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Trump to Invite Putin to Washington as Top Advisers Seek Details of Their Summit Talks





WASHINGTON — President Trump plans to invite President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia to Washington for another meeting in the fall, officials said Thursday, even as Mr. Trump’s top advisers groped for details of what the two leaders discussed in their last meeting in Helsinki, Finland.

Mr. Trump’s director of national intelligence, Dan Coats, acknowledged frustration at being kept in the dark about the meeting, which included only the leaders and their respective interpreters. “If he had asked me how that ought to be conducted,” Mr. Coats said at a security conference in Aspen, Colo., “I would have suggested a different way. It is what it is.”

As the questions mounted, the White House rejected a proposal by Mr. Putin to question American citizens, including a former ambassador to Moscow, Michael A. McFaul, in return for giving the United States access to 12 Russian military intelligence officers indicted for their role in trying to sabotage the 2016 election.

That reversed its statement a day earlier that Mr. Trump was still open to the idea. Diplomats and other former officials expressed outrage that Mr. Trump would consider turning over Americans to Mr. Putin as part of a politically motivated case against William F. Browder, an American-born financier critical of the Russian president.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Vlad, Coming to America is like rubbing salt in the wounds of my 1838 forefathers to British Guiana after the thrashing. That will make, Cuomo, Anderson, Lemon and Burnett frothing at the mouth.

Imagine, the man tampering wid the American elections and he comes pompously to America to dare dem. I think he goan drap a bombshell-if he gat stuff on Trump, it is obvious he has stuff other Americans.

Trump is right to invite President Putin. Trump is the President and America in his care for 4 or 8 years. 

All these pundits on CNN is destroying America. The Black ones only compares everything to Obama. And when Trump makes reference to Obama dey are pissed. For the white ones, well, dem ppl dat forget dem is white ppl, the builders of America, just like The Trump. 


'Stuff of nightmares': Time magazine morphs Trump's face with Putin's for new cover

David Maher, Staff, Published Thursday, July 19, 2018 11:59AM EDT, Last Updated Thursday, July 19, 2018 2:10PM EDT,

Time magazine has placed U.S. President Donald Trump on its cover for the second time in as many months.

The striking image, morphing the 72-year-old’s face with that of Russian President Vladimir Putin, comes following the pair’s meeting in Helsinki, Finland on Monday.

The illustration depicts the U.S. president’s trademark blonde hair, as well as his eyebrows and pursed lips, together with Putin’s nose and eyes.

Trump has come under heavy fire from Republicans and Democrats alike for openly questioning his own administration’s conclusion that Russia tried to undermine the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

Social media had some interesting reactions to Time’s latest cover.

“The new @TIME front cover is the stuff of nightmares,” tweeted Andrew Bloch.

New cover vs March 2017 cover

Dave posted:




All you proper funny you know.

Prince will become a flower girl if that picture turns out to be true.

On a serious note, the world is a much safer place when superpowers have a good relationship. Trump is achieving achieving many good things during his first term. I disagree with his trade policy towards Canada and the immigration policy but predict that Trump is a two term President.

Democrats can have their Gay dreams but Trump is beating them at their game.

One of CNN's gay boy must be quite jealous when he/she looks at that picture.


Last edited by Former Member
seignet posted:

Vlad, Coming to America is like rubbing salt in the wounds of my 1838 forefathers to British Guiana after the thrashing. That will make, Cuomo, Anderson, Lemon and Burnett frothing at the mouth.

Imagine, the man tampering wid the American elections and he comes pompously to America to dare dem. I think he goan drap a bombshell-if he gat stuff on Trump, it is obvious he has stuff other Americans.

Russia didn't tamper with the elections. It was Facebook and Cambridge Analytica. The US economy relies heavily on accusing Russia for everything so that the arms industry continues to get U$trillions in taxpayers money for arms sales. In the mean time the Russians got more sophisticated weapons that have been developed far cheaper.


Migrants poking fun at president Trump when they would not dare to do the same in their country of birth. The CAI and FBI is going to have a field day with you guys at the water boarding sessions.


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