all of us least someone decides it is "normal". It is obscene no less than what the Police commander in GT said a couple of days ago....the way a woman dresses contribute to rape"! This is as relevant to us as  knowing how to spell "Ramorat"...did I get that right?

Excellent response. This is our problem. We want to wish things away. A Muslim is required to oppose all evil, not only those done by non-Muslims. I can't think of a single reason why this requirement is necessary to be in the police force. I thought Muslims are forbidden from looking up other women's fish.


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