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Thanks to an overwhelming vote of confidence from about three-fourths of the Russian electorate, Vladimir Putin now can remain president of Russia until 2036. He will be 84 years old when he completes the second of the two additional six-year terms that Russian voters awarded him in a referendum that ended on June 30. The referendum’s final results are not yet all in, but its outcome is not in doubt. 

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 You are missing the point I made. Our system is different from Russia.  Russia only has one Party and they vote yes or no over there.  

Jagdeo could be the Leader of the PPP for life and it would not be illegal. I only said that I support Jagdeo for a third term.

@Ramakant-P posted:

 You are missing the point I made. Our system is different from Russia.  Russia only has one Party and they vote yes or no over there.  

Jagdeo could be the Leader of the PPP for life and it would not be illegal.

I only said that I support Jagdeo for a third term.

No third term for Jagdeo

-CCJ upholds state appeal against Guyana Court of Appeal decision

June 26 2018.

How will Jagdeo get around the above ? will it be unlawful ? is it DEMOCRATIC ?

@Ramakant-P posted:

 You are missing the point I made. Our system is different from Russia.  Russia only has one Party and they vote yes or no over there.  

Jagdeo could be the Leader of the PPP for life and it would not be illegal. I only said that I support Jagdeo for a third term.

So you support his arrogance, greed for power and his avariciousness? Sad! 

@Mitwah posted:

So you support his arrogance, greed for power and his avariciousness? Sad! 

Rama support third term but respect the rule of law when it rule against it. Big difference from you, Django and his PNC cabal who give support to CEO lolobai to Ignore the rule of law and disenfranchise 25% of the people....

@sachin_05 posted:

Rama support third term but respect the rule of law when it rule against it. Big difference from you, Django and his PNC cabal who give support to CEO lolobai to Ignore the rule of law and disenfranchise 25% of the people....

Are you being stupid? Or are you just making a special effort today?

You are a professional. Watch your grammar.

@sachin_05 posted:

Rama support third term but respect the rule of law when it rule against it. Big difference from you, Django and his PNC cabal who give support to CEO lolobai to Ignore the rule of law and disenfranchise 25% of the people....

This is beyond any law. It ain right but Lowenfield and his people feels there is no law that allows for a government other than the PNC. They have the means enforce such a claim. With the support of Black votes for the PPP, it is like a few grains of salt in the vast ocean of the Black support for the PNC.

There is no respect for the Indian votes, Lowenfield declares that every time. It is time to go to the World Court on this matter, marginalization is very close to enslavement . 


If Putin can serve for life, well Dr Jagdeo can serve a THIRD term. Dr Ali will make him a 1st Vice president along side a 2nd, 3rd and 4th VP just like the PNC. With a majority government ,change the constitution  to extend the term in office to SIX and remove the limit of two terms.

 You PNC guys better pray with Cain for PNC to Rig and remain in office, otherwise is PPP for LIFE.

@Mitwah posted:

Are you being stupid? Or are you just making a special effort today?

You are a professional. Watch your grammar.

Retard, why you call the man stupid? Watch your language before something bad happen.

@Django posted:

No third term for Jagdeo

-CCJ upholds state appeal against Guyana Court of Appeal decision

June 26 2018.

How will Jagdeo get around the above ? will it be unlawful ? is it DEMOCRATIC ?

I expressed an opinion. Jagdeo has nothing to do with the idea of a third term.  He is an innocent bystander.  Putin came to power because there is only one party in Russia. In Guyana, no party has an absolute majority so there isn't going to be a change in the constitution which requires a 2/3 majority.  If you guys can't understand my rhetorics then I am sorry.

@Ramakant-P posted:

I expressed an opinion. Jagdeo has nothing to do with the idea of a third term.  He is an innocent bystander.  Putin came to power because there is only one party in Russia. In Guyana, no party has an absolute majority so there isn't going to be a change in the constitution which requires a 2/3 majority.  If you guys can't understand my rhetorics then I am sorry.

I am convinced that Irfaan is the surrogate for BJ's third term.


Frankly, poor Bharrat Jagdeo is today paying for a big mistake the PPP/C government had made. It joined with the opposition PNC  in parliament to amend the Constitution and insert that two-term presidential limit clause. The PPP/C should not have done that. No PNC government would have agreed to a two-term presidential limit.

@Mitwah posted:

I am convinced that Irfaan is the surrogate for BJ's third term.

I can argue that may be so but it isn't meant to be.   The same can be said about Granger if he remains the Leader of the PNC after his two terms are over.

How are you convinced?  

@Former Member posted:

Frankly, poor Bharrat Jagdeo is today paying for a big mistake the PPP/C government had made. It joined with the opposition PNC  in parliament to amend the Constitution and insert that two-term presidential limit clause. The PPP/C should not have done that. No PNC government would have agreed to a two-term presidential limit.

Nonsense.  It was the right thing to do. Two terms should be enough. There is no need to repeat C. Jagan's example 78-year-old dying as President. Running a country from his hospital bed.

Last edited by Prashad
@kp posted:

If Putin can serve for life, well Dr Jagdeo can serve a THIRD term.

Dr Ali will make him a 1st Vice president along side a 2nd, 3rd and 4th VP just like the PNC.

With a majority government ,change the constitution  to extend the term in office to SIX and remove the limit of two terms.

 You PNC guys better pray with Cain for PNC to Rig and remain in office, otherwise is PPP for LIFE.

Should the PPP/C be in office, it is unlikely that Bharrat Jagdeo will be in a position to become President, if unfortunately the substantive President transitioned in life or becomes partially incapable to perform the presidential duties.

Most likely, Bharrat Jagdeo could become an advisor in the president's office, or perhaps a Minister.

Any major changes to the constitution require two-thirds or more of all members of parliament.

Last edited by Former Member
@seignet posted:

This is beyond any law. It ain right but Lowenfield and his people feels there is no law that allows for a government other than the PNC. They have the means enforce such a claim. With the support of Black votes for the PPP, it is like a few grains of salt in the vast ocean of the Black support for the PNC.

There is no respect for the Indian votes, Lowenfield declares that every time. It is time to go to the World Court on this matter, marginalization is very close to enslavement . 

So you are saying Lowenfield and his people by your definition are barbarians... “barbarian.” Barbarian is an insulting word for a person from an uncivilized culture or a person with no manners. Barbarians aren't known for their etiquette. Those barbarians — back in ancient times they were always invading and pillaging and generally unleashing their fury on the more "civilized" Greeks and Romans.

@sachin_05 posted:

So you are saying Lowenfield and his people by your definition are barbarians... “barbarian.” Barbarian is an insulting word for a person from an uncivilized culture or a person with no manners. Barbarians aren't known for their etiquette. Those barbarians — back in ancient times they were always invading and pillaging and generally unleashing their fury on the more "civilized" Greeks and Romans.

Perhaps they should rename the series with Conan as Sachin the Barbarian. You'd really like that. 

@Former Member posted:

Should the PPP/C be in office, it is unlikely that Bharrat Jagdeo will be in a position to become President, if unfortunately the substantive President transitioned in life or becomes partially incapable to perform the presidential duties.

Most likely, Bharrat Jagdeo could become an advisor in the president's office, or perhaps a Minister.

Any major changes to the constitution require two-thirds or more of all members of parliament.

Yea, but why does Jagdeo influence the selection of the dumbest and most undesirable guys in the pack, like Ramotar and Ali to be presidential candidate, ignoring bright minds like Nandlall and Persaud ? Because his  influence  in the president's office with Ali, will be his third term. 

Jagdeo is power hungry to be at the top and he will use the resources of the PPP to achieve this goal, because he has control of the CC with intermediation. 

Similarly how he conned the people to vote for the PPP, he is conning the PPP to follow him. 

@Ramakant-P posted:

You shouldn't be concerned about the role he is going to play. Jagdeo, as I said before is the General Secretary of the Party.  He will run the Party and Ali will run the Government.   

Yea, dream on, like all those who voted PPP. 


Jagdeo is a living proof of that old adage "in blind man country one eye man a king".  His braggadocious utterings are disgusting,  as are those of many of his supporters. The Coalition is justified in doing everything lawful to prevent the PPP's return to power.   

@Totaram posted:

Jagdeo is a living proof of that old adage "in blind man country one eye man a king".  His braggadocious utterings are disgusting,  as are those of many of his supporters. The Coalition is justified in doing everything lawful to prevent the PPP's return to power.   

In your world is thieving is lawful? The coalition approved of Mingo and Lowenfield behaviour so they are justified to steal ballots and SOPS.

Can you confirm this is what you are insinuating?





During our ten years in GY when  the PPP was in government, they did not lift a finger to help the voters who placed them in government. In fact, they were nasty and victimized the people who voted for them.  Arrogance, nastiness and  victimization was the norm for their officers.

These PPP people are only for themselves and cares little about the ordinary Guyanese. 

Sure Jagdeo built buildings, but how were the ministers able to build mansions ? 

@Django posted:

No third term for Jagdeo

-CCJ upholds state appeal against Guyana Court of Appeal decision

June 26 2018.

How will Jagdeo get around the above ? will it be unlawful ? is it DEMOCRATIC ?

Guyana does not have the Russian system of government. If the PNC wins, how can jagdeo exert influence?  Imagine, in 2020 Burnham still have influence in the PNC.

Don’t believe the Clintons and Obama don’t have influence in a Democratic administration. 

@Tola posted:

During our ten years in GY when  the PPP was in government, they did not lift a finger to help the voters who placed them in government. In fact, they were nasty and victimized the people who voted for them.  Arrogance, nastiness and  victimization was the norm for their officers.

These PPP people are only for themselves and cares little about the ordinary Guyanese. 

Sure Jagdeo built buildings, but how were the ministers able to build mansions ? 

Point taken, but they won the elections.

@Django posted:

Thanks to an overwhelming vote of confidence from about three-fourths of the Russian electorate, Vladimir Putin now can remain president of Russia until 2036. He will be 84 years old when he completes the second of the two additional six-year terms that Russian voters awarded him in a referendum that ended on June 30. The referendum’s final results are not yet all in, but its outcome is not in doubt. 

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@Former Member posted:

Point taken, but they won the elections.

The same players are around in the PPP and what  guarantee exist that they will not repeat the same in another PPP government. Jagdeo will still be in control, while others wanting payback.  


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