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Museum honouring former President Hugh Desmond Hoyte opened

In honouring the memory of a former President of Guyana, the Hugh Desmond Hoyte

Minister of Social Protection, Volda Lawerence, and Mayor of Georgetown, Patricia Chase-Green cutting the ribbon to officially open the Hugh Desmond Hoyte Museum.

Museum was officially opened.
At the event Minister of Social Protection, Volda Lawrence, said, “It is indeed an honour and privilege on this momentous occasion honouring the memory of Mr. Hugh Desmond Hoyte, a former President of Guyana, to share with you, the tremendous social and human contribution he made to the people and his country Guyana during the period 1988 to 1992”.
Minister Lawrence sketched a picture of Hoyte’s eminence as he piloted Guyana through those very important years.

In the words of the Late President Linden Forbes Sampson Burnham, Hugh Desmond Hoyte possessed the finer qualities of life: intellectual honesty, true statesmanship and effervescent leadership.
Hoyte was in effect, a judicious leader, an unsung hero, whose shrewdness, astute political insight and profound concern for the people charted a resolute course to forge a united people with a firm resolve to achieve national development.
Sir Shridath Ramphal observed, “…Guyana, for all its present problems, is a better place because Desmond Hoyte was there to bridge the Presidencies of Forbes Burnham and Cheddi Jagan, and in doing so to establish those markers of national democracy and personal integrity that are the monuments already erected by his life of service to Guyana.”
“As we reflect on Mr. Hoyte’s management and contribution to the social climate during the period under review, we cannot fail to recognize his resolve as he attempted to restore the country to a path of sustainable economic growth and through policies and measures sought to enhance the lives of the Guyanese nation,” Minister Lawrence said.

Minister of Social Protection, Volda Lawerence addresing the gathering at the launch of the museum honouring the late Hugh Desmond Hoyte.

Hoyte’s tenure as President was fraught with challenges. In 1985, he assumed the Presidency amidst intense national, global, social and economic upheavals. Guyana was reeling from the impact of the global oil crisis and constrained by a crippling external debt burden; internally, there was an acute shortage of foreign exchange; restrictions on importation of food items and a collapse in infrastructure, social services and public utilities.

Yet Mr. Hoyte fervently and resolutely accepted the mantle and given the urgency attached to reactivating the productive sectors and rebuilding the country’s infrastructure, he committed to a market-oriented development strategy and deliberately chose the neo-liberalism route crafting a new development thrust called the Economic Recovery Programme (ERP), a comprehensive matrix of policies and measures officially initiated in 1989, designed to restore the economic viability of the country; a programme which those who would harvest its bumper crops, maliciously dubbed Empty Rice Pot.

Undoubtedly, Mr. Hoyte was and is deserving of our gratitude for the pivotal role he played in laying the foundation of the ERP that propelled Guyana to several years of continuous growth afterwards unmatched by its beneficiaries while in government, Ms Lawrence said.
In the words of the Executive Director to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the ERP “was radical in its objectives, comprehensive in its scope and courageous in its implementation”.
Minister Lawrence said that, Hoyte’s ERP was so effective that Carl Greenidge, in his presentation of the 1992 Budget on March 30, 1992, reported growth of 6.1% in real GDP, “dramatically halting three years negative growth.”
Indeed so optimistic was Greenidge about the performance of the economy that he conveyed the famous message to those pundits and their parties who had made “tenebrous predictions” that the ERP would not work, with the admonition “the one who says it cannot be done should never interrupt the one who is doing it.”
According to the Minister of Social Protection, “Human and Social Development in Guyana have improved significantly, but it would be remiss if in our discourse we failed to acknowledge the phenomenal leadership of the late Hugh Desmond Hoyte at this juncture. Mr. Hoyte concerned himself not only with the physical development of a country that was grappling with economic shocks internationally, but with the domestic challenges as well primarily the exacerbating issue of poverty; even as he sought to chart Guyana’s path, Mr. Hoyte was ever conscious of the diverse needs of the people”.
Further, “Hoyte sought to build on the People’s National Congress’ social welfare thrust of the early 1970s to Feed, Clothe and House everyone and to intensify the free education policy from nursery to tertiary in the latter part of that decade, which saw spending in relation to the Gross Domestic Product comparing favourably with its Caricom sisters”. (Guyana 5.5%, Barbados 6%; Jamaica 5.4% and Trinidad 5% (Ferguson 1995, p96).

In the interest of raising the people’s standards of living, he introduced Social Safety Nets, in other words structural adjustment programs, such as the Social Impact Amelioration Programme (SIMAP), externally financed but controlled locally and the Secondary School Reform Programme. Training, education and retooling were done to prepare and empower citizens to take advantage of the new developmental thrust.
Functionally, SIMAP, as stated by its Executive Director, Mr. Philip. N. Chan, had two broad goals namely damage limitation and the promotion of sustainable development for vulnerable groups and individuals.
The programme embarked on activities of infrastructural rehabilitation – roads, schools health centres, sanitation, water supply, drainage and irrigation and provision of social services – medical supplies, nutrition, food supplementation, education and training as well as cash transfers to targeted groups such as low wage public service employees, mothers and children visiting health centres , NIS pensioners among others.
In public life, President Hoyte was a formidable force; meticulous, with a demonstrated intolerance for corruption; a stickler for order, rule of law and professionalism, qualities that he used to ensure the social protection of every Guyanese.
May his stewardship remain etched in our minds and serve as a beacon reminding us of the high level of commitment we as leaders have to display as we endeavour to provide a good life for all our citizens. Let us take a page out of his book of service to humanity and remain focused on our pledge and responsibility to be humble servants of the Guyanese nation.
“We salute this hero of our soil and pray that he will continue to find peace and rest”, Minister Lawrence concluded.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Nehru posted:

Dat PIG has no friggin SHAME!!!!!!!!! more respectful

On another note, I should have stayed in Guyana...who knows, I could have done a great job as Minister of Social Protection...

God knows, I do a nice job on GNI with Social Cohesion

RiffRaff posted:
Nehru posted:

Dat PIG has no friggin SHAME!!!!!!!!! more respectful

On another note, I should have stayed in Guyana...who knows, I could have done a great job as Minister of Social Protection...

God knows, I do a nice job on GNI with Social Cohesion

Well talk to Mitwah nah.  He can advise Granger to make you Socially Cohesive.  I am sure you can do a better job than Amna Ally.  At least you will be awake while on the job.

Bibi Haniffa

As Prashad sees it, Amna could be doing a terrible job so long as she's a coolie everything irie. That's the problem right there with Guyanese.

In the case of the PPP, they gave some scraps to the people by building a mall and one or two places for them but doing absolutely nothing to further the country and their lives but as long as they're coolie dem people doan care? That is not the way for a country to prosper.

The now govt has to keep away from that type of thinking.


Guyana is a Black man's world where black man's history will be preserved and coolie legacy will be torn down. Guyana is now the planet of the apes, when human has been held captive and sold as slaves.  


Black Dictators and Thugs are being promoted as Gods by the PNC while they work around the clock to erase any trace or record of Indo President and father of the Nation,  Jagan.

Granger should open a centre for ALL past Presidents, Burnham, Jagan, Hoyte, Janet, Arthur Chung, Bharat Jagdeo, Dumbo Rammo and make every Guyanese happy.

An when he leaves office, he too should be added to the Centre. Plain and simple.


Last edited by Former Member
cain posted:

As Prashad sees it, Amna could be doing a terrible job so long as she's a coolie everything irie. That's the problem right there with Guyanese.

In the case of the PPP, they gave some scraps to the people by building a mall and one or two places for them but doing absolutely nothing to further the country and their lives but as long as they're coolie dem people doan care? That is not the way for a country to prosper.

The now govt has to keep away from that type of thinking.

Try hard this year not to have racial tendencies. Start by stop referring to East Indians as cooolies. Back in 1838, the Englishman did not know better when they chose that word for the Pioneers who came to a jungle in South America. For 3 months they braved winds, hales and storms. MY PEOPLE HAD TENACITY. Jagdeo and PPP have no idea, the efforts they made for a COUNTRY. The PNC do not care about a country, for them, it all have to do with entitlement. All the other races are PNC pawns, always will be.  

Brian Teekah posted:

Volda is another social skxxt-hole.  she want shut down cheddi jagan museum but open burnham museum.

Is not that what alyuh push for...the back of BJ,  now you getting the front of Granger, and he pissing in alyuh face!!

ba$eman posted:
Brian Teekah posted:

Volda is another social skxxt-hole.  she want shut down cheddi jagan museum but open burnham museum.

Is not that what alyuh push for...the back of BJ,  now you getting the front of Granger, and he pissing in alyuh face!!

Is not only we/dem who see the back of BJ, from what Iman hear ...oh well.

cain posted:

As Prashad sees it, Amna could be doing a terrible job so long as she's a coolie everything irie. That's the problem right there with Guyanese.

In the case of the PPP, they gave some scraps to the people by building a mall and one or two places for them but doing absolutely nothing to further the country and their lives but as long as they're coolie dem people doan care? That is not the way for a country to prosper.

The now govt has to keep away from that type of thinking.

Cainsta, what wrong with that. Some in the PNC cancelled their attack on Rose James because he is a brother. So I guess I can do it for my sister Amna.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

She is the woman who tells Black people that Guyana is their country and not anybody else's...  She is a typical PNC racist.

The aim of the PNC regime is to remove references to Indian contribution to the development of Guyana.  If you did not get this out of the postings of Caribj over the years, then you must have a mental disability.

I remember back in the day, people were unaware that Indians even lived in Guyana. We were an invisible people.  Then came 1992 and more Indian faces were visible.  I also believe, over the years, the PPP created the face of an overly Indian Guyana, not enough Afro representation.  Today is payback.  Prepare to see CJIA renamed, back to Timehri.  In fairness, I never understood why it was changed as Timehri is native Indian.

The Afros and PNC see Guyana at a tipping point, one more push to cleanse Indians from the base, and Guyana will be like Trinidad.  Indians will become a large minority!  Our contribution will be looked in terms of cane cutting and rice!

To all the katahars and traitors living comfortably in the USA/Canada, this must make you smile.  And, at least you all got your high seeing the back of BJ!


It is a boon to Indians every time they are persecuted by Blacks or other races. They always get back on their feet and prosper elsewhere. Look at Uganda and the exodus of Indians to NA. What about Burnham and all the prosperous Indians in Canada and the US?

Drugb posted:

It is a boon to Indians every time they are persecuted by Blacks or other races. They always get back on their feet and prosper elsewhere. Look at Uganda and the exodus of Indians to NA. What about Burnham and all the prosperous Indians in Canada and the US?

It's not about the people.  Indians will sprout roots and grow and bear fruit even in the desert!

cain posted:

Should u rass ever go visit Guyana I man hope they ketch yo rass an have dah same Vulva woman sit down pon u an benup yo nose.

If she did, I would need to be decontaminated. She will be charged for murder..poisoning by putrid substances coming out from "where ever".

Bibi Haniffa posted:
RiffRaff posted:
Nehru posted:

Dat PIG has no friggin SHAME!!!!!!!!! more respectful

On another note, I should have stayed in Guyana...who knows, I could have done a great job as Minister of Social Protection...

God knows, I do a nice job on GNI with Social Cohesion

Well talk to Mitwah nah.  He can advise Granger to make you Socially Cohesive.  I am sure you can do a better job than Amna Ally.  At least you will be awake while on the job.

What a stupid comment from BIBI here.  This is why them people went to QC?  Like they went to school at night like Uncle Granger?

Bibi Haniffa posted:
RiffRaff posted:
Nehru posted:

Dat PIG has no friggin SHAME!!!!!!!!! more respectful

On another note, I should have stayed in Guyana...who knows, I could have done a great job as Minister of Social Protection...

God knows, I do a nice job on GNI with Social Cohesion

Well talk to Mitwah nah.  He can advise Granger to make you Socially Cohesive.  I am sure you can do a better job than Amna Ally.  At least you will be awake while on the job.


Like how Deoki does advise baseboard after a hump?


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