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Visiting British teen vanishes in Guyana

January 4, 2016 | By | Filed Under News 

It has been over two months since British born, Dominic Bernard landed in Guyana via the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA) on his second solo trip out of England.

Missing: Dominic Bernard

Missing: Dominic Bernard

But since then he has not been seen or heard from.
On October 14, 2015 Bernard departed London, England on Caribbean Airlines (CAL) Flight BW 903 destined for Port of Spain, Trinidad. From the Twin-Island Republic, the18-year-old then boarded CAL BW 483 which arrived in Georgetown at 21:50hrs the same day.

This was his maiden trip to Guyana and he was supposed to be picked from the airport by his God Brother, Aaron Hing.However, this arrangement never materialized since Hing was unaware that Bernard was travelling to Guyana.

According to the missing teen’s father, Andrew Bernard, his son told him that he was coming to Guyana to spend some time with Hing. He said that his son was scheduled to return home on November 5, 2015, but failed to do so.The father stated that after his son did not return home, he contacted Hing, who told him that he did not see his son and did not even know he had travelled to Guyana.

He explained, “Because he (Hing) is family we just assumed that Dominic was having a good time.”
The older Bernard said that local Immigration Authorities have confirmed that his son landed in Guyana. He stated that CAL also verified that his son did not use his return ticket to England.
The father related that prior to his son’s arrival in this country, he was very active on his social media profiles. The distraught man added that Dominic has not posted anything on his Facebook (FB), YouTube or Whatsapp since.

When Kaieteur News checked Dominic Bernard’s FB page, it showed that he last posted a photo on September 17, 2015. Several of his friends have shared posts about him being missing.
Bernard said that his son is a photographer/film maker of reputable character. Bernard said that it is unusual for his son to go anywhere without informing loved ones. He recalled that Dominic travelled to Atlanta Georgia, USA earlier last year and made contact with his family as soon as he touched down there.

Dominic is the eldest of three siblings and was encountering no problems back at home, according to his father.
Dominic Bernard is six feet tall with brown eyes and he speaks with a deep British accent

Local and British law enforcement officials are now investigating the matter. But the teenager’s family is offering a reward to anyone with credible information that could lead them to finding him.
Persons with any information are kindly being asked to contact Dominic’s father on 695-9065/07968006170 or via email at or the nearest police station.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

They should down Lombard Street, maybe the youngman is having a gay time. It is strange, this was his first visit with nowhere to go in particular. Let's not think of the worst, hope he is safe.

yuji22 posted:

Guyana has become an Animal Kingdom under this worthless administration. 

It is getting worse since the AFC/PNC took over.

Cut your nonsense.  The airport has been a cesspit for a long time now.  A zoo.  EVERY other Caribbean airport that I have been to only allow authorized taxi drivers to linger around.  And prevent unauthorized "pirates" from picking up passengers.

What I suspect happened was that he jumped into some vehicle promising him a cheap ride, and being young, adventurous, and probably wanting to save, he fell for the lie.  He was robbed and body dumped some where.

The only mystery would be why his god father didn't know he was coming. 

yuji22 posted:

Guyana has become an Animal Kingdom under this worthless administration. 

It is getting worse since the AFC/PNC took over.

On visits to Guyana while Jagdeo was president I was warned only to use authorized taxis.  I was also warned to disclose a hotel address, and not the actual place that I was staying.  I was  warned not to share a taxi with any one else.

This because Guyana became a zoo.  So cut your racist razz!

Note that even in Jamaica I didn't have to take these precautions.

caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:

Guyana has become an Animal Kingdom under this worthless administration. 

It is getting worse since the AFC/PNC took over.

On visits to Guyana while Jagdeo was president I was warned only to use authorized taxis.  I was also warned to disclose a hotel address, and not the actual place that I was staying.  I was  warned not to share a taxi with any one else.

This because Guyana became a zoo.  So cut your racist razz!

Note that even in Jamaica I didn't have to take these precautions.

WHATTAXXXX! yugi loved gettin lash!


BREAKING: Decomposed body found in shallow grave in Berbice – believed to be missing British teen

January 8, 2016 5:48 pm  Source

The badly decomposed remains of a male was this afternoon discovered in a shallow grave in Alness Village, Corentyne.

An INews correspondent in Berbice said investigators from the Guyana Police Force’s Special Crimes Unit have been dispatched to the scene and are currently en route to Berbice.


Speculation is rife that the body could be that of the British teenager, 18-year old Dominic Michael Lloyd Bernard, who has been missing for a few months now, ever since his arrival here from the United Kingdom in October last year.

Crime Chief Wendell Blanhum confirmed that a badly decomposed body was found a few villages away from where the teen was expected to stay during his visit in Guyana.

However, he could not confirm whether the remains are that of the teen that went missing in October, 2015.

On the other hand, INews understands that several pieces of clothing and other items were found in close proximity to the body. The police are continuing their investigations.

Meanwhile, father of the missing British teen Andrew Bernard met with reporters in Georgetown a few days ago during which he made an emotional appeal to anyone who might have any information about his missing son to come forward and report to him or the nearest police station.

“I am holding this press conference because my wife and I need your help in locating Dominic. My son Dominic Bernard is a British citizen. He is 18 years’ old and is missing. Any bit of information, however small, will be helpful,” he pleaded.

Giving details about Dominic’s flight from London to Guyana on October 14, 2015, Andrew said his son  arrived at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport, Timehri at 21:50 hrs (9:50 pm) and has not been heard from since.

“My son flew on BW 903, leaving London Gatwick on 10/14 at 12:50 pm, arriving POS at 5:30 pm on the same day. He then boarded BW 483 from POS to GT at 8:40 pm arriving at Timehri at 9:50 pm,” he told reporters.

Andrew said he is aware his son cleared customs, but there has been a lack of information after that.

INews will bring you an updated report shortly.

Last edited by Django

The Guyana Police Force has issued a Wanted Bulletin for two men in connection with the disappearance of British Citizen, Dominic Bernard

missing-teenAccording to Police spokesperson, Ivelaw Whittaker, the two wanted men are Staymon George and Aaron Wilfred Hing. He said they are wanted for questioning.

Bernard, a London teen had travelled to Guyana on October 14 last, and has since gone missing.

He is said to be about 6 feet tall, medium build, with black hair, longer on top than on the sides and he was wearing blue jeans, white sweatshirt with black jacket that had leather in the middle and the arms were fabric. He was wearing white Nike sneakers. He had one suitcase and one piece of hand luggage when he left for Guyana

Anyone with information that may lead to the arrest of Staymon George and Aaron Wilfred Hing are asked to contact the police on telephone numbers 225-6411, 333-2191, 333-2151, 226-1326, 225-7625, 911, or the nearest police station.

George’s last known addresses are given as Lot 19 Charles Street, Charlestown/Kildonan Village, C/Tyne Berbice.

Posted in Crime, Top Stories Tagged ,

Since the disappearance of this young man, my suspicion runs on the god bother. Thank God the father inquired and ask the Guyanese public for help to locate his missing son. If not not his son would have been disappeared for good. Guyana gone really bad when you can't trust your friends, neighbors or your own family theses says. They will kill for anything and go to sleep sound the same night. 

baseman posted:

Guyana under the PPP is rapidly becoming GYIRAQ!

Yes you are right.  This lawlessness is largely due to criminality encouraged by the PPP. 

I mean if Jagdeo howled, and screamed, and threatened to leave CARICOM because T&T and Suriname cooperated with the USA to have a rendition of Roger Khan, then why expect little boys to behave themselves.

Even Gail T had to express her concern when it was reported that Jagdeo loved to hang out with known drug lords.

Cobra posted:

Since the disappearance of this young man, my suspicion runs on the god bother. Thank God the father inquired and ask the Guyanese public for help to locate his missing son. If not not his son would have been disappeared for good. Guyana gone really bad when you can't trust your friends, neighbors or your own family theses says. They will kill for anything and go to sleep sound the same night. 

Well some one did advise overseas Guyanese not to trust even their relatives.  Hing looks very suspicious, and doesn't appear too cooperative.

caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:

Guyana has become an Animal Kingdom under this worthless administration. 

It is getting worse since the AFC/PNC took over.

On visits to Guyana while Jagdeo was president I was warned only to use authorized taxis.  I was also warned to disclose a hotel address, and not the actual place that I was staying.  I was  warned not to share a taxi with any one else.

This because Guyana became a zoo.  So cut your racist razz!

Note that even in Jamaica I didn't have to take these precautions.

This is true in many countries.  Many countries I traveled to always warn and show upon arrival what a legit taxi looks like an where to get them!

caribny posted:
baseman posted:

Guyana under the PPP is rapidly becoming GYIRAQ!

Yes you are right.  This lawlessness is largely due to criminality encouraged by the PPP. 

I mean if Jagdeo howled, and screamed, and threatened to leave CARICOM because T&T and Suriname cooperated with the USA to have a rendition of Roger Khan, then why expect little boys to behave themselves.

Even Gail T had to express her concern when it was reported that Jagdeo loved to hang out with known drug lords.

Haha, mistake PNC!!

kp posted:

They should down Lombard Street, maybe the youngman is having a gay time. It is strange, this was his first visit with nowhere to go in particular. Let's not think of the worst, hope he is safe.

There is something fishy about the whole story.


British teen found in shallow grave

January 9, 2016 |Source

-God-brother  arrested -friend, wanted

The search for missing British teen, Dominic Bernard, came to a grisly end at around 13.30 hrs yesterday, following the discovery of his decomposed body in a shallow grave at Nurney, Corentyne Berbice.
The victim was fully clothed and his body appeared to have been mutilated.The body was left overnight under guard at the scene. A postmortem is to be conducted today.

Police sources said that Aaron Wilfred Hing, the victim’s god-brother and a prime suspect, was captured last night in a city hotel. He had booked into the hotel at around 17.00 hrs and was asking a staffer to borrow a cell phone when two police ranks, who had received information about his whereabouts, informed the staff that they were looking for a murder suspect.

A source said that Hing attempted to slip away from the scene but one of the policemen recognized him.He was then arrested and was still being questioned at press time at CID Headquarters, Eve Leary. A second man is also in custody.Police had issued a wanted bulletin for Hing, 23, who is a British citizen, and who had lived with Dominic Bernard’s family before coming to live in Guyana.

Captured: Aaron Hing.

Captured: Aaron Hing.

The bulletin had given Hing’s last known address as Lot 19, Kildonan Village, Corentyne.A similar bulletin was also issued for Staymon George, who is also 23. His last known address was given as Lot 19 Charles Street, Charlestown and Kildonan Village, Corentyne.

Police sources said that Dominic Bernard’s corpse was found after detectives, responding to an anonymous call, conducted a four-hour search of a desolate and bushy area some five miles off the main road at Kildonan, Corentyne.The ranks were reportedly tipped off some time on Thursday night that Dominic Bernard had been slain and his body buried in the area.They reportedly began searching the bushy terrain from as early as 08.00 hrs yesterday.

There are reports that the ranks were about to give up the search when they received a second call.This caused them to intensify the search and the shallow grave, with its gruesome remains, was eventually found.Detectives from Georgetown, including ranks from the major Crimes Unit, joined detectives from Berbice in their investigation and remained at the scene up to late yesterday evening.Indications are that the 18-year-old British citizen was murdered, by persons who knew him, shortly after he arrived in Guyana.

Dominic Bernard reportedly travelled to Guyana on October 14, last to meet his God-brother, Aaron Wilfred Hing.He failed to make contact with family or friends.The teenager was scheduled to fly back to England on November 5, 2015.

Staymon George

Staymon George

During a press conference held at Cara Lodge, the missing teen’s father, Andrew Bernard, said that his son left London to travel to Guyana on October 14, 2015 on Caribbean Airlines Limited (CAL) flight BW 903. He said that Dominic landed at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA) Timehri at 21:50hrs and “has not been seen or heard from since.”He went on to say that his son is six feet tall and of medium build.According to Mr. Bernard, Dominic was last seen wearing blue jeans and white sweatshirt with a black jacket that has leather in the middle and fabric on the arms.

A photographer/film maker, the teen was also wearing a pair of white Nike sneakers and was carrying a suitcase along with one piece of hand luggage.Andrew Bernard stated that this was his son’s maiden trip to Guyana. He was supposed to be picked from the airport by his God-brother, whom he was coming to spend time with.Mr. Bernard stated that after his son failed to return home, he contacted his Godson who claimed that he had not seen the teen and did not even know he had travelled to Guyana.Mr. Bernard said that it was unusual for his son not to make contact with his family.

He recalled that his son had travelled to Atlanta, Georgia, in the US earlier last year, and had made contact with his family as soon as he touched down there.Dominic Bernard resided in England with his parents and according to his father, he was not encountering any problems back at home.

Dominic Bernard

Dominic Bernard

On Thursday, police, acting on reports that the missing teen had been spotted, searched locations in Berbice, Sophia and Timehri.
Several CID, Intelligence and uniformed police ranks from Georgetown and Berbice, searched a house in Kildonan, Corentyne.
According to reports, the house turned out to be the home of the missing teen’s best friend and god-brother, Aaron Hing.

Last edited by Django

I don't believe that this has anything to do with whether the taxi was legal or not. It is quite some distance from the airport to Corantyne. So the taxi travelled in the correct direction as far as the address of the god-brother was concerned. If the taxi driver was involved then he sure would have no need to travel all that distance just to commit a murder. Also, the passenger would not have known if the taxi was going to the right place or not since he didn't know the country.

My take is that the god-brother knows a lot more than he is pretending to do.

Mr.T posted:


My take is that the god-brother knows a lot more than he is pretending to do.

Well one is considered innocent until proven guilty, but Hing doesn't look too innocent to me.  Why didn't he not cooperate with the search, and why has he tried to evade the police.

This was a ruse to lure an innocent UK kid, and something bad happened.

caribny posted:
Mr.T posted:


My take is that the god-brother knows a lot more than he is pretending to do.

Well one is considered innocent until proven guilty, but Hing doesn't look too innocent to me.  Why didn't he not cooperate with the search, and why has he tried to evade the police.

This was a ruse to lure an innocent UK kid, and something bad happened.

This incident can be detrimental to the tourist industry,i am baffled how a small nation can't reign in crime,damn most of the population is living on the coastland.

Django posted:
caribny posted:
Mr.T posted:


My take is that the god-brother knows a lot more than he is pretending to do.

Well one is considered innocent until proven guilty, but Hing doesn't look too innocent to me.  Why didn't he not cooperate with the search, and why has he tried to evade the police.

This was a ruse to lure an innocent UK kid, and something bad happened.

This incident can be detrimental to the tourist industry,i am baffled how a small nation can't reign in crime,damn most of the population is living on the coastland.

What is UNIQUE about Guyana is the fact that even "friends and family" are killing overseas based people of Guyanese extraction.  While violence against overseas based nationals is hardly unique to Guyana, it is only in Guyana where we not only have to fear criminals, who attack us because they think that we are rich.  But OUR OWN FAMILIES/FRIENDS!

This will receive full coverage in the UK press. UK based Guyanese are much less engaged with Guyana than are their North American and Caribbean based counterparts, as they know less about Guyana (many having left 40-60 years ago), and so incidences like this have way more impact.

Guyana lacks a tourist industry (despite its claims) so has nothing to worry about. Overseas Guyanese, and their descendants, are visitors, but they aren't tourists.

caribny posted:
Django posted:
caribny posted:
Mr.T posted:


My take is that the god-brother knows a lot more than he is pretending to do.

Well one is considered innocent until proven guilty, but Hing doesn't look too innocent to me.  Why didn't he not cooperate with the search, and why has he tried to evade the police.

This was a ruse to lure an innocent UK kid, and something bad happened.

This incident can be detrimental to the tourist industry,i am baffled how a small nation can't reign in crime,damn most of the population is living on the coastland.

What is UNIQUE about Guyana is the fact that even "friends and family" are killing overseas based people of Guyanese extraction.  While violence against overseas based nationals is hardly unique to Guyana, it is only in Guyana where we not only have to fear criminals, who attack us because they think that we are rich.  But OUR OWN FAMILIES/FRIENDS!

This will receive full coverage in the UK press. UK based Guyanese are much less engaged with Guyana than are their North American and Caribbean based counterparts, as they know less about Guyana (many having left 40-60 years ago), and so incidences like this have way more impact.

Guyana lacks a tourist industry (despite its claims) so has nothing to worry about. Overseas Guyanese, and their descendants, are visitors, but they aren't tourists.

All this started under the Burnham regime when people started starving and killing each other for survival. They learned then it was survival of the fittest and they continue to practice it this day.

skeldon_man posted:

All this started under the Burnham regime when people started starving and killing each other for survival. They learned then it was survival of the fittest and they continue to practice it this day.

Cut your nonsense.  This lawlessness of fathers killing sons over land started under Jagdeo.  The PPP cabal was so greedy and violent in their corruption that this set the standard for behavior across the board.

caribny posted:
skeldon_man posted:

All this started under the Burnham regime when people started starving and killing each other for survival. They learned then it was survival of the fittest and they continue to practice it this day.

Cut your nonsense.  This lawlessness of fathers killing sons over land started under Jagdeo.  The PPP cabal was so greedy and violent in their corruption that this set the standard for behavior across the board.

Nah, these things go back pre-independence!


Unfortunately there has been no coverage on the BBC. They only seem to do that when it is a white person. If you black, being British counts for nothing. Is only white people murder and disappearance counts for the BBC.

Mr.T posted:

Unfortunately there has been no coverage on the BBC. They only seem to do that when it is a white person. If you black, being British counts for nothing. Is only white people murder and disappearance counts for the BBC.

They covered it. In the Caribbean, Jamaica Observer and Barbados Today did likewise. 

Gilbakka posted:
Mr.T posted:

Unfortunately there has been no coverage on the BBC. They only seem to do that when it is a white person. If you black, being British counts for nothing. Is only white people murder and disappearance counts for the BBC.

They covered it. In the Caribbean, Jamaica Observer and Barbados Today did likewise.

Direct links for info.

Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Mr.T posted:

Unfortunately there has been no coverage on the BBC. They only seem to do that when it is a white person. If you black, being British counts for nothing. Is only white people murder and disappearance counts for the BBC.

They covered it. In the Caribbean, Jamaica Observer and Barbados Today did likewise.

Direct links for info.

Bai, I didn't want to spoon-feed Mr T. He knows his way around the UK channels.


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