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Can the PNC stop the volcanic lava created by volatile Volda?
Dec 01, 2018 Features / Columnists, Freddie Kissoon KN

Where are the voices of the AFC, WPA, ACDA, and all those energetic voices that would have rushed to crucify any PPP minister for two egregious emanations that came from Volda Lawrence?
Looking at the African Guyanese members of her party, she told them out of the 30 City Council candidates for the recently concluded 2018 Local Government Elections (LGE), the PPP put up 28 people who looked like them, (meaning Africans) and two that looked like Jagdeo (meaning Indians).
What is the subliminal message? The PPP wanted votes from African Guyanese in Georgetown, so they put up people who were African Guyanese, and that is something the PNC must fight against. She went on to exclaim; “Comrades, they took three from us in Georgetown. They never got it. They got it in names.”
Volda Lawrence took an interesting cross-racial phenomenon and turned it into volcanic lava. From one end of the globe to the other, the world knows that the PPP is a racially conscious, racially driven, racially made up party. It is about 90 percent Indian. In the 2018 LGE, this racially based entity found 28 African Guyanese to contest the Georgetown City Council poll. Why is that a negative direction? On the contrary, it has positive implications for the future of cross-racial voting.
I voted in Turkeyen for a Black man who was an independent candidate. I admit at the time of writing I can’t even remember his full name (Hermanstein is all I currently recall, and was too lazy to Google it). My philosophy forced me to vote the way I did. I wanted to vote out the two racial Leviathans –PNC and PPP. I was not interested in the AFC’s ticket. I felt success of independent candidates would help to undermine racially deterministic voting.
If the PPP secured African candidates for the 2018 LGE in Georgetown, that cannot be a terrible scenario. Why? Because it would force the PNC to strategize like the PPP and look for Indian personalities. The PNC had started to do that in the 2018 LGE.
For example, it put an Indian woman in Le Destin (East Bank Essequibo – what we Georgetowners would refer to as West Coast) and she beat the PPP candidate. The identical thing happened in Kingston in Georgetown. An Indian pulled it off for the PNC.
If the PPP follows the convoluted thinking (and they will) of Volda, they will go to Le Destin and do a Volda Lawrence on the villagers. It will go like this. “The PNC put an Indian name in an Indian village to fool you, but we will take back the seat.”
The second emanation is as disastrous as the first one. Volda as a minister of all of Guyana; for all Guyanese, said her inclination is to provide employment for members of her party. She revealed that she is looking for a medical doctor and her preference is for one who is a supporter of her party. Volda’s volcanic lava is spreading and we will see if Granger and the PNC will take out some colossal hoses and water it away.
The question obvious to even a schoolboy is whether volatile Volda is thinking in the same way about the judiciary. If her preference is for PNC supporters to be given state employment, then would she use party sympathy in her recommendations to the relevant sections of her government about the appointment of judges?
We have been that way before with Jagdeo. President Jagdeo held up the appointment of Justice Bovell-Drakes because back in the 1970s, Bovell-Drakes was once the head of the youth arm of the PNC. Jagdeo’s thinking was clear. Drakes was once associated with another party other than mine, and I cannot approve of him being a High Court judge.
Will the PNC stop Volda’s lava from spreading? It doesn’t appear so. When the general-secretary of the PNC, Amna Ally, was approached for a comment on volatile Volda, Guyana’s old, regressive political culture showed its monstrous head.
Ally asked the reporter if he/she heard Lawrence say what she is being accused of uttering. The foolishness of this attitude is that Lawrence herself has not denied making the two statements when she was asked for a response. Lawrence may have done a terrible thing, but she has far more commonsense than her party’s general-secretary.
We are waiting to hear what two organizations will say about the volcanic lava of volatile Volda. The AFC and WPA say that they are multi-racial parties. If they cannot denounce this tribal crudity by Lawrence, then they are as guilty as she is.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Except for the PPP (ironically), which issued a condemnation for her tribal remarks, the PNC has not disciplined its sitting Minister (who represent all Guyanese in that position). Neither has any coalition members. ACDA? David Hinds? Lincoln Lewis? Anyone?

Now Volda claim she "mixed". Well, if she now claiming to be a "dougla", I tekkin this opportunity to publicly disown her. 

Dave posted:
Django posted:

Uncle Adam Harris said,

Volda Lawrence merely made public what others do

What your thoughts VishMahabir.

Vish, Django is having a difficult time understanding your views ... perhaps, he need it stamp on his forehead. 

That's Vish views bhai, you think i should kowtow to him ?

What's your about Volda statement ? just in case i missed it can you repeat it here.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:

Uncle Adam Harris said,

Volda Lawrence merely made public what others do

What your thoughts VishMahabir.

Politics is about winning elections, gaining power, and formulating policies to benefit the support base. If political leaders do not do this, then they will be out of office. To that extent, Harris is right.

Volda might have a point Afros not being treated fairly when it comes to accessing state resources, jobs, etc.

However, when public officials make inflammatory statements about getting into office to secure benefits for party supporters, especially in a society that is so divided and where elections are so stressful (not to mention, violence) politicians have to temper their statements. They are not allowed to make  "crude" statements, because the expectation is that when you are in power, you serve all the citizens, not only party loyalists.

According to Harris's logic, no one should complain about previous PPP or PNC administrations.

If this is what Harris said, then he is a simpleton, not considering in totality, the entire statement made by Volda, and their broader implications for a society that is racially divisive.

VishMahabir posted:
Django posted:

Uncle Adam Harris said,

Volda Lawrence merely made public what others do

What your thoughts VishMahabir.

However, when public officials make inflammatory statements about getting into office to secure benefits for party supporters, especially in a society that is so divided and where elections are so stressful (not to mention, violence) politicians have to temper their statements. They are not allowed to make  "crude" statements, because the expectation is that when you are in power, you serve all the citizens, not only party loyalists.

All politicians in Guyana pander to their base, nothing new, that's how they win elections.

I mentioned Volda is out of line with her statement, certainly she should have tempered her statements, logic's aren't the forte of politicians in the homeland, hence their outbursts.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Volda has a following and a solid support base. Don’t be surprised if she is the next President of Guyana.


Looks like Volda have the support of the young ones, is that good ?


The lady clearly want to claim the core base just like burnham did.  But that alone was not good for him and will be even worse for her!  Such are the forces playing for power, which Granger has been fending off, just below the APNU skin.

The Ronan vs Caribj philosophical struggle!

Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Volda has a following and a solid support base. Don’t be surprised if she is the next President of Guyana.


Looks like Volda have the support of the young ones, is that good ?

The young ones don’t matter.  No one matters.  Granger will hand pick his successor.  That person will be the one who is most loyal to him.  Start practicing to say President Volda, and let it roll off your tongue very smoothly.  Because you will be saying it many times.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Volda has a following and a solid support base. Don’t be surprised if she is the next President of Guyana.

Looks like Volda have the support of the young ones, is that good ?

The young ones don’t matter.  No one matters.  Granger will hand pick his successor.  That person will be the one who is most loyal to him.  Start practicing to say President Volda, and let it roll off your tongue very smoothly.  Because you will be saying it many times.

Are you for real ? that's for the low level thinkers.

VishMahabir posted:
Django posted:

Uncle Adam Harris said,

Volda Lawrence merely made public what others do

What your thoughts VishMahabir.

Politics is about winning elections, gaining power, and formulating policies to benefit the support base. If political leaders do not do this, then they will be out of office. To that extent, Harris is right.

Volda might have a point Afros not being treated fairly when it comes to accessing state resources, jobs, etc.

However, when public officials make inflammatory statements about getting into office to secure benefits for party supporters, especially in a society that is so divided and where elections are so stressful (not to mention, violence) politicians have to temper their statements. They are not allowed to make  "crude" statements, because the expectation is that when you are in power, you serve all the citizens, not only party loyalists.

According to Harris's logic, no one should complain about previous PPP or PNC administrations.

If this is what Harris said, then he is a simpleton, not considering in totality, the entire statement made by Volda, and their broader implications for a society that is racially divisive.

“Afros Not being Treated  Fairly.”   This is BS. Afro need to take the initiative to help themselves like every other race. They are NOT entitle  to anything. Black People are smart and have lots of skills, they need to apply it effectively. Stop looking for a easy way out. 

Since when is  Government responsibility to find jobs for anyone. 

When Obama was in office, he was blamed for not doing enough for blacks like this black businessman say


Django posted:

Uncle Adam Harris said,


That dyed-in-the-wool PNC man Adam Harris is yuh uncle? Why didn't you say so before? Me & he know mattie since 1980 when he was a government information officer. He knew I was PPP. Decent guy. Politics doesn't prohibit my seeing good in people.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Volda has a following and a solid support base. Don’t be surprised if she is the next President of Guyana.


If this is what this Ubraj fella is tweeting about Volda, in the face of all the brouhaha against her statement, then sad to say...this knucklehead is going to be used as an "Uncle Tom" (I know this is strong language), but there is no reason to appear so embracing...unless Volda is the puppeteer pulling his strings.

Imagine if he had pulled a "Volda apology for Simona Broomes" scenario where Volda apologised for Broomes' transgressions against a security guard. Since there is precedent, poetic justice at best, he should have condemned Volda's statement and apologised on behalf of the PNC.

He would have earned much Kudos from all Guyanese as a forward looking candidate looking out for the best interest of all Guyanese.

My elation has been deflated! Same old, same old...

Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:

Uncle Adam Harris said,


That dyed-in-the-wool PNC man Adam Harris is yuh uncle? Why didn't you say so before? Me & he know mattie since 1980 when he was a government information officer. He knew I was PPP. Decent guy. Politics doesn't prohibit my seeing good in people.

Bhai , i does call him Uncle.I remembered the days when he was at the New Nation, he was good at propaganda.

Glad you mentioned he is a decent guy.

Django posted:
Dave posted:

Since when is Government responsibility to find jobs for anyone.

So what's the job of the government ?

There is a difference between creating and finding. 

Should I hold your hand and show you where jobs are. 

Dave posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Django posted:

Uncle Adam Harris said,

Volda Lawrence merely made public what others do

What your thoughts VishMahabir.

Politics is about winning elections, gaining power, and formulating policies to benefit the support base. If political leaders do not do this, then they will be out of office. To that extent, Harris is right.

Volda might have a point Afros not being treated fairly when it comes to accessing state resources, jobs, etc.

However, when public officials make inflammatory statements about getting into office to secure benefits for party supporters, especially in a society that is so divided and where elections are so stressful (not to mention, violence) politicians have to temper their statements. They are not allowed to make  "crude" statements, because the expectation is that when you are in power, you serve all the citizens, not only party loyalists.

According to Harris's logic, no one should complain about previous PPP or PNC administrations.

If this is what Harris said, then he is a simpleton, not considering in totality, the entire statement made by Volda, and their broader implications for a society that is racially divisive.

“Afros Not being Treated  Fairly.”   This is BS. Afro need to take the initiative to help themselves like every other race. They are NOT entitle  to anything. Black People are smart and have lots of skills, they need to apply it effectively. Stop looking for a easy way out. 

Since when is  Government responsibility to find jobs for anyone. 

When Obama was in office, he was blamed for not doing enough for blacks like this black businessman say


Yes, government should be an arbiter, and ensure equity and fair distribution of state resources to all Guyanese without favor to anyone....otherwise inflamed passions will lead to instability...not good for anyone.

However, Guyana is a divided country and perception matters. Government has to appear even-handed...

If Afros feel discriminated when it comes to jobs or getting contracts, Indos can also argue that state boards, army, police, govt agencies has been unfair to representation by Indos. Amerindians can argue that everyone discriminate against their community. 

This is why political leaders have to have discussions and formulate policies to eliminate these perceptions and suspicions...then Guyanese can see the big picture and think more like you. 

VishMahabir posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Volda has a following and a solid support base. Don’t be surprised if she is the next President of Guyana.


If this is what this Ubraj fella is tweeting about Volda, in the face of all the brouhaha against her statement, then sad to say...this knucklehead is going to be used as an "Uncle Tom" (I know this is strong language), but there is no reason to appear so embracing...unless Volda is the puppeteer pulling his strings.

Imagine if he had pulled a "Volda apology for Simona Broomes" scenario where Volda apologised for Broomes' transgressions against a security guard. Since there is precedent, poetic justice at best, he should have condemned Volda's statement and apologised on behalf of the PNC.

He would have earned much Kudos from all Guyanese as a forward looking candidate looking out for the best interest of all Guyanese.

My elation has been deflated! Same old, same old...

Bai Vish, let me tell you a secret.  Just between the two of us.  Pandit Ubraj formed his own political party called UMA about a year ago to run for President in 2020.  He said he will represent all the youth of Guyana.  Lil bit pussur pussur with he and Volda.  And next thing you know he is Mayor of Georgetown.   

Maybe me can ask me padnah, the Honorable Django to cut and paste the article where he announced his political party.  Article was published June 1, 2017 and written by Devina Samaroo.

Please and thank you.  Very much.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Volda has a following and a solid support base. Don’t be surprised if she is the next President of Guyana.


If this is what this Ubraj fella is tweeting about Volda, in the face of all the brouhaha against her statement, then sad to say...this knucklehead is going to be used as an "Uncle Tom" (I know this is strong language), but there is no reason to appear so embracing...unless Volda is the puppeteer pulling his strings.

Imagine if he had pulled a "Volda apology for Simona Broomes" scenario where Volda apologised for Broomes' transgressions against a security guard. Since there is precedent, poetic justice at best, he should have condemned Volda's statement and apologised on behalf of the PNC.

He would have earned much Kudos from all Guyanese as a forward looking candidate looking out for the best interest of all Guyanese.

My elation has been deflated! Same old, same old...

Bai Vish, let me tell you a secret.  Just between the two of us.  Pandit Ubraj formed his own political party called UMA about a year ago to run for President in 2020.  He said he will represent all the youth of Guyana.  Lil bit pussur pussur with he and Volda.  And next thing you know he is Mayor of Georgetown.   

Maybe me can ask me padnah, the Honorable Django to cut and paste the article where he announced his political party.  Article was published June 1, 2017 and written by Devina Samaroo.

Please and thank you.  Very much.

This is news, and thanks for the info, but can’t be a secret between you and Vish anymore. 

Dave posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Volda has a following and a solid support base. Don’t be surprised if she is the next President of Guyana.


If this is what this Ubraj fella is tweeting about Volda, in the face of all the brouhaha against her statement, then sad to say...this knucklehead is going to be used as an "Uncle Tom" (I know this is strong language), but there is no reason to appear so embracing...unless Volda is the puppeteer pulling his strings.

Imagine if he had pulled a "Volda apology for Simona Broomes" scenario where Volda apologised for Broomes' transgressions against a security guard. Since there is precedent, poetic justice at best, he should have condemned Volda's statement and apologised on behalf of the PNC.

He would have earned much Kudos from all Guyanese as a forward looking candidate looking out for the best interest of all Guyanese.

My elation has been deflated! Same old, same old...

Bai Vish, let me tell you a secret.  Just between the two of us.  Pandit Ubraj formed his own political party called UMA about a year ago to run for President in 2020.  He said he will represent all the youth of Guyana.  Lil bit pussur pussur with he and Volda.  And next thing you know he is Mayor of Georgetown.   

Maybe me can ask me padnah, the Honorable Django to cut and paste the article where he announced his political party.  Article was published June 1, 2017 and written by Devina Samaroo.

Please and thank you.  Very much.

This is news, and thanks for the info, but can’t be a secret between you and Vish anymore. 

Pandit? Is he a religious leader of sorts?

Whats the acronym UMA for?

Dave posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:

Since when is Government responsibility to find jobs for anyone.

So what's the job of the government ?

There is a difference between creating and finding. 

Should I hold your hand and show you where jobs are. 

Heard there are lot's of jobs in the constructing sector, everyone wants to be clerk, so no one taking up these jobs.

Last edited by Django
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Bai Vish, let me tell you a secret.  Just between the two of us.  Pandit Ubraj formed his own political party called UMA about a year ago to run for President in 2020.  He said he will represent all the youth of Guyana.  Lil bit pussur pussur with he and Volda.  And next thing you know he is Mayor of Georgetown.   

Maybe me can ask me padnah, the Honorable Django to cut and paste the article where he announced his political party.  Article was published June 1, 2017 and written by Devina Samaroo.

Please and thank you.  Very much.

I tried finding the article, coming up short. Will continue looking.

Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Bai Vish, let me tell you a secret.  Just between the two of us.  Pandit Ubraj formed his own political party called UMA about a year ago to run for President in 2020.  He said he will represent all the youth of Guyana.  Lil bit pussur pussur with he and Volda.  And next thing you know he is Mayor of Georgetown.   

Maybe me can ask me padnah, the Honorable Django to cut and paste the article where he announced his political party.  Article was published June 1, 2017 and written by Devina Samaroo.

Please and thank you.  Very much.

I tried finding the article, coming up short. Will continue looking.

Bibi have a special "search engine."  You cannot compete!

VishMahabir posted:
Dave posted:

This is news, and thanks for the info, but can’t be a secret between you and Vish anymore. 

Pandit? Is he a religious leader of sorts?

Whats the acronym UMA for?

You joking...right?

A Hindu priest may refer to either of the following: an pujari or pundit conducting ritual worship at a Hindu temple a Vedic purohita Traditionally, priests have come from the Brahmin varna, although in various parts of India, people from other communities have performed the function.

Django posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:

Since when is Government responsibility to find jobs for anyone.

So what's the job of the government ?

There is a difference between creating and finding. 

Should I hold your hand and show you where jobs are. 

Heard there are lot's of jobs in the constructing sector, everyone wants to be clerk, so no one taking up these jobs.

Jobs in Construction sector - yes. but no one wants to work. A good contractor is $10,000 G per day, however, they dont like job work.And these contractor  never work a full week. I know of a friend who brought in 3 contractor from US, and got his job done within 17 days  that was estimated to be done in 3 months by local contractors.

There is abundance of land for farming DJ.

Guyana is importing drinking water in bottle from Canada.

Dave posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:

Since when is Government responsibility to find jobs for anyone.

So what's the job of the government ?

There is a difference between creating and finding. 

Should I hold your hand and show you where jobs are. 

Heard there are lot's of jobs in the constructing sector, everyone wants to be clerk, so no one taking up these jobs.

Jobs in Construction sector - yes. but no one wants to work. A good contractor is $10,000 G per day, however, they dont like job work.And these contractor  never work a full week. I know of a friend who brought in 3 contractor from US, and got his job done within 17 days  that was estimated to be done in 3 months by local contractors.

There is abundance of land for farming DJ.

Guyana is importing drinking water in bottle from Canada.

You need policy.  It don't just happen.  You claim you run a business in Guyana.  Why are you asking and not doing what it is you seeing in front of you?  You should be in the best position to show up how it's done!  BTW, how many people you think drinking bottled water in Guyana?

On the contractor, I'm sure if he offered the same deal to the locals that he offered to the US contractors, he would get the same!  Most of the construction happening in Guyana (and there are lots) use local contractors!

Baseman posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:

Since when is Government responsibility to find jobs for anyone.

So what's the job of the government ?

There is a difference between creating and finding. 

Should I hold your hand and show you where jobs are. 

Heard there are lot's of jobs in the constructing sector, everyone wants to be clerk, so no one taking up these jobs.

Jobs in Construction sector - yes. but no one wants to work. A good contractor is $10,000 G per day, however, they dont like job work.And these contractor  never work a full week. I know of a friend who brought in 3 contractor from US, and got his job done within 17 days  that was estimated to be done in 3 months by local contractors.

There is abundance of land for farming DJ.

Guyana is importing drinking water in bottle from Canada.

You need policy.  It don't just happen.  You claim you run a business in Guyana.  Why are you asking and not doing what it is you seeing in front of you?  You should be in the best position to show up how it's done!  BTW, how many people you think drinking bottled water in Guyana?

On the contractor, I'm sure if he offered the same deal to the locals that he offered to the US contractors, he would get the same!  Most of the construction happening in Guyana (and there are lots) use local contractors!

Agree you need policy. For any successful manufacturing industry, you need good infrastructure and reliable power supply - guyana is failing big time on. The bottle water is a success for the importers for the last 5 years.

Contractors: If the local contractors are prepare to work as hard and dedicated if they are to execute the same project living in North America - it can a a huge success for them. 



Dave posted:
Baseman posted:
Dave posted:

Jobs in Construction sector - yes. but no one wants to work. A good contractor is $10,000 G per day, however, they dont like job work.And these contractor  never work a full week. I know of a friend who brought in 3 contractor from US, and got his job done within 17 days  that was estimated to be done in 3 months by local contractors.

There is abundance of land for farming DJ.

Guyana is importing drinking water in bottle from Canada.

You need policy.  It don't just happen.  You claim you run a business in Guyana.  Why are you asking and not doing what it is you seeing in front of you?  You should be in the best position to show up how it's done!  BTW, how many people you think drinking bottled water in Guyana?

On the contractor, I'm sure if he offered the same deal to the locals that he offered to the US contractors, he would get the same!  Most of the construction happening in Guyana (and there are lots) use local contractors!

Agree you need policy. For any successful manufacturing industry, you need good infrastructure and reliable power supply - guyana is failing big time on. The bottle water is a success for the importers for the last 5 years.

Contractors: If the local contractors are prepare to work as hard and dedicated if they are to execute the same project living in North America - it can a a huge success for them.

Suh den why yuh piling shit pon Guyanese?

And me natt even talking power and infra, datt not policy and datt is so obvious.  I was referring to investment policy!

And how about that bottled water?  That seems easy enough after all, Guyana gatt nuff nuff wata!

Dave posted:

Jobs in Construction sector - yes. but no one wants to work. A good contractor is $10,000 G per day, however, they dont like job work.And these contractor  never work a full week. I know of a friend who brought in 3 contractor from US, and got his job done within 17 days  that was estimated to be done in 3 months by local contractors.

Here is an idea, someone should set up an Agency or a Union for construction workers, add some benefits,training,that should do it. In the US they have Carpenters Union,they will bid for work in the construction business.

I advised a fellow Guyanese to walk in one of the Local Carpenters Union here, he wrote a test and was hired.He doing quite well,previously he was doing his own work, which was not enough.I met him in NYC, 15 yrs ago he didn't like it there, so i encouraged him to move to CT.

The Country will boom in the future, skilled workers will be needed.

Django posted:
Dave posted:

Jobs in Construction sector - yes. but no one wants to work. A good contractor is $10,000 G per day, however, they dont like job work.And these contractor  never work a full week. I know of a friend who brought in 3 contractor from US, and got his job done within 17 days  that was estimated to be done in 3 months by local contractors.

Here is an idea, someone should set up an Agency or a Union for construction workers, add some benefits,training,that should do it. In the US they have Carpenters Union,they will bid for work in the construction business.

I advised a fellow Guyanese to walk in one of the Local Carpenters Union here, he wrote a test and was hired.He doing quite well,previously he was doing his own work, which was not enough.I met him in NYC, 15 yrs ago he didn't like it there, so i encouraged him to move to CT.

The Country will boom in the future, skilled workers will be needed.

Why yuh nah give up yuh lil parts shap business and guh set up di tingy nuh!  Or padna up wid Chiefy who done deh in da business ova heh!

Django posted:
Dave posted:

Jobs in Construction sector - yes. but no one wants to work. A good contractor is $10,000 G per day, however, they dont like job work.And these contractor  never work a full week. I know of a friend who brought in 3 contractor from US, and got his job done within 17 days  that was estimated to be done in 3 months by local contractors.

Here is an idea, someone should set up an Agency or a Union for construction workers, add some benefits,training,that should do it. In the US they have Carpenters Union,they will bid for work in the construction business.

I advised a fellow Guyanese to walk in one of the Local Carpenters Union here, he wrote a test and was hired.He doing quite well,previously he was doing his own work, which was not enough.I met him in NYC, 15 yrs ago he didn't like it there, so i encouraged him to move to CT.

The Country will boom in the future, skilled workers will be needed.

Hey, how about comrade Komal Chand - Union for construction workers 

Baseman posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:

Jobs in Construction sector - yes. but no one wants to work. A good contractor is $10,000 G per day, however, they dont like job work.And these contractor  never work a full week. I know of a friend who brought in 3 contractor from US, and got his job done within 17 days  that was estimated to be done in 3 months by local contractors.

Here is an idea, someone should set up an Agency or a Union for construction workers, add some benefits,training,that should do it. In the US they have Carpenters Union,they will bid for work in the construction business.

I advised a fellow Guyanese to walk in one of the Local Carpenters Union here, he wrote a test and was hired.He doing quite well,previously he was doing his own work, which was not enough.I met him in NYC, 15 yrs ago he didn't like it there, so i encouraged him to move to CT.

The Country will boom in the future, skilled workers will be needed.

Why yuh nah give up yuh lil parts shap business and guh set up di tingy nuh!  Or padna up wid Chiefy who done deh in da business ova heh!

Bhai, let i man enjoy my part time retirement, started working at a young age.

Time to throw back.

Dave posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:

Jobs in Construction sector - yes. but no one wants to work. A good contractor is $10,000 G per day, however, they dont like job work.And these contractor  never work a full week. I know of a friend who brought in 3 contractor from US, and got his job done within 17 days  that was estimated to be done in 3 months by local contractors.

Here is an idea, someone should set up an Agency or a Union for construction workers, add some benefits,training,that should do it. In the US they have Carpenters Union,they will bid for work in the construction business.

I advised a fellow Guyanese to walk in one of the Local Carpenters Union here, he wrote a test and was hired.He doing quite well,previously he was doing his own work, which was not enough.I met him in NYC, 15 yrs ago he didn't like it there, so i encouraged him to move to CT.

The Country will boom in the future, skilled workers will be needed.

Hey, how about comrade Komal Chand - Union for construction workers 

Meh hear he done tun PNC man, no?

Bai, cane cuttahs know fuh cut-up and chop-up.  Dem nah know fuh nail nail and jine up wood and jine up cement blocks!

Baseman posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:

Jobs in Construction sector - yes. but no one wants to work. A good contractor is $10,000 G per day, however, they dont like job work.And these contractor  never work a full week. I know of a friend who brought in 3 contractor from US, and got his job done within 17 days  that was estimated to be done in 3 months by local contractors.

Here is an idea, someone should set up an Agency or a Union for construction workers, add some benefits,training,that should do it. In the US they have Carpenters Union,they will bid for work in the construction business.

I advised a fellow Guyanese to walk in one of the Local Carpenters Union here, he wrote a test and was hired.He doing quite well,previously he was doing his own work, which was not enough.I met him in NYC, 15 yrs ago he didn't like it there, so i encouraged him to move to CT.

The Country will boom in the future, skilled workers will be needed.

Hey, how about comrade Komal Chand - Union for construction workers 

Meh hear he done tun PNC man, no?

Bai, cane cuttahs know fuh cut-up and chop-up.  Dem nah know fuh nail nail and jine up wood and jine up cement blocks!

Maybe where you lived in Guyana. I have seen cane cutters do carpentry, and masonry work. I have seen cane cutters making cement blocks(hundreds of them in one day).

skeldon_man posted:
Baseman posted:
Dave posted:

Hey, how about comrade Komal Chand - Union for construction workers 

Meh hear he done tun PNC man, no?

Bai, cane cuttahs know fuh cut-up and chop-up.  Dem nah know fuh nail nail and jine up wood and jine up cement blocks!

Maybe where you lived in Guyana. I have seen cane cutters do carpentry, and masonry work. I have seen cane cutters making cement blocks(hundreds of them in one day).

I was just being tongue and cheek.  My dad's youngest brother and his sons are still in the industry today.  And they all built there own homes!

Baseman posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Baseman posted:
Dave posted:

Hey, how about comrade Komal Chand - Union for construction workers 

Meh hear he done tun PNC man, no?

Bai, cane cuttahs know fuh cut-up and chop-up.  Dem nah know fuh nail nail and jine up wood and jine up cement blocks!

Maybe where you lived in Guyana. I have seen cane cutters do carpentry, and masonry work. I have seen cane cutters making cement blocks(hundreds of them in one day).

I was just being tongue and cheek.  My dad's youngest brother and his sons are still in the industry today.  And they all built there own homes!

My uncle and brothers did the same for parts of our house.

VishMahabir posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Volda has a following and a solid support base. Don’t be surprised if she is the next President of Guyana.


If this is what this Ubraj fella is tweeting about Volda, in the face of all the brouhaha against her statement, then sad to say...this knucklehead is going to be used as an "Uncle Tom" (I know this is strong language), but there is no reason to appear so embracing...unless Volda is the puppeteer pulling his strings.

Imagine if he had pulled a "Volda apology for Simona Broomes" scenario where Volda apologised for Broomes' transgressions against a security guard. Since there is precedent, poetic justice at best, he should have condemned Volda's statement and apologised on behalf of the PNC.

He would have earned much Kudos from all Guyanese as a forward looking candidate looking out for the best interest of all Guyanese.

My elation has been deflated! Same old, same old...

Bai, I wanted to warn you about the Young Indo Bandit Mayor of GT. He is just a Puppet of the PNC. You need to keep your guards up at all times and not be fooled by the AFC PNC. Vulgar Volda will ignite a race war in Guyana. Any respectable Presdient would have hauled her behind closed doors and read her the riot act.

AFC = PNC Part 2 = PNC Part 1 They will NEVER change.

Dave posted:


OK so Indians did very well under PNC governments so you should be quite happy if the PPP loses again.

No bellyaching about how the PNC treats Indians from you again.

You cannot scream how Indians suffered under the PNC and then deny blacks the right to say the same about the PPP.

And yes I agree with you. Indians dont need any special favors so as the gov't reduces Guysuco resulting in thousands losing their jobs you should be quite happy with that, because this is what the PPP did to blacks in bauxite.

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